Let's talk with Jim-san. Part3

9ひろゆき ★
Deleting requests for BBSPINK haven't been replayed for a week.

As I see, there is no deleter who has responsible for requests.
If you think that you don't need anyone who has responsible for requests,
that's okay for you and BBSPINK, not 2ch.

As a 2ch manager, I think BBS must be a happy place for someone who posts, someone who reads and someone who wants to delete a post.
Leaving a post which someone want to delete makes someone unhappy.
2ch want to be fair for everyone. That's why 2ch accepts deleting requests.
Actually, "2ch's fair" is difference from someone's fair. :)

Anyway, if BBSPINK doesn't have deleter who has responsible for requests,
2ch needs another place which is fair for everyone.
BBSMENU would be like 2ch, MachiBBS, BBSPINK and new one.
10ひろゆき ★:2006/09/01(金) 03:41:50 ID:???
replayed > replyed
11Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2006/09/01(金) 05:18:03 ID:PWVhndto
deletions are now done. It is best if the deletion requests are posted here.
12ひろゆき ★:2006/09/01(金) 05:25:16 ID:???
Making a place is done.
Who will reply to their deleting requests?
13Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2006/09/01(金) 06:00:02 ID:PWVhndto
The deleter will reply to the deletion requests.
14ひろゆき ★:2006/09/01(金) 06:15:44 ID:???
Some deleters might reply.
Some posts might be left like above URL.
Who will be responsible to reply such posts?
15Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2006/09/01(金) 08:51:29 ID:PWVhndto
Greenday ★
Will reply to such posts.
16Greenday ★:2006/09/01(金) 08:58:15 ID:???
I will work.