942 :
Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI :2006/07/26(水) 17:33:13 ID:jp/kEy5R BE:1459744-BRZ
>>941 SELEN-san,
Is it a draft version? or release candidate version?
I think Jim-san wants to know about it.
Your clarification makes the discussion smoothly.
943 :
名無し編集部員:2006/07/26(水) 17:39:36 ID:1U9qbBkA BE:31561128-2BP
>>942 >>941 url is English version of 2ch guideline, not bbspink guideline.
944 :
Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI :2006/07/26(水) 17:43:50 ID:jp/kEy5R BE:6566898-BRZ
>>943 Oh, I was confused. Thank you for your pointing.
Then, I think Jim-san already read this.
Please see