Let's talk with Jim-san
04/06/26 10:26 ID:i3Iv2M47
Forgive me if I'm on wrong board or thread.
I have some questions about new board installation in bbspink.
Is it possible for you to make new board in bbspink?
And if it possible, How can we ask you that?
On GAY board in 2ch, some people wants new board in bbspink.
Thak you.
Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys
:04/06/26 13:06 ID:7ecL/6uo
I would like that too, there is definately a need for it.
at this moment we are looking for ways to put new servers on.
I think it is important to get bbspink げんき I am open for ideas
on how to buy another server for a new exciting board for Gays.