Oh, Hot Guy!
My name is Delete technique, one of the deleter of channel 2.
At that BBS(channel 2), my name is 削除technique ★.
I have a very, very big cock(8 inches long!),
and love gachimuchi guys.
Why don't you join in my club, Onsoku-FinalRomance?
I'm very welcome.
754 :
Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI @桃色吐息 ★:2006/07/22(土) 05:45:37 ID:??? BE:4104959-#
Please be careful.
>>753's name field is "名無し編集部員".
It means the anonymous coward at this bulletin board.
So, I think its writing is not the real delete technique,
He uses the trip string on his real writing.
So, this BBS is anonymous based. As you know, with cap and/or trip-nized
writings are only trusted. All other writings may be forged the posting name.
So, my writings are always trip-nized and/or cap-nized.
◆MUMUMUhnYI is my trip string and 桃色吐息 ★ is my cap handle.
So, all other Mumumu's writings may be forged.
Again, please be careful.
>>754 > So, I think its writing is not the real delete technique,
> He uses the trip string on his real writing.
↓Because this is the message for Mumumu,I write in Japanese
“is not”ではなく、「ではないことが多い」ではないでしょうか?
756 :
Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI @桃色吐息 ★:2006/07/22(土) 06:45:46 ID:??? BE:3283766-#
>>755 たしかに。
He (or she) points my writing about quoting the above.
He wrote that my writing:
> So, I think its writing is not the real delete technique,
should be:
> So, I think its writing may not be the real delete technique,
Certainly, he may not use his PC temporary at that time,
so, he doesn't input his own cap/trip password on his writing.
As you know, it is very dangerous that inputting cap/trip password
on other person's and/or Internet Cafe's PC. So, you must not do.
And I teach another very important issue about 2ch and BBSPINK.
All of 2ch and BBSPINK users have the same priority and hierarchy.
Of course, including cap-holder, trip-holder, and including me.
You must not discriminate by Name field. Name field is only decoration
for writing, the erotic person does not understand this. :-)
are you can read japanese ok ?
758 :
Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2006/07/22(土) 08:39:07 ID:bo+r+dp3
>>754 only 8 inches? I am sorry you are so small.