Let's talk with Jim-san

739Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys
>>734 and don`t you think 2 boards for controlling deletion are necessary?
740Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI @桃色吐息 ★:2006/07/22(土) 03:49:30 ID:??? BE:4925669-#
I made it.
Jim-san, you can use it.

■ Jim's thinking (part 1)

I will reply it another writing in it sooner.
741名無し編集部員:2006/07/22(土) 03:51:07 ID:pRrsvi9c
I'm coming here, I had hearing Jim-san in this thread :)
742 ◆IZUMI162i6 :2006/07/22(土) 03:57:13 ID:fGCb8rsD BE:3780162-
If you go by the way of 2chBBS, they might be necessary.
743Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI @桃色吐息 ★:2006/07/22(土) 03:57:48 ID:??? BE:1368735-#
I don't think so now.

Currently, 2ch and BBSPINK's deleting board is the completely same (1 unit, 3 boards).

As long-time solution, for controlling deletion of 2ch and BBSPINK may separate.
But now there are no troubles the current deletion system, so, we don't need hurry
up for separating.

Hiroyuki wants to separate these boards for 2ch and BBSPINK certainly,
but I estimates this makes very serious impacts for 2ch and BBSPINK's
deletion system.

So, I think we must not hurry. This is very difficult and needs step-by-step
works, and I thinks it is the work after making deletion policies for BBSPINK own.

That's all my opinion.
Jim-san, how about this?
744 ◆IZUMI162i6 :2006/07/22(土) 04:17:12 ID:fGCb8rsD BE:4411027-
I agree with your opinion.
If Hiroyuki-san permits, I think that We should borrow the BBS to receive the request of deletion.
745 ◆IZUMI162i6 :2006/07/22(土) 04:26:29 ID:fGCb8rsD BE:12600858-
746Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI :2006/07/22(土) 04:30:19 ID:xSyq/e1Z BE:3284249-#

He said that Sure and Sure(Su-Re) is the same spelling,
but no one points about it and he is disappointed.

Izumi-san, I am sorry about it.

And I feel a little bit speepy, so I think it is time for taking bath
and going to bed now.

I say Oyasumi-Nasai to users and thank you for discussing and wathing
our dances in this thread.

Good luck for 2ch and BBSPINK.
Good night.
747Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2006/07/22(土) 04:30:42 ID:mRggU16k
It is fine with me, I have had a request to make a subdomain dear.bbspink.com
for this purpose. Let me know when and if it is necessary. Probably we have
a peach server we could put it on. It won`t be such a busy board I think.
Important, but not so busy.
748Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI :2006/07/22(土) 04:31:03 ID:xSyq/e1Z BE:2918584-#
wathing → watching
749Mumumu ◆MUMUMUhnYI @桃色吐息 ★:2006/07/22(土) 04:32:33 ID:??? BE:547632-#
Ok, I withdraw the request for making virtual host for dear.bbspink.com.
Let's make the deletion policy first.