578 :
ショップもとも ◆/lIg33Jv4I :2006/01/09(月) 14:35:25 ID:k5Hh1x92
580 :
名無し編集部員:2006/01/09(月) 16:14:43 ID:YSXouogq
i _.,,,,.,..\ / ,,----、,,,,,,,,,、、 |! ...人 从
i | .;';;;;゙;;゙;ミミ )ノ / ,,-‐―、ヽヽヽヽゝ|! ...) あ (
i| |i i;;;;;;;;;;;;;rj 〔/ u ))))ヾヽヽ|! ...) お (
i| |.i ':;;;;;;;;;;' j. /.,,,,、、 , ヽξ\Ξ/;i......) お (
i| i i ;'.⌒''~゙,.. `⌒'ヽ.i / ==/ .,==-u レi! ...) / (
l| | i ;::! ..;ノ ::;.... i ) i〔 ヾ(_,、ノ( "",,ノ u゚ );...) っ..(
l | i./ ::: : .::: 、 | λ:: iにニ`i,:::::::::::::::::::...(@w荒(
| i| ::. .:: :、:l|λ::::ー‐'"ン ...::::u::::::つ
,-! ::;: :: |i|、!:::::.u::.. ::...:::::::::::/ ミi|l
. i, 〉 ....;:::::.. ..:::゙ |.|i \::::::::::::::::::/,;;ミ ||ii|
\.i'´゙゙"' ;:: '''゙゙"'; ,,l | _|彡" ,' ; /'||
ヾ_,;;;i!、._ _,;..-' .-'" 〈 ; /
581 :
名無し編集部員:2006/01/11(水) 01:00:46 ID:G1eRw7ME
584 :
名無し編集部員:2006/01/28(土) 08:32:03 ID:oeQrxQoO
585 :
Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2006/01/28(土) 14:46:47 ID:Qi+eRKN4
>>583 Did anyone mention that vaccum sucks?
586 :
名無し編集部員:2006/01/28(土) 14:59:01 ID:6JpzSFfv
Unfortunately nobody wants your old rubbish. I would much prefer to buy a new one.
587 :
Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :2006/01/28(土) 15:47:25 ID:Qi+eRKN4
I just bought a new one, because the old one sucks. hehehehe
get it sucks. Maybe you can think of something better to sell?
How about lingerie. I have in interest in selling lingerie. Panties new $5.00
used $20.00