Let's talk with Jim-san

440ゴークス ◆GHOX/eULDg
What do you think about result of President Election, Jim-San?
441名無し編集部員:04/11/09 00:11:09 ID:gv9lSjuf
           rニニ、     It happened 10 years before...
        _〕ゝ弌{_      Looks like rarely chance, "Conbat Echizen" It's me !!
     r‐‐-r';:;(  );:;`ー-、     I'm driven by an impulse, I gonna get >>2 !!
    ノ、o」‖;:;:: ̄;:;:;:ノ!;:;:;」
    l=-、l |:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:| l={|      >>1 also dies again tonight !!
    ├--| |====l Y⌒!
     |! l / l:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:| l  |     >>3 Danny, Greg, are you alive !?
    | | |:;:\√;:;:l ヽ ',     >>4 Coming above !! take care !!
    _「Tj! |:;:;:;:;:仆;:;:;:ヽ ヽ.ll     >>5 What's this stairs !?
    |lllll| |:;:;:;:;:;:!ヽ;:;:;:;:;l  ヽj     >>6 Shit !!
   |llllllj  |ー--┤ ト---l!       >>7 You suck !!
    |__「  |ー-‐イ llー-‐{l       >>8 DAMN !!
       |   |  ヽ   l       >>9 OH NO !!
        |   |   |   |       >>10 One up !!
       |、_j!   l、_jト
       |  ̄l|    |  }        In this way, "Conbat Echizen" got the Crimson....
      (___j   └─'
442Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :04/11/09 14:38:04 ID:EpdzQJs2
Looking bad for the home team. I that things are going to get even more crazy