Let's talk with Jim-san

414Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys
I have been to busy to do anything. This month I have been to Japan, hawaii
and now moving to another apartment. Busy busy busy...:)
Waiting for the winds of autumn to cheer me up. This should be a lot of fun.

415名無し編集部員:04/10/21 10:20:18 ID:YecGKuEC
This time is the first championship which we sponsor.
The theme of a championship became "Free" in order to assemble many participants.
Since the following championship is not held unless this championship is successful.
Although we want to advertize this championship more widely, the rule of 2ch interferes.
416Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :04/10/22 14:41:55 ID:FbBFroH+
417名無し編集部員:04/10/22 23:16:53 ID:c4hZG2tZ
hagewara (mean lololol....)
Does the election rise?(sorry poor english)
418名無し編集部員:04/10/24 00:47:25 ID:fskGQKEA
419名無し編集部員:04/10/25 02:34:21 ID:cB9tHXIV
I have been watching, but maybe this was not such a good week-end for a contest.
The earthquake has had most of my attention.
420Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :04/10/28 03:11:28 ID:YChlxnSS
>>419 how did the contest go?