Let's talk with Jim-san

363Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys
Mac is good too, I just need the extra mouse button.
364名無し編集部員:04/09/20 09:01:46 ID:fw1lSS4t
I want Mr. Jim to propose the theme of the ASCII art championship.
The ambiguous theme is better.

for example, - summer - sport - figure to fight

        / /
      ./ / i
      | ( ゚Д゚)<banana!
      |(ノi  |)
      |  i  i
        U" U
365Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :04/09/20 12:51:59 ID:6uj0KY8G
I like the autumn it is the time for collecting the food from the fields
and the time that wind picks up a bit so we can see what is under those skirts.
How about an ambiguous subject like Autumn Wind?
366名無し編集部員:04/09/20 13:56:50 ID:8dAYsU6h
Thank you Mr.Jim.
Instantly, we discuss Autumn Wind.
367Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :04/09/20 15:17:05 ID:6uj0KY8G
I hope you get it, I was being very ambiguous.