Let's talk with Jim-san

336ジム ◆NHz97Ju8vs
私はそれらをすべて好む。 私は毎日に見ている。 Ero AAは大きい板である。
337名無し編集部員:04/09/18 12:33:15 ID:994yopVS
338名無し編集部員:04/09/18 20:09:07 ID:DRVE4+wU
>>336 is fake Jim-san
his "trip" is 6P7QkQf8Ys, not NHz97Ju8vs
339名無し編集部員:04/09/18 20:17:02 ID:reyHY75s
He may betrancelate into trip key with the text.
340名無し編集部員:04/09/18 20:18:06 ID:reyHY75s
>>339 miss

He may trancelate into trip key with the text.
341名無し編集部員:04/09/18 21:03:19 ID:CBQcIWP8
He may be another "Jim-san"...:)

AAE or Edit_MDI


Seemingly, AA maker has many people who are using AAE...:)
342Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :04/09/18 23:46:45 ID:o6beLnkC
Ooops my trip was translated too. Sorry for that. I really do look at eroAA
every day.
343 ◆DESKYpi1Ew :04/09/19 00:09:52 ID:J0cPZkGu
We have planned the ASCII art championship.
We have not decided the theme of the ASCII art championship yet.
We will make Mr. Jim's favorite the theme of the ASCII art championship.
What ASCII art does Mr. Jim like?
344Jim ◆6P7QkQf8Ys :04/09/19 00:15:15 ID:I03bQP1O
I will look through the names of the posters that I like then I will
list them. Please let me know when the contest is.
Today I will do reboot girl training for rebootgirl.com
cam will be visible here after about 2 PM my time.