栃木県民スレ 66


1. Exudative diathesis (Lymphotoxemia) in preschool children in the contaminated territories
occurred up to four times more often than before the catastrophe (Kulakov et al, 2001).
1. 汚染された地域の就学前の幼児の滲出性体質(リンパ毒血症)がより頻繁に発生し、
災害前に比べて4倍にまで増加した(Kulakov et al, 2001)。
2. From 1955 to 1998 the incidence of overall and primary skin diseases in children
in the heavily contaminated territories was noticeably higher than in the province and
in Russia as a whole (Table 5.60 and 5.61).
2. 1955年から1998年にかけての皮膚疾患全体の発生率と主要な皮膚疾患の発生率は、
3. Dermatological pathology was found in 60% of children and teenagers in Gordeevka, Bryansk Province,
which is one of the most contaminated districts (Kyseleva and Mozzherova, 2003).
3. 皮膚病は、高汚染地区の一つであるブリャンスク省Gordeevka在住の
小児と青少年の60%で発見された (Kyseleva and Mozzherova, 2003)。
4. In 1996 overall skin morbidity in adults in the heavily contaminated territories of
Bryansk Province corresponded to parameters in the province as a whole (Table 5.62 and 5.63).
4. 1996年ブリャンスク州の汚れが多い地域での成人全体の皮膚の罹患率では全体としての省での指標に相当する(表5.62, 表5.63)。
5. Incidence of diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissues among liquidators increased 6 years
after the catastrophe and in 1992 exceeded the level of 1986 more than 16-fold (Table 5.64).
5. 清算人の皮膚と皮下組織の疾患の発生率は事故後6年後に増加し、1992年に1986年の16倍以上になった(Table 5.64)。
6. Skin pathology found among liquidators included thickening of the cornified and
subcellular layers of the epidermis , endothelial swelling ,
inflammatory lymphocytic infiltration accompanied by active panvasculitis of most of the small arteries;
finding correlated with the level of the radiation load (Porovsky et al, 2005).
7. among the 97% of liquidators who developed psoriasis after the catastrophe,
the psoriasis was always combined with functional impairment of the nervous system
and with gastrointestinal disorders (Malyuk and Bogdantsova, 2001).
胃腸障害と一緒にみられた(Malyuk and Bogdantsova, 2001)。
Undoubtedly the post-Chernobyl period has seen an increase in diseases of the skin and
subcutaneous tissues in children and liquidators.

5.3. 内分泌系の疾患. p77