URL] http://anchorage.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/army/1252475569/ メ欄] sage Fort Hood suspect reached out to imam By Devlin Barrett and Mike Baker - The Associated Press Baker reported from Killeen, Texas; Associated Press writers Angela K. Brown, Allen Breed and Jeff Carlton at Fort Hood; Michelle Roberts in San Antonio; Pamela Hess and Eileen Sullivan in Washington; Nafeesa Sayed in Falls Church, Va.; Ben Nuckols in Baltimore; Matthew Barakat in McLean, Va., and Ahmed al-Haj in San’a, Yemen, contributed to this report. Posted : Monday Nov 9, 2009 21:08:21 EST WASHINGTON http://www.armytimes.com/news/2009/11/ap_forthood_imam_110909/ 米国テキサス州フォートフッドでの銃撃事件容疑者、意識回復 取調べに対して弁護士との接見を求める ・容疑者は米国東海岸で最大のモスクの一つ、the Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center(バージニア州Falls Church)で 過激な導師と接点ある可能性が浮上 ただし捜査当局はこれまでのところ単独犯という見方 起訴は軍法会議の見通し