まず、この翻訳サイトに行ってみる。 適当な文章を入れて英語に翻訳。 そして、それを更に日本語に戻す。 すると、こうなるわけ ↓ First, it goes to this translation site. A suitable text is put in and it translates into English. And it is further returned to Japanese. Then, the reason which becomes like this ↓ 最初に、それはこの翻訳サイトへ行きます。適切なテキストは入れられます。 また、それは英語に形を変えます。 また、それは、日本語にさらに返されます。その後このようになる理由。
What is a search thing? It will not be hard to drop. the inside of Warez -- small -- inside of mackerel Search, and although it excels, are not found. Is it the mind looked for still more? Doesn't it ny with me from it? To the inside of MUSHO To the inside of MUSHO Don't I wish to go? Wuhu -- Wuhu -- Wuhu -- SAA resting also allows -- not having -- a reboot is stopped -- having -- pulling -- being filled -- pulling -- being filled -- Have really dropped what. The time when it stops dropping PAKU れる -- things -- things Talk which often exists Let's take. Inside of MUSHO Or [ that I do not wish to carry out ] Wuhu -- Wuhu -- Wuhu -- SAA What is a search thing? Is it the mind dropped still more? To the inside of MUSHO To the inside of MUSHO Wanting to go is. Don't you consider? Wuhu -- Wuhu -- Wuhu -- SAA Ah Wuhu -- To the inside of MUSHO Wuhu -- To the inside of MUSHO
将棋と言う厳しい世界に身を置く著者が、少年の頃から慣れ親しんだ酒、麻雀、 競馬の話や、先輩後輩棋士との抱腹絶倒の交遊録などを、軽妙洒脱な文章で綴った エッセイ。単行本で収録し切れなかった、アマチュア強豪相手の真剣対局記を 大幅に追加。 ↓ The essay which spelled the talk of the alcohol with which the author who places the body got used and was familiar with the severe world called shogi from a boy's time, mah-jongg, and a horse race, 交遊録 of laughing with a senior younger-generation professional go player, etc. by the smart and refined text. the amateur outstanding player partner who recorded and was not competent with a book is earnest -- a game -- an account -- large -- an addition ↓ 身体を置く著者が得たアルコールの話を綴ったエッセイ、使用された、 また少年の時間、麻雀および競馬から将棋と呼ばれる厳しい世界に精通していた、 上級のより若い世代専門家と笑う交遊録は行きます、 選手など、賢く精製されていたテキストによって。 記録し、本で有能でなかったアマチュアの顕著な選手パートナーは熱心です --ゲーム--アカウント----大きい--付加物
↓ The electric device maker of Realtek Taiwan. The LOGO of the tip which imitated the crab is too famous. It often sees with a cheap LAN tip. The crab is also on the broadcloth band adapter of DC. ↓ Realtek台湾の電気的な装置メーカー。 カニを模倣した先端のロゴは有名すぎます。 それは、しばしば安いLAN先端で見ます。 カニは、さらにDCの広幅のラシャバンド・アダプター上にいます。
息子がガラガラヘビにかまれました。すぐに救急車を呼んでください。 ↓ The son was blown by the almost empty snake. Immediately, please call an ambulance. ↓ 息子はほとんど空のヘビによって吹かれました。直ちに、救急車を呼んでください。
It is the neighboring Yoshino 家行ったん yesterday. Yoshino house. if it そ -- something -- people are messy -- it is full and cannot sit down if it comes out and often sees -- something -- the bottom of a curtain -- て -- 150 yen is written to be influence It is already with whether it is AHO. Or [ being foolish ]. you -- じゃ which is not coming to the Yoshino house to which it is not coming by 150 yen influence 如き usually - dotage the price is 150 yen -- 150 yen It is し [ there is a parent-and-child companion ] something. It is the four families. Is it the Yoshino house? loving - . よ- carrying out -- papa -- 特盛頼んじゃう - and having said It already sees and there is [ do not shine and ] nothing. you -- ら -- since 150 yen is done -- the 席空けろ Yoshino -- 家って -- you should suppose that it is bloodier Whenever a quarrel may start with the fellow who sat on the other side of the character table of U, is it - in じゃ which is not amusing, in which it can be stuck or which such an atmosphere does not say whether it stabs?
A female child is すっこん and ろ. when thinking whether it was able to sit down at last by coming out, the next fellow is the Omori rainy season -- く -- と -- it has said Then, it strikes again and is a piece. it is that rainy season -- it is fashion んね - ん in く etc. these days Dotage proud -- a face is carried out and what is a rainy season -- く -- だ you are a rainy season truly -- I want to ask whether want to consume く I want to question closely. I want to question closely for small 1 hour. they are you and a rainy season -- it is くって言いたい -- well [ stingy ゃ ] -- か if allowed to say from me of the Yoshino 家通, the newest fashion between the Yoshino 家通 will be a Welsh onion too now -- く and this it is a large serving of Welsh onion -- く GYOKU How this asks 通. it is a Welsh onion -- as for くって, the Welsh onion is more mostly contained There is a little little meat instead of そん. Be fastidious. It comes out and is a large serving of GYOKU (egg) to it. This the strongest. However, the sword of many edges accompanied also by risk of saying that it will be marked on a salesclerk from the next if it asks this. It cannot recommend to an amateur. well -- you -- DO -- an amateur -- it lived also on [ the 牛鮭 table d'hote ], and it said in a lack and was fastidious