Magical Mystery Tour

1Paul McCartney
Roll up
Roll up for the mystery tour
Roll up
Roll up for the mystery tour
Roll up (and that's an invitation)
Roll up for the mystery tour
Roll up (to make a reservation)
Roll up for the mystery tour

The magical mystery tour
is waiting to take you away
Waiting to take you away

Roll up
Roll up for the mystery tour
Roll up
Roll up for the mystery tour
Roll up (we've got everything you need)
Roll up for the mystery tour
Roll up (satisfaction guaranteed)
Roll up for the mystery tour

The magical mystery tour
is hoping to take you away
Hoping to take you away

Ah, the magical mystery tour
Roll up
Roll up for the mystery tour
Roll up
Roll up for the mystery tour
Roll up (and that's an invitation)
Roll up for the mystery tour
Roll up (to make a reservation)
Roll up for the mystery tour

The magical mystery tour
is coming to take you away
Coming to take you away
The magical mystery tour
is dying to take you away
Dying to take you away
Take you today
222世紀を目指す名無しさん:2001/05/06(日) 15:03 ID:7dzeBhm.
322世紀を目指す名無しさん:2001/05/06(日) 15:03 ID:???
You died.
4[email protected]:2001/05/06(日) 15:03 ID:???
522世紀を目指す名無しさん:2001/05/06(日) 15:04 ID:7dzeBhm.
622世紀を目指す名無しさん:2001/05/06(日) 15:04 ID:???
722世紀を目指す名無しさん:2001/05/06(日) 15:05 ID:???

822世紀を目指す名無しさん:2001/05/06(日) 15:06 ID:???
9メシア:2001/05/06(日) 15:06 ID:0GMkPLCw

      _ , ― 、
      ,−'  `      ̄ヽ_
     ,'            ヽ   英語
    (              )
    (     ノ`ー'ー'ヽ     )
    (    ノ●  ●(     )
     (   〉 -――-(      )_  _
      `ー'l  ●    (    ノ    ヽ )
       、‘ー'ー’ _ノ`ー'      |
         ̄| ̄           |
         /  /7  / ̄ ̄/   /
         `ー´ `ー ´   `―´
1022世紀を目指す名無しさん:2001/05/06(日) 15:06 ID:???
1122世紀を目指す名無しさん:2001/05/06(日) 15:06 ID:???
1222世紀を目指す名無しさん:2001/05/06(日) 15:07 ID:8fDHnczQ

13ニセモノ:2001/05/06(日) 15:07 ID:kvq5FvN6
14カネ:2001/05/06(日) 15:09 ID:???
Paul McCartneyノアシアトヲミツケル!
15何かの再来:2001/05/06(日) 15:11 ID:???
16ミ☆(´д`;)☆彡:2001/05/06(日) 15:12 ID:???
∀・)ノ ビートルズはいいやね。
1722世紀を目指す名無しさん:2001/05/06(日) 15:15 ID:7dzeBhm.

1822世紀を目指す名無しさん:2001/05/06(日) 15:15 ID:???

(・∀・)イイ!! とだけ書き込んでいても飽きちゃうよ。
19リフ・ラフ:2001/05/06(日) 15:16 ID:DIpYpdmE
2022世紀を目指す名無しさん:2001/05/06(日) 15:17 ID:???
21リフ・ラフ:2001/05/06(日) 15:18 ID:DIpYpdmE
2222世紀を目指す名無しさん:2001/05/06(日) 15:19 ID:???
2322世紀を目指す名無しさん:2001/05/06(日) 15:19 ID:8fDHnczQ
2422世紀を目指す名無しさん:2001/05/06(日) 15:20 ID:???
25リフ・ラフ:2001/05/06(日) 15:20 ID:DIpYpdmE
2622世紀を目指す名無しさん:2001/05/06(日) 15:20 ID:8fDHnczQ
27Paul McCartney:2001/05/06(日) 15:22 ID:???
28本家なぐ ★:2001/05/06(日) 15:23 ID:???
29 :2001/05/06(日) 15:25 ID:???
3022世紀を目指す名無しさん:2001/05/06(日) 15:28 ID:???
The magical mystery tour
is coming to take you away
Coming to take you away
The magical mystery tour
is dying to take you away
Dying to take you away
Take you today ......
3122世紀を目指す名無しさん:2001/05/06(日) 15:30 ID:???
3222世紀を目指す名無しさん:2001/05/06(日) 15:34 ID:???
33 :2001/05/06(日) 15:38 ID:???
三菱のCMのBGMでMagical Mystery Tourが流れてた。
3422世紀を目指す名無しさん:2001/05/06(日) 15:39 ID:???
3522世紀を目指す名無しさん:2001/05/06(日) 15:41 ID:???
3622世紀を目指す名無しさん:2001/05/06(日) 15:41 ID:???





37ミ☆(´д`;)☆彡:2001/05/06(日) 15:42 ID:???
д・)ノ うざるが語源ぢゃないの??
3822世紀を目指す名無しさん:2001/05/06(日) 15:44 ID:???
3922世紀を目指す名無しさん:2001/05/06(日) 15:46 ID:???
4022世紀を目指す名無しさん:2001/05/06(日) 15:49 ID:???
4122世紀を目指す名無しさん:2001/05/06(日) 15:50 ID:7dzeBhm.
4222世紀を目指す名無しさん:2001/05/06(日) 16:05 ID:???
4339:2001/05/06(日) 16:18 ID:???
44Trip!!:2001/05/06(日) 20:59 ID:???
Magical Mystery Tour
45Open:2001/05/07(月) 01:14 ID:???
Thread of UnderGround "Magical Mystery Tour"
46 :2001/05/08(火) 12:20 ID:???
47Paul McCartney:2001/05/08(火) 21:08 ID:???
Roll up
48Paul McCartney:2001/05/09(水) 00:09 ID:???
Roll up for the mystery tour
49Paul McCartney:2001/05/09(水) 04:59 ID:???
Roll up
50Paul McCartney:2001/05/09(水) 12:05 ID:???
Roll up for the mystery tour
51Paul McCartney:2001/05/09(水) 20:44 ID:???
Roll up (and that's an invitation)
52Paul McCartney:2001/05/10(木) 01:46 ID:???
Roll up for the mystery tour
53Paul McCartney:2001/05/10(木) 04:07 ID:???
Roll up (to make a reservation)
54Paul McCartney:2001/05/11(金) 00:32 ID:???
Roll up for the mystery tour
55Paul McCartney:2001/05/11(金) 01:56 ID:???
56Paul McCartney:2001/05/11(金) 01:57 ID:???
The magical mystery tour
57Paul McCartney:2001/05/11(金) 01:58 ID:???
is waiting to take you away
58Paul McCartney:2001/05/11(金) 01:59 ID:???
Waiting to take you away
59Paul McCartney:2001/05/11(金) 02:17 ID:???
60Paul McCartney:2001/05/11(金) 02:37 ID:???
Roll up
61Paul McCartney:2001/05/11(金) 03:55 ID:???
Roll up for the mystery tour
62Paul McCartney:2001/05/11(金) 05:08 ID:???
Roll up
63Paul McCartney:2001/05/11(金) 08:02 ID:???
Roll up for the mystery tour
64Paul McCartney:2001/05/11(金) 19:17 ID:???
Roll up (we've got everything you need)
65Paul McCartney:2001/05/11(金) 20:09 ID:???
Roll up for the mystery tour
66Paul McCartney:2001/05/12(土) 01:03 ID:???
Roll up (satisfaction guaranteed)
67Paul McCartney:2001/05/12(土) 08:05 ID:???
Roll up for the mystery tour
68Paul McCartney:2001/05/12(土) 11:33 ID:???
69Paul McCartney:2001/05/12(土) 19:34 ID:???
The magical mystery tour
70Paul McCartney:2001/05/12(土) 20:39 ID:???
is hoping to take you away
71Paul McCartney:2001/05/13(日) 04:29 ID:???
Hoping to take you away
72Paul McCartney:2001/05/13(日) 06:00 ID:???
73Paul McCartney:2001/05/13(日) 11:21 ID:???
Ah, the magical mystery tour
74Paul McCartney:2001/05/13(日) 18:05 ID:???
Roll up
75Paul McCartney:2001/05/14(月) 06:09 ID:???
Roll up for the mystery tour
76Paul McCartney:2001/05/14(月) 22:08 ID:???
Roll up
77Paul McCartney:2001/05/15(火) 00:33 ID:???
Roll up for the mystery tour
78Paul McCartney:2001/05/15(火) 06:35 ID:???
Roll up (and that's an invitation)
79Paul McCartney:2001/05/15(火) 19:39 ID:???
Roll up for the mystery tour
80Paul McCartney:2001/05/16(水) 07:13 ID:???
Roll up (to make a reservation)
81Paul McCartney:2001/05/16(水) 21:18 ID:???
Roll up for the mystery tour
82Paul McCartney:2001/05/17(木) 06:31 ID:???
83Paul McCartney:2001/05/17(木) 20:14 ID:???
The magical mystery tour
84Paul McCartney:2001/05/18(金) 05:50 ID:???
is coming to take you away
85Paul McCartney:2001/05/18(金) 20:17 ID:???
Coming to take you away
86妄想:2001/05/18(金) 22:50 ID:???
87Paul McCartney:2001/05/19(土) 03:09 ID:???
The magical mystery tour
is dying to take you away
Dying to take you away
Take you today
88 :2001/05/19(土) 03:09 ID:???
89Paul McCartney:2001/05/19(土) 03:10 ID:???
Roll up
Roll up for the mystery tour
Roll up
Roll up for the mystery tour
Roll up (and that's an invitation)
Roll up for the mystery tour
Roll up (to make a reservation)
Roll up for the mystery tour

The magical mystery tour
is waiting to take you away
Waiting to take you away

Roll up
Roll up for the mystery tour
Roll up
Roll up for the mystery tour
Roll up (we've got everything you need)
Roll up for the mystery tour
Roll up (satisfaction guaranteed)
Roll up for the mystery tour

The magical mystery tour
is hoping to take you away
Hoping to take you away

Ah, the magical mystery tour
Roll up
Roll up for the mystery tour
Roll up
Roll up for the mystery tour
Roll up (and that's an invitation)
Roll up for the mystery tour
Roll up (to make a reservation)
Roll up for the mystery tour

The magical mystery tour
is coming to take you away
Coming to take you away
The magical mystery tour
is dying to take you away
Dying to take you away
Take you today
90 :2001/05/19(土) 06:06 ID:???
91Paul McCartney:2001/05/19(土) 13:31 ID:???
Roll up
92Paul McCartney:2001/05/19(土) 16:28 ID:???
Roll up for the mystery tour
93Paul McCartney:2001/05/19(土) 23:18 ID:???
Roll up
94Paul McCartney:2001/05/20(日) 01:56 ID:???
Roll up for the mystery tour
95Paul McCartney:2001/05/20(日) 08:47 ID:???
Roll up (and that's an invitation)
96Paul McCartney:2001/05/20(日) 14:07 ID:???
Roll up for the mystery tour
97Paul McCartney:2001/05/20(日) 14:47 ID:???
Roll up (to make a reservation)
98Paul McCartney:2001/05/20(日) 16:15 ID:???
Roll up for the mystery tour
99Paul McCartney:2001/05/20(日) 17:17 ID:???
100Paul McCartney:2001/05/20(日) 19:10 ID:???
The magical mystery tour
101Paul McCartney:2001/05/20(日) 19:49 ID:???
is waiting to take you away
102Paul McCartney:2001/05/20(日) 20:14 ID:???
Waiting to take you away
103Paul McCartney:2001/05/20(日) 22:24 ID:???
104Paul McCartney:2001/05/21(月) 04:43 ID:???
Roll up
105Paul McCartney:2001/05/21(月) 18:44 ID:???
Roll up for the mystery tour
106Paul McCartney:2001/05/21(月) 20:11 ID:???
Roll up
107Paul McCartney:2001/05/21(月) 21:46 ID:???
Roll up for the mystery tour
108Paul McCartney:2001/05/22(火) 00:17 ID:???
Roll up (we've got everything you need)
109Paul McCartney:2001/05/22(火) 02:08 ID:???
Roll up for the mystery tour
110Paul McCartney:2001/05/22(火) 06:04 ID:???
Roll up (satisfaction guaranteed)
111Paul McCartney:2001/05/22(火) 18:42 ID:???
Roll up for the mystery tour
112Paul McCartney:2001/05/23(水) 00:03 ID:???
113Paul McCartney:2001/05/23(水) 05:29 ID:???
The magical mystery tour
114Paul McCartney:2001/05/23(水) 20:01 ID:???
is hoping to take you away
115Paul McCartney:2001/05/24(木) 05:26 ID:???
Hoping to take you away
116Paul McCartney:2001/05/24(木) 07:32 ID:???
117Paul McCartney:2001/05/24(木) 20:00 ID:???
Ah, the magical mystery tour
118Paul McCartney:2001/05/24(木) 23:35 ID:???
Roll up
119Paul McCartney:2001/05/25(金) 06:24 ID:???
Roll up for the mystery tour
120Paul McCartney:2001/05/25(金) 21:10 ID:???
Roll up
121Paul McCartney:2001/05/26(土) 08:39 ID:???
Roll up for the mystery tour
122Paul McCartney:2001/05/26(土) 15:08 ID:???
Roll up (and that's an invitation)
123Paul McCartney:2001/05/26(土) 16:42 ID:???
Roll up for the mystery tour
124Paul McCartney:2001/05/27(日) 01:11 ID:???
Roll up (to make a reservation)
125Paul McCartney:2001/05/27(日) 05:46 ID:???
Roll up for the mystery tour
126Paul McCartney:2001/05/27(日) 14:05 ID:???
127Paul McCartney:2001/05/28(月) 06:54 ID:???
The magical mystery tour
128Paul McCartney:2001/05/28(月) 20:29 ID:???
is coming to take you away
129Paul McCartney:2001/05/29(火) 07:13 ID:???
Coming to take you away
130Paul McCartney:2001/05/29(火) 21:12 ID:???
The magical mystery tour
131Paul McCartney:2001/05/30(水) 06:40 ID:???
is dying to take you away
132Paul McCartney:2001/05/30(水) 21:50 ID:???
Dying to take you away
133Paul McCartney:2001/05/31(木) 06:48 ID:???
Take you today
134 :2001/05/31(木) 20:58 ID:???
13522世紀を目指す名無しさん:2001/06/02(土) 02:10 ID:???
136Trip!!:2001/06/02(土) 10:54 ID:???
Magical Mystery Tour
137 :2001/06/07(木) 00:44 ID:???
138Right.:2001/06/07(木) 19:55 ID:???
Thread of UnderGround "Magical Mystery Tour"
139 :2001/06/08(金) 23:51 ID:???
140Paul McCartney:2001/06/09(土) 10:27 ID:???
Roll up Roll up for the mystery tour
Roll up Roll up for the mystery tour
Roll up (and that's an invitation) Roll up for the mystery tour
Roll up (to make a reservation) Roll up for the mystery tour

The magical mystery tour is waiting to take you away
Waiting to take you away

Roll up Roll up for the mystery tour
Roll up Roll up for the mystery tour
Roll up (we've got everything you need) Roll up for the mystery tour
Roll up (satisfaction guaranteed) Roll up for the mystery tour

The magical mystery tour is hoping to take you away
Hoping to take you away

Ah, the magical mystery tour
Roll up Roll up for the mystery tour
Roll up Roll up for the mystery tour
Roll up (and that's an invitation) Roll up for the mystery tour
Roll up (to make a reservation) Roll up for the mystery tour

The magical mystery tour is coming to take you away
Coming to take you away
The magical mystery tour is dying to take you away
Dying to take you away
Take you today
14122世紀を目指す名無しさん:2001/06/09(土) 14:49 ID:???
142 :2001/06/09(土) 20:38 ID:???
143小林飲料水:2001/06/09(土) 20:51 ID:???

144 :2001/06/10(日) 06:37 ID:???
145Trip!!:2001/06/10(日) 09:49 ID:???
Magical Mystery Tour
146 :2001/06/10(日) 22:08 ID:???
147Reload...:2001/06/11(月) 05:34 ID:???
Thread of UnderGround "Magical Mystery Tour"
148 :2001/06/11(月) 21:57 ID:???
149Paul McCartney:2001/06/12(火) 19:33 ID:???
Roll up Roll up for the mystery tour
Roll up Roll up for the mystery tour
Roll up (and that's an invitation) Roll up for the mystery tour
Roll up (to make a reservation) Roll up for the mystery tour

The magical mystery tour is waiting to take you away
Waiting to take you away

Roll up Roll up for the mystery tour
Roll up Roll up for the mystery tour
Roll up (we've got everything you need) Roll up for the mystery tour
Roll up (satisfaction guaranteed) Roll up for the mystery tour

The magical mystery tour is hoping to take you away
Hoping to take you away

Ah, the magical mystery tour
Roll up Roll up for the mystery tour
Roll up Roll up for the mystery tour
Roll up (and that's an invitation) Roll up for the mystery tour
Roll up (to make a reservation) Roll up for the mystery tour

The magical mystery tour is coming to take you away
Coming to take you away
The magical mystery tour is dying to take you away
Dying to take you away
Take you today
150 :2001/06/13(水) 06:23 ID:???
151Paul McCartney:2001/06/13(水) 20:51 ID:???
Roll up Roll up for the mystery tour
152Paul McCartney:2001/06/14(木) 20:41 ID:???
Roll up Roll up for the mystery tour
153Paul McCartney:2001/06/15(金) 20:22 ID:???
Roll up (and that's an invitation) Roll up for the mystery tour
154Paul McCartney:2001/06/16(土) 21:03 ID:???
Roll up (to make a reservation) Roll up for the mystery tour
155Paul McCartney:2001/06/17(日) 18:17 ID:???
156Paul McCartney:2001/06/18(月) 22:08 ID:???
The magical mystery tour is waiting to take you away
157Paul McCartney:2001/06/19(火) 06:23 ID:???
Waiting to take you away
158Paul McCartney:2001/06/19(火) 21:54 ID:???
159Paul McCartney:2001/06/20(水) 05:30 ID:???
Roll up Roll up for the mystery tour
160Paul McCartney:2001/06/21(木) 00:22 ID:???
Roll up Roll up for the mystery tour
161Paul McCartney:2001/06/21(木) 06:25 ID:???
Roll up (we've got everything you need) Roll up for the mystery tour
162Paul McCartney:2001/06/22(金) 03:36 ID:???
Roll up (satisfaction guaranteed) Roll up for the mystery tour
163Paul McCartney:2001/06/22(金) 20:01 ID:???
164Paul McCartney:2001/06/23(土) 17:13 ID:???
The magical mystery tour is hoping to take you away
165Paul McCartney:2001/06/23(土) 21:20 ID:???
Hoping to take you away
166Paul McCartney:2001/06/24(日) 01:53 ID:???
167Paul McCartney:2001/06/24(日) 07:48 ID:???
Ah, the magical mystery tour
168Paul McCartney:2001/06/24(日) 16:33 ID:???
Roll up Roll up for the mystery tour
169Paul McCartney:2001/06/25(月) 01:18 ID:???
Roll up Roll up for the mystery tour
170Paul McCartney:2001/06/25(月) 23:22 ID:???
Roll up (and that's an invitation) Roll up for the mystery tour
171Paul McCartney:2001/06/26(火) 22:00 ID:???
Roll up (to make a reservation) Roll up for the mystery tour
172殺戮行脚:2001/06/26(火) 23:58 ID:OqdCeCbU
The magical mystery age is hoping to take thread away

173Paul McCartney

The magical mystery tour is coming to take you away
Coming to take you away
The magical mystery tour is dying to take you away
Dying to take you away
Take you today