57 :
名無しさん?:2009/09/05(土) 03:42:17 ID:???
sorry i ve gone
yes i m not wise less than you
but what s not right to speak without wise
58 :
名無しさん?:2009/09/05(土) 13:00:24 ID:7IiT89h7
59 :
名無しさん?:2009/09/05(土) 19:32:58 ID:AhZSWFKY
all your base are belong to us
60 :
名無しさん?:2009/09/05(土) 20:20:46 ID:???
i can t understand what you say
61 :
名無しさん?:2009/09/07(月) 14:17:13 ID:???
>>53 its lie what smoking is bad to our health.
and we are high tax payer.
so we must have pride to smoke in everywhere.
62 :
名無しさん?:2010/02/01(月) 10:56:43 ID:9ckWa/lf
oh,its snow today.
Do U enjoy 2010?
63 :
名無しさん?:2010/02/01(月) 15:00:56 ID:???
I am afraid that this thread is living.
Do you spoil snow in front of your house?
Snow didnt fall my town.
I am lving in today like yesterday.
Everyday are same days.
64 :
名無しさん?:2010/02/12(金) 01:31:42 ID:/ufNuSw8
i learn a few english evryday
65 :
名無しさん?:2010/02/12(金) 13:15:45 ID:???
>>64 What english words do you learn today?
66 :
名無しさん?:2010/02/20(土) 01:32:01 ID:1aqA+kjK
>>65 age=ascend
why my anus is sore ?
67 :
名無しさん?:2010/02/21(日) 03:46:44 ID:cxpqPcOJ
>>66 because you put in the BIG DICK to your ass
アンチモコ派のヤツらは 下品で 悪口を言いまくってる男どもだ!*
ヤツらは影では 本当に ひどいことをしていますよ(δ)((ο))
モコ派の独身女性に 手当たり次第に (δ)((ξ))
「結婚してください」と言い寄って (δ)((ο))
そこで セクハラをして (δ)((ο))
拒む女性に対して (*)((φ))
「だけど お前、それほど美人じゃないぞ!」と捨て台詞をはいて
このセカンド レイプによって傷ついたモコ派の女性は たくさんいる☆
まったく サメの脳みそしか持ってない低俗な人間どもだ!*
くわえタバコで 鉄パイプでアンチモコ派をボコボコ殴るモコ☆
くわえチンポで 鉄バイブをオマ●コに入れて よがるモコ*
「事実無根のデマ」と断罪し 批判の書き込みのすべての削除を狙っての
当然、文学ファンは 不条理な削除を含めて厳しく対処している*
小説愛好家側が通報した案件も すべて小説愛好家側が完全に勝利している☆
「彼ら誹謗中傷している者たちは 裏付け調査を全くせずに書き込みを
まさしく「言論の凶器」だ* 某コテハンは猛省するべきだ*
それを反省もしない(δ)((Φ)) 責任も取らない*
だからアンチモコ派は モコ派から全然、信用されていない(δ)((ο))
69 :
名無しさん?:2010/12/29(水) 10:15:30 ID:???
2ちゃんねるNews速報+ナビ (RSS生成可)
http://www.2nn.jp/ ※2ch Twitter ニュースBotあり(専用クライアントソフト・アプリ使用推奨。検索キーワード 2ch•Bot)
70 :
名無しさん?:2011/01/23(日) 04:22:14 ID:rCBZ5133
>>68-69 This sled is no wrighte japanese.it's english only.right?
71 :
名無しさん?:2011/01/23(日) 16:08:31 ID:???
I wanna have a sex.
72 :
名無しさん?:2011/02/27(日) 23:21:12.42 ID:yTAkp09u
English is difficult.
73 :
かっp:2011/03/01(火) 07:53:02.04 ID:VCZFp6S+
Ya I know your feeling..
Other language is too much diffigult for us.
We japanese should learn RIGHT Japanese.
74 :
名無しさん?:2011/03/01(火) 15:49:40.86 ID:96DUfmEJ
RIGHT Japanese?
Minshu party have to die?
75 :
名無しさん?:2011/03/01(火) 15:57:04.55 ID:oU9uokae
Minshu party is obviously full of traitors
Who the hell votes for them?
76 :
名無しさん?:2011/03/01(火) 20:36:25.78 ID:lqgdGn9C
I am wondering who to elect.
77 :
名無しさん?:2011/03/01(火) 21:43:54.65 ID:???
Electing now!!!!!!!!!!!!!
78 :
名無しさん?:2011/03/01(火) 21:58:08.00 ID:Hxc4ca+u
i am god.
you are like manko and tinko.
79 :
名無しさん?:2011/03/02(水) 01:14:24.09 ID:???
>>77 My cock has erected ,too!!!
80 :
名無しさん?:2011/03/02(水) 01:56:35.00 ID:A9TdA4HX
I love my English teacher.
But he don't love me...
I want to kiss with him!!
81 :
Otaku Power:2011/03/02(水) 07:56:02.36 ID:A6dCJE1+
>>80 Are you a fag by any chance?
82 :
名無しさん?:2011/03/02(水) 10:20:30.66 ID:???
>>81 What does "fag" mean?
83 :
名無しさん?:2011/03/02(水) 10:38:19.70 ID:???
Fag means gay.
84 :
名無しさん?:2011/03/02(水) 12:39:38.49 ID:???
Im not gay.
are you?
85 :
名無しさん?:2011/03/06(日) 01:04:57.79 ID:???
between you and me, im gay.
86 :
名無しさん?:2011/03/08(火) 15:52:27.35 ID:???
What magazine do you read?
87 :
名無しさん?:2011/09/13(火) 21:04:48.53 ID:oEmLdE43
88 :
名無しさん?:2011/09/15(木) 14:10:52.00 ID:???
I don't read weekly magazine shonen JUMP.
I know only JOJO.
What is other interesting title now?
89 :
名無しさん?:2011/09/16(金) 00:28:35.84 ID:???
∧∧ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
(,,゚Д゚)< I'm so like JOJO.but do7nt like other JUMP's comicsゴルァ
U ⊃ \_____
〜| |
,, し`J
90 :
名無しさん?:2011/09/16(金) 01:54:38.06 ID:fhfck7D5
I like gintama because it makes me fan.But many peopel think it is for Hu-joshi.
I whoud not think so.
Hu-joshi is a canccer of Janp.
91 :
名無しさん?:2011/09/16(金) 03:15:45.06 ID:???
Jamp? hahaha
That is for kids! You are child?
but, I know jojo. all right.
92 :
名無しさん?:2011/09/16(金) 18:10:51.60 ID:I+5SP0K9
who is your fayorite character in JOJO?
93 :
名無しさん?:2011/09/20(火) 18:50:51.62 ID:???
Rohan Kishibe He's crazy.
94 :
名無しさん?:2011/09/20(火) 19:36:29.42 ID:???
Does he live in Sendai?
95 :
名無しさん?:2011/09/28(水) 10:17:35.88 ID:???
Yes I am.
96 :
名無しさん?:2011/10/28(金) 03:17:53.65 ID:???
You guys are so funny.
Guess your English isn't that bad
97 :
名無しさん?:2011/10/28(金) 18:43:07.49 ID:???
what is ROTL?
"OTL" looks like "DOGEZA".
It is same "orz".
What does "R" mean?
98 :
名無しさん?:2011/10/30(日) 00:31:21.33 ID:???
>>97 Oops sorry I just made a mistype . I was meant to say ROFL which means rolling on the floor laughing. Wanted to say you 2ch guys are sooo funny and adorable!
99 :
名無しさん?:2011/10/30(日) 00:32:07.72 ID:???
>>97 Btw, what does DOGEZA mean?
I know BTW which means "by the way".
DOGEZA is japanese traditional excuse style.
If you wants a pardon, then
you must kneel and put both hands on iron plate,
And you presses your forehead on very heated iron plate.
There is a high grade excuse style called "DO GE NE"
DOGENE is no guard motion.
You lay your back on the erath.
And a highest grade excuse style is called "HARAKARI",you know.
I thought i could speak english much better, but I noticed that my english is shit level.
by the way I took toeic test today, the listening parts were awful, and of course I couldn't finish all of them,
I felt the time was like as if it was only one hour, actual time was for 3 hours though.
Hey guys, What is your job?
My work is house security guard well. right?
me too.
and i am veteran.
>>100 Right, thanks for the explanation! I saw Dogeza on TV:D I don't wanna try though hahaha
>>103 omg Are you me? Now today I'm working the my house security guard
Everyday everynight allways ..... NEET.
I wanna die. ya ya ya fuck !
>>104 HARAKARI is noble suicide with Samurai sword ,You know?
>>105 I'm waking up JUST NOW.
So, I must patrol internet and 2ch.