【Team 2ch】分散コンピューティング総合264【UD→BOINC】

WCGで、Rechenkraft.netによる「Bunny Race」チームチャレンジが、3月1日から23日(イースター)にかけて行われます。

すでにSETI.Germany、Planet 3DNow!等の有名チームの参戦が決まっており、他チームにも呼びかけが行われています。

Team 2chのチーム事情には詳しくないので、どなたか中心メンバーに知らせてくれると助かります。

"Last december, our team launched the "christmas race" at world community grid.
With more than 100 active teams, this competition became much more successfull than we had ever thought before.
Nevertheless, many teams were not able to join the race because of different reasons
(ongoing matches against other teams, problems contacting an inactive team-captain and so on).

Christmas is gone and with easter ahead of us, we decided to take this opportunity and again launch a competition:
the bunny race. It will take place at WCG from March 1st to March 23th (easter monday).

You are cordially invited to join us on this competition!"