1 :
Let's speek Engrish here together I ! (・∀・)
Don't speek Japaneese here ! (・A・)
2 :
名無しさん?:04/07/06 00:44 ID:+7GO0o6G
Genki hatsutatsu Oronamin C!!
No way!! I cannot.
4 :
名無しさん?:04/07/06 00:49 ID:RyVcrlMx
I can speak English, a littel bit.
Those who can speak English are replaced.
Just a moment, Please.
6 :
名無しさん?:04/07/06 00:49 ID:OaAXbsgF
This is a pen.
8 :
名無しさん?:04/07/06 00:51 ID:6HYnlAMh
Eigo nante kantan daro?
It's very warm and I'm hot and sweat.
So I can't close window.
It's mean that I can't masuterbersyonn
always look on the bright side of Life!!
5get is Kuso Kote GOD of ULTIMATE
You is fool.
My name is This is a Pen?
Oh! SuperGreat!
She will sleeping Now!
( ´∀`)< ペラペ〜ラ
I can sleep England.
Good night Momaera.
see you next tomorrow never die.Fuck off!!
I can not sex.
Hey! Guys!