Posted: Tue Apr 06, 2004 7:33 pm Post subject: New Smallpox Protein
A new smallpox protein is coming. The protein is 1a41m2. The m2 is due to a different site location.
Timings for this new protein are averaging ~7 minutes per ligand on a P4 1.5GHz. This of course may vary from workunit to workunit. Workunits are 200 ligands in size at this time. Time outs have been set at the 14day and 21 day normal setting.
The protein file will be ud_7082771.
You should expect this protein to be similar in runtime and other properties to the 1a41m1 protein. Number of ligands per workunit may be changed if runtimes change but will start out as 200 ligands per workunit.
Thank You