Hi,all mans. I am a Khomein
ノ::::゙、 ヽヽヽヽ ゙、
ヘ:::::::::;;: -‐''''""( )1
゙、::::::::-‐''""" ̄"'i
:V;;||:::: '~ニ=ッ, r='|
i!f !::::: ゙、i When I was a tiger cub♪
i!ゝ!:::: ‐/リ I didn’t think that there was one happier than me.
i::/:、 :::、 /''ii'V Now when I have to go into the forest alone♪
 ̄ハ:::::\ "''il|バ'' I wonder where my kind tiger mother is.
Oh Yes
mother fucker
I want to be the minority
6 :
ちゃもろ(`Å`) ◆aCACHANSIw :04/01/14 20:51 ID:DPDezUlG
I am UNKO. This veri good performance is that, very mach.
the clock is ticking onthe table in my room
fuuny how the tim jast slips away
an ordinary simple man
who's lost a littele piece of something
hold my breath and close my eyes
say a little prayer
here we go agayn hello
did'nt see the end and so the story goes
how can I be cool?
I always play the fool
I need a shot of love
like a arrow through the heart
11 :
ワイルド吉田さん ◆f.UUUUmG7U :04/01/14 20:55 ID:8GZsZp97
12 :
nejire ◆sezANEJIRE :04/01/14 20:55 ID:CzVUxder
Kaofjo Huoosou and agyoeu shoyo Hpoo with aopsih.
Are sjo,sfnou nogodo ending atack veru kosid?