1 :
mannyuu :
02/04/30 12:09 ID:/ly5RxyY haro〜 my name is 1. this is kuso sure. I haven`t english power. But i want to enjoy with you at this sure.
3 :
▼・±・ ◆vOaNGIN2 :02/04/30 12:10 ID:zxmhyctk
go to hell
4 :
▼・±・ ◆vOaNGIN2 :02/04/30 12:11 ID:zxmhyctk
the end
i can spoke enlgish
I am reipaer
7 :
Cherie Laん☆ ◆m.cghoDU :02/04/30 12:11 ID:7hYiIpCw
oh,i got 2
kick me
9 :
mannyuu :02/04/30 12:12 ID:/ly5RxyY
▼・±・ ◆vOaNGIN2 is uzai.
Yes, as for the school child, yes come back.
kusosure no yokan
The fellows of the present school child who can't create a future and who can't be handled show a tendency of increasing.
You は Shock !
i called police
15 :
Cherie Laん☆ ◆m.cghoDU :02/04/30 12:14 ID:7hYiIpCw
16 :
▼・±・ ◆vOaNGIN2 :02/04/30 12:14 ID:zxmhyctk
てぇ えんd
You are free, too. you too〜〜〜〜〜
I don't understand English really. But,I "ganbaru"
19 :
mannyuu :02/04/30 12:19 ID:/ly5RxyY
>>12 imigawakaranai darekayakusite・・・.
>>21 It's fine today!!
What's your plan today?
21 :
▼・±・ ◆vOaNGIN2 :02/04/30 12:19 ID:zxmhyctk
22 :
20 :02/04/30 12:21 ID:???
23 :
▼・±・ ◆vOaNGIN2 :02/04/30 12:22 ID:zxmhyctk
24 :
20 :02/04/30 12:23 ID:???
>>25 It's fine today!!
What's your plan today?
25 :
mannyuu :02/04/30 12:24 ID:/ly5RxyY
>>21 sorry but dousiyoumonaitokiha,nihonngode
>>20 fine? no. Winds are strong and it`s cloudly
26 :
▼・±・ ◆vOaNGIN2 :02/04/30 12:24 ID:zxmhyctk
Don't build Excrement Thread, please.
please teach me that What should be eaten this daytime?
30 :
ななーし :02/04/30 12:28 ID:Y/Xh4fCA
yokan of famous sure
Just say NO! Fxxx U!
32 :
20 :02/04/30 12:28 ID:???
Right : What's your plan for today?
Miss : What's your plan today?
>>25 Where do you live?
>>26 You are too late!
33 :
mannyuu :02/04/30 12:30 ID:/ly5RxyY
The blue light of town is very beautiful〜♪ Here is Yokohama〜♪
>>26 go to toilet , and you will be get fine
36 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 12:36 ID:pYy3Pskg
Excuse me, I'm Maccer, so what?
you are not President! I am President!! OK!?
39 :
mannyuu :02/04/30 12:39 ID:/ly5RxyY
42 :
36 :02/04/30 12:42 ID:pYy3Pskg
>>36 Ok, I"ll down.
Have a nice day!!bye,
>>41 It's my full power,sorry.
44 :
mannyuu :02/04/30 12:44 ID:/ly5RxyY
>>41 English(or roma ji) please! boooooo!!
45 :
mannyuu :02/04/30 12:47 ID:/ly5RxyY
/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ | This thread is \  ̄∨ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ∧_∧ ( ´Д`) /⌒ ⌒ヽ /_/| へ \ (ぃ9 ./ / \ \.∧_∧ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ / ./ ヽ ( ´Д` )< UNKO!! ( / ∪ , / \_______ \ .\\ (ぃ9 | .\ .\\ / / ,、 > ) ) ./ ∧_二∃ / // ./  ̄ ̄ ヽ / / / ._/ /~ ̄ ̄/ / / / / )⌒ _ ノ / ./ ( ヽ ヽ | / ( ヽ、 \__つ).し \__つ
>>45 You are old man in lounge.
48 :
mannyuu :02/04/30 12:51 ID:/ly5RxyY
の。I`m 22 years old. It`s mean is 45de age.
49 :
mannyuu :02/04/30 12:52 ID:/ly5RxyY
the trap that only real tyuu english was given respons
>>43 I use it's power,everyday.
53 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 12:56 ID:NdYGwOCQ
Goodmorning, everyone. Hi, Ken, Hi,Mari. Ken, this is Mike. Mike, this is Ken. Hi,Ken. Hi,Mike.
54 :
mannyuu :02/04/30 12:57 ID:/ly5RxyY
>>51 Hey!! In English!! tako! baka! sine! kasuyaro-!!!.
Long long time ago. A little girl lived with her mother near the woods.
Why do you uppin' this thread?
I can`t deny the fact that my shit of this morning gave me relief.
59 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 12:59 ID:NdYGwOCQ
rounger is dust!!
>>54 You are stupid dumbshit goddam motherfucker!!!!!!
Thank you. I love you. I needs you.
64 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 13:05 ID:MCfDgQY.
i need you
You are my destiny
look at mail ran please.
I dig you
こんなもんの英語くらいのほうが外人には通じる。 大学で外国人と喋ってると痛感する。
69 :
HBB :02/04/30 13:08 ID:???
>>55 Are you going to talk about 'the Big Dipper'?
70 :
mannyuu :02/04/30 13:16 ID:/ly5RxyY
Show me the money!!!
free sleep
fuck me!!!!
Good lack!!
I guess the good sure for this sure. sure is sredd. Not sure. I don't understand my wards.
78 :
77 :02/04/30 13:33 ID:???
∧||∧ ( ⌒ ヽ ∪ ノ ∪∪
81 :
77 :02/04/30 13:36 ID:???
82 :
mannyuu :02/04/30 13:36 ID:/ly5RxyY
83 :
殺助 :02/04/30 13:37 ID:idSVAeNQ
live is beautiful!
a lot of
What color is korosuke's blood?
hey,fuckin` loosers,get the party started!
90 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 13:43 ID:titvZCn6
ワニタスわにで何動物円でっか? 日本語のほうは5匹やねん
What are you doing?
I found the same sure in Hobo.
She always wants my money.
I found kitigai in 90.
I look pale・・・must die.
>>94 Your message looks like N88BASIC.
97 :
mannyuu :02/04/30 13:46 ID:/ly5RxyY
>>84 life is
lives are
living is
99 :
mannyuu :02/04/30 13:46 ID:/ly5RxyY
having my piriod.
>>90 English(or roma ji) please! boooooo!!
No. It's me.
104 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 13:48 ID:titvZCn6
わじじせいじす あのああのあ ふななふなな
I say you all mad don't you understand? HAHA
Oh! I got 100!! I`m god!
109 :
mannyuu :02/04/30 13:51 ID:/ly5RxyY
"Camus" is how meaning?
>>107 I can't understand over five words.
dareka honnyaku saito osiete yo!!
113 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 13:56 ID:titvZCn6
>>112 first,h,t,t,p,colon・・・slash,slash
ID:titvZCn6's thinking is something wrong.
gay guy in my town
120 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 14:00 ID:rfXiELT.
Are there Somebody that speak nice English?
121 :
mannyuu :02/04/30 14:01 ID:/ly5RxyY
>>118 What?
I`m bibiri. gakugakuburubru.
123 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 14:02 ID:titvZCn6
あげ推奨と言うよりも、ストロングバイと はっきり書いてるし5日もあるしね。 その辺日本とわべっちゃね
125 :
mannyuu :02/04/30 14:04 ID:/ly5RxyY
>>121 Take it easy. Just only a fan-site.
A drowningman will catch at a straw.
I find kitty Guy
>>127 R・・Realy? I believe you.
132 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 14:10 ID:titvZCn6
fearzipainnOSssadoOSssaDO HUhiohoho
It doesn't understand English.
135 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 14:11 ID:titvZCn6
berinoizukomingtip ohohoohoho
138 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 14:11 ID:titvZCn6
139 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 14:12 ID:Wry4FCuw
eigosyaberemasenn koresaikyou
140 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 14:12 ID:titvZCn6
It is cold today.
>>136 i know it. it is good!!
i feel like raining soon in fukuoka
fuck my hole!
it seems like raining in tokyo
>>136 Sii is pretty very much.
don`t let me get you ass hole!
>>147 As for Hokkaidou, it is raining already.
>>136 cute.
>>137 You are liar!!
>>139 sikasi kaiwanimo tuiteikenai kikenwo tomonau
152 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 14:18 ID:Q3tZjNSg
go to heaven !!
153 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 14:20 ID:titvZCn6
ようrそっきんBALLHOLL ちんじゃらカクヘンゼロ戦ぼん
let me like or love somabody...
155 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 14:21 ID:titvZCn6
Osaka is cloudy
>>153 kurutteru・・・itteyosi.
The kitigai caution!!!
160 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 14:23 ID:titvZCn6
あひりASSMOVE ossannmyhead でもなあ
yokohama is cloudy too.and winds are very strong.
162 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 14:24 ID:xvW6v.42
>>151 I think 剣 is TSURUIGI
i think ken is takakura
164 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 14:25 ID:xvW6v.42
miss type. I am dying.
>>161 I live in the Kanagawa Prefecture Yokohama city Kanagawa ward.
I think ken is Simura.
167 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 14:32 ID:titvZCn6
はげぎのふみえはやめたんか やすつき ホールあんど刑事コロンブストップさん
168 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 14:34 ID:titvZCn6
コロンブスよりホラあの陰脳島きて どうせそのおっさん偉いひとだと
169 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 14:35 ID:W.AvIPcY
My dog is cat.
>>162 Sorry. maybe TSURUGI is correct.
I think KEN is NAOKO.
172 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 14:37 ID:titvZCn6
なんとかでなんとかみたった。 わかるやろ
174 :
CEL :02/04/30 14:38 ID:OhdSzZPs
175 :
JAC :02/04/30 14:39 ID:???
176 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 14:39 ID:titvZCn6
yourline is not. lookin korekuta itaria
177 :
JAC :02/04/30 14:40 ID:YZrILK6k
178 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 14:41 ID:/ly5RxyY
180 :
b :02/04/30 14:42 ID:aV0Ka1Gg
182 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 14:42 ID:Km8pHhHg
My dog yelps like cat (maji / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ | mew 〜 !! \_____ _____ |/ ∧,,∧ ミ゚Д゚#ミ (ミ ミ) ミ ミ〜 . ∪ ∪
184 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 14:43 ID:rfXiELT.
mail mailer mailist
185 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 14:44 ID:titvZCn6
komegettaroundpeople sleepwalkyourhead gunyanagunyanya rolling fffrog
muneo hisyo tai-ho
187 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 14:45 ID:/ly5RxyY
Oh! pretty cat!
188 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 14:46 ID:titvZCn6
oumfuckingaiana daianakopycat
189 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 14:48 ID:rfXiELT.
Yo Yo Yo Yo! Do The Hasso!!
Au revoir!
Let's go for a drive and have some fun!!
194 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 14:53 ID:/ly5RxyY
______ | |.| ∧∧ =====(,,゚Д゚)∩= |_|.⊂ ノ / 0 し´ ↓ \ Is here kuso sure? /  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄V ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ∧∧ ∧∧ __._ ∩゚Д゚,≡,゚Д゚) |.| `ヽ |)==== | _ |〜 .|__|.| U U ↓ ∧∧ ミ _ dosu! ( ,,)┌─┴┴─┐ / つ. THE END │ 〜′ /´ └─┬┬─┘ ∪ ∪ ││ _ε3 ゛゛'゛'゛
YOSAKOI let's dance at all.
196 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 14:54 ID:/ly5RxyY
↑good job!!
___ / ̄  ̄ヽ γ⌒、 /⌒ 、 || ●| ,-、 | ●|| / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ λ ヽ`-´ノ ノノ < i am a penguin ゝ__  ̄ __ノ´ \_____ γ /  ̄ ̄ ヽ`、 / / ヽヽ || | | | | || | | | | | | |λ ノ | | ゝ、 / _| |、. \ ` ̄ ,,,ゝ _____ノ ヽ`` ̄´ ( 人 `) ゝ―--―〆 ゝ―--― ゙
198 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 14:56 ID:/ly5RxyY
∧_∧ ( ) <♪next♪ (⊃ ⊂) | | | (__)_) ∧_∧ ( ´∀` )彡 >♪Please♪ ⊂ つ 人 Y し (_)
∧ ∧ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ( ゚Д゚)< stop the thread now !! / ̄ ̄U U ̄/|\__________ / / | | ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄ ̄| | | (‐_‐)_____| | | (∩ ∩) | / |/ no..... |/  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
/ ヽ //v| | // | | // | | _ // | 〉 \ ̄二二二\>ヽ-―-ゝ _/ \ `> > _ ヽ \\ / , -、 l。 ヽ l  ̄ ̄| l ゚| . --' ,-}/~| pichu〜♪ {ヽ  ̄ ーー1 { | / > ノ ヽノ ソ/-─┐ / `, ┬----―, ̄Y | /__/| ∨∨∨ | ̄ ̄ ̄ l /\ `>―-,―― ´ヽ | /_,_,_/ `-´
201 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 14:58 ID:/ly5RxyY
∧∧ ミ _ dosu! ( ,,)┌─┴┴─┐ / つ.restart! │ 〜′ /´ └─┬┬─┘ ∪ ∪ ││ _ε3 ゛゛'゛'゛
202 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 14:58 ID:Km8pHhHg
oh,i got 200
/ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ,__ | amen somen hiya\somen.............. / ./\ \_______________ / ./( ・ ).\ o〇 ヾ!;;;::iii|//" /_____/ .(´ー`) ,\ ∧∧ |;;;;::iii|/゙  ̄|| || || ||. |っ¢..|| ̄ (,, ) |;;;;::iii| || || || ||./,,, |ゝ iii~ ⊂ ヾwwwjjrjww!;;;;::iii|jwjjrjww〃 | ̄ ̄ ̄|~~凸( ̄)凸 ( ,,)〜 wjwjjrj从jwwjwjjrj从jr
204 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 15:00 ID:/ly5RxyY
Now!203getooooo!!  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄∨ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ∧∧ (´⌒(´ (゚Д゚;) ∩∩ (´⌒;;;≡≡≡ ⊆⊂´ ̄ ソ (´⌒(´⌒;;  ̄ ̄ ̄ zuzaaaa----!!!
>>204 ( ゚∀゚)Ahyahyahyahyahya !!!!!
∬∬∬∬∬ ∬∬○`ー´∬ <身長だけでなく人間としての器も小さいわね。
207 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 15:03 ID:So8M5q12
キタ━━━( ´∀`)・ω・) ゜Д゜)・∀・) ̄ー ̄)´_ゝ`)━━━!!!
208 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 15:06 ID:titvZCn6
英字であひゃならはらたたんにゃけんども カタカナだとなんでかなあ。そういう個差いうか 豚か。
209 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 15:06 ID:/ly5RxyY
210 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 15:08 ID:rfXiELT.
>201 Repair!
212 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 15:13 ID:/ly5RxyY
213 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 15:13 ID:titvZCn6
214 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 15:15 ID:titvZCn6
215 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 15:18 ID:/ly5RxyY
I'm tired... I'm gonna sleep!! Have a good day everybody!!
217 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 15:21 ID:yATuce8M
Oh! Your TAKEO.
218 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 15:33 ID:rfXiELT.
>>216 How get Sick, Do it!
you should suicide!
221 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 16:31 ID:6xZUgVqo
This is name sure!
223 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 17:16 ID:rfXiELT.
Where is >1?
Someone should stand in English the thread which carries out obscene conversation.
226 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 18:13 ID:2wZfZamc
Next,could you try "BOKE"?
227 :
ee大辞典 :02/04/30 18:14 ID:0TOCHOxA
Kill me.
229 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 18:21 ID:8pqb0IVM
>>225 Could you stand the thread which carries out obscene conversation in English?
230 :
kal :02/04/30 18:30 ID:???
cogito ergo sum
231 :
511 :02/04/30 18:35 ID:???
232 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 18:36 ID:YJabqqyc
233 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 18:37 ID:hGLrEDvE
i dont think therefore im not bye
234 :
511 :02/04/30 18:39 ID:???
>>89 Your spelling is wrong.
Loosers× Losers〇.
>>1 様・・・。。。
×I haven`t 名詞
○Idon't have 名詞
237 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 18:49 ID:/e1py.u2
>236様… 砕けた言い方で、>1の使い方はアリだとどこかで聞きました。
What about us ?
239 :
511 :02/04/30 18:55 ID:???
240 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 18:57 ID:kBObkgOc
☆ chin ☆ chin 〃 ∧_∧ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ヽ ___\(\・∀・)< i just have yokan of good sure \_/⊂ ⊂_)_ \____________ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/| l ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| .| | orenji bokkusu |/
>>239 YES!!Oh!!!oni-cha-nnnn!!!
244 :
鬱け者@ラウンジ :02/04/30 19:00 ID:xEjDD0bI
hello! everyone
my name izu "utsukemono@raunko"
>>240 yokan is very big
but yokan izu very small
245 :
511 :02/04/30 19:01 ID:???
>>243 I'm cuty&pleety&nice GIRL.
My name is SweetJapaneseSoup OSHIRUKO!!!!
247 :
511 :02/04/30 19:04 ID:???
248 :
:02/04/30 19:05 ID:???
/ /| / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
/ / ・ | < I am the greatest CHEESE-CAKE in the
>>1 .
//∀/| \
| ・ //  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Thank You!! You are nicehead!
250 :
鬱け者@ラウンジ :02/04/30 19:06 ID:xEjDD0bI
251 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 19:06 ID:rmfHwZCg
>>244 thank you bery matti!
you are my friend.
come on━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!!!!!
252 :
511 :02/04/30 19:07 ID:???
254 :
にらミ*・ヮ・ミ :02/04/30 19:08 ID:lshMTqA6
I'm cuty&pretty&nice GIRL. My name is SweetJapaneseSoup NIRA!!!!
255 :
鬱け者@ラウンジ :02/04/30 19:08 ID:xEjDD0bI
>>251 Please do not make selfishly the friend
256 :
(`Д´) ◆ZBqZMT.M :02/04/30 19:08 ID:MLAhjg4A
>>245 you are going to go to hell.
257 :
511 :02/04/30 19:09 ID:???
258 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 19:10 ID:rmfHwZCg
>>256 oh sorry....(;>_<;)e-n
259 :
258 :02/04/30 19:12 ID:rmfHwZCg
260 :
鬱け者@ラウンジ :02/04/30 19:12 ID:xEjDD0bI
2 Channel is funny very, is. But, average spiritual age is too low That it is the cause channel 2 being funny
261 :
(`Д´) ◆ZBqZMT.M :02/04/30 19:13 ID:MLAhjg4A
262 :
鬱け者@ラウンジ :02/04/30 19:13 ID:xEjDD0bI
You like me.
this thread is so difficult to me.
265 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 19:15 ID:rmfHwZCg
>>262 thank you bery matti!
i love you.
i am man
you are woman?
266 :
鬱け者@ラウンジ :02/04/30 19:16 ID:xEjDD0bI
>>265 no,
i am man
but I lavu U
267 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 19:19 ID:rmfHwZCg
really???? could you hold me? i have very big Gun. it is like a bazooka canon.
268 :
にらミ*・ヮ・ミ :02/04/30 19:20 ID:lshMTqA6
269 :
511 :02/04/30 19:20 ID:???
every one!! padinn
271 :
鬱け者@ラウンジ :02/04/30 19:21 ID:xEjDD0bI
sorry.... I don't have bazooooooooka canon but I have strong canon
272 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 19:21 ID:yx.FUQ6.
273 :
マジでワカラン :02/04/30 19:23 ID:tuhRIpOs
i am DQN.
perdon? perdon?
275 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 19:23 ID:rmfHwZCg
wow! strong canon! i am very interested it and i'd like to see it! how many times does it fire on a night?
276 :
鬱け者@ラウンジ :02/04/30 19:25 ID:xEjDD0bI
Now, it prepares discharge
278 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 19:26 ID:yx.FUQ6.
Die!! You fuck'n pedophilia.
I can not read log.
280 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 19:27 ID:rmfHwZCg
OK I am looking for yours. so I will buy hat of your canon to seven-eleven. what bland do you like? okamoto-riken?
I remember foreign ero site advertizement mail When I watch this sured.
282 :
鬱け者@ラウンジ :02/04/30 19:29 ID:xEjDD0bI
Yes. I like okamoto. but Attaching this, you cannot see the instant which the stripe uninformed, it discharges,
283 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 19:30 ID:rmfHwZCg
>>281 It is not ero sure,but true love sure!
284 :
511 :02/04/30 19:33 ID:???
True love thread? You're kidding me.
heyhey!Do you like sexy baby???
286 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 19:35 ID:rmfHwZCg
>>511 Are you angry???
( ;゜Д゜)(( ;;゜゜ДД゜゜))((( ;;;゜゜゜ДДД゜゜゜)))gaku gaku buru buru
287 :
511 :02/04/30 19:36 ID:???
>>285 No, I don't like sexy baby. But I like sexy chicks.
288 :
511 :02/04/30 19:37 ID:???
289 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 19:37 ID:rmfHwZCg
I dont want to be kidding you. Sorry.Sorry.Sorry. I am going to go some-sure-els. ByeBye.
beans intelligence warikan=Let's go dutch
291 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 19:49 ID:ZkmPAzpE
My name is JESUS I am a god
>>291 Hey!
Your lier.
Go out here.
So! wa sa biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
294 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 19:56 ID:ZkmPAzpE
>>292 Sorry
I am a god
>>294 So Cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool!!
296 :
511 :02/04/30 19:58 ID:???
Somebody call the satan.
297 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 19:59 ID:FtC5eX7w
tatoebasa konohenn miteruto hatarake to mee nosakkakudemietatosunnjann asobet souiukotoha atarimae to annsinn siteruto sokoga kodomono neessiyann de ha
298 :
ERI :02/04/30 19:59 ID:rRRxWxVk
>>294 ×I am a god
○I am a dog
299 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 19:59 ID:nDFC0tuw
>>294 You are Lier
I am realry God Of Karate !
301 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 20:02 ID:FtC5eX7w
that stripe lack tank hall anty guy wassewasse work now
I am gay
>>299 Are you Doppo Orochi?
304 :
511 :02/04/30 20:04 ID:???
>>302 What do you mean?
Happy or homo?
305 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 20:05 ID:FtC5eX7w
ninnjah nnga onite soretigai mitakunee now
306 :
294 :02/04/30 20:05 ID:ZkmPAzpE
>>298 Yes
I'm a butter dog
This SURE is sit SURE. But I'm very enjoy.
Do u like sushi? I need to sushi.
309 :
294 :02/04/30 20:11 ID:ZkmPAzpE
>>299 Realry?
I am dog of god
310 :
511 :02/04/30 20:12 ID:???
>>307 You mean "This thread is shit. But I'm enjoying very much."
Oh my god!! Electric wave coming in my hed. Help!! Help me!! ah ah ah ah ah......
312 :
511 :02/04/30 20:12 ID:???
A year after the humiliating loss of a seat it held for over 50 years, the United States won election Monday to the U.N. Human Rights Commission but so did Zimbabwe, Ukraine and China, which have poor human rights records. The 54-member U.N. Economic and Social Council approved an uncontested slate of candidates from Western nations that included the United States.
314 :
307 :02/04/30 20:15 ID:???
>>310 Oh! Thank you so mach
You're wise man,and I'm very stupid man.
315 :
:02/04/30 20:16 ID:???
I want to play with you on HANGAME !
Now, the lounge board is flying.
I like othello. play now?
318 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 20:18 ID:4YAwtlPg
song knackle cotton Yo real
>>1 yact keel tech let
319 :
511 :02/04/30 20:20 ID:???
320 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 20:28 ID:FtC5eX7w
ないnY かっこつけつけ ぼいにんぐ 春の空 I UNNDOUSTAND
322 :
511 :02/04/30 20:44 ID:???
324 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 20:51 ID:FtC5eX7w
ekaki bon ototate zenereesi je desunode unn
326 :
307 :02/04/30 20:56 ID:???
I was born in Tokyo,and I was grow up in HIP HOP. YO!
come in━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━n!!!!
329 :
511 :02/04/30 20:59 ID:???
>>326 Dude! Can I have your autograph?
330 :
307 :02/04/30 21:05 ID:???
Fuck me.
Suck my fuckin' dick.
What does this sred mean? I can't understand.
名スレの予感 I feel that the thread will be a great one. The thread will be successful.
337 :
511 :02/04/30 21:15 ID:???
>>334 My advice to you is that you should ask some gay people to do your action.
Fly me to the moon〜♪
You had better cut your suck ! Could I cut it ?
342 :
511 :02/04/30 21:30 ID:???
>340 The endinig theam of Evangelion
344 :
511 :02/04/30 21:34 ID:???
I'm so tired I can't sleep I'm a liar and a thief Sit and drink Pennyroyal Tea I'm anemic royalty
345 :
343 :02/04/30 21:36 ID:???
endinig > ending .....I will go to hell
>>345 i let you go to hell.
>>345 Do you know this song is not only The endinig theam of Evangelion but olso old song?
348 :
511 :02/04/30 21:46 ID:???
This thread was established to clarify and ridicule stupidity of 2CHer as well as develop not only abilities of person who had set up this thread but also ones of everyone joining this thread. Communication is not important here because of character of 2CH.
kono sure yondete hazukasii
351 :
349 :02/04/30 21:51 ID:???
incorrect:as well as develop correct:as well as to develop ....I shall die...
>>347 No!
「UNIX Fash」・・・・
354 :
353 :02/04/30 22:10 ID:???
>>353 Oh! my god
× UNIX Fash
○ UNIX Flash
I will go to hell・・・・・
>>354 Don't mind!
you are under20old?
356 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 23:30 ID:hGLrEDvE
hi everybody you all suck
357 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 23:33 ID:e3EZoj1c
pig is mine. ( ゚Д゚)uma-
what a shitty thread here is!
359 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 23:36 ID:e3EZoj1c
まいどーたーいずべりーきつきつまんこ! えぶりないとふぃーばー! しゃるうぃーだんす?
360 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 23:37 ID:Pu5hqMrc
>>358 ∧_∧ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
( ´∀`)< you,too.
( ) \_____
| | |
my ass also can speak english.
363 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 23:40 ID:e3EZoj1c
∧_∧ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ( ´∀`)< me,too. ( ) \_____ | | | (__)_)
Hanshin Tigers will win World Series
368 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 23:43 ID:e3EZoj1c
´ ・ ω ・ `ショボーン
manco chinco
>>360 It is impossible to translate writing in this thread completely
because some of writing has fatal syntax error or incorrect spelling
which bring us confusion when we translate from English to Japanese.
372 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 23:45 ID:jhouk5nw
373 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 23:46 ID:3WlT46ME
Buying INGOT@4gp
375 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 23:47 ID:jhouk5nw
Leak am a boy.
376 :
17, Saga City, Saga Prefecture :02/04/30 23:47 ID:hGLrEDvE
>>370 Could you please suck my dick?
378 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 23:50 ID:jhouk5nw
you are a KITCHEN !!
379 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 23:51 ID:e3EZoj1c
kinen write!
382 :
名無しさん? :02/04/30 23:53 ID:e3EZoj1c
Please fack me
>>378 KITCHEN?
what's mean?
>>383 I suppose it means "厨房".
385 :
(:´⊆`.:) :02/05/01 00:03 ID:2HvWJlXc
minasan konnichiwa
But, incorrect spelling is not always incorrect. In 2ch, some incorrect spellings often turn into correct spelling. We call them "2ch words." Sometimes, "2ch words", which are naturally incorrect spellings, have the majority toward correct spelling in 2ch.
389 :
名無しさん? :02/05/01 00:09 ID:hcnVKUA6
oit.uwa under why hyun
390 :
名無しさん? :02/05/01 00:10 ID:/HZxL5jw
Hi there we're in May now.
391 :
age :02/05/01 00:23 ID:VHUNz7MY
The owner of the cafe had a heart attack. I worry abput him.
392 :
391 :02/05/01 00:29 ID:???
oops! I wanted to write 'age' in the box for mail address instead of the one for name. I'm gonna die...
394 :
名無しさん? :02/05/01 00:35 ID:hcnVKUA6
why dont we sellmynary school is not? ther ther yham yham pupupi dau up AGE
>>394 sellmynary ?
Anyway、pupupi dau>warata
do you determine which age or sage?
This is,what you call, one of good sured.
I feel like a depression. Let's kill myself.
399 :
名無しさん? :02/05/01 01:52 ID:hcnVKUA6
nano desperreineetyan desutinnjakky drunk speed yuutta
>>398 Do yourself,all right?
401 :
名無しさん? :02/05/01 02:10 ID:Z0.3BmPA
Is there anyone who know the web sites which help people fall asleep ?
┌┬┬┬┐ ―――┴┴┴┴┴―――――、 . . /  ̄ ̄ ̄//. ̄ ̄| || ̄ ̄ ̄||| ̄ || __________ ./ ∧// ∧ ∧| || ||| || / [/____(゚_//[ ].゚Д゚,,) ||___||| || < We pick 1 up! . ||_. * _|_| ̄ ̄ ∪|.|. |ヽ.__|| \__________ . lO|o―o|O゜.|二二 |.| Psychiatry || .| ∈口∋ ̄_l__l⌒l_|___|_l⌒l._||  ̄ ̄`ー' ̄ `ー' `ー' `ー'
404 :
名無しさん? :02/05/01 02:17 ID:hcnVKUA6
もれ EVERYSWING あnyぼでい 手stよう へ?
406 :
401 :02/05/01 02:20 ID:Z0.3BmPA
>>406 you're welcome.(´∀`)y─┛~~~~any time〜
408 :
mannyuu :02/05/01 14:02 ID:Wku4sUHU
Hi!I`m 1. I`m surprised at resu number in this sure. thank you for many resus. Hope age.
I like this sure.
May I have excrement?
412 :
KKC :02/05/01 14:14 ID:???
You is a big fool man. Hahahaha.
415 :
mannyuu :02/05/01 14:17 ID:Wku4sUHU
>>409 Thank you.
>>410 oreha ito honnyakusitemo ito dattayo.
Did you watch "Afternoon○○as hard as possible TV"?
417 :
jony :02/05/01 14:26 ID:tDVn1kmc
hollo!!everyone.nice to meet you. exciting?
419 :
:02/05/01 14:29 ID:???
(\ \\ (\\ \\\ (\\\\ (\\\\\ \\ ||| ( ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\ | ⊂⊃  ̄ ̄( ̄ ̄//// ̄\ ∧ ∧ / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  ̄(//// ̄\\( ゜Д゜) < 氏ねやカス共 ゴルァ !! ".;": (/(/// ̄(つ つ \_____________ ".;": (/(/| \\ .;".;": ..;".;;: (/((/ ∧|\\ .;".;": ..;.;".; .;".;": .. ; ∪ ∪ \\ .;".;": ..;.;". .;".;" .;".; \\ ゴ オ ォ ォ …… ! ! \\ ;": ..;.;".;": .;".;": _.;.;__ \\ ド カ ァ ン ! .;".;": ..;.;".; ζ /_.;_/| .;".;"_ \\ .;".;.;".;": .;".;": ..;.;".;": ;:'.;| ΓΓ | |;":从へ_/| \\.;".;"_.;__..: 从へ从へへ从 ; ζ | Γ从 | |;:.. |从Γ | | \\ ∠___/| ( ⌒( ⌒ ) ζ | 从Γ | |.:;. |从Γζ.;"._ \\|ΓΓΓ| | ( ⌒ ⌒ ⌒ ); | ΓΓ | |.;;::|ΓΓ | | ( 从へ;: |从ΓΓ| | Σ( ⌒( ⌒ ) ζ ( ( ) )⌒ ) ( 从へ从)_.;;:.;|Γ从Γ| | ( (( ( ⌒ )) ) 从 Σ( ⌒( 从へ从) ∠___/| Σ (( ( ⌒ )) ) )(( ⌒ ( 从へ从) .;".;:;|ΓΓΓ| | (( ⌒ ( ( ) )⌒ );:; .;".;": ..;.;".;":|从ΓΓ| |
fuck me
>>421 lヽ
l 」∧_∧
‖( ゚∀゚ ) go!
⊂ つ
人 Y
Hello, everyone!
>>424 lヽ
l 」∧_∧
‖( ゚∀゚ ) YOU are daid!
⊂ つ
人 Y
shame on u its embarrasing lah
/⌒\ ( ) | | / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ | |< 英語なんてやめてモコーリしようよ。 ( ・∀・) \_________ ) ( (__Y_)
>429 Get away!
>>430 /⌒\
( )
| | / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
| |< モコーリ嫌い?
( ・∀・) \_________
) (
>431 No! You're cut!
433 :
mannyuu :02/05/01 14:46 ID:Wku4sUHU
>>431 /⌒\
( )
| | / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
| |< Hey!! In English. Plesae!!
( ・∀・) \_________
) (
>431 lヽ l 」∧_∧ ‖( ゚∀゚ ) You cuts!!!! ⊂ つ 人 Y し(_)
You are my sunshine〜♪ My only sunsihine〜♪ You makes me happy
/⌒ ─── / ( ,,ノ____  ̄ ( ・∀・) Noooo,I'm Cut..... ) ( (__Y_)
437 :
511 :02/05/01 15:00 ID:???
/⌒\ / ( ) ―/― / | | / / | | / └.-─┘ / / / Λ_Λ .____ ( ) ( ・∀・) ( つ------ ) ( ノ ノ (__Y_) (__)_) .____ I was surprised. mou! /⌒-──┐ ( ・∀・) / . | ) ( ( ,,ノ___| (__)_)
439 :
mannyuu :02/05/01 15:01 ID:Wku4sUHU
/⌒\ / ( ) ―/― / | | / / | | / └.-─┘ / / / ∧_∧<You cuts!!!! .____ ( ) ( ・∀・) ( つ------ ) ( ノ ノ (__Y_) (__)_)
You know a lot that feeling of the woman who is not moved to tears gentle to. I want you to lead me to a smiling face by the innocent heart. Give me a tight hug hard. What song is this?
441 :
:02/05/01 20:51 ID:???
1よ 早く気づけよ 馬鹿にされてることを。
442 :
名無しさん? :02/05/01 21:53 ID:30ap15xI
i fondo manejaf of jyukainoheitaisan ouch wo
443 :
ドリル :02/05/01 21:53 ID:VSkgoa3g
good job!
445 :
名無しさん? :02/05/01 21:56 ID:hJqQp1j.
Shut a fuck up,asshole
You know it's kind of hard Just to get along today Our subject isn't cool But he fakes it anyway He may not have a clue And he may not have style But everything he lacks Well he makes up in denial So don't debate, a player straight You know he really doesn't get it anyway He's gonna play the field, and keep it real For you no way, for you no way So if you don't rate, just overcompensate At least you'll know you can always go on Ricki Lake The world needs wannabe's So do that brand new thing
Is that an elephant? No,that's a dog.
450 :
名無しさん? :02/05/02 01:43 ID:hYzedfZ6
You no mess with Lo Wang!
452 :
名無しさん? :02/05/02 01:52 ID:/p5y/DLs
I cannot understand English.
453 :
名無しさん? :02/05/02 02:09 ID:xwn1WSWA
454 :
名無しさん? :02/05/02 12:43 ID:J6Oyhtyg
I am not a England.
It Be Possible To Speak Japanese In The Good Addition And Subtraction.  ̄ ̄∨ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ∧_∧ ∧_∧ (・∀・∩)(∩・∀・) (つ 丿 ( ⊂) ( ヽノ ヽ/ ) し(_) (_)J
A long long てぃむぽ
458 :
mannyuu :
02/05/02 21:49 ID:c2crFY1Y I worry about shunnsuke`s injury.
>>441 ,
>>456 ,
>>457 English or roma ji plesae!!!ahooo!