
472Jotaro:01/11/16 13:07 ID:dtX9IvI4
We can easily now the lebel of EnglishEducation of Japan.
Mmmm,not bad,not bad.
I think it`s important to even think by English,so
we can make progress more.
Cheer Up guys! I pray for U,cause that will make this country
more global&cosmopolitic....
473Jotaro:01/11/16 13:09 ID:dtX9IvI4
Sorry,'now'in the 1st line should be'know'.
My mistake,[I`m depressed.I have to die...(Hahaha)]
474どこまでも名無しさん:01/11/16 13:09 ID:???
>>472 U're cool! I love you. xoxo
475どこまでも名無しさん:01/11/16 13:12 ID:???
476どこまでも名無しさん:01/11/16 13:12 ID:???
hello, having fan?
i wanna kill myself as soon as possible
477475:01/11/16 13:14 ID:???
478どこまでも名無しさん:01/11/16 13:14 ID:???
what you mean?
anyway speak in english
479どこまでも名無しさん:01/11/16 13:15 ID:???
wow are you hiroyuki?
i'm glad to see you!!
480どこまでも名無しさん:01/11/16 13:18 ID:???
can't U readin Japanese&english?
481477:01/11/16 13:18 ID:???
bye bye
482どこまでも名無しさん:01/11/16 13:20 ID:???
I Japans Engrihi NO
483どこまでも名無しさん:01/11/16 13:21 ID:???
>>482 ...what?
484endless name-none:01/11/16 13:45 ID:???
hi,guys. how do you do? well I'm no bad.
today is fine, very good.
however i'll sleepin' of day now.
then see U later,to night.
485どこまでも名無しさん:01/11/16 13:52 ID:???
I can speake ltle English.
486傍迷惑なあげまん:01/11/16 18:42 ID:???
Oh,here is hot ! I feel good thread.....
487nameless foreverly:01/11/16 18:53 ID:???
i got cold...
488どこまでも名無しさん:01/11/16 21:44 ID:???
Team Poe is so cool!
489どこまでも名無しさん:01/11/16 22:00 ID:M+4PBGuz

I'll be kosling my team poe so that I could shoot my seysee into my mother's face!
490どこまでも名無しさん:01/11/16 22:06 ID:???
How can I make my team-poe bigger?
491どこまでも名無しさん:01/11/16 22:08 ID:vwMuUO6r
You should understand fuck'n Jap!
492どこまでも名無しさん:01/11/16 22:16 ID:???
Shut your face, you racist!
We all love kosling team-poe, don't we?
493どこまでも名無しさん:01/11/16 22:43 ID:???
Long live, masturbation!!
494どこまでも名無しさん:01/11/16 23:02 ID:???
Hellooooooo!! Nice to meeeet yooooooou!!!!
I'm woman worker, 27 years old♪(#⌒〇⌒#)Grin
Weeeeeell, I want mailing-pals verrrrrry much,
and, as I seek for them (◎_◎) surprisingly!
I found this cool thread of >>1 !!!! (^o^)//"""Clap Clap
So, I couldn't help writing (o^v^o) EhHehHeh
Will you be a mailing-pal of mine? (*^-^*)
Oh, you won't? (;¬_¬) NOoooooOoooOoOooooOoo!
If you won't, then (`_)乂(_´) FIGHT!
☆○(゜ο゜)o PUNCH!! ☆(゜o(○=(゜ο゜)o BANG!!
(☆o☆) AHHHH! (@_@;) I've beaten! (o__)o Agh
(+_+) I'm fainting now...
Well,(#⌒▽⌒#)I am this kind σ(^_^) of person.
And, please m(__)m be a friend of mine ♪('-'*) Fufu
495どこまでも名無しさん:01/11/16 23:11 ID:???

foreigner can't read 2byte word
so I think they can't read their face_mark
496494:01/11/16 23:17 ID:???
Oh shit!
497 :01/11/17 06:33 ID:???
498どこまでも名無しさん:01/11/17 14:00 ID:HLD11GfL
What the hell is this?
499mashi:01/11/17 14:03 ID:???

English please
500どこまでも名無しさん:01/11/17 14:05 ID:???
This is a pen.
501戦車兵:01/11/17 14:06 ID:???
I am #1's sperm, sir! (Salute! Crack!)
To be precise, I am the 2536512584521st spermatozoon produced in #1's seminal vesicle today, sir!
According to my superiors, our fleet is always gushed out into tissues, never have experienced actual fighting...What a shame!
Oh! Now again Mr. #1 seems begin jerking off, sir!
How many times does he do that today?
Does Mr. #1 have nothing to do but masturbate?
Ah! What is more he is now trying to erect our Admiral Timpo, sir!
Poor Admiral Timpo is very exhausted...But Mr.#1 overworks him. (Tear
What is more, the admiral doesn't get cleansed. Now he is covered with dusts, sir. (Weeeen! Weeeen!)
A siren is wailing, sir! It seems my turn comes soon, sir!
Oh, but it's too fast, sir!! (Bitter smile
Our battleship is swinging badly, sir!!! She swings...from right to the left...
Oh just now General Cowper in the vanguard slowly moves with solemn air. His face looks as if he accepted his fate....
"Hey, boys, follow me soon...." Oh, General!!
He has gone, sir. Next will be our squadron's turn. (Weeeen! Weeeen!)
(Admiral Timpo: [Emergency! Emergency! Sailing order to Great General Akadama!])
What!! I cannot believe it. He, the ultimate weapon of our fleet is now...
Without any actual fighting, our fleet is vanishing, sir!
"Fall iiiiinnnnnnnnnnnn!!!" (Cracccckkkk!!!)
Behind me is Great General Akadama. I may be the last private.
But, but Admiral Timpo is only seventeen years old too.
Does that mean our fleet is a defective article...?
"The 2561567464th squadron, No. 2536512584521!!"
Ay, ay, sir!!!!

Good-by everyone. My time has come!!
Although I am not to be used in the actual fighting, I am determined to fly as far as 10 meters long, proudly, with my head held high, sir!
Now I can see the light, sir...All right! Let's goooooo!!!!!
502どこまでも名無しさん:01/11/17 14:08 ID:GniUbnJ+
I will go to English school at 5
503どこまでも名無しさん:01/11/17 14:10 ID:???
You forget me...
504どこまでも名無しさん:01/11/17 14:11 ID:???
Hi Nancy !
505どこまでも名無しさん:01/11/17 14:14 ID:LTg6U93x
506戦車兵:01/11/17 14:15 ID:???

Do not speak Japanese!!!!!!!!!!!
507どこまでも名無しさん:01/11/17 15:53 ID:???
I wish I were a bird.
508どこまでも名無しさん:01/11/17 18:56 ID:OS6iNwi7
I'm Laughin'
509どこまでも名無しさん:01/11/17 20:05 ID:UhJ82Dlh
I WANNA age.
510ムンクさん。:01/11/17 20:19 ID:cUSRT4aT
I have to AGE.
You have to write something here.
511どこまでも名無しさん:01/11/17 20:37 ID:???
512 :01/11/17 21:13 ID:???
turtle response
513どこまでも名無しさん:01/11/17 23:18 ID:???
Hey wuzup, boy? It's getting sagely.
Com'on and join us!
Write something just to age it!
514mercurochrome:01/11/17 23:20 ID:???
515どこまでも名無しさん:01/11/17 23:27 ID:FcDglM77
my pleasure!
516じぷしー名無しさん:01/11/18 03:09 ID:???
517じぷしー名無しさん:01/11/18 03:12 ID:alB1QeUs
I am No Name san!!
Here is a 2ch!
It is in Japanese in best BBS!
This captain is "HIROYUKI"!
He is a man.

But here is tyubou is very very more!
518じぷしー名無しさん:01/11/18 03:14 ID:alB1QeUs
519じぷしー名無しさん:01/11/18 03:31 ID:bE+7e7IK
Mr.Brown, bananas are stickin' out of your ears.....
520じぷしー名無しさん:01/11/18 05:33 ID:G+fdKozM
forced ID (゚д゚)not gooooood
I don't care forced ID!