1 F
ǂ܂ł F
01/10/21 08:34 ID:???
2 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/21 08:36 ID:???
3 F
fragile F01/10/21 08:38 ID:s6aQXQ4M
4 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/21 08:39 ID:???
5 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/21 08:40 ID:???
6 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/21 08:42 ID:???
7 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/21 08:44 ID:???
8 F
\ F01/10/21 08:46 ID:???
yȃm̕邶BR(L[`) @@
9 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/21 08:51 ID:???
10 F
@@ F01/10/21 09:09 ID:???
The Final Results... Your IQ was by this test estimated to: 157
11 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/21 09:10 ID:???
The Final Results... Your IQ was by this test estimated to: 84 Remark: A bit below Average (100) 肠܂H@H
12 F
`|`[jO悤I F01/10/21 09:10 ID:iqh8HN6z
܂AT 1 ɉău[Xg̃x߂܂B邱Ƃ āA`|̍őn͂ƍőgNAsXg̑xщx ܂܂Bɋʑ܂ 40 قǝŁA`|̃MA܂B `|̃sXg^ 3 ɃVtgAbvۂɗʉ]ȂȂ ߁Ał̃Xs[h̏肪悭Ȃ܂B̎qɊ܂B ɁA`|̃RpEhidj܂Bw\̏ɂc{ 2 ق ĉB`|̍dɂ߂܂BƂŃObv͂܂ ̂ŁA`|ɑ}Ƃ̉肪Ȃ܂BĂāA܂ oA`|̃Lo[p܂傤BLo[pƂ́AGNg `|猩Ƃ̕ƃ`|̊px̂Ƃ܂BLo[p L߂Ă݂܂傤B`|EɓƂɃ`|ɑĖ 悤ɂȂ邽߁AObv͂܂܂BRpEhƃLo[pŃObv ͂߂̂łBꂪ~\łB̓ChEnChAȂ킿`|̒ łBȂׂ܂傤B`|邱ƂɂāAsXg^ 萫IɐLт܂BA܂LƃA_[XeAȂA sɂȂ܂̂ŁA̓_ӂĉBł͍ŌɁA`|E _EtH[X̒܂傤B@̑OɗA̗ǂʼnB CJɂ͂͂荂sXgKvłBnCXs[hEsXgׂ̈ɂA _EtH[X\Ȍ茸炷悤ɂĉB AŃ`[jO͊łB͎Ă݂邾łBꂪ{ ̃`|Ȃ̂ƋƂɂȂƎv܂I
13 F
P F01/10/21 09:23 ID:???
14 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/21 09:23 ID:UqiUaEcO
@@@ ȁ@ @@@@@@^PPPPPPPPP |PPi ߄D)PP|@@@@@@@QII |_܁܁܁܁܁܁_ @@_ |@ _ @@@@@ @ @ _ @@PPPPPPPPP _@ b܁܁܁܁܁܁b @ _ |QQQQQQQ|
15 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/21 09:25 ID:???
The Final Results... Your IQ was by this test estimated to: 7 Remark: Hmmm... I guess you didn't even bother try...
16 F
10 F01/10/21 09:26 ID:???
17 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/21 09:33 ID:???
First, T It turns to 1 and the level of BUSUTO is raised. It carries out like this. Therefore, the speed and acceleration of increase and a piston It rises. [ the maximum horsepower of CHIMPO, and the maximum torque ] Next, ʑ 40 times are rubbed and the gear ratio of CHIMPO is made small. this Piston movement of CHIMPO The ball rotation which falls when a shift rise is carried out at 3 decreases. a sake -- inside -- riding of speed becomes good A girl is pleased with such a direction. Next, party UNDO (hardness) of CHIMPO is adjusted. Jar on HESO Like 2 times Please push. The hardness of CHIMPO is loosened a little. If it carries out like this, grip power will increase by . The skid when inserting CHIMPO in a hole is lost. now -- now -- so far -- If it can do, let's adjust the KYAMBA angle of CHIMPO. With a KYAMBA angle, it stands erect. The thing of the belly when seeing CHIMPO carried out from width and the angle of CHIMPO is said. KYAMBA angle Let's spread a few. When moving CHIMPO to right and left, CHIMPO sticks to a hole. Since it becomes like, grip power increases. It grips on party UNDO and a KYAMBA square. Power is heightened. This is bean paste. the next -- RAIDO Hyde's, i.e., CHIMPO length's, adjustment it is . If possible, let's lengthen. By lengthening CHIMPO, it is piston movement. Stability is extended by leaps and bounds. however, understeering becomes it strong to lengthen too much not much -- keep in mind only the point that an action becomes unstable Then, finally let's adjust a CHIMPO down force. Please stand in front of an electric fan and read the flow of a wind. be funky in a woman -- a high-speed piston is required for too Please reduce a down force as much as possible also for a high speed piston. Tuning is perfect at and this. The rest is only tried. This is truly. I think that it will be surprised in whether it is its CHIMPO!
18 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/21 09:38 ID:???
19 F
ot 4xFuTABA F01/10/21 09:39 ID:GzCcSR2k
The Final Results... Your IQ was by this test estimated to: 168 Remark: 100 is the average
20 F
ot 4xFuTABA F01/10/21 09:41 ID:GzCcSR2k
21 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/21 09:42 ID:???
22 F
ot 4xFuTABA F01/10/21 09:44 ID:GzCcSR2k
23 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/21 09:51 ID:???
The Final Results... Your IQ was by this test estimated to: 150 Remark: 100 is the average ŜɁ` σJ
24 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/21 09:55 ID:zL2ILgQX
The Final Results... Your IQ was by this test estimated to: 91 Remark: Average ̂ɁEE
25 F
( ߄D)ʧ? F01/10/21 09:56 ID:4Pq4Qi+5
154āBܰB 20炢B
26 F
>20 F01/10/21 09:57 ID:4Pq4Qi+5
27 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/21 09:58 ID:???
28 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/21 09:58 ID:???
29 F
ot 4xFuTABA F01/10/21 09:59 ID:GzCcSR2k
30 F
Tokitaka F01/10/21 10:22 ID:1BdvfXqM
The Final Results... Your IQ was by this test estimated to: 115 Remark: A bit better than the average (100) [I
31 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/21 10:31 ID:???
32 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/21 10:35 ID:sfBrfCne
39ڂǂĂ킩B vZ͑vǁAAt@xbgȂBB
33 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/21 10:42 ID:???
34 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/21 10:48 ID:???
The Final Results... Your IQ was by this test estimated to: 136 Remark: 100 is the average
35 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/21 10:50 ID:???
36 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/21 10:52 ID:???
>>31 ߂ƎvB
37 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/21 10:59 ID:???
>>33 TL[
38 F
W[C IQO01mdA F01/10/21 11:01 ID:jFbs/ljx
39 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/21 11:03 ID:???
40 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/21 11:08 ID:???
41 F
@@ F01/10/21 11:18 ID:6a4RZK4o
The Final Results... Your IQ was by this test estimated to: 256 Remark: 100 is the average
42 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/21 11:41 ID:???
Your IQ was by this test estimated to: 126 [Ԃɂ͑SRƂȂc Ɏ}l킩eXgł
The Final Results... Your IQ was by this test estimated to: 140 Remark: 100 is the average
44 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/21 14:21 ID:???
PPPPPPPP| @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @| @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @| @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @| @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @| @@ @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ ^Ё@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@/@@@ j@@@@ @ @@@@@@@ @@ @@@@@@@@@^ @ R^@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@.^^@@ @ Ɂ@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ /^@@@ ^ @@@@@ ^@@@ ^@| @@@@ /@i_@ R @ @| @@ @ Ɂ@/@_@_@..| @@ ^@m@@@_@j .| @@@^@@@ @/@/@ | @ @ @ @ @@@l@/@@| .@@@@@@ @ /@@ | @ @ @ @@ @ (QP
45 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/21 14:52 ID:???
Ƶ The Final Results... Your IQ was by this test estimated to: 171 Remark: 100 is the average
46 F
閧} F01/10/21 21:18 ID:???
The Final Results... Your IQ was by this test estimated to: 193 Remark: 100 is the average
Your IQ was by this test estimated to: 164 Remark: 100 is the average
48 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/22 05:30 ID:???
CĂROŎԑ肸101 POljőS143 ܂߂ɂ122炢̂ȁB
49 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/22 10:56 ID:???
Your IQ was by this test estimated to: 150 O200kmē͂炩Bꂩ牼B ͂cǂԈĂ̂ǂB
51 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/22 11:26 ID:pc2onGK8
52 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/22 11:35 ID:???
cc c ̓Tɖтx̂悤łB
53 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/22 11:36 ID:???
The Final Results... Your IQ was by this test estimated to: 59 Remark: 100 is the average
54 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/22 11:37 ID:???
55 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/22 11:38 ID:???
56 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/22 11:54 ID:???
The Final Results... Your IQ was by this test estimated to: 73
57 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/22 12:13 ID:???
133Bc܂ȂłB 150Ăl̂ɋB RȂA30Ō܂łȂB
58 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/22 19:56 ID:???
59 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/23 08:47 ID:???
60 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/23 09:24 ID:???
61 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/23 09:47 ID:???
62 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/23 10:01 ID:???
63 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/23 10:03 ID:OLD+dUN0
!!!11!11!1! 2/3܂łƂŕspӂɃ^[܂yo!! 92ƂI@o܂Ă邩oȂcB
64 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/23 10:13 ID:???
65 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/23 10:19 ID:???
66 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/23 10:24 ID:???
67 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/23 10:27 ID:???
68 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/23 10:32 ID:jB62na07
The Final Results... Your IQ was by this test estimated to: 147 Remark: 100 is the average 30vĂĂ݂܂B 48.49ڂ킩
69 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/23 10:36 ID:???
The Final Results... Your IQ was by this test estimated to: 105 Remark: Average TD
70 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/23 10:40 ID:???
71 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/23 10:50 ID:???
S30ȓB ŏ̐}`EEEقƂǁAB At@xbgƐ́ArIyɍsǁB The Final Results... Your IQ was by this test estimated to: 122 Remark: 100 is the average
72 F
( L`)y~~ F01/10/23 11:03 ID:dzQ907ww
The Final Results... Your IQ was by this test estimated to: 143 Remark: 100 is the average ႤeXg̎160 mɐ}`
73 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/23 11:16 ID:???
The Final Results... Your IQ was by this test estimated to: 112 Remark: A bit better than the average (100) łPTOƂoĺH ̂ق̐}`̖S킩Ȃ ł߂ɑI
>>73 }`́AЂƂЂƂǂĂ邩蔻Ǝv̂BBB
75 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/23 11:27 ID:???
The Final Results... Your IQ was by this test estimated to: 143 Remark: 100 is the average 52,5355킩ˁ[
76 F
75 F01/10/23 11:43 ID:???
77 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/23 11:54 ID:IpcbOHpV
The Final Results... Your IQ was by this test estimated to: 119 Remark: A bit better than the average (100) ĊOႭăVbNB܂IQȂĐlԂ̔\͂40xˁB
The Final Results... Your IQ was by this test estimated to: 142 Remark: 100 is the average IQĂƋׂ͂łȂ
79 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/23 12:14 ID:???
80 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/23 12:51 ID:???
81 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/23 13:31 ID:???
82 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/23 17:22 ID:???
83 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/23 19:28 ID:???
84 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/23 20:16 ID:???
85 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/23 20:20 ID:???
86 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/23 20:22 ID:???
ꎆƃyĂ̂Bł̂͂ƂȁB ꂩAt@xbg̕яƂ{lɂ͌\̂ƎvB
87 F
SC*`) F01/10/23 20:35 ID:GZVUsw+e
The Final Results... Your IQ was by this test estimated to: 84 Remark: A bit below Average (100) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@̫ł
88 F
ǂ܂ł F01/10/23 21:12 ID:???
The Final Results... Your IQ was by this test estimated to: 126 Remark: 100 is the average 10BČĂȂB vXɓgBꂽ
89 F
ǂ܂ł F
01/10/23 21:49 ID:??? The Final Results... Your IQ was by this test estimated to: 122 Remark: 100 is the average \zȏɒm\Ă悩B