
moping...意気消沈するMoping is feeling sorry for yourself, feeling unhappy and not
doing anything to try to change it. And it sounds like Japanese uses similar phrase ,
it is a in English, "Having a tail between your legs."
It just like the dog, that either knows that done something's wrong or has been scolded.

expat...海外勤務者 < expatriate Mickey Ramires also talks about expats, that
shorts for expatriates. "Ex" means outside of, "patriate" means your country.
So expatriates are people who are living out side of their own countries.

hack it...And she mentions expats who can't hack it. "Hack it" provably two main
meanings; one is "cut" the other one is "manage successfully." In this case she is
using "Manage successfully," meaning. But she's talking about expats who can't
handle it. This word, when we talks about management, usually is used negative,
"Can't hack it."

fit in...順応するFit in is a verb that means get along with, be harmonious
with a situation or people.

come and go...人がどんどん変わる様You'd also tend to imply that they had no impact,
they have no effect on wherever they have came to or left from.

Ugly American...The phrase "Ugly American" comes from a book that was written in
1958. That was the title of the book, and it had very short stories about Anerican
and foreign countries, having and causing a lot of trouble.

dispath...派遣するIf you dispatch something, you send it or send it off,if you
dispatch a person, it's provably an official business.

be up against...If you're up against something, you're being challenged by
something or you are facing a problem or something large that difficult to

meet in person...個人的に会う、じかに会うWhen you meet someone in person,
you see them face to face or live.

go too far...over due

one of the boys...お仲間になる、同朋の士Becoming one of the boys is, or being one of
the boys means "You're very in intimately with that group.."