■スレッドたてるまでもない質問スレッドPart 3■

16.シャワーをとめてね......................................Stop the shower.
 → ?
17.体を拭きなさい(お風呂上がり)..................Wipe your body.
 → Dry your body.
18.私は20歳になった........................................I became 20 years old.
 → I turned 20 years old.
19.あなたは歳より若く見えるわね..................You look younger than your age.
→ You look younger than you really are.
20.クラスの皆さん、静かにお願いします........Quiet! Everybody in class.
→ Class, quiet please.
21.手をつなぎましょ!..........................................Let's join our hands.
→ ? (これはどういう状況なのかな。デート中の男女?)
22.今すぐそっちへいく!......................................I'm going there soon!
 → I'm coming (over) right now.
23.今日の晩ご飯は何?......................................What's dinner tonight?
 → What's for dinner tonight?
24.初めまして......................................................Nice to see you.
 → Nice to meet you.
25.あの番組を録画しましたか?........................Did you record the program?
 → Did you videotape the program?
26.彼女は着替えているわ.................................She's changing her clothes.
 → She's changing.
27.鼻の整形をした..............................................I had a plastic surgery on my nose.
→ I had a nose job.
28.彼と結婚します...............................................I marry with him.
 → I'm going to marry him.
29.テレビのコンセントを入れて.........................Please put in the consent.
→ Plug the TV, please.
30.私を車で家に送って下さい..........................Send me to my house by car.
→ Give me a ride home.
31.虫歯がある......................................................I have a decayed tooth.
→ I have a bad tooth.
32.どう思いますか?.............................................How do you think about it?
 → What do you thind about it?