::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Oats bring forth its buds in the winter ::::::::::: ::::::::::: thrusting aside needle ices to get trample down ::::::::::: | | | ::::::::::: many times‥‥‥ ::::::::::: \| | |/ ::::::::::: ::::::::::: \00/ ::::::::::: Such downtrodden oats spread its sturdy roots on the ground, ::::::::::: \00/ ::::::::::: go through the hoarfrosts and snowstorms ::::::::::: \00/ ::::::::::: to grow big, straight‥‥‥ ::::::::::: \00/ ::::::::::: later on, get ripen ample ickers ::::::::::: \00/ ::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::‖::::::/|::::: ‖/ / : (‖_/ ‖
You know, you got'ta be like those oats. We know what you are going to tell us next, "endure, and be tough" even if you get trample down" ∧_∧ 〔ヽ´∀`〕 _=∧⌒∧=_ _∧〓∧_ /\∨/\ ( ( =∀=) ) ( ( =д=) ) /_/Oヽ |/\ 丶 l ヽ l / / |\⌒)
Today, I went to the riverside BBQ with my family. But there were an important thing left behind. "Oh, my. I've forgot to bring meats. I'll go back and get it." saying so, mom went back to get meats. Dad said "Ha-ha, mother is a hasty person. I'll prepare while she going, so monar, go play for river." I thought it would be fun to swim with cat. But he didn't come into the river. He was watching me on the rock. My cat must be fear of the dog. That dog is cute like that, how come he gets being afraid of? Thinking that my cat will get feeling easy to come and play swimming, by seeing me and the dog becoming friendly, I came up to the dog in the river. But in the way of it, when I turned around to my cat, he wasn't be there. It's seemed to be he had drawned. I rushed to resque him, but when I managed to save my cat, the dog had went to somewhere already. After a while, mom came back bringing meats and somehow fishes. BBQ was already prepared to start, so we grilled and eat them. My cat was looking at us with hankerring eyes for it, so I helped sharing with it. How come it 's so delisious when we eat at outside? Today, I had a very happy time.
Today, I had to follow going BBQ after the Monars. Why do they go far place just for eating ? It's totally disunderstandable. And adding to that, Monar's foolish mother forget to bring the meat.relax in the sun When I was lost what to say about that, Monar told me "Let's go and play in the river" hauling my tail against my will. Monar was so high-handed in pulling my tail, Afraiding my tail get shred, I had to obey following him. I was plannning to relax in the sun leisurely, that's was too much.
When I thought that I should brush him off to play till he gets tired, what I'd found was a zonu! I'll be sure to get mugged if I swimming like this place. I decided to never go into the river water. Monar, making some misunderstandings whichever I don't care, came up to the zonu saying "Don't be worry. Just watch me." Sitting on the rock, I thought I'd observe Monar get upstaged by zonu from here. I'm still repenting on that I should'nt move away from the rock. It was huge mistake to get into the water in order to see the Monar get byten by zonu being plucked four limbs and get drenched in blood. I don't know why but Monar came buck in a rush. Did he think I was going to drawn? It was a big near miss. He has the luck of the devilis. I already lost the figure of the zonu when I became aware of that.
After a while his mother came back. I breathe again, thinking that finally I could be free from tedious time after BBQ would be over. I snatched some foods while they broiling them. I have a right to do this. My meal is always awful. At any rate, the meat was seemed to be fairly good for the Monars. If they are rich enough to do so, they could treat me more decent foods every day.
Wha what a terible ∧〓∧ (lll´Д`) //// ○ ∧_∧ _______ ε (彡Д:彡)二二))):::::) ゚。ヽ (::::(二二)))::::) ̄ ̄。゚  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Again, hanking for water‥‥‥ when getting burn, anyone needs water _______ :|≡≡ ∧)))∧≡| (puff and blow water‥‥‥ ∧〓∧ |≡≡((((:=:Д): | give me water ( ´д) |≡≡≡)::::::( ≡ | ( ○ |≡ /| |∨∨|ヽ |
\\\ Hot dog, I find a good messtin ∧〓∧ _________________________________( ´∀`)__________________________________________________ (ノ巛(ゞ巛ヘ/ソソへ巛(ゞ(つ⊂二⊃( (\ \巛ヘへヽ(ミノ巛(ゞ巛ヘ/ソ ヘ)ミノ>>》>ソへ巛(ゞソヾ)(_ | ──| 巛(_)(ゞミノ>>》>ソへ巛(ゞソへ巛  ̄ ̄ ̄
Today, our family went for a BBQ, but I forget to bring essential meat. For the time being, I told my family that I'll go back and get the meat, and went to looking for around, thinking I might get some Shirane-yo or something. In the meantime I was looking for something, conveniently I found a zonu's figure. I creeped up on it, and understood it had been aiming to byte my dearest Monar. I was going to fire at zonu if Monar was facing to remote possibility but,luckily, he could get away from zonu's vicious hands. So it took a load off my mind. But I can't forgive zonu was trying to eat my Monar. Never. I won't spare it. Since I've got too angree, I decided kill him without mercy I started shadowing the zonu. He was going to his roosting place. After he store the fishes, he would attack my Monar, I thought. Ambushed him going to his roosting place. After the sound of munch, he came out in high snuff to be killed instantly by me. Zonu dead without any resistance. Spoliating its fises, too, I divided his meat and went back to the river side to start BBQ. I remembered my old comate Korins words, saying "Zonu meat is the bee's knees". Indeed, it was really (゚д゚)exquisite. I was glad to see Monar having them delightfully But I happend to see the damn cat stealing the broiled meats aside of Monar. ・・・Just a mean cat ・・・just a mean cat ・・・I'll kill it if it do that again・・・
::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::: ∧∧ ::::::::::: I'm Matukichi Hirayama. ::::::::::: (=エω`) ::::::: I'm gon'na tell you about the place :::::::::: ( ∨ ) ::::::: literally, it was a hell・・・ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
∧∧ I want all of you to read and understand (エω`=) my writing about the hell there. _φ∨o)_ //≡/≡/ /| | ̄| ̄| ̄| ̄|
I had been living in Tokaichi city, ∧〓∧ western part of Hirosima city ( エ∀` ) ∧))))∧ ∧⌒∧ | \/ | ∧_∧ ∧_∧ (((:゚::ー:゚)) ( ( ゚ー))) ○ ‖ ○ (・∀・ ) ミ∀≡ 彡 ))∨ (( ( ̄W) \‖/ ( ○ ( )
‡ _/…L _\\/………L__Ψ Hiroshima thrived as one of cities for armed service :::::::::::::::\_______/::::::::::::::::::::: Used to be, there were Japan Division. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::/\:::::::::::::(ヽ)/(ヽ)/:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: The port of Ushina was a full of soldiers /\●\ ̄。l/)) 。l/)) ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ who had been sent to the battle front - Southern Islands. \/ || ||
∧∧ (=エω`) ∧∧ / ̄ ) ミエω`*ミ We were a family of eight. @ヘヘ O∨ ) ヘ ヘ In the war time, it was very difficult to find foods to eat (゙エω`) ∧∧ (゚ω゚゛ミ) It wasn't easy to stay alive ∧∧ (`ωエ) ∧∧ ミ=・ω・ミ ∧∧l/)(ω゚*) (─ ) (・ω・)< / ヽ l l < ノ  ̄ll ̄
I had had to go to Kusatsu town / ̄ヽ-- ∧∧ alttle far from the center of bombed point (=´ω`)丿 ヾミ´ω`*ミ ∧∧ /( //) ∧∧ ∧∧(ωエ )丿 That was the last fairwell to my family | ̄ |< ヽ(ω・ )(゚ω゚*) and the last moment I had seen them  ̄
‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖‖ ‖‖‖___‖‖‖ ‖‖// | ヽ\:‖‖ And it throwed down the bomb ‖/ / | ヽ \:‖ ‖|__(____| )__|‖ to four hundred thousand of Hiroshima citizens ‖ \ ヽ | ̄/ ̄/‖ ‖‖ \ヽ | // ‖‖ with tickets to the hell for each of them ‖‖‖ \|// ‖‖ ‖‖‖[::::|||:::] ‖‖ in the one A-bomb ‖‖‖ )::( ‖‖‖ ‖‖ /::::::::ヽ‖‖ ‖‖ |:::: ::::|‖‖ ‖ |::::: :::|‖ ‖ |::: :|‖ ヽ__/ \\\ | | | /// With a gigantic ring of leam, \\\ | | | /// \\\| | |/// burning phosphorous around a white light, ────── \ | / ───── ───────── < >───────── more than five thousand degree Celsius blast wave ───── / :| :\ ───── .///| | |\\\ had sent to the whole region ./// | | | \\\ ./// | | | \\\ ./// | | | :\\\
ヾミ(((∧ Shattered windowpane was sticking in ヾミヾД`)) the whole of victim's body, till the blood ヾヾミヾ (((____ spouting out, dyeing her into deep red /ヾミヾ ノ( ミヾミヾ_丿Sections of glass fragments were also looked |ミヾヾ。ヾ) )` ̄ ̄ blue, like a tattoo \ミヾ ( ミヾミ)~~::::\ When she moved her body, ミヾミ\:::::::) glasses made gritty sounds ミヾミ )/ / / / It shows how the bomb blast was terrifying ヽ___)ヽ___)
346 名前:( エ∀`)さん 投稿日:01/09/19 04:06 ID:L.HEUvOY I had to see more horrible seens ∧_∧ Other flock of victims were (:::ミ:Д::ミ)____ hanging down a paper from there /:::::::::::ヽ:::::::::::ヽ finger tips  ̄ ̄iiii ̄ ̄iiii I realized that it was not a paper but skin which suposed to cover their hand to shoulder it must had melted with heat laser 丿::::::::::: and stucked to the edge of nail (:::::○:::::く |iliii!!!l:::::) The skin of their back were getting like tail |iiilllllli|::/ and their skin of legs were sticked with ancles ~~~~~ They were walking like a ghost slowly, raising hands forward |::::::| |::::::| ゚ (:::::::) |::::::| To keep their skin up from ground /:::::::/ (:::::::)゚ ((。 ~~~ /:::::::/ ))。
_ 三三三三三三三三三三三三三三三三(◎) From many places under the rubble ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇∧_∧◇◇◇◇◇\ I heard the screeming for help ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇( ´Д`)/_)◇◇◇\ ∧∧ ◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ Someone gott'a help me!\ Σ (ω´=) ◇◇∧_∧◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇\ O ⊂) >〆○( ・Д・)○〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 ◇◇ < \ (<(ミHelp me out'ta here! ミ(</ミゞ巛へノ<)>><ヘ
I'd tryed to help them out (◎)三三三三三三三三 as best as I could ゚。 ゚∧∧ /◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ (#`ω) /◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ But rubble of house was beyond of my power (( ( \| ∧◇∧◇◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ it was useless. I had to give them up \(_\(Д・。。)◇◇◇◇◇◇◇ ミ(</ミゞ巛へノ<)〜〜〜〜〜〜〜 Flames brought fires and blew winds of heat changing Hiroshima city into sea of fire
All the houses were crushed with explosive wind, anyone in houses were mashed within them Heat of wave ignited the rubbles to start the fire of hell on the earth
↓chanting to Amida Buddha sutra ナムアミダブツ I covered my years from voices wanting my help ナムアミダブツ and run away from there, chanting buddism prayers O∨O っ (`ω´=) っ He-lp !・・・ There wasn't any way to my hometown but sea of fire ( ) (_\∧_ already, so only thing I could do was run away from there, < \ \(´Д` praying my family's safe 巛ミノ>>》>ソ巛ミノ>巛ミノ>>》>
I plunged into a river, to avoide the fire ∧∧ trying to run away from devil from hell 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜(`ω´=)〜〜〜〜 〜〜〜 Those who got burned on their body, (::::ヽ` couldn't swim with strained mustles /::::/∧_∧ 。 ゚ and sank into the water ((( |:::::(::::::::::::::::))) 〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜
∧∧ \|彡 | ( ゚ω゚) \ 二(/(>)ヽ Some bodies, blasted away with the bomb |丶 ミ| ) ) \ミ were seen on boughs at trees near hypocenter \\| |_/|∵ ∧_∧\ with their bodies thrusted on them \ ミ _/ ∴ (゚д゚ ) | | | <) ) )二 彡 | ( ((___/ |彡 (__/(__/
从( (从::::::: (::::::从::::从从 I managed to get out of the hell 从) )::::::::::::) )::::::::::) ::::::从 and arrived suburb, Koi 从( (:::::::::::::::) )从从从::::从 It was around eight on the night 从( (:::∧∧:::::::::::::::::::::::) )::::::从 从) ) (Oω`;)::::::::::::::::::::::) )::::::::从 Whole the Hiroshima city was burning 从(‡ :::::::( )ヽ:::::从::‡::::::从†从从从从::: Even there wasn't any light of electricity ,ミミミミミミ> )ミミミミミミミミミミミミミミミ I could see the around with burning fire ミミミミミミミミミミミミミミミミミミミミミミミミミ
In a bamboo thicket and a farm near there were full of injured | | | | with burn who wasn't be able to move to go anywhere \ = =/ Water 〜 | | | | ̄ And they started a chorus Water 〜 = = / "water-, water-" ∧∧ | | | | ̄ (д::゙::::) ∧_∧ Being parched from fire and burns, ∧_∧ _(ミД::ミ:::::) they demanded instinctly water (ミД::ミ::::::(:::::::::::::::::::::::::)  ̄ ̄ ̄
∧(((∧ It was unbearable to watch the baby (д::ミ::))) who sucking its mother whom already died ))::::(((∧_∧ It was miserable /:(。:::(:::(・ ) )) ⊂ )
/::::\((((((((/:::::::\ (((((((((((((((((((((((( The aid station rund out any kinds of medisons ((((((((((((((((((((((((((( There were full of departures to the world of death ((((((|:::::::::::::::::::::::::((((((((((( calling their parents name, without getting ((((((|(ミ)::::::(ミ)::::(((((((((( even a treatment of Mercurochrome ((((((|:::::::::‥::::::::::::::(((((((((( (((((ヽ::::[__]:::::::::(((((((((( /:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
∧∧ Next morning had dawned, and what I found was O,ω、=) nothing but burned ruins with bodies abundant 。゚( ゚。 ∧((())))∧ ∧_∧::ミ::Д::ミ::∧_∧ In water tanks on the ruins of fire, (:::::::ミ::Д)__::::_:_::(::ミ::Д::ミ::) victims were soaking there dyed bodies /(:::::::::::::::::::::X::::::::::::::::::::::::::::)\ | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| I sobbed to see one of such bodies | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| bearing her children with her both of hands | :┏━━━━┓ | trying to protect them till the end |. ┃用 防┃ | . |. ┃水 火┃ | ↑means "Water for extinguishing fires"
巛(ゞ巛ヘ/ソソへ巛(ゞ巛ヘ巛(ゞ巛//  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄__ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ //‖/ <⌒::::::::::: ⌒丶 ://‖/ ((<:::::::::::::::::::::○:::::))://‖/ The river was filled with bodies  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ∧∧//‖/ <⌒::::::::::: ⌒丶 (ω丶=)‖/ And they were coming and going <:::::::::::::::::::::○::::)) :/O )/  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ //‖(( with ebb and flow //‖/
○ Army and volunteer group had started (ミ:Д::ミ::) / ∧_∧ to clean up the bodies and rubbles ∧_∧ ∧∧(( (:::ミ:Д::ミ) (ミ:Д::ミ::)(::。::::。::::) ∧_∧:::::::::::つ It was like a seen of some fish market ∧_∧ /(:::::::/) ゚ (ミ:Д::ミ::):::::):::::) Bodies had ranged like tuna fishes (:::ミ:Д::ミ(( // 。 ・∧_∧(:::::):::::) (ミ:Д::ミ::) ̄ ̄
)))))ァ. And piled them up to burn with gasoline ((( )))) for each and every day, 从 )) (((∫ thousands of, some ten thousands of bodies ・・・ (:::::从 )). (::::::::::::::人)炎从 ァ Countless stripes of smoke went up | λ):::乂 ̄(:::::::λ从 ̄| from the bodies which burned by its family / ̄ ̄ヽ. 从.|(:::::::( 从 )::::::)从 | after finding their families' bodies /------ゝ ∧_∧ ゝ从/Lト、ゝ从炎Lトニコ at the ruins of bomb fire < > ( ) レ</ \> ヽゞ 丶ゝ ( ) ( ○ ) | | | | | | 〈_〈__〉 (__)_)
I'd looked for my families (=´∩`) ∧ +l ∧_∧ believing they shoud be alive /( └ ) (─・□・) (ミ:д::ミ::) ) ) ( ヽ_) /::::::::::::::::ヽ At any aid stations, ∧∧ )\_)) )─・/::|::::::::::::::::|::ヽ disgusting smell from pus (::。::::。::::) ( ヽ (::::(::::::(::::::(:::::) was in the air /∧丿:::::) ( ヽ 丿 (::::::(:::::::/  ̄ ̄ ̄  ̄  ̄
Maggot were crawling around their burned parts ∧_∧ They were groaling from the itching hurts _(::::::::ミ::-) I saw such people at many places at Hiroshima city (::::::::::: =:::)=s ))  ̄ (:~:::::::~:/ They were look like just had been waitting their death  ̄ ~ picking up the maggots with wooden chop-sticks
゛・゛゛・゛ ゛・゛゛・゛ ゛・゛゛・゛゛・゛・゛゛・゛ Huge numerous numbers of flies ゛・゛ ゛・゛ ゛・゛゛・゛ ゛・゛ ゛・゛゛・゛・゛ ゛・゛ were appeared on the ruin of Hiroshima ゛・゛゛・゛ ゛・゛゛・゛゛・゛゛・゛゛・゛・゛ ゛・゛ You can imafine how many bodies were ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ burried in the ground. From there, fries 巛(ゞ巛ヘ/ソソへ巛(ゞ巛ヘへヽ(ミノ had come out 》>ソ巛ミノ>ソへ巛(ゞ巛ヘ/ノ)〆ミ
White shirts turned into black by flies in a second ゛・゛゛・゛ ゛・゛゛・゛ ゛・゛゛・゛゛・゛・゛゛・゛ I feared like I had been ゛・゛゛・゛ ゛・゛゛・゛ ゛・゛゛・゛゛・゛・゛゛・゛ going to bytening up by them ゛・゛゛・゛ ゛・゛゛・゛ ゛・゛゛・゛゛・゛・゛゛・゛ ゛゛・゛ (( ∠ ))∧∧((∨ ))゛゛・゛゛・゛・゛゛・゛ So whenever I cross the \(`ω´=)/ bombed ruin, I used two _____________ ( ) ________________ towels to slap them away 巛(ゞ巛ヘ < ヽ》>ソ巛ミノ>ソへ
I could'n find my family being alive 从从从 So I digged up where my house was there ∧∧ (=゚ω゚=)____ To find all the bodies of my family /( )ヽ┃ they killed with bomb instantly within_______ ∧∧ l l ▽____________ the house, being mashed and burned ))丿∧∧ (:-:::-:) ヘノ凵@ ∧∧ (ソ》∧ under the rubbles of our house ヽ巛ノ (:::::::::) ヘソ>彡∨)ヘ (::。::::。:) 彡彡< ゞ巛ミノ(ゝヘ丿ソ〆》ソへ(巛/ゞヘノ)(ゝヾ/
∧∧ From that day on, I lost the times and seasons ∧∧(ω、=) (:-:::-⊂ ゚。) My dream and hope were disrupted with the shock losing the family (::::::::::)∠∠
从从 从((:::::::从从 But it wasn't the end of 从( (:::::::人)从从 ∧∧ the hell-festival which 从从:::::人:::人:::从 (゚ω゚=) plundered everything 从((:::::::从从::::::从从 l( )l 彡ミミ彡ミミミミミミミミミミ l l □□□□□□□□
∧∧ It left a parting gift, radioactivity (,ω、=) To enjoy seeing more tragedies to add the festival (OO)゚。-) mixing it to the rain water, (OO)└┘(OO)(OO)(OO) letting it permeate to the ground └┘ └┘ └┘└┘
Army soldiers and vistims' belefts who had come to there to clean or find the bodies were also caughted with the ∧......∧_ radioactivity which sneak into them and (Д`┌ ))\ let them have diarrhea and give them ∴∵( ̄| ̄ //\ acute leukaemia or canser ⊂二二二⊃ ─ __ )) They never release the people who tries \__/ (___| ) to live with their new hope
The devil push his nail to distort cute, ‥‥ ‥‥ benign faces giving keloids to them and ∧((((∧ ∧⌒∧ torment you forever (。::::。:::))) ((。 ::))) ))∨(((( ( ̄W)
It got into my body also trying to ∧∧ take me away to botom of the hell <>´=) ヽ ─) I have been fighting against it (OO) ∠∠ I took powder of human bones when I heard └┘::::::::⊥ you can survive by taking with it _ ∧∧ | | I drunk sake as I heard (=゚ω゚))) / ヽ liquors can save me (O凵゚ |-┐| . | :| | I've tried everything I could but I'm dying, ∧∧ I'm going soon φ(,ω、=)O //≡/≡/:: /| I beg all of you to destroy the herald | ̄| ̄| ̄| ̄| from hell, the A-momb in place of me
I don't forgive A-bombs I don't forgive both Japanese and Americans who become henchmans of herald of hell I don't forgive A-bomb ripping everything off
Those living people on this earth Shout out aloud to lid the hole to hell Come on, hurry We've got'ta cooporate with each other so that we won't see the bottom of hell again
Don't to be too stupid Isn't there anything but making wars everytime Isn't there anything but making the weapons to kill the people We have to end such world We have to find out the way with our brains combined