>10訳 When I go to Eniglish school, I got crush on him/her. To be a boy friend/girl friend with him/her, I should chose foreigners or japanese insted? Which do you find cheaper in the schools?
>>15 あっ、あれれさんに先を越されちゃいましたがせっかくですので 訳upしときます。 I go to school of English,where I got the one to love. If I play with the one,which do you prefer foreigners ofJ's? Which will save your cost of the tuition ?
はよございまーす。この板って結構女の子いますよね。 English only again の_ちゃん、英語のku-ru 書き方教えて〜♪の_ちゃん 696969薬袋善郎を褒め称える板696969の_ちゃん、有名コピペ翻訳スレの_ちゃん、 その他にも。そこで質問です。 どの娘。でハアハアしたらいいんでしょうか。又その方法論なども延々と騙って頂けたらと思います。
>>15 When I go to Eniglish school, I got crush on him/her. あれれ、時制が一致していないぞ! To be a boy friend/girl friend with him/her, I should chose foreigners or japanese insted? choseとinstedのスペルがちがっとるぞ! 正しくはchuseとinsteedだ。未熟者め! Which do you find cheaper in the schools? また、マチガットルゾ! 学校のようなものにはinを使っちゃいかん。on schoolだ。 お前のような奴がいるから、翻訳家の質が落ちるんだ。 プロはもっと人格的にしっかりせんとダメだ〜!
これもお願いします。 The newly hirsute Al strolls contendedly after repast, tres formidable taht he can be so insouciant, all the fervid speculation would be piffle.
>>39 訳 It needs to be considered everything from perspective. For instance, one man, who onece only examined the academic matter in his immature young days,finally became a general of the ancient force. He wrote when he got everything,"By the time the Warning Bell suddenly broke rigging, I had never figure out how this world consit of. With spring wondow, now I would work seeding for autumn harvests."
>>49 You are always opening up. Your internal organs make me nauseous. (Implored) There is no other way around. Your face may be disintegrated. But I will give it a darn try. どうだ、まいったか!
>>10 これまでの訳はどいつのも失格だ。達入の訳を勉強しろ! I found someone cute at an English conversation class. I'd like to make love with the guy, but which do you think will make more money, with a Japanese or a foreigner?
訳お願いできますか? A marathon legal battle which pitted victims suffering from respiratory illnesses caused by air pollution against the national government and firms which have operated smoke-emitting factories in the Nagoya area concluded on Monday with a settlement. The settlement comes a little more than eight months after the Nagoya District Court had issued a ruling in the plaintiffs' favor which affirmed the connection between air pollution and bronchial asthma and other chronic diseases. Since nearly one-third of the original plaintiffs have already died, and the surviving plaintiffs are aging, the settlement should be applauded.
I really had a ball in her party. Lots of antifreeze. I pigged out. Yeah, I've got the runs. So I went to the pot, but it was out of ammunition. Don't like to tell what I did. Now I'm really beat.
米国のマクドナルドではそういう言い方はしませんけど。 one large coke and one super sized big mac combo to go となります。数次が先に來るの。 take outとは言いません to go とアメリカのおねえさんは言ってるの。 たとえば20ドル札だと out of 20 dollars and 15 dollars is your changeと言って15ドルのお釣りをくれます。
>>122 これは3重強調文で、同じことを3回繰り返すことによって話し手の意志を強調する構文です。 代表的な例文を3つあげましょう。 Go, go, go! Run, run, run! A rose is a rose is a rose. したがって、Do beが基本単位だと解釈されます。 そうすると、後は簡単です。Doは命令文を強調する助動詞です。これについても例を挙げましょう。 Do be quiet. Do behave. 単なる命令文の時と比べて、どうか、頼むから、といったニュアンスがでてくるのがわかりますか。 したがって、Do be do be do be≒(Do be)×3≒be ×3≒あれあれあれ、困ったな となります。
Winfield goes back to the wall. He hits his head on the wall and it rolls off! It's rolling all the way back to second base! This is a terrible thing for the Padres!
Houston has its largest crowd of the night here this evening. Montreal leads Atlanta by three, 5-1. Last night's homer was Willie Stargell's 399th career home run, leaving him one shy of 500. That's Hendrick's 19th home run. One more and he reaches double figures.
>>122 Ya ba da ba do 遅くなって申し訳ありません。実は、この文章は思ったより難しい解釈が必要なのです。 では、一語一語解説していきましょう。 Yaは、Webster英英辞典によれば略語でyound adultsの意味です。 baは、B.A.の誤記と考えられます。bachelor of arts(文学士)のですね。 da baも、dadaの誤記です。これはdadaismとも言われ、Websterでは a movement in art and literature based on deliberate irrationality and negation of traditional artistic values と解説されています。 これらから上記の文章は、 Young adults with a bachelor of arts degree do the dadaism.と解されます。 「文学士を持つ青年がダダイズムを行う。」という内容をya ba da ba daという一見意味のない記号に集約しているのです。 文章そのものがダダイズムとなっているところが、いかにもダダイズムであり、高い芸術性を象徴しています。
横レス失礼します。Ya ba da ba do は>>128で黒半さんがご説明なされたとおりの 意で発生した言葉だと私も記憶しています。しかし近年インターネットの世界では 別の発展した意に変化しているようです。海外のBBSやチャットルームではこれは ブラックアメリカンの発音をまねた形で、 「せっかくいい感じでスレが進行してたのに、不用意なレス一つで 場の雰囲気が一気にぶちこわしになるのは嫌だよねー。」に対する定型のレスとして 広く使用されているようです。かなり世俗的な表現ですが、解説すると Ya ba da ba do = Yeah, but the bad (people)(always) do. 『そうそう、でも悪い人たちって必ずやるんだよねー。』に、なります。 私がいつも検索に利用している「アスタラビスタ」での US only(USO) の検索で "Ya ba da ba do" は USO 800 hits! と、800件もの実例が確認されました。
Oh, I haven't realized that this is the Tatsu-iri thread. ;-)
Let me explain what's what.
the Earth was stationery in his picture.-->the globe is a piece of stationery in his photo. it did not move-->his photo did not move (Always remember it points to the nearest noun.) relative of the nearby-->a relative living nearby
ところで He argued that the Earth was stationary in his picture, because it did not move relative to the nearby ether. の正しい訳は>>154さんの 彼は、それが近くのエーテルに比べて移動しなかったので 地球が彼の写真に静止していると主張しました。
Ether and the Theory of Relativity Albert Einstein, an address delivered on May 5th, 1920, in the University of Leyden
HOW does it come about that alongside of the idea of ponderable matter, which is derived by abstraction from everyday life, the physicists set the idea of the existence of another kind of matter, the ether? The explanation is probably to be sought in those phenomena which have given rise to the theory of action at a distance, and in the properties of light which have led to the undulatory theory. Let us devote a little while to the consideration of these two subjects.
"We are poor, but we never knew it", his son said, "My mother was a wonderful cook, she always prepared good things to eat on the table, however broken we are financially. The people in the neighborhood got along together, in spite of different backgrounds, and everyone was nice to each other. The Syrians would invite us to their weddings and what not, and I remember them sitting in a circle and clapping their hands all together. It was very exciting.
「英会話」8月号P.19 2パラ目 Now maybe you've never met a merrow, or ever seen one, so let me describe them to you. Merrows are rather like mermaids. They have tails like fishes and webs between their fingers.
>>216 Female merrows are extremely beautiful with long, flowing hair, white, gleaming skin and dark, mysterious eyes; and they often fall in love with mortal fishermen, and vice versa.But male merrows are very different. They are extremely ugly. 材料提供です。
「英会話」8月号P.19 2パラ目 Now maybe you've never met a merrow, or ever seen one, so let me describe them to you. Merrows are rather like mermaids. They have tails like fishes and webs between their fingers. Female merrows are extremely beautiful with long, flowing hair, white, gleaming skin and dark, mysterious eyes; and they often fall in love with mortal fishermen, and vice versa.But male merrows are very different. They are extremely ugly.
諺の穴埋めです。 the blindとかthe rich とかそういう単語が入るはずです。 それから訳もよろしくお願いします。 @Love,like youth,is wasted on ( ). AIt's all that ( )can do for ( ),to shock them and keep them up to date. BWhen the rich make war on each other,it's( )who die. CPray for ( )and fihgt like hell for( ).
とりあえずやってみました。 Love, like youth, is wasted on sex industry. It's all that the teachers can do for their stupid students, to shock them and keep them up to date. When the rich make war on each other, it's the senior citizens who die. Pray for more money and fight like hell with your parents.
Whoever said "the customer is king" must not watch much TV in Japan. As soccer leagues resume around the world, broadcasters are busy devising new ways to lighten our wallets. Only last year, I added three J-SkySports channels to my cable portfolio to capture all the English Premier League and world rugby action. This year the extensive Premier League coverage is shown on a new channel that (surprise, surprise) costs extra, is not broadcast through cable and requires a separate dish. I thought the world was going digital? Inside sources say J-SkySports hopes to milk the popularity of Arsenal 's Japanese export Junichi Inamoto to bleed more fans -- even if he doesn't earn a run with the top side this year, as many punters predict. The "old" channel currently shows more "Premier League Preview Shows" than games. Go figure. Other broadcasters are no better.
>>232 Sports telecasters need to get with the programは get with the programの本来の意味、 気を引き締める、動き出す、流行に乗る、やるべきことをする にプログラムの本来の意味を書けてると思います。 だから、訳としては、スポーツチャンネルは番組をなんとかする必要がある。 じゃないでしょうか?
それと、earn a run with the top sideは、先発出場することだと 思いますけど。 それで、最後に、賭屋の予想とは違ってじゃなくて、 賭屋(もしくは事情通の方がいいかもしれない。)の予想するように になると思うのですが....