I get angry by only seeing Kansai dialect in BBS. Although a dialect is the language used only in local place. And most dialects seen in BBS are Kansai dialect. Have not people of Kansai mistaken the Kansai dialect for the special language?
1> I can't realize why you are angry at such a matter of the dialect of the announcer of Kansai. They speak American English in USA and BBC is now struggle at typical British sound,-Many speakers take "diffferent THAN" as usual, but English one should be used "Different FROM" and I supposed that the most of the listeners are the Oksakite in the case of Osaka Local, If you can't find it out, You 'd better leave.
>4 I guess you are acompletely misunderstanding the 1's point. He/She is talking about Kansai Dialect in BBS - Bulletin borard System such as "2ch" here, not about the one in broad casting service.
I assume that most of the people who are using Kansai dialect in BBS are actually not Kansai-jin. They are using it just for fun.
>5 I can understand what you mean,- I took a miss about BBS. As you know I am an Osakite. then I hava a proud of my dialect and customs of here in Osaka, but I can't put up with some one using ours for fooling.
>6 Ok I can see you and I realize what your opinion very much. but You will see that IF THE OTHER PEOPLE SPEAK THE OSAKITE FOR THE PURPOSE OF FOOLING US, it spells us insult very much.