・When Hanshin earthquake was occur and elders and children groans and suffers, headline of the first report was "It's damnation!" on the newspaper of that country. ・Someone sent a knife to the Emperor. However, that country grown by imitating Japan. ・It's natural to have plastic operation both mother and daughter (or mother and son), when child is going to meeting with a view to marriage in that country. ・Internal features of this country people are childish, impatience, short-circuit, impossible to talk seriously. If we said a word for they, they think they are spoken ill. And this country has mental disease called "fabyon" which only attacks this country race. ・External features of this country people are very tall and good physique, eyes are thin and small. Faces are flat and very ugly. Noses are very low and skins are yellow (earth color). They don't have face ruggedness which Japanese, whites, blacks has. ・Crime rate of rape is second in the world, homicides are 4.5 times compared to Japan, violence occurs more than 100 times compared to Japan. ・Mother country of Joji Obara, who had raped and killed. Masumi Hayashi, Aum founder Asahara, suspect of raping more than 100 little girls (3 to 12 years old), etc. Many criminal are nationalities of this country. ・That country reported that Hidetoshi Nakata is Korean residents in Japan III, and admitted that they wrote a lie and apologized after Nakata side claimed that it's not true.
・Koreans who are hated by worldwide shouts "Japanese are hated by everyone!" about friendly country Japan on the internet, and when they asked "then tell me which country is friendly country of Korea", they can't tell and tries to cheat. And when they were pursuit more, they can only mutters "...Japan". ・Idiots who remodel their country coin to increase 10 times worth and use illegally in Japan are from this country. ・Someone of that country made website which says "Japanese did good thing too" and suddenly he was accused. ・A high school student of that country made website which admires Japanese Emperor and suddenly he was arrested. ・More than 55% of burglar, violence, and rape suspects are from this country. ・If Japanese women travel this country, surely she be raped or burgled. ・Police of that country does nothing when Japanese were raped or burgled. ・People from this country speaks ill about Japanese at every country in the world. However if someone asks their nationality, they pretend as if they are Japanese. They are mistaking the means for the end. ・This country people thinks primarily always to show contempt for Japan and does bad things pretending as if they are Japanese. Schools and companies which refuse to hire this country students and employees are increasing. African Americans got angry at this country people during Los Angeles riot and destroyed Korean shops in the US. ・All sales of pachinko and pinball-style slot machine (30 trillion yen) are sent to the Koreans live in Japan and Korea.
6 or 7 years ago, there was a little girl who seemed to be a kindergarden kid in a public bath. She loudly said "Dad, this person has a very big dick!!" and then she indicated me. Surely a bit big as mine was, it had never been indicated. It seemed that mine stood strikingly out because I didn't hide it behind the towel. "Sorry about her", her father apologized with shame. However, it couldn't be the end of this incident.
When I washed my body, that girl brought other two girls of her friends to observe mine, and said "Look! this man has such a great dick!". As soon as his father said "Stop it!", from women's bathroom, I could hear some voices by a girl as old as that girl. "XXX, dear, what are you talking about?", said she. Just then, the girl replied so loud as she could "There is a very big dick! It likes an elephant!", and people in each of bathrooms, womens and mens, chuckled. As I was extraordinarily ashamed, I stood up to wash soap bubbles away and to get out of the public bath right away, then I made my dick bigger carelessly.
"WOW!" by three girls here. "XXX, Guess what, the dick turns itself up! It's doing booow!!", she screamed to women's bathroom. An explosion of laughter broke out around both bathrooms. These girls clapped me and cheers "Wonderful! It's fantastic!" Another bigger explosion broke out at mens bathroom, and it caused the same at womens. Terrific laughing was bursted out all over the public bath. So I got out from public bath as if I ran away.
I am >>1's fin funnel. I am terribly sorry that my pilot has created such a thread as this one. He really is a good person, but he's been under a lot of stress lately. Lately, he has been screaming "THIS SENSATION, IS IT CHAR!?" every time he sees something red, And mumbling "please lead me" every time he sees a young girl. Just the other day, he ordered me to "shoot down the biggest dumbass in this region." I wanted to reply, "that would be you," But knowing that >>1 was even more tired than I was of fighting, I couldn't say anything. This prolonged war is to blame for everything. It's not >>1's fault. I posted today because I just wanted to ask for everybody's understanding in this matter. I am terribly sorry that a mere fin funnel has made such excuses. Please, continue to treat >>1 well.
君が死んでからもう1年。 It is a year ago that I lost you. 君は今も僕を見守ってくれているのかな? I hope you still watch over me from the heaven. 君は、僕の生まれて初めて出来た彼女だった。 You were my first girlfriend in my life. すごく嬉しくて、幸せだったなあ。 I was so glad to have such a wonderful girlfriend like you. I was really happy. 突然、白血病だって医者に宣告されてから、君は病室で日に日に弱っていった。 But everything changed when you were suddenly diagnosed with leukemia. It was so painful to watch you languishing day by day on the hospital bed. 「病院ってひまねえ」って笑う君を見て、僕はいつも泣いていたんだ。 You sometimes smiled and said "I didn't know that hospital is such a boring place." Did you know that I was crying behind your back after seeing your weak smile? 君の為に、僕の小汚いノートパソコンをあげたら、君はすごく喜んでくれたよね。 I gave my old laptop to you so that you could spend your time on surfing the Internet. I vividly remember your happy face. ネットをするようになった君がいつも見ていたサイト、それが「2チャンネル」だった。 That way, you started the Internet. You especially liked the BBS named "2-channel." You accessed to the BBS all the day.
ある日君はいつものように、笑いながら言った。 「ほら、見て今日も2ゲット出来たよ。」 One day, you said with your accustomed smile, "Look! I got a 2-GET again!" 「あまりパソコンばっかいじってると身体に障るよ」 なんて僕が注意すると、 "You shouldn't access to the Internet all the day. It is bad for your health," I said. 「ごめんねえ。でもね、これ見てよ。 ほら、この3のひと、2げっとぉ!なんて言っちゃってさぁ、ふふ」 “I know, but look! This 3rd guy says,’2-GET!’ But actually he didn't, you know? It's so funny, isn't it?" 僕は黙っていた。君がすごく楽しそうで、僕は何も言えなかった。 I didn't say anything more. I couldn't, because you looked so happy. 「ほらみて、この3のひと、変な絵文字使ってくやしぃ〜!だって。 かわいいねえ。 ふふ。」 “Look! This 3rd guy is now saying, "Damn!" He is using funny ASCII art! He is a kind of cute, isn't it?" 僕はまだ黙っていた。笑う君を見て、どうしようもなく悲しくなった。 I was just silent. Seeing your smile, I felt inexpressibly sad. 「憶えててくれるかなあ」君がふと言った。 Then, she sighed, "I hope he will remember..." 「…この3のひと、私がいなくなっても、あの時変な奴に2をとられたんだよなー なんて、 憶えててくれないかなあ……無理かな……憶えてて、ほしいなぁ……」 "...I hope he will remember that he was snatched his "2" by someone he had never met. I hope he will remember it even after I've gone away... Well, I know it is not likely, but I hope..."
それから数ヶ月後、君は家族と僕に見守れながら息を引き取った。 Several months later, he left the world, surrounded by your family and me. 君はもうこの世に居ない、なのに僕は今F5を連続でクリックしている。 You are not in the world any more. And now I am clicking the F5 key again and again. 君の事をひとが忘れないように、 いつまでも、いつまでも忘れないように。 So that the 3rd guy will remember you. So that he will remember you forever and ever. 天国にいる君と一緒に、今ここに刻み込む Now, together with you in the heaven, I will here engrave: 2 ゲ ッ ト 2 G E T
Since today is Mother's Day, all family members were decided to go out. I, however, didn't go because I was embarrassed since I'm 23 years old. Father, mother, sister, and grandmother went to a restaurant and a karaoke. I have another sister who lives in Tokyo by herself, but she isn't here. Well, she must be embarrassed since she's 21 years old. I went to a horse racing. When I came home, father called me and said that they're having fun at karaoke and they'll come home after 7pm.
I sang songs, feeling free to be alone. And I felt fun, I took all my clothes off, and I danced. I copied utopia thing. I copied tea commercial by Aya Matsuura. Shaking my hips being naked. I felt fun more and more, and I ran around our house with my penis exposed. My room is in second floor. I went to downstairs to have some tea. I was shouting, "Sex! sex! I wanna have sex with her!", "Cunt, cunt! dick!!", "Sperm! sperm! sperm!", and there were my sister lives in Tokyo and her boyfriend in living room. Why!!?? She came home because today is Mother's Day? Oh I remember, she said she'll come introduce her boyfriend to parents. That's the end. They saw all of it. I'm sure she'll tell about it. My life is over. Help me...
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why don't you understand! Pill bugs have our own lifestyle! Why do you want me to go to a bright place! I'm not being servile! It's cool and feels good under a stone! It's not my intention to roll up when someone pecks me! It's decided by a gene! Penguin can't fly!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why don't you understand! Pill bugs have our own lifestyle! Why do you want me to go to a bright place! I'm not being servile! It's wet and cool and feels good under a stone! It's not my intention to roll up when someone pecks me! It's decided by a gene! Penguin can't fly!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why don't you understand! Pill bugs have our own lifestyle! Why do you want me to go to a bright place! I'm not being servile! It's wet and cool and feels good under a stone! It's not my intention to roll up when someone pecks me! It's decided by a gene! Penguins can't fly!
Since today is Mother's Day, all family members were decided to go out. I, however, didn't go because I was embarrassed since I'm 23 years old. Father, mother, sister, and grandmother went to a restaurant and a karaoke. I have another sister who lives in Tokyo by herself, but she isn't here. Well, she must be embarrassed since she's 21 years old. I went to a horse racing. When I came home, father called me and said that they're having fun at karaoke and they'll come home after 7pm.
I sang songs, feeling free to be alone. And I felt fun, I took all my clothes off, and I danced. I copied utopia thing. I copied tea commercial by Aya Matsuura. Shaking my hips being naked. I felt fun more and more, and I ran around our house with my penis exposed. My room is in second floor. I went to downstairs to have some tea. I was shouting, "Sex! Sex! I wanna have sex with her!", "Cunt, cunt! Dick!!", "Sperm! Sperm! Sperm!", and there were my sister lives in Tokyo and her boyfriend in living room. Why!!?? She came home because today is Mother's Day? Oh I remember, she said she'll come introduce her boyfriend to parents. That's the end. They saw all of it. I'm sure she'll tell about it. My life is over. Help me...
<html> <MARQUEE direction="right" scrollamount="5"> -= ∧_∧<BR> -=≡ ( ○ε○)<BR> -=( つ┯つ<BR> -=≡/ / //<BR> -=≡(__)/ )<BR> -= (◎) ̄))<BR> </MARQUEE> </html> ------------------------------ 1. Copy and paste the texts above and make a text file. 2. Change the extension (.txt) to .html. 3. Open it by a browser. 4. See what happens.
http://Since today is Mother's Day, all family members were decided to go out. I, however, didn't go because I was embarrassed since I'm 23 years old. Father, mother, sister, and grandmother went to a restaurant and a karaoke. I have another sister who lives in Tokyo by herself, but she isn't here. Well, she must be embarrassed since she's 21 years old. I went to a horse racing. When I came home, father called me and said that they're having fun at karaoke and they'll come home after 7pm.
I sang songs, feeling free to be alone. And I felt fun, I took all my clothes off, and I danced. I copied utopia thing. I copied tea commercial by Aya Matsuura. Shaking my hips being naked. I felt fun more and more, and I ran around our house with my penis exposed. My room is in second floor. I went to downstairs to have some tea. I was shouting, "Sex! sex! I wanna have sex with her!", "Cunt, cunt! dick!!", "Sperm! sperm! sperm!", and there were my sister lives in Tokyo and her boyfriend in living room. Why!!?? She came home because today is Mother's Day? Oh I remember, she said she'll come introduce her boyfriend to parents. That's the end. They saw all of it. I'm sure she'll tell about it. My life is over. Help me...