English only

1Follow me
Here we go !
2名無しさん@1周年:2001/06/16(土) 01:33
There you go again!
3Yaiko:2001/06/16(土) 01:42
♪I'm here, saying nothing.
I'm here, asying nothing〜♪
4名無しさん@1周年:2001/06/16(土) 01:45
You got hearing problem or something?
You did say something!
5I just surfed on in:2001/06/16(土) 01:48
Whats going on here?
6nanasisann@isyuunenn:2001/06/16(土) 01:49
Will you marry me ?
7Yaiko:2001/06/16(土) 01:57
Not so fast!
show me your English prowess and make me impressed first,
then i will consider your proposal.
8名無しさん@1周年:2001/06/16(土) 02:35
Where the hell is 1 ?
Come out !
9まーくん:2001/06/16(土) 02:58
Is this PART2 or what? What happened to the other one?
10Follow me:2001/06/16(土) 03:44
Everyone,thank you for your response.
This is my original idea,
so I don't know whether PART1 exists or not.
11nanasisann@isyuunenn:2001/06/16(土) 05:14
a..I...I don't know what to say but...
Stay by my fuckin' side !! Always !!
Preeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease !!
12Yario:2001/06/16(土) 09:32
Yo, Yaiko! Let's drive down to the beach and "get to know each other" a little better.
13名無しさん@1周年:2001/07/12(木) 00:19
Whats going on here?
14名無しさん@1周年:2001/07/12(木) 03:27
you guys sound totally Japanese....except for 8&9
keep on workin'
15名無しさん@1周年:2001/07/13(金) 10:08
Why dont't we learn some "kao-moji"?
(By the way, does anybody know "kao-moji" in English?)

This is the basic smiley. :-)
And this is the frowning smiley. :-(
16名無しさん@1周年:2001/07/13(金) 14:02
You'd never leave this board alive.
17名無しさん@1周年:2001/07/13(金) 15:54
-->You shall not leave this board alive.
18名無しさん@1周年:2001/07/13(金) 20:06
Ah ha! you fell for my little trap.
19heheh:2001/07/30(月) 08:57
Not so slow!
I'll show you my english skills to impress you first, and you will consider
my proposal!!
20heheh:2001/07/30(月) 08:59
english idiots, stupid mother fucking homos lying around looking up the dictionary
21Takuya:2001/07/30(月) 09:09
good one heheh. I asumme that you are Korean
22名無しさん@1周年:2001/07/30(月) 09:13
No matter how you try to impress me by showing off your
English skills, your English certainly shows that you are
Japanese. You have some mistakes here. For example,you write
"looking up the dictionary". Do you respect a dictionary?
23heheh:2001/07/30(月) 09:45
yes i do respect a dictionary...lol
and i'm not japanese...lol. and you think i am??
24Takuya:2001/07/30(月) 09:47
What do you mean by respecting dictionary
25Takuya:2001/07/30(月) 09:52
Most of Jap-Eng Dictionaries are bullshit.
26heheh:2001/07/30(月) 09:53
OOH wait, from this
"For example,you write "looking up the dictionary". Do you respect a dictionary? "
that you wrote, has a bad grammar..you have to say For example, you WROTE, not you write.
so HAH!
27Takuya:2001/07/30(月) 09:54
He must be a jerk
28名無しさん@1周年:2001/07/30(月) 09:56
I won't let "furyo gaijin" in here.

      ∧ ∧  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
〜′ ̄ ̄( ゚Д゚)< Vamoose!!!
 UU ̄ ̄ U U  \_____________

They can't see this cat.
29Takuya:2001/07/30(月) 09:58
Sounds like he respects dictionary so much.
30Takuya:2001/07/30(月) 10:00
What is furyo gaijin
31名無しさん@1周年:2001/07/30(月) 10:05
It's 「不良外人」.
32Takuya:2001/07/30(月) 10:07
Japs here cannot even write proper english. They shouldnt try to show off their skills.
33heheh:2001/07/30(月) 10:09
so wassup yall
34名無しさん@1周年:2001/07/30(月) 10:17
Aren't you Japanese?!
35heheh:2001/07/30(月) 10:18
i dunno..heh
36名無しさん@1周年:2001/07/30(月) 10:23
How did you find this 2ch?
37heheh:2001/07/30(月) 10:28
My Jap friend told me
38For people in Japan only:2001/07/30(月) 10:29
            \\ |||
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      ̄(//// ̄\\( ゜Д゜) < 氏ねや迷惑外人共 ゴルァ !!
   ".;":  (/(/// ̄(つ つ   \_____________
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          .;".;": _.;.;__       \\   ド カ ァ ン !
 .;".;": ..;.;".; ζ /_.;_/| .;".;"_ \\  .;".;.;".;":
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 (( ⌒ ( ( ) )⌒ );:;   .;".;": ..;.;".;":|从ΓΓ| |
39Takuya:2001/07/30(月) 12:08
You thought i am a jap? shame on you
40名無しさん@1周年:2001/07/30(月) 12:22
HAHAHA.What do you think your HN means? It means otaku.
Shame on you too.
41heheh:2001/07/30(月) 12:26
What the hell.. This thread is still existing.
42 :2001/07/30(月) 12:27
Gosh, who the hell made this?
This's crappy boring.

get lost, a Japanese freak or
whoever you are.
43heheh:2001/07/30(月) 12:28
I wonder why japs make these stupid threads with stupid topics.
44heheh:2001/07/30(月) 12:34
what is wrong with looking up the dictionary you moron.
45名無しさん@1周年:2001/07/30(月) 12:35
Takuya=heheh ?
46Takuya:2001/07/30(月) 12:37
I dont think so
47名無しさん@1周年:2001/07/30(月) 12:38
Aren't you talking about "looking up something in
a dictionary" ?
48Takuya:2001/07/30(月) 12:39
japs who breg about their english skills makes me mad
49heheh:2001/07/30(月) 12:40
Same thing, there is no difference. Either one is right
50名無しさん@1周年:2001/07/30(月) 12:43
Talking to a stupid guy like you also makes a good
51Takuya:2001/07/30(月) 12:47
So did you improve your english skills by talking to me?>
52 :2001/07/30(月) 12:47
breg -> brag
makes -> make
53Takuya:2001/07/30(月) 12:49
ty for correcting
54 :2001/07/30(月) 12:53
Takuya, I think you should go back to grade school
and improve your English skills, too.
55(゚Д゚)ハァ? :2001/07/30(月) 12:54
>>51(゚Д゚)ハァ? Not at all. Thanks.
56名無しさん@1周年:2001/07/30(月) 13:00
What are you guys here for,anyway? > gaijin-san
Don't you have better things to do????
57(゚Д゚)ハァ?:2001/07/30(月) 13:09
Perhaps they got no jobs.
58名無しさん@1周年:2001/07/30(月) 15:25
i am only k-12 student
59実習生さん:2001/07/30(月) 21:31
Lately,in board of teacher and education FERATIOU has struggled.
Please kill him!!!!
60名無しさん@1周年:2001/07/30(月) 21:35
61名無しさん@1周年:2001/07/30(月) 21:37
6259:2001/07/30(月) 21:52
63名無しさん@1周年:2001/07/31(火) 23:49
64名無しさん@1周年:2001/08/01(水) 07:48
65名無しさん@1周年:2001/08/01(水) 18:43
aho shine
66名無しさん@1周年:2001/08/01(水) 19:01
I don't get the meaning of it......Why do you show
it to us ?
67名無しさん@1周年:2001/08/01(水) 19:15
he just said something which doesnt make any sense
TTTTT!! (Go to the top)