英作です【 】の中が自分の解答です。文法上の誤りや英文の不備を指摘してくれると助かります。 T (1)(40〜50語程度で) Young people in Japan should have the right to vote in elections from the age of eighteen. 【I agree with this idea , such a vote have become to be permitted in all over the country , and it is important for the democratic government to be establisfed strongly and more democratically.】 U (2) 大学で行いたいボランティア活動とその理由(40〜50語程度で) 【When I enter the college , the kind of volunteer which I want to do is picking up litter in the street . Because I couldn`t neglect that people often throw rubbish as if it was proper. So I hope that our town are always kept up clean by sicere volunteers.】
V 空所補充問題です (5〜10語程度で) Maiko and Yuriko have just watched their friend Kazuko lose a tennis match. Maiko is surprised by the match results, whereas Yuriko isn`t On their way home they are discussing their different opinions Maiko : "Too bad Kazuko lost. Normally she's an excellent player, but today【(3)probably she got wearied with a lot of practice match.】 Yuriko : "Oh, I don't think that's the real reason she lost. Just last month【(4)she had a rest from her hard practice.】So 【(5)she must have been recovered.】And, of course, if a tennis player doesn't do that, she's in trouble." W (10〜15語程度で) Why do John and I prefer to live close to the center of the city, in spite of the noise and the other difficulties of living there? There are two reasons. First, Iiving in the middle of the city puts us close to things we want. For example, there are department stores and movie theaters within walking distance of our house.【(6)Second, it is easy for me to go to the office in the city】. If we lived in the suburbs, it could take hours to go to and from work. Thanks to the location of our home, however, both of us spend less than twenty minutes going to the office. X (5〜10語程度で) We know that many animals are capable of trying to deceive . Konrad Lorenz, a famous scientist, told a story about Bully, his old dog whose eyesight had become bad. Bully sometimes mistakenly barked in an unfriendly way at Lorenz when he returned home. After realizing his mistake, Bully would rush past Lorenz and bark angrily at a neighbor's gate, as if【(7)he shows love for his master】. This episode made Lorenz realize that human beings are not the only creatures that try to deceive.
(1)書き足りませんでした。 I agree with this idea , such a vote have become to be permitted in all over the country , and it is important for the democratic government to be establisfed strongly and more democratically . Therefore japanese government should begin to debate about thismatter and practice it as soon as possible.
東大特進の問題なんで予備校の先生にこのまま見せる前に 学校の先生に見せた方が早いですか?。 とりあえず見せれるとこが此処しかないんで載せたんですが 訂正 (1)I agree with this idea , such a vote have become to be permitted in all over the country , and it is important for the democratic government to be establisfed strongly and more democratically . Therefore japanese government should begin to debate about thismatter and practice it as soon as possible. (2)Because I couldn`t neglect that people often threw rubbish as if it was proper.