*ドメイン名紛争・・生徒 VS 予備校*
http://yasai.2ch.net/test/read.cgi?bbs=shikaku&key=990932143 2ちゃんねる法律板からの依頼です。。
The respondent opended the homepage showing "kitayobi," our registred
trade mark, on November 18,2000.This encroaches on our right.The messages
"KITAYOBI Domain for sale," "I'll hand out until the domain name sells."
were on the fromnt page of the homepage as Annex 7.This is also against
Services Agreement of NameDemo.com(Annex 6).The contens of the homepage
are mainly the electrical bulletin board service, including the ballots
for our staff.It contains malicious contributions by using the names of
our staff, which can correspond to defamation of character.And the
respondent wrote in electical bulletin board called "The jukensei net"
or the net for college applicants, publicizing "
as Annex 8."The jukensei net" is well-known among the college applicants
including our students and high school student, and so the bulletin
board in "the jukensei net" helped to increase the number of the accesses
to "kitayobi.com" The respondent publicized his homepage to his
classmates, according to these classmates.
This means the respodent has been trying to hinder the Kitakyushu
Yobikou by conveying the false image to the general public.The
espondent obtained the domain name "kitayobi.com" by upgrade service
of NameDemo.com on December 8,2000.
The respondent's attitude can be found that be obtained the domain
name dor the purpose of making money from the beginning.No description
of stopping selling the domain name could be found on the homepage.
The respondent rejected the proposal of reconciliation that the domain
name should be transferred by the actual expense during the argument
with our corporation lawyer, and so it is clear that he respondent
used the domain name "kitayobi.com " on the bad faith to make money
by selling it.Now the respondent maintains that he has no connection
with the domain name "kitayobi.com" because he gaves the right of
the domain name "kitayobi.com" to the third party.He renewed he
egistration record of the domain name "kitayobi.com", on
March 5,2001 as Annex9.