Shane my son, your tiny little peanuts are nothing compare to my impreessive grandeur grapefruits dangling graciously down my groin. You hear millions and billions of WWF fans all over the world are chanting, 'asshole! asshole! 'to show you what kind of person you are. Be prepared dammit!
OK, OK, Vince. Your ego is the best of you as ever! However! Everything is gonna be clear tomorrow at Wrestlemania!! Which will win... WCW or WFW!? Vince, you think you can beat me down? You think you can make WCW remain buried? NO WAY!! It's us! It's WCW that will win FINALLY!!
World Wrestling Federation Entertainment, Inc. is an integrated media and entertainment company, principally engaged in the development, production and marketing of television programming, pay-per-view programming and live events, and the licensing and sale of branded consumer products featuring the Company's highly successful World Wrestling Federation brand. The Company has been involved in the sports entertainment business for over 20 years and has developed the World Wrestling Federation into a highly popular form of today's entertainment. The Company is utilizing this experience in the creation of the XFL, a professional football league, which will begin its inaugural season in February 2001.
FY2000 PayVincent McMahon, 54 Chairman $2.3M Linda McMahon, 51 CEO, Director 1.7M Stuart Snyder, 41 Pres, COO -- August Liguori, 48 Exec. VP, CFO, Director and Treasurer 1.0M Dollar amounts are as of 30-Apr-2000 and compensation values are for the fiscal year ending on that date; "Pay" is salary, bonuses, etc.. Electronic Media reports that WWFE is considering making movies based on WWF storylines. "It's really the only variety show left on television" is how Mr. McMahon characterized the genre he has done so much to revive. The WWF's "biggest challenge" ahead, he said, is determining what the audience wants in terms of spectacle and story. "Is it more action-adventure, is it more comedy, is it more soap opera, and to what degree?" he asked rhetorically.
感激です!!こんなスレちょうどまってたんです、私。 早速質問です OUR STOLEN FUTUREの筆者の話題ですが Colborn is director of the World Wildlife Fund's Wildlife and Contaminants Program and is visiting Japan for the first time, to accept the Blue Planet Prize for her ground-breaking work. この中の World Wildlife Fundはわかるのですが、そのあとのWildlife and Contaminants Program の定訳を ご存知のかたいらっしゃたら教えてください!
>41 英語の組織名の定訳ってあまりないのが普通だよね。 CDC(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)みないなmajorな組織でも翻訳は固まっていない。 WHOだって、世界保健機構と世界保健機関があらぁね。 問題はprogramの訳で、計画よりも事業のほうがいいことも多い。 野生生物と汚染物事業などと訳しておいたら?