How about a this phrase ? I knew it anyway thank you for saying so or you are english vell well too when did you get it ? maybe the gaijin smile at you. bye
Hello everyone I’m the guy who wrote number 10. I was just kidding, if you couldn’t comprehend what I’m talking about, I would apologize you. But on the practical situation I bet you are scared of Talking to gaijin. If you are not, just prove to be it hehehehe As you can be aware, my English is no so perfect but I can handle English barely. Anyway the guy who speak to a unknown one would take this attitude like this, You ought to get back to preschool for rehabilitating your social manner or some thing.
Hey MR maggot dick! How’s your life treat you? I still don’t get what you mean. How do you know my background without asking me huh?
If you feel that way, what I said to you makes your life miserable. I think the answer is not out side. It’s a your problem isn’t it? I feel those who people complain their surrounding and are scared of Talking to gaijin aint gonna get anything whatever you try to hard to Study English on the desk. The point is that I must say just forget about any grammatical things And your fear of communicating to the people as long as you talk to gaijin who are talking to you at the present . Do you think they are different from we are? We are human beings aint it? On the other hand, I appreciate your favorable comment. Which mean make me feel somehow good. Because I neither have gone abroad nor gone to some English school.
Sorry in advance if I hurt you again. Take care of yourself bye!
10です。面白くなってついついキーボードがタンタンタンと いっちゃいましたが、気に障ったらごめんね。 We are human beings aint it? →ain't we ですね まぁほかにも色々と間違いだらけだと思いますが、 ようは、つくえのうえばっかで勉強してても収穫は少ないということ だよ。 ちなみに私はど田舎のおっさんプラスドキュソですので あしからず。
>10 Hey mate!! sorry!! Ive totally misunderstood you! I thought you were studying something abroad. thats why i got a bit pissed off. cos i didnt wanna be thought that all the jp studying in a foreign county think in the same way. you dont apply to that kind of guys i was talking about. Go on speaking...and have a nice weekend!! cheers!!