>7 Yes@`I'm from Taiwan. In Taiwan@`there are many younger people copying what Japanese youngers doing. (Sorry@`I'm stupid in Endlish.) By the way@`I like to listen to Japanese song@`and then I will want to know what it means. English songs are the same.
recentaly J-pop musicians are greatly influenced by English songs@` especially the category called "R&B" (Rhythm and Bluce)... in 1980's a lot of cute idols are popular but I think more people find westernized songs "cool" and close to their feelings.
I'm sorry for that my PC can't type Japanese word. But I can use the software to translate English to Japanese. The songs of "R&B" are popular in Taiwan@`too. Some famous singers@`for example@`Utada Hikaru@`MISIA@`Karuki Mai@`Kubota Toshinobu....etc.
日本語を読むことができる. しかし@` まだ研究している. J-popの歌に関して知り過ぎるというわけではない. 日本でポピュラーなことは台湾でポピュラーになるだろう. 今日@`人がテレビでPALAPALAダンスを教えているのを見た. Is PALAPALA still popular in Japan?
>27 I've been learning Chinese for about a year now@` but gained not so much progress. I am still at begginer or intermediate level I've heard that Chinese is easy to learn at first but very difficult to master. Is it true? And why it has 2 forms to write mainland China(easy one and) the other(difficult one)? It is confusing and difficult for foreigners to learn. May be we can communicate in Chinese 3years from now if I study on daily basis.
>23 I think Chinese is difficult to foreinger because Chinese is not spelling-word. You have to remember the character and pronounce both.Maybe you have genius for learning Chinese@`Please keep learning@`and you will discover the beauty of Chinese.
About 2 forms of Chinese word@`that's because mainland China's reform. The difficult one is the traditional one@`and it's more beautiful than another! People in Taiwan use the traditional Chinese.I think the simple Chinese is not Chinese character. It lost the beauty of Chinese character. You can choose eachone you want@`the meaning is the same. I'd like to communicate to you@`it's my pleasure.
Vanessa@` I strongly agree with your opinion@` "the simple Chinese is not Chinese character". Anyway@` why the gov't of mainland chaina decided to dump so traditional one? Is that what the present peoples of China got a bad memory?
Why mainland China use the simple Chinese? I have no idea about it@`because when I was a child@`it was that for dozen of years. I ask my father and he don't know too much@`either. He said maybe mainland China think tradition Chinese is a kind of "waste". You know@`they are Communism society@`and they had a big reform before which is last for ten years. In that period@`everything traditional is break. It's a terrible memory to all Chinese. Anyway@`I am not sure what the reason is@`but maybe they really think traditional Chinese cost time to write it@`so they change? Maybe there is anyone from mainland can tell us.
>Vanessa Thank you for the reply. I've been to Taiwan once as a graduation trip when I was in highschool. We had little free time though because It was a school activity. Are you learning Japanese? How come you end up being here? 2channel is not full of polite posts@`but rather many derogatry posts. (no offence to other people here) Can I ask you one more question? Why many Taiwanese and Chinese people are good at learning foreign languages? Many people speaks several languages which is quite rare among Japanese.
>23 I'm so glad that you'll come! But I think maybe you'll stay at Taipei@`right? I have lived in Taipei for 4 years when I was in university@` but I am in Kaohsiung now. The question of people in Taiwan and China learn and speak several kinds of languages...mmmm. I think maybe the press of school and work? Not everyone speak influnet language. And the way of China...I think maybe the family had only 1 child@`parents is willing to spend money. The competition in mainland China is very intense@`and I think Taiwan and Japan is the same. I have learned Japanese for a while@`because we need to study the second foreign language in university. I usually go to 2channel everyday@`so I can see and reply you. And hope you'll have a nice trip. I'd like to know where you'll visit@`and the night market here is famous. You can mail to me.