If you are out of you's element in English. If you are at a loss for an answer that you cannot translate into English or into Japanese. Come on this sled. Make a bet on it that Someone translate on this sled. 1の訳はこれでいいか? 僕も自身があるわけではないので間違ってたら指摘してくれ
those who are struggling your way in English. do you need a hand for you with E-J or J-E translation? then this is the place that helps you out. someone will kindly give you what you need.
>>8 We offer a desirable workplace to those who have unique ideas and abilities. please feel free to mail us for more information. ちょい違う? 「ユニークなアイディアや能力を持つ人にとって 理想的な職場を提供します。」
>>12 One stupid says "please translate" Another stupid says "okey, I'll show you how good I am!". The other stupid says "haha, I'll screw it up with bogus". ....here goes the unlimited circulation. 訂正歓迎。
>8 Our goal is making a working environment in which we all respect other's individualities. Please feel free to contact us for any further question you may have.
We would advice you that the schedule for performance review for 2000has been changed since some of our colleagues still can not have access to the performance reviewpage even now due to technical difficulties. 和訳してくれ 意味が分からん
Old analog keyboard. Condition is o.k. Fully operational. Includes the volume/sustain pedal (but NOT the bass pedals as shown in picture at bottom left, or the stand). Please note this picture is of one in mint condition, not the actual item for sale. I'll have pic's shortly. I don't know much about this thing, as I got it in trade. I'm offering it at this time as is. Buyer agrees to pay all shipping and handling costs (it weighs a ton!). For more info go to: http://www.vintagesynth.com/moog/polymoog.html or http://www.audities.org/polymoog.htm . I'll try to answer any question you may have. Buyer agrees to pay all in U.S. dollars only. (including shipping, handling, and all fees) 訳してください。
Hey, the Polymoog sounds great! It's in good condition! (NOT mint condition!!!) Does not include Moog Taurus Bass pedals or the stand. Start bidding now if you want it. I think ALOT of people are interested! Alot of interest from Japan! Bid! (the attached pictures suck. It looks better in real life!)
This is a great synthesizer. The package inludes all that is described in the picture below. I may sell it even if the reserve is not met. Buyers may want to visit: More Info for more information on this synthesizer. I haven't used this in a while and it is sold "as is". GOOD LUCK TO ALL! I accept money orders and PayPal. Prefer PayPal. また別の出品者です。訳してください。
困ってます。助けて下さい。 軍用ライフルSG551-Pの解説文なのですが。 Law Enforcement Rifle SG 551-1P(題字) Developed specifically for law enforcement assignments at short to medium intervention ranges up to 300 meters. よろしくお願いします。
It couldn't be me!!!! とか? I've never done it!!! みたいに I を主語にするよりもちょっぴり いい感じかもね。 単に How dare you say such a thing!! とかで発言そのものに食っ てかかるのもアリでしょう。 でもいづれにしても決め手は「!」の数だったりします。
The coloring of your graphic arts was so great. Maybe you are a professinal illustrator? If you have your site which shows your works, let me know. I'd like to appriciate other works of yours though I cannot understand what yousay there probably. Thank you for great pictures. I'll send you mine again.
Annotation systems which do not require the source document to be copied or changed in anyway by the annotator are not covered by this answer unless the display resulting from their implementation is likely to lead to misrepresentations or confusion regarding the technical content and STATUS of a W3C document.
vintage polymoog in truly outstanding condition. the exterior is practically mint. for those of you unfamiliar with the polymoog please note that these are fragile and complex pieces of equiptment. however, if you can harness this beast it is capable of some truly incredible sounds. unit comes with polypedals, stands, polymoog road kit (this is very rare and contains brand new spare parts should you need them), full schematics(again very rare and difficult to find), owners manual, and heavy duty road case.
my unit was actually owned by herb deutsch who was the marketing director for moog. this was his show model and treated very kindly.
i will ship this unit if need be, however i prefer to have it personally picked up due to it's fragility..
this is a picture of a polymoog but not my actual unit
i have checked all lists, and i do not know what happpened, but i cannot find it, therefore i willl send it out again, so that in aprox 2 wks from now you will receive it, our sincere apologies for all this,
>119有難う御座います。 Hello, I have another new frien from Japan that is interested in the polymoog too, so I am looking into shipping costs to Japan. If you are willing to pay $100,000 american dollars you win. Bid away. But in the mean time I will try to find out how much shipping will cost for you all. I am a little concerned about shipping it that far. Moogs are known, as you probably already know, for being fragile and finicky. But if you are willing to except that risk for the opportunity to own this amazing instrument,I would ship it to you.
Thanks, preston
The estimate on the shipping and insurance (UPS) for the moog is $475 or $575 for express. This is an estimate from the online estimator, not an exact figure. It may be more or less.But hopefully it gives you a good idea. Thanks, mark
海外のヘッドホン会社からのメールです。 言いたいことは何となく分かるのですがちゃんと知りたいのでお願いします。 ========================================================== Thank you for contacting Koss Stererphones. We ship UPS. The cost for shipping is $46.00. Please confim these charges by email,so we may process your order. Also, As a security measure to our customers, Koss Stereophones requires a confirmation billing address. Please email or call us with your billing address at you earliest convenience.
>>136 I saw your ad in eBay and am sending this mail. I have been searching for this polymoog in perfect condition for a long time, since I can hardly find one in my country. I purchased another instrument through Internet from Colorado before, but I haven't registered with eBay service yet.
So I am asking you for the product directly without eBay. I am willing to have your polymoog for 100,000 dollar plus shipping fee. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. 訂正歓迎。
ごめんなさい。10万ドルがいくらか を間違って質問していました。大体この 商品自体20万前後なんです。多分、出品者の ジョークだと思います。私自体為替レートは 把握しています。英文も前文意味が分からないわけではありませんが、 誤訳してしまうと大変なんでここの方の力を借りています。 イーベイも登録したいのですが、エラーが何回もありまして 困っています。私はダイレクトに彼の商品を無理にでも 買おうとしているものです。個人交渉して、 銀行振込に持ち込みたいですが、ご指摘の通り、 トラブルも伴いかねませんが、そんなこと言ってる場合ではない 商品なんです。私にとって・・・。ここの人には ご迷惑をかけないようトラブルは自身で処理します。 149さん有難う御座います。 このメール来ました↓ hello. thank you again for liking the polymoog. if you really like my polymoog to buy the reserved ebay price is $100,000 dollars.i am joking with you. the real price is $1700 american dollars plus the whole price of shipping. if you are serious go and make offer of $1700 on ebay. i would be happy to sell it to you and make your dozens of years quest complete. your friend preston
I tried to get my account again, but I failed again. All of all, I am a lame person because I do not have enough good credit to have my credit card.
I am told that I am not able to join eBay all because I have no credit. I wish I could bid your Polymoog off at $1700. Would you please send me your Polymoog? I have long been dreaming about Polymoog, and I have already been sick and tired to think of it. Been thinking of it for over 10years! I know I am selfish, but I hope you will respond this and tell me that you just give it to me.
疲れている、なんて表現やめたほうがいいよ。 そういうネガティブな人間に味方してくんないから。 自信を持って前向きで情熱のある人間のふりして。 Unfortunately I don't have a credit card and couldn't register with eBay. (In Japan, it is hard to have one when I am not a full-time worker for a company, although I have enough income)日本じゃ会社の正社員じゃないと 十分な収入があってもカード取得が難しい。 I have desired a polymoog for over ten years and I really want it. It has been my dream and I do hope it's coming to me soon! その製品はずっと私の夢でした。もうすぐ私の手に入ることを 切に望んでいます! Can I buy yours for 1700 dollars plus transportation fee, please? 訂正歓迎。
Hello. I would certainly consider your offer of $1500 + shipping. That is the best offer I have recieved so far, but I have to wait and see if it sells through ebay or not. There is considerable interest in this item, and there is still two days left in the auction. I will be in touch when the auction ends.
>>161 162の isn't much meaning はいかにも日本語をそのまま英語に 置き換えたという感じでいただけない。 mean を使うとすれば、doesn't mean much だね。
いろいろな表現はあるだろうが、とりあえず2通り書いてみた。 As long as all the people in the world don't understand each other, this kind of development in science and techology is worth little.
Until all the people the world over deepen mutual understanding, such an advance in scientific technology makes little sense.
167>>172 advanceは前金だけではなくて、前進とか発展の意味でも可算 名詞で使われることが多いんですよ(in advanceとかは除いて)。 日本語の感覚からは不可算名詞のような感じがするのは分か りますが、少なくともsuch advance とはまず言わない。 ランダムハウスをみると、 an advance in health とか、make a rapid advanceなどのような 表現が出てきます。日本人ならこの不定冠詞は不要な気がします が、英語では必要なのです。 あの文章が科学技術における幾つかの進歩について触れている のであれば、such advances、何か1つものであれば、such an advanceです。 定冠詞、不定冠のいずれをつけるべきか、とか、可算名詞、 不可算名詞のどちらなのかという問題については、私も含めて 日本人は一生悩み続けなければなりません。 make advances to her などでは理由もなく複数形が使われます。 こういうのは多くの文章を注意深く読んで、真似するしかない面が あると思います。
Hey, I don't think you need a credit card to become a buyer on ebay. Only sellers have to give their credit card number because that's how they charge people for the fees to put the stuff on ebay.
The buyers and sellers work out details such as payment method after auction is over. So you can bid on the moog through ebay in good faith that you will make the payment in whatever way you can.
I probably would sell the moog to you without the help of ebay, but I don't think a seller can stop the auction in the middle of it. It has to come to an end.
But maybe no one will bid the reserve price. The reserve is $1700. Only when someone hits the reserve do I have to sell it to them. Its a legally binding contract.Plus I want to keep my good name with ebay so I can continue to use the service. They don't look kindly on people who don't come through on their deals. So maybe try to become a ebay member,and only bid if someone bids over $1700 and you are willing to pay whatever amount you bid. Make sure you watch the auction right to the end. Stay in the lead. Otherwise we will make a deal after ebay auction is over. I am trying to help you win. This is all I can do until auction is over.
I wish i could do more. Good luck my friend, xpreston
____________________________________________________ I've put the .rbm files in the Mods-folder, but ReBirth says "The Mod could not be loaded" If you get this message there are three possible explanations:
The Mod was not downloaded correctly. If the download is interrupted the mod can not be used. To check for this, compare the exact size of the file you've downloaded with the exact size of the mods (it's posted on the Mod Download page). If the numbers don't match the download was not completed and you'll have to try again. There's a great ftp-client for windows who checks the file size on download. It's called GetRight and it's available here. You're out of memory. Some of the mods are real memory hogs and you'll need more memory. If you are using a mac, you can assign more memory to ReBirth in the 'Show Info' dialog. Other than that, all you can do is buy more memory or quit other applications. You're using a cracked program. The cracked versions of ReBirth won't let you use Mods. Sorry, but maybe you should consider actually buying ReBirth. This will give you a fully functional program and a clean conscience ___________________________________________________
Those elementary schoolchildren are going home after school in rows of two-by-two and three-by-three. I wonder if school rules require they go home in walking buddy groups.
S of Japan prohibits using any official images on a fan site of S. Therefore, we don't insert any official images on our site in principle. Though,S of Japan permits fan art's of S being inserted by a fan on a fan site,but they prohibit inserting any hentai fan art of own characters on web. Because, we insert our fan art. Then, we prohibit reproduction without the contact to us in advance of the fan art. These things are stated on the following page by S of Japan. URL (written in Japanese)
>>192 >>193 193もだいぶ良くなりました。でも、Thank you を2度もいうこともちょっとくどいかも知れません。
Hello! Thank you for your feedback. We hope to further improve this site. Please visit us again.
>>195 これは、どうでしょうか。 S Company of Japan prohibits usage of official images on fan sites. Therefore, it is our policy to not display official images on our site. We do allow our fan art to be copied and used on fan sites with the exception of "hentai" (pornographic) fan art. Also, we forbid posting any of our fan art without our prior permission. These conditions are explained (in Japanese) on the following page. S Company's URL.
>>197 >>201 You are so-o-o-o kind. You are so fucking kind. (American) Thank you so bloody much. (British)
日本語の場合もそうだと思いますが、皮肉は状況や雰囲気に よることが多いと思います。特に英語の場合、言葉そのものより トーンというか、どう言うかによって皮肉にもなります。 同じThank you very much.でも、本当にそう思って言う場合と この野郎と思いながら言うのとではトーンが変わってきます。
もし、何かを訳しているのだったらこういうトリックもあります。 "Thank you so much!" he said sarcastically.
>>195さん訳文どうもありがとうございます。参考になります。 で、 We do allow our fan art to be copied and used on fan sites with the exception of "hentai" (pornographic) fan art. だと、「私たちのファンアート(絵)を自由に使って良いよ」 という意味になりませんか? 日本文がぎこちないですけど、 「私たちファンが自分達の絵を飾ることは、 メーカーに許されている」という意味のことがいいたいのです。 ファンアート、というのはドラえもんファンが自分で描いたドラえもんの 絵などをさす、海外のおたくの言葉です。 S社の言っていることは、要はこういうことなんですが……。 http://www.capcom.co.jp/hotline/qanda/GAZOU.html なので、 S Company of Japan prohibits usage of official images on fan sites. S Company of Japan do allow your fan art to be used on your fan sites with the exception of "hentai" (pornographic) fan art. Therefore,it is our policy to not display official images on our site. Also, we forbid posting any of our fan art without our prior permission. These conditions are explained (in Japanese) on the following page. S Company's URL. と書くとよいのではないかと思うのですが、いかがでしょうか?
S, the Japanese company in question, prohibits the use of their official images. For According to this, it is our policy not to insert on our sites the images from the official. It is allowed for us to display fan arts, except hentai, on our own fan sites.
This gallery does not display any official images because to do so would violate [S] of Japan's policy and infringe on their copyrights.
We post our own fan art when it conforms to [S] of Japan's guidelines: a) no modified existing offical images b) no "hentai" (pornography) c) no making profit
Also, we forbid posting any of our fan art without our prior permission.
[S] of Japan's conditions are explained (in Japanese) on the following page.
スタートレックの始まりでキャプテンカークの言う "To boldly go where no one has gone before ...."という セリフは、Boldly to go,とかTo go boldlyじゃ何とも締まりませんね。 でも、パトリックスチュワート(キャプテンピカード NG)はその台詞 を言うのにとても抵抗を感じたと聞きます。
下が英訳した文章です。 There is a question about the up-loading of the file and the homepage of the frame form. Can the homepage file which I made be up-loaded by using free up-loading software? Please teach the up-loading method if you can do it.
As for another question, the homepage of the up-loaded frame form is not displayed correctly why. Please teach the method of solving this problem.
>>208 Dear Web Master There are two questions about how to up-load homepage files and a home page with frame forms.
I wonder if it is possible to up-load a homepage file by a free up-loading software? And could you please teach me the up-loading method, if it were possible.
As for another question, have I had an up-loaded homepage with frame forms not displayed correctly. Please let me know how to solve this problem.
Thank you for paying attention on my E-mail. I am looking foward to your reply.
I wonder if it is possible to up-load a homepage file by a free up-loading software. Could you please teach me the up-loading method, if it is possible?
I wonder if it is possible to up-load a homepage file by a free up-loading software. Could you please teach me the up-loading method, if it were possible?
>>218 Are you a native speaker? I'll try to write in my sorry English.
>I guess that his life or incumbency is long.
That's what I thougt it could mean too. but how come the verve is present tense such as "fails" and "makes"? if it's past tense, "for all his great age" could mean "during the time he was president, which was very long". Could you explain that to me? Thanks.
>>221 funny. Actually I am Japanese, I prefer curry though. I just try to use English in this board. Anyway, I didn't care what you are caring. But I have heard that historical things are sometimes writen as the present. You may know something like that. I am sorry that I can't help you.
PS. I'd like to amplify a little. I suppose that the writer or the person who spoke it said so as a mark of respect for the president,I assume,clinton. thanks.
また227です。 >For all his great age, the president never fails to >make people relaxed with wit and easygoing manner >whenever he makes a public appearance. その高齢にもかかわらず、大統領は公衆の前に出るときはいつも ウィットとなじみやすい応対で人々をなごますことが常であった。
その後、気になったので例の文章を米国人3人程に みせて相談してみました。3人とも、(質問は別々 にしたのでお互いのことを知りません。)言うことは 同じでした。"For all his great age"が変だと言うこと と、"wit"の前に"his"を付けるほうが自然(文法的に間 違っているわけではない)だと言うことです。
"For all"と"his great age"は組み合わせが悪いと言うこと でしょう。つまり、"all"が"age"を修飾するのはおかしいと 言うことでしょう。"Inspite of his great age"かあるいは "For all his advanced years"がよろしいでしょうということ でした。
あくまで参考として読んでいただければ幸い。 まずはランダムハウスから。 a speech sparkling with wit and humor 機知とユーモアにあふれた演説 have a quick [dull] wit [=quick [dull] wits] 頭が鋭い[鈍い],機転が利く [利かない].
In fact, she never lost her faith in anyone, says a cousin. She took people as she found them, showing methodical patience lightened with wit.
He disarmed opponents with wit, a smile, and, as with the second Doctor, an ability to hide his intelligence.
Performing incredible mental feats with wit, warmth and panache, Noran's sensational ESP demonstration is guaranteed to delight and spellbind any audience.
He brings a smile to everyone's face with his wit and stage presence, and yet his musical genius compares to none.
Salt Lake Tribune Columnist and humorist Robert Kirby livened up the luncheon at the annual meeting with his wit and humor as he taught convention goers the value in laughter.
>>246 これはそのまんま「修士号をとりたい専攻科目」でいいと思いますよ。 入学願書か何かでしょう?だからこの場合はただの句ですよね。 やはり自分で「〜で修士号を取得した」という場合はI got my master's degree IN English (sociology, French, etc.).と言うのが普通です。 またはI have a master's degree IN XXX. >>248さんのおっしゃるI majored in politics for master's degree. というのは非常にまわりくどいし、そういう言い方は通常しませんね(文法的 には間違いではないのでしょうが)。
233さんがインターネットから引用された He brings a smile to everyone's face with his wit and stage presence, and yet his musical genius compares to none. という文章もそれと同じ類です。
ところで、余談ですが、 He disarmed opponents with wit, a smile, and, as with the second Doctor, an ability to hide his intelligence. はドクターWhoのからの引用かな?
"For all his great age"に関して。 私が相談した米国人の大多数がそれはおかしいと言い切っているの で、私はそれは正しくないというスタンスをとりたいと思います。 自分は"all"と年齢という意味の"age"を一緒に使うのがまずいのでは と思っていましたが、彼らのうち何人かは"great"という言葉に違和感を 感じる人もいました。これからも、いろいろ調べたり聞いたりし納得の いく回答をみつけるつもりです。
Sorry, I cannot use Japanese now, since I'm accesing from library.
I got your reply, and that was right at all. However, what I wanted to say mentionig >日本の法律は適用されないし、日本人が主催してい るモノじゃないから、おまえらは何も出来ねぇーんだ よ。 was that stupid activist can do anything about downloading songs. I mean, do you know ONODA(stupid motherfuckin' asshole)? He ruined one big utada's fan web page by comitting stupid copyright protecting activity. I just wanted to offense such kind of people. I'm sorry about I wrote about my personal hatrad. I was wrong. I just wanna say those stupid activist could ruin meaningful web page and web sarvices, and I am going to fuck them.
And one more thing.
Actually, I think Utada earn too much money. Japanese Album cost almost 30 dollars. In the U.S., it costs only a half of the price. Even if we consider the cost of making CDs, it is too much. So, in other words, she earns enough money and we do not need care about it anymore.
In music world, something wrong is happenning, I think. The musician are spplyer of music, and we are the consumers. In the market, the supplyers and consumers should be in equal state. Now in the music market, musicians apparently have stronger power. And recently, we consumers find fuckin' awesome tools to gain power in the market. That is mp3 sharing. As Utada said, money is one of the biggest motivation to making songs. Even we are fun of Utada, we do not need to care about her earnings. That made her motivated and is her desires.長文ですが誰か訳してもらえないでしょうか? 途中の日本語は無視してください。
ちょっと聞きたいんですけど、とあるアメリカの掲示板であるアメリカ人が 「オレこんなの買ったんだけどどうかな?」(結構高くて良い物を少し自慢げに) みたいなスレ立ててて、他のアメリカ人もオレのはこんなの物だよなどなどレスってて 自分は「うらやましー、取り替えてくれよォ。私のはこんなにショボイぞ」とレスつけたんです。(j/kとは書かなかったんだけど) そしたらそこで2〜3日そのツリーが止まっちゃって、本気にされちゃったのかなぁとちょっと心配したら こんな感じに返して来ました。 I was kidding you know. :) That would go for way over $4000! ちなみにみんなは英語力の乏しい日本人(自分)が来てると言う事は知ってるんだけどね。 だいじょうぶだったんかなぁ・・・?
Konniti-wa. I am a student. I live in Mitaka all alone. I am 172 centimeters tall. I am 58 kilograms weight. I am 21 years old. (略) I love a brunet. I hate fat people. I hate skinny.people. I hate a sex machine.
you paid $180 for the amps, the organon is out of stock, and therefore the norma was sent, our apologies for not informing you before, that is our mistake, we normally always do that.
mention this on a new order so that we can send you something for free extra.
they should have to carpool in a chevy nova with an am radio and no cupholders. make it all the more difficult for them to win, and all the more humiliating for the final boss to be defeated by eight people who pull up in a tiny rusted car.
>>268 Hi! I'm a 21-year-old student living by myself in Mitaka, Tokyo. I'm 172cm tall and weigh 58kg. It's getting really hard to spend a night without someone to love, specially when it's snowing outside.... So let me post this again: I'm looking for a non-smoking, cute'n cool, "boy-next-door" type of person who's about my age and not playing around at cruising places. If you have brown hair, you got the greatest chance of being my knockout. If you are seeking mere sexual relations, or if you are excessively fat/thin, I'm not expecting your mails at this time. Sorry about that.
As always, LOL, my computer fucked up itself, and all my former mail-palls' addrresses are gone out of recovery! I hope you guys are nice enough to mail me again (I'm begging!) Anyhow, if you are interested, see my humble pages for more details about me. Bye!
〜に匹敵する、と言いたいのならequal toだけど、上の文のままだと 「ABCとCNN(しかもここに不定冠詞がついているのも良くわからない)は 等しい」ととられても仕方ないと思う。単純にCNN is as good (prestigious, respected) as ABC.でよかったのだろうし、またはCNN is (now) in the same league as ABC.とすればわかりやすかったんじゃないかと思う。 キン肉マンに関しては・・・ううむ・・・上のはまあOKかな。便器は toilet seatだと座る所を指すと思う。便器そのもののことを言いたい のならcommodeがいいのではないだろうか。
I was born and brought up in Shibamata, Katsushika, Tokyo, Japan. I was blessed at Taishaku temple. Kuruma is my family name, and my given name is Torajiro. But people usually just call me Tora, a street-peddler.
Shoutz to: The Itch, Tasc, parag0n, Data Cha0s, Datagram , Dr-Hacker ,DevilSoul ,packeted , roots , MaDDoNa, DiScO-MoLvI, Scurvy, Insanity Zine Corp, Data Masters, Prime Suspectz, GForce Pakistan, lucipher, Wild Coyote, psaux, n1n0, ash and every1 that give greets to us :)
(1) の模範解答は「ではひどく違っていて」が訳出されていない。 what we have thought of as naturalは北大の教授脳みそ腐っているのでは? 普通はwhat we think to be natural でしょう。 In the foreign countries, what seems common sense for us can betray our expectation to our surprise. (2) he walks out ofはこんな不自然な表現、イギリスでは使わん。 the averageではなくan average` a ticket he boughtは the ticke he boughtかa ticket、普通買った切符であることが分かってるので 英語ではわざわざ説明しない、する場合は特定の切符が頭にあるわけだからthe Just imagine how an average Japanese people might feel when he can walk away form the station without showing a thicket.
上、formはfrom (3) In the UK, the offenders of law are normally strictlly punished and no compassion is shown. 模範解答でも大体良いけど冗長、後はseverelyはやりすぎのニュアンスがあるので さけるべき。 これは嘘、イギリス人は信号無視など平気でする。 (4) Unlike Japan, the sort of excuse that you had no time to buy a ticket wouldn't convince any British. give an ear toはあんまりこの文脈で使わない口語的な表現。 事実としてこれも嘘、罰金払えば良いだけだが、窓口が壊れてることが多いので 議論すると、通常料金だけですむ。 受験英語って酷いよね。
>what we have thought of as naturalは北大の教授脳みそ腐っているのでは? 言い過ぎ。think of..as..は極普通につかわれる表現。 (何をさして「腐ってる」といってるのか知らないが)受験生 にはasの後ろに形容詞がきてることが不思議に思えるかもしれないが これは全然OK。ただ、ここに現在完了形をあえて使う必要はないね。 what we think of as natural でいいでしょう。
After flipping through the first several pages of another Japanese magazines, An-an, what the reader would commonly find is a chart illustrating the proper weight, breast size, waist, stomach, hips, thighs, calves and ankles according to one's height. Having such specific standards of beauty strongly contrasts the standard placed on women in the US. The American standards of the female body pales in comparison to those of the Japanese standards which go to the extent of using tables to determine whether or not your ankles are too fat.
It is the policy of AAA Union High School District to provide all individuals (employees, students, etc.)work and academic environment free from all forms of discrimination, including sexual harassment.
Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to:
1. Making unsolicited, and unwelcome written, verbal, physical and/or visual contact with sexual overtones. (Written examples: suggestive or obscene letters, notes, invitations. Verbal examples: derogatory comments, slurs, jokes, epithets. Physical examples: leering gestures, display of sexually suggestive objects or pictures, cartoons, posters, or magazines.)
2. Continuing to express sexual interest after being informed that the interest is unwelcome.(Reciprocal attraction is not considered sexual harassment).
3. Offering favors or employment or academic benefits such as promotions, favorable grades or performance evaluations, favorable assigned duties or shifts, recommendations, reclassifications, etc., in exchange for sexual favors.
4. Making reprisals, threats of reprisal, or implied threats of reprisal following a negative response.For example, either implying or actually withholding support for an appointment, promotion, or change of assignment, or suggesting that a poor performance report will be given.
5. Engaging in implicit or explicit, coercive sexual behavior which is used to control, influence or affect the career, salary, and/or work environment of another employee.
This policy applies to all phases of the employment and academic relationships, including evaluating, recruiting, testing, hiring, upgrading, promotion/demotion, transfer, layoffs, termination, rates of pay, benefits and selection for training.
It is the stated policy of AAA Union High School District to prevent and prohibit misconduct on the jb, including sexual harassment by co-workers, subordinate employees, vendors, or supervisors. Any employee and/or student found have acted in violation of the foregoing policies shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, including warnings, reprimand, suspension, demotion, and/or termination.
Laugh at this troll ! Am I the only one who counts how many wackoes come upon this board to ask to translate their lame allegations after every single catastrophic event occurs? With my huge gratification I'm calling,“Yeah, five goofballs are coming, what the heck are the rest of them doing?”Sadly enough, a victim of fools' scheme is just only you. It's not big deal anyway.
Laughing out loud at this poor guy, and I rolled over. When I saw your post I couldn't help feeling pity of you. While you look up your dictionary I am biting a hamburger thinking of you; Nobody will appreciate what you do even your family, but who cares?
For you to realize this, I was wondering if I should write it in Japanese. I now believe it's better in English because some people studying English can learn something from this, otherwise most of us but you can read this and grin. Some morons like you might say “Write in Japanese!”That nauseates me. You already took English classes in school and you can't even read anything like this. It's all your fault. By the way, do you continue being an asshole? Do you think you're not an asshole? No kidding!
Whatever you say, you screwed yourself, that's for sure. It was a disgusting evening. Please don't come again.
Hello our friend Ume! Thank you for sending us an email. It is good to hear from you. It sounds like you are very busy with work and school. We have been busy also. Jon is still a painter. I (Laurie) am working for an optometrist (an eye doctor). I am very happy at my job. I like it very much. I am learning so much about eye sight and vision. My family is well. My mother (Linda) is having fun babysitting her grandson (my brothers baby). Lisa, my sister has started High School. It is a very big school and she has been scared to go. We are so glad you stayed with us. We have your picture up in our house. We think about you often. We will email you again. love very much, Jon and Lauire
一応自分でも書いてみました(下手な英語ですが)・・・・ If you go to a foreign country, you should learn its culture. To be taught by locals may be good. But, so as not to cause misunderstanding, you should not go there without learning.
If you go abroad, you should know the culture beforehand. Learning from the local is good. Anyway, don't leave without information to avoid serious frictions upon the wrong impression.
>>381 僕も挑戦。 Before going abroad, you should learn about the culture of the country you are to visit. You may learn it from the locals. But to avoid serious troubles caused by simple misunderstandings, you should take with you at least a few knowledge of the country. えー、「現地の人」は人なのでtheをつけた方がいいかと。「あらかじめ」をもっとうまくやりたかったですが、beforeしか出てきませんでした。「重大な誤解を〜」は>>383さんと同じく、誤解が重大と言うよりもその誤解から生じる結果が重大だと勝手に解釈し、そういうニュアンスにしちゃいました。「何も学ばずに〜」はできる人の腕の見せ所だと思います。もっと英語っぽい表現があると思います。僕はギブアップして「何も学ばずに〜」を勝手に「少しでも知識を持って」とやっちゃいました。
If you found my artwork on another artist's page under another name / being sold / printed in books without proper credit... That means that you've found an art thief. Please alert us ASAP with the URL to the certain homepage or info of where our work is being sold so we can punish or even sue the person.
>>391以下 If you find my artworks in any other places being displayed, printed or sold without my permission, please inform me as soon as possible, as there is a pssibility of an infringement of copyright. It is also helpful if the URL(if there is one) or the place it is being displayed or sold is indicated, in order to warn or take legal actions against the person involved. 訂正改定歓迎。
>>391補足というか訂正でしゅ。 きっとネット上での転載禁止を第一に考えていらっしゃると思うので、 そこを意識して>>393を以下のように変えたいと思います。 If you find any copies of my works in any other places being used on a web site, printed or sold without my permission, please inform me as soon as possible, for there is a pssibility of an infringement of copyright. It is also helpful if the URL(if there is one) or the place they are being printed or sold is indicated, so that it is possible to warn or to take legal actions against the person involved. すいませんです。はい。
I mail to you three days ago. But I wasn't received your answer. I am the author of the artworks which you are using on your website. 絵のURL If you don't stop using my work on your page, I would do the following behavior in turn. 1) I will mail to your Internet service provider. 2) I will consult a lawyer about your site. 3) I will consult the police about your site.
You must be surprised to receive this unexpected letter from me.This is the first time that I have written to you.I am a Japnese.I have ever seen your page.It is very happy me that the people of the overseas come to like the Japanese anime.
By the way, you're using my artwork on your site.It is the artworks (絵のURL) .I didn't give you permission to do that.
Don't use the artworks on your HP, please.
I want to give the permission only the site of the master who has given me the e-mail to ask.
However, I think myself glad at that you liked my picture.
It has been three days since I sent you an e-mail concerning your using my works on your web site without permission. However, I have not received reply from you. So I am mailing you once again.
Let me repeat again, I am the author of the works(絵のファイルのアドレス) on your web site and you are using them without my permission which is a clear infringement of copyright. Please stop using them immediatly or ask for permission. If you do not stop using them or mail me for permission, I will do the following: 1) Send e-mail to your internet service provider. 2) Consult a lawyer to pursue legal action. 3) Report to the police.
I strongly suggest you simply send me an e-mail asking for permission, before I have to take further action.
>>402>>403 なるほど。それでは、相手からのメールの返事が来ないことよりも、 相手がページからあなたの作品をおろさないことが重大なのですね。 それでしたら、>>402の冒頭も以下のように書き直した方がいいですね。 It has been three days since I sent you an e-mail requiring you to stop using my works on your web site. However, I still can not recognize my works being removed from your web site. So I am mailing you once again. 「いまだにメールの返事が来ないので再びメール〜」ということよりも 「いまだに作品がページから下ろされたことを確認できていないので 再びメール〜」に変えたわけです。同時に第二パラグラフのor ask for permission・ or mail me for permissionも削除します。 その後のstop usingでは要求が少し弱いので、 以下のようにもっと具体的行動を要求する表現にしましょう。 Please stop using以下を Please remove them immediatly from your web site. If you do not remove them, I will do the following: で、最後のセンテンスもこうしましょう。 I strongly suggest you simply remove my works on your web site, before I have to take further action.
And although liberty is to be respected in education as much as is compatible with instruction, and although a very great deal more liberty than is customary can be allowed without loss to instruction, yet it is clear that some departure from complete liberty is unavoidable if children are to be taught anything, except in the case of unusually intelligent children who are kept isolated from more normal companions.
1)Again and again I found Japanese lessons impressive because of the encouragement they gave children's own powerful ideas and the help they gave children to examine these ideas in a thoughtful way.
2)As spoken language and written language fulfil different purposes in society,it is hardly surprising that their natures are different. Speech is dynamic in the sense that it is created at the moment of speaking and,unress it is recorded with twentieth-century recording equipment,exists only for that moment.
i hear that my hobby is sleeping,driving,or so from japanese frend ,but we dont think it is hobby . because everyone do them. C-A-N you understand my meaning ?
good byeより かなり格式ばった 言い方で、古風な言い回しでは ないでしょうか。 farewell party 送別会 などの言い方もあります。
また格式張ったところから、旅等長期間の別れなどに使います。 I said farewell to my boyfriend. と言えば、まさに お別れした と言う感じがでますね。 (余談ですが、一生バイ!とゆう 言い方が 学生の時私の周りではやりました、 そんな感じでしょうか。 Ex. お前なんか 一生バイじゃ!) I said goodbye to my boyfriend.でも もちろん お別れしたという 意味とも取れますが、単にその時さよならと言ったみたいな感じでも どちらでも取れると 思います。
put in( one's )two cents(worth) 米俗》(討論・議論などで)自分の意見を述べる: If I want you to put in your two cents(〜), I'll tell you; otherwise, be quiet! 意見を言ってもらいたい時には私のほうで言うよ,それ以外は黙っていてくれ.
two cents《米話》つまらないこと[人].
440 :here's my two cents worth....:2001/02/18(日) 02:01
When I was five, I rarely got up ealy. One spring morning, however, the sun was so bright and the ground so dewy that the whole world seemed to sparkle through my window. To my parent's surprise, I rushed though dressing and eating breakfast and was outside long before the usual time. I was immediately dazzled by an abundance of forsythia growing along our driveway and decided to make a bouquet for my teacher. After a great amount of pulling and bending I proudly held several branches in my hand and showed the "bouquet" to my mother. Every branch was a different length and was pointing in a different direction. My mother asked if she could borrow it for a while and fix it up a bit. Ten minutes later, she reappeared with a carefully arranged bundle and said something about it being more symmetrical. "Symmetrical" I like the sound of that word and very much wanted to know what it meant;but then the bus arrived and I was off to school without an answer. Once at school, I promptly sought out my senior kindergarten teacher. I gave her the bouquet and asked her what "symmetrical" meant. She paused as if she were about to explain, but then looked at me again and said very sweetly but firmly, "That's not the kind of word you can understand at your age. You'll just have to wait a few years before I can explain it to you." My first thought was probably that it was another of those bad words that only adults are allowed to use; but considering who had use it and that it was about such a nice plant, I quickly decided that my teacher meant what she said; and it bothered me greatly. She was telling me that there were some things that children just couldn't understand no matter how hard they tried. I am sure this wasn't the first time I was given such a message. Most children seem to have many experiences of this sort. Even people with lots of relevant experience think that children have very different sorts of concepts from adults as a result not only of being ignorant but of perceiving the world in a fundamentally different way. This view is communicated to children in many ways, most far subtler than simple statements that one isn't developmentally ready for the concept. These ways include: changing the subject, substituting a loosely Related word, and promising to get back to it later. Children usually find these encounters frustrating. If you have difficulty remembering such experiences in your childhood, consider how frustrating it would be as an adult to have someone tell you that an unfamilar word is not understandable to you because you don't have sufficient mental ability. I believe neither children's concepts nor their conceptual capacities are fundamentally different from adults'; but , as the average adult feels, a change in children's perception of the world occurs as they grow older. My kindergarten teacher was wrong in telling me that I could not understand the word "symmetrical" at all at that age. But she was also partly right in thinking that the level of perception dose change dramatically with development.
1. Trees are useful to us, because they provide us with wood and other products, give us shade, and help to prevent floods.Some people do not realize that the last of these services is the most important.
2. We usually take for granted our ability to produce and understand speech and give little thought to its nature and function, just as we are not particularly aeare of the action of our hearts, brains, or other essential organs.
3. To the Japanese the group is very important, whether it is his family or neighborhood or class at school or his sports club or the company where he works.He functions better as a member of a group than as an individual because that is the way he has been raised.
T: Uhn, this is Taro. May I speak to Hanako please? Can you ask for ハナコ though it is タロー?
S : Just a moment. I' ll get her. is a little waited for. It changes. おーい flower child! It 太郎君っ, and it is telephone from the person.
h : It い. It waits a little. Someone?
s: When it is from 太郎 because it is it. Are you a boy friend?
h : It is wrong! First, such a thing father doesn't have relations, しょ!?
s: It is right.
H : 太郎? What business? It is very busy with the study of this term end examination.
t: ごめん. By the way, 4 o'clock tomorrow is vacant, るかな.
h: It is vacant,. When it was finished 【 it was exactly examined 】, stock. It goes, what?
t: It was good. As a matter of fact, though a friend says that it wants to meet you and it is . It is the "tree of Mutsu" at 4 o'clock, how?
h: Have you called in such a thing? It is unpleasant.
t: Is it it?
h: It is terrible that it meets the person who isn't known.
t: He is sincere, and interesting, and he is a smart man. 90% of the scores are taken by the test of English OC. Then, it is milder than what! If it meets, it thinks that it is certainly liked. Or, whether my thing isn't trustworthy, い?
h: It was understood. It meets if it says there. Tomorrow, at 4 o'clock, the "tree of Mutsu". It was understood.
s: Take your place 【 a flower child calls a little 】.
h: It waits a little. Now, father 替われっ telephone, and says, and る. You had better be here with 覚悟し.
t: えっ!?
s: It is hung 【 it calls in such time 】, and it がっ, き. They are what kind of relations with you, our flower child!
t: Though it is a mere friend. Something?
s: 「 something? What is 」? It is impertinent! Show a face next time! It is a shade date with us!
日本のゲーマーが「アメリカのコンソールだから」XBOXを支持しないってのは被害妄想だよ。 A Japanese gamer not supports XBOX,"since it is an American console",this Reason is persecution delusion! 日本のゲーマーが集まる掲示板をぜひ見て欲しいんだけどソニーやスクウェアをバカにしたカキコがすげー多いんだよ。 I want you to surely see a Japanese gamers boards, and, There are slandered very many posts about Sony and Square. 「プレステ2はハッタリだ!」「スクウェア赤字で任天堂に泣きついてる」「PS2そろそろヤバイ」などなど。 "PS2 is sensational advertisement!","Square asked with crying Nintendo,because with poverty.","PS2 finishes soon"etc..... 特に「(SCE社長)久多良木のウンコを食う会」ってスレには1万以上のレスが付いたぐらいだし(藁) "Let's eat (President of SCE)Kutaragi's $hit the meeting!"This thread had reply of 10,000 over responce.(LOL!!) もちろんXBOXも叩かれる事があるけど上のメーカーに対してやここの掲示板でのバッシングに比べりゃ無いのも同然。 Although XBOX bushing also occurs of course,As opposed to the above-mentioned maker,and, Compared with the bushing in the bulletin board here, it is very few.
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こんな英文メールが届きました。 GO.com Member Servicesと書かれてますが、私は登録した覚えは全く無いです。 それとも、普通のDMなのですか? どうしたら良いのでしょう。 どなたか、和訳して頂けると嬉しいです。お願い致します。
This simply means that there is one consistent life-wave running throughout all being; and being one coherent and consistent will, having one basic direction, it must act on all planes of the universe more or less in the same way. Hence you see the need, the necessity, the value, to us, yea and the beauty, of the ancient teachings, proclaiming the fundamental operation of nature, commonly called the law of analogy, expressed by the Hermetic axiom, "As above, so below; as below, so above."
Yes, I will agree with Descartes, that I exist because I am a thinking being; but more than this, I exist and therefore God exist, because I was born out of my mother's womb. In this, I do accept the principle axiom: "As Above so Below," which means of course, that if the birth process exist here on earth with a set of two parents, one male one female, it must follow that we also have divine cosmic parents, one Father, one Mother; one Masculine Principle, one Feminine Principle.
Sometimes I ask myself, what am I doing here ? I think of all the reasons but it's still not clear, I look at places to go, there's nothing near, So take me away from this, Cos this place I'll hardly miss.
So take me back in time, To another world, Then you can be mine, We don't have to worry, When your by my side, There's nothing I don't know, There's nothing to decide, Apart from where we want to go.
What am I doing now, by coming back for more, Is it me, or I have been here before ? I want to go somewhere thant we can explore, Just take me away from here, To somewhere that's nowhere near.
*On a sunday, riding my bike I notice, I notice different things that look alike On a Sunday, riding my bike I notice, I notice many many things that look alike
Ice thaw, warmth stalking cold Autumn missed here one last year Sparkling turn, raining cloud A, B, C, D Tuesday 'worth, so is Friday How 'bout moon then, headlights? What I say and what I think A-B-C-D-E-F...
'cause you're on the go ('cause you're on the go) I was born (I was Born) In a memorize (in a memorize) By the flat on... Names......
She slipped to her knees and unzipped my shorts. My dick sprang out, looking white and hard. She licked all around the head, telling me how good it tasted.
*On a sunday, riding my bike I notice, I notice different things that look alike On a Sunday, riding my bike I notice, I notice many many things that look alike
Ice thaw, warmth stalking cold Autumn missed here one last year Sparkling turn, raining cloud A, B, C, D Tuesday 'worth, so is Friday How 'bout moon then, headlights? What I say and what I think A-B-C-D-E-F...
'cause you're on the go ('cause you're on the go) I was born (I was Born) In a memorize (in a memorize) By the flat on... Names......
>>You Have Been Chosen To Register For Our Vacation Special!!! >>Fabulous Tropical Getaway!!!Hurry, Register Now!!! >>(Special Limited Time Offer For Those Who Qualify) >>Click Here To Register >>To Be Removed From Our List, Please >>Click Here
I have worked with two browsers, why do I have to work with a third?
You should be designing for the standards, not for specific browsers. Standards are browser-neutral. More information is available at the Viewable at Any Browser Campaign. This site is designed towards the standards.
If you really need to design for the browsers, and I encourage you again to design for the standards, keep this in mind: because Netscape 6 is standards compliant, and Internet Explorer is somewhat close to being standards compliant, pages designed for one should work with the other. This is not always the case, so you should avoid using non-standard elements.
If you want to be able to build your sites for multiple browsers using different Cascading Style Sheet files, you can use this wonderful piece of JavaScript provided by Netscape's DevEdge Online.
どうしても特定ブラウザ用にデザインをする必要があるにしても、標準のデザインをすることをもう一度おすすめします。Netscape6 は標準に準拠しており、Internet Explorer もほぼ標準に準拠していますので、いずれかのブラウザ用にデザインすれば、もう一方でも正しく表示されるはずだということを覚えておきましょう。(?)、標準ではない要素を用いるのは避けるようにしましょう。
>>556この板の住人に SNES,SFCはSuper Family Computer,Super Nintendo Entertainment System で共にスーパーファミコンの意味って即答できる人間は少ないと思うぞ。 そこを説明してから聞いた方がよかったのではないかい? will this game with snes and what is sfc は「このゲームはSNFCで遊ぶつもり。で、SFCって何?」だと思うが、 みなさん訂正きぼんぬ。
>>566 当のSyodoukaのページの説明をコピれや。 その英語はすこうし変。 This service lets you view pages containing Japanese characters without requiring Japanese language support in your browser or operating system.
All your base are belong to usはそれだけじゃなく、 その全文がちんぷんかんぷんな英文だったから、 ネタにされたんとちゃう?
Captain : What happen? Mechanic : Somebody set up us the bomb. Operator : We get signal. Captain : What ! Operator : Main screen turn on. Captain : It's you!! Cats : How are you Gentlemen! Cats : All your base are belong to us! Cats : You are on the way to destrustion. Captain : What you say! Cats : You have no chance to survive make your time. Cats : Ha ha ha......
>>567-569 Why do you guys want to take perfectly good English and destroy it? Nothing is wrong with the original sentence that I can see. The correction you guys suggested is what’s odd. The reason you don’t want to change “lets you view” into “enable you to browse” is because you’ve already got the word browser in the sentence (later on) and it sounds redundant. Also, from a technical standpoint, the Shodouka service is converting Japanese characters to graphic images that only can be viewed, which is not the same as browsing. Therefore, to say “enable to browse” is actually wrong.
http://www.stars.com/Internet/Protocols/ Gopher Another widely used tool of the Internet is Gopher, a menu-based program that enables you to browse for information without having to know where the material is specifically located. It lets you search lists of resources, and then helps send the material to you.
What I was saying is, nothing is wrong with the original sentence. There is a big difference between “browsing” (as on the Internet) and “viewing” graphics on the screen. By changing the phrase from <lets you view> to <enable you to browse>, you change the whole meaning of what services Shodouka provides!
By the way, what are you trying to prove with this second example from “Gopher”? It only serves to support what I am saying. The whole point of the Shodouka service is to let you view Japanese text if you do not have Japanese fonts on your system.
>There is a big difference between “browsing” (as on the Internet) and >“viewing” graphics on the screen. By changing the phrase from <lets >you view> to <enable you to browse>, you change the whole meaning of >what services Shodouka provides!
Let me try to explain in simple Engish for you. MS Internet Explorer is a browser. The Shodouka is a viewer that works with your browser. That’s all I am saying. Nice talking to you. Bye bye.
I'm sorry that there's nothing I can do with the pictures. All copyrights are belong to Mr. ××and ○○. I'm not in a position to give you a permission nor to force you not to use the pictures.
If you want to use them, I suggest you contact Mr. ×× or ○○.
>>588 さしあたりso〜that〜構文を覚えては? たとえば「昨日はあまりに忙しくて昼飯を食べる時間もなかった」 を多分I didn't have time for lunch yesterday because I was very busy.などと書かれていると思いますが、 この構文を使えばI was so busy yesterday that I didn't have time for lunch.と書けます。
和訳たのむ! テキサスの運転免許の試験より。 What are the penalties for minors persons under the age of 21 convicted of nondriving alcokol-related offenses?
それと、運転免許の問題集より。 Persons riding two abreast shall not impede the normal and reasonable flow of traffic on the roadway.Persons riding two abreast on a laned roadway must ride in a single lane.
>>662 >I met my friend last week----- >It was very fun. でもいいと思いますよ。 We had a really great time. にしたのは、ただ会っただけではなく、楽しい時を過ごした 事を強調したかったまでです。ようは解釈の仕方によって いろいろな言い方ができるでしょう。
>>666 a friend of mineが普通では? my friendは間違いだと聞いたことがあるけど、たまに見かけることがある。
それより、after an interval of 2 monthsなんて使うかなあ? 和英辞典には載っているけど。 今alta-vistaで検索してみたけど、ほとんど見つからなかった。 わずかにあったページも、固い英語がほとんどだったし。 普通に使われるのは、>>655のとか、せいぜいfor the first time in 2 months あたりなのでは?
すいません 次の文章を違うセンテンスの英語に直してほしいのです。すいません誰か 英語の堪能な方お願いします。 Our project is to see how free software without copyright might affect the market and consumers, and how software companies respond to the impact free software creates. This paper discusses a free operational system called Linux, which is gaining popularity in the market.
Manifesto of the Democratic Labor Party from the platform of DLP
adopted at the founding congress of the party on Jan. 29. 2000
For the New World of Democracy, Equality and Liberation
South Korean people have fought against the invasion of imperialists, separation of the nation, exploitation of monopoly capital, and military dictatorship. Now we should go forward to liberation, reunification of South and North Korea, and further more to a liberated future of the human race.
Nowadays, Korean people are in terrible circumstances. Corrupted politicians are depriving democracy achieved by the people's struggle. Big capitals and speculators are exploiting labors, farmers, and poor people. We live in a world where the stronger prey upon the weaker, and human rights are not respected. Capitalism and separation of Korea cause those.
Democratic Labor Party (DLP) is the successor of Korean people's history of great struggle, such as the uprising against Japanese Imperialism on 1st March 1919, the political revolution of 19th April 1960, the Kwangju people's armed struggle on 18th May 1980, and people's movement for democracy and the mass strike in summer, 1987. We will organize the power of labors, farmers, small businessmen, urban poor people, women, youths and students, progressive intelligentsia.
This is our mission. We will turn imperialists out of the Korean peninsula. We will turn over reactionary power. We will establish people's power. We will carry out progressive policy. We will get over capitalism. We will open the New World of equality and liberty.
Where we stand
In the history, capitalism has developed productivity on a grand scale and changed the world totally. On the other hand, capitalism has exploited laborers and people, and has driven women to double alienation, and has destroyed the environment. It caused inequality among classes, forcing weak and poor people to hard lives.
The current global system has made a contradiction of capitalism widen and deepen, so workers and people are more exploited. US has acquired the sole hegemony after cold war. It has used local wars to enhance its influences in the world wide, oppressing the rest. On the other hand, destruction of nature caused by economic development have driven the human race to the edge of a cliff.
Korean have had a hard time in the era of imperialist. The Great Powers surrounding the Korean peninsula like the US had separated Korea into South and North, led to Korean War, driven South and North to military competition. It forced Korean to lack of freedom and democracy. The US chose pro-Japanese groups to rule South Korea who had helped the Japanese rule during the colonial period. The US also used military fascists to suppress people's struggle.
In South Korea, capitalism expanded rapidly with oppressive military dictatorship and close relationship between capitalists and politicians, and it stepped together with low wage and long working time of workers, low prices of products of farmers, the urban poor under the cost of living and violation of human rights.
Corruption, monopoly, and dictatorship for economic growth are followed by the debt crisis and bankruptcy in 1997. Therefore economic crisis of South Korea is deeper and deeper. However the bourgeois and the government still exploit workers and poor people, declaring NEO-liberalism without addressing the root of the economic crisis. As a result, workers are laid off and millions of workers turned to unemployment. NEO-liberalism turned the world into unequal society where the rich are richer, and the poor are poorer. The globalized world is brutal for the people while it is a haven for the rich. Korean government has been representing domestic and foreign capital. As long as the capitalists have the power, people will not have any political or social power. Even though the people's struggle turned over military dictatorship and advanced democracy, people don't have enough rights because of lack of power.
Our Goal
We will establish an independent and democratic government of workers and people.
We will get over the contradiction of capitalism, and we will establish democratic and socialistic system of workers and people. We will succeed and develop the ideal and principle of socialism.
We object to any kind of development that destroys nature for human greed, and we will construct the new world of harmony between human and nature.
We have a dream of a new community of solidarity. We have a dream of the liberation from private ownership, alienation of labor, sexual discrimination, privilege, further more from any suppression and submission. No one will be discriminated. Children, old people, handicapped, foreign workers, foreigners, gays, and minority will be protected and respected. We will make a new world of liberation without suppression, exploitation, and discrimination.
Our way
We tried to organize a political party of working people, but our challenge was not successive because objective circumstances and subjective preparation were not mature. DLP will get over mistakes and limit of former left party movements while upholding the spirit. We won't give up our goal or slow down our march.
DLP is open the door to any group or person to develop wide left party.
DLP will support struggles of workers and people, and lead them to attain political power.
DLP will try to get socialists' hegemony in the culture and working places.
DLP will join and lead international solidarity of workers, people and the suppressed nations and make the world of justice and peace.
My arrival of a your hotel may become quite late because Amtrak by which I go to Chicago will late frequently. (Official reach time:4 15pm at union sta.)
>>695なるべく原文を生かして修正するとこんな感じかな。 I am afraid my arrival at your hotel could be late because the Amtrack train in which I come to Chicago gets delayed frequently (its official arrival time at the Union Station is 4:15pm). 参考にしてください。
A few years later, Steve and Yumi discovered in a professional investigation report into the company's collapse, that the company had been wound up by the Tax department.
Microsoft Corporation's Windows operating systme holds an overwhelming percentage of shares, and has become the defacto (de facto かも)standard operating systems for the PC. Then the freeware operating system Linux jumped into the scene. Many pieces of software can be used as freeware in Linux, and it is trusted by many for its reliability as an internet server. Therefore we researched what sort of impact free software has on the market and consumers.
Our project researched the effect uncopyrighted freeware had on the OS market and consumers, as well as how it affected Windows. The free operating system Unix had a significant impact on the market. This paper is a debate on Windows, which is copyrighted, and Unix, which is not.
Our group will discuss copyrights. Windows and Unix are both operating systems, but there is a decisive difference between the two: the copyright, which Windows had but Unix does not.
Our project researched the effect uncopyrighted freeware had on the OS market and consumers, as well as how it affected Windows. The free operating system Unix had a significant impact on the market. This paper is a debate on Windows, which is copyrighted, and Unix, which is not..
The decisive difference between these two operating systems is the copyright (or lack thereof). That will be the focus of our groups' discussion. とか。 参考になりました?
この3つの分を訳してくれませんか? チャットで言われたことです。 1.I am sorry. Your hope is comply with. Therefore, it does not come to the chat of here the whole life 2.I add it. Please send me mail, if you take the trouble of permitting me. 3.Granted that you used a dictionary in case, it will become an entirely different thing.
>>738 Copyright law has many kinds of regulations what we don't know. This regulation is one of it. Generally, people know that books, PC software, muscic CD have copyright. However, people useally don't know well taht other fields of arts have copyright. すいません これが限界です。 修正お願いします。
copyright law has so many detailed regulations that they remain uncommon. For instance, it could be common knowledge that books, PC softwares and music CDs have copyright. However, the copyrights of arts in other fields tend to be neglected. 738では、ありませんが、こんなもんでどうでしょ? 修正きぼん
>>739を「修正」するとこんな感じか。 Copyright law has many regulations which you may not know. Here I will introduce one of them. It is generally known that books, PC software and music CDs have copyright. However, it is not well known that many other fields of art have copyright, too. これは「自然な」英語ではたぶんない。とりあえず英文として 通る最低限のところだと思う。とりあえずこの辺りのレベルを目標にしましょう。 そのあとのことはまたそのあとで。
今日の新聞に神戸大の英作があって、 「われわれもまた自然の一部なのであり、したがって自然をみるということは われわれ自身をみることをも意味しているのだ。」ってあったけど、 河合塾の出した答えは、 ・We are also a part of nature,so looking at nature means looking at ourselvs. ・We, too, are a part of nature, and therefore looking at nature is, in effect, a way of looking at ourselves. ってなってたけど、他にいい表現はありますか?お願いします。
Captain : What happen? Mechanic : Somebody set up us the bomb. Operator : We get signal. Captain : What ! Operator : Main screen turn on. Captain : It's you!! Cats : How are you Gentlemen! Cats : All your base are belong to us! Cats : You are on the way to destrustion. Captain : What you say! Cats : You have no chance to survive make your time. Cats : Ha ha ha......
Captain : Status report? Mechanic : Someone has planted a bomb. Operator : We're receiving a transmission. Captain : From where? Operator : Activate main screen. Captain : It's you, you bastard! Cats : How are you gentlemen? Cats : We are taking control of your entire base! Cats : You are moments away from destruction. Captain : What the hell! Cats : You have no chance to survive. You're running out of time. Cats : Ha ha ha......
The original English was so messed up I had a hard time making sense of it. This is the best I can do to "clean it up". Since I never played this video game, I cannot be sure if I interpreted the scene or the action correctly.
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>>776 例によって英語風に書きなおすと、 「このコンテンツの全てまたは一部を、その作成者の名前を参照することなしに 転載した人々は、その作成者自らによって殴られるか呪われるであろう」。 原文は半分しゃれっぽいので英訳もそうするとすると、 Those who have dared to reproduce all or part of this content without any reference to the name of the creator shall suffer a terrible brow and/or curse by the creator himself/herself! かな。
I am a successful American writer who has written a book about a gaigokujin living in Japan. The cover of my book even has kanji on it. My book has been very successful in America but I have not gotten much of an opinion from Japanese people on what I wrote about their country.
Would you read my book? Then we can talk about what you liked and didn't like about the novel? The book is very easy reading because it does not have slang. It is not difficult to understand.
It you would like to do this, please go to <www.amazon.co.jp) - look under foreign books, then typein the novel's name which is "Candid Confessions." If you want to see the book at an American book store that has book reviews, see <wwwbn.com>.
Please write back with any questions and let's be friends.
P.S. I now live in Thailand and I am writing a new novel. If you visit here, let's have lunch.
1926年頃に書かれた自伝的小説の一節です。 主人公の私(I)が戦時中に拉致され鞭打ちの拷問を受けているシーンです。 特に whose waves 以下の文をどう訳すべきなのか見当もつきません。 長文で申し訳ないのですが、よろしくお願いします。 【暫定訳】 平常心を保つため鞭打つ回数を数えていたが20を越えたところでわからなくなった。 ただ形のない重い傷みが打ちつけられるのを感じた。 痛みは、覚悟していたようなかぎづめで引き裂くようなものではなく、 強大な力を持つ者の殴打が私の背骨を巻き込み頭の中で抑えこまねば 私の存在自体に徐々に亀裂を生じさせるようなものであた。??? 【原文】 To keep my mind in control I numbered the blows, but after twenty lost count, and could feel only the shapeless weight of pain, not tearing claws, for which I had prepared, but a gradual cracking apart of my whole being by some too-great force whose waves rolled up my spine till they were pent within my brain, to clash terribly together.
I found your address on a site about wine and spirits, cigar and good living and I thought that you would be interested by the services that our site offers.
www.winealley.com is a virtual Club for all those interested in wine in both a professional and personal capacity. You too can be among our 7055 members to receive our free weekly bulletin which commits you to nothing but presents an excellent overview of our site.
We now have more than 4900 members, both amateur and in the trade who use our site to discuss wine, buy and sell it and tell us about the best sources.
Club members use the Newsgroup of www.winealley.com to exchange information and experiences. Only the other day someone asked how much a certain rare wine was worth, I asked for more information about the grape variety, which doesn't grow in France. This week alone there have been more than 1011 questions and replies.
There are also for sale and wanted ads and a section giving the market value of wines.
Among the 3 ads placed this week there have been some really good deals including a magnum of 1945 Pichon Lalande and a 1947 Cheval blanc! We also provide a particularly useful service with our Wine Pricing Guide encompassing 4800 different wines and based on auction sales of 150000 lots sold worldwide.
Let me make it clear - www.winealley.com itself does not sell or buy wine: we simply offer our members the facilities for making their own arrangements.
www.winealley.com is also a site supplying information in real time, particularly the latest news from winegrowers and makers via the French Press Agency (AFP). We also have a database of more than 21,000 wines with information supplied directly to the site by winegrower痴 co-operatives and specialist magazines.
I should be delighted if you would come and join us. At www.winealley.com you will find similarly-minded people who just want to share their love of wine.
Kind regards
Fran輟is Xavier Bodin, Manager of the Online Club [email protected] PS. If you are not interested in my offer, please excuse this letter; I am sorry to have bothered you. To prevent further unwanted intrusions please click on the following link; your email will be automatically removed from our list.
Send funds with mail: EMS, Express Mail, Global priority, express carriers are better because they are faster and they are insured ( we haven't lost an envelope jet, but just to be on the safe side ).
Please send the envelope personally, it is very common for friends, wives etc. to forget to mail your payment.
Before going to the postoffice place your cash in a regular envelope on which you WRITE your code* (it can be anything: numbers, names,pet's name,favorite rock star or bodybuilder just so that it is recognizable ). This envelope will go inside the EMS, Express Mail... one. Please ensure the cash is not visible when the envelope is held up to the light, wrapping the money into office carbon paper makes scaning the envelope impossible.
Purchase the EMS or Express Mail or regular envelope. Put the cash containing envelope with your code* inside it and then seal it.
Make sure it is properly sealed and mail it.
The name and address to send funds to is:
Once you have sent funds send an email to [email protected] containing the following :
1.The code* on the envelope. 2.Address where you want the products delivered. 3.Products required. 4.The amount sent. 5.The date envelope was mailed.
Assuming you mailed us the information above your order will be shipped the day funds arrive.
Mail takes up to 3 weeks for America/Canada, one week for Europe, two weeks for Japan and up to 4 weeks for Australia.
Sorry,the web page must be written in Japanese which join to this web ring. このリングに参加するページは日本語で書かれていなければならない、 と書きたいのですが、これでよいのでしょうか? ときどき、海外の方から参加を申し込まれるのですが。
Before going to the postoffice place your cash in a regular envelope on which you WRITE your code* (it can be anything: numbers, names,pet's name,favorite rock star or bodybuilder just so that it is recognizable ).
Put the cash containing envelope with your code* inside it and then seal it.
1.The code* on the envelope. 2.Address where you want the products delivered. 3.Products required. 4.The amount sent. 5.The date envelope was mailed.
Assuming you mailed us the information above your order will be shipped the day funds arrive.
We have the addres and order written down. Your order will be sent when we receive the envelope. We hope this is first of your many orders with us. Wish you a good day.
>872 The dog ここに動詞をいれる bad actions to him the dog took bad action to him ってのがいちばんしっくりくると思うのですが takes だと日常茶飯事って意味に聞こえるので 彼だけに吠えたりするならべつですが、 普通そういう犬は皆に吠えるのでhim じゃなくってanyone にするか。僕がしたように過去形にして彼に吠えたみたいにする ほうがいいとおもうよ あと、actions はSないほうがしっくりくると思う。
>>877 彼女は、とてもフレンドリーではなしやすい人でして、しばらくすると僕も親しげになりました。 open up は辞書でopenの項をひらくとイディオムとして出てくるよ。 to and は she was friendly and 'easy to talk to' と区切って分けるとわかるんじゃない? Kitzbuhlはわかりませ〜ん(;´Д`) キズールかな?
(John is standing in line at McDonald's. The customer in front of him finishes placing their order and steps aside to wait for their food to come.)
McDonald's cashier: Next customer, please. (John steps forward.) McDonald's cashier: May I take your order, sir? John: Yes. I will have Value Meal Number Eight. McDonald's cashier: What kind of drink do you want with that? John: Iced tea, please. McDonald's cashier: Will that be for here or to go? John: To go. McDonald's cashier: (rings up total) That'll be three eighty-one. (John gives the cashier a ten dollar bill.) McDonald's cashier: Out of ten…. (cashier calculates change.) Six-nineteen is your change. Next customer, please. (John steps to the side of the cash register and waits for his order to come up.)
This (above) is how the interaction should take place, in a perfect world. Below is how it usually happens.
McDonald's cashier: Next!! (John steps forward quickly, cutting off the pushy teenagers who tried to get in front of him.) McDonald's cashier: What'll you have? John: I will have Value Meal Number Eight. McDonald's cashier: What kind of drink? John: Iced tea, please. McDonald's cashier: For here or to go? John: To go. McDonald's cashier: (rings up total. Does not tell John the amount but waits for him to read the LCD display on the cash register. Stands there poker-faced waiting for money.) (John gives the cashier a ten dollar bill.) McDonald's cashier: (cashier uses the register to calculate change. Takes a long time counting the coins.) McDonald's cashier dumps one dollar nineteen cents change in John's hand: Next customer, please. John: Excuse me. You gave me the wrong change. McDonald's cashier: Just a moment. (Starts listening to the order from the loud, pushy teenagers.) John: I gave you a ten dollar bill. I should get six dollars nineteen cents change. McDonald's cashier: (annoyed) No, it was a five. John: I am sure I gave you a ten. McDonald's cashier: Well, I can't open the drawer anyway until I finish this transaction. You'll have to step aside and wait your turn. John: Where is the manager? Pushy Teenagers: Hey, I'm fifty cents short. (to John) Can I borrow some change, man?
It did not know that there was such a board. It is good in the ability of English to be spoken too. If it goes to the United States and it can speak about nothing, since it is mortifying. He is also studying enduringly now.
executive/managerial professional (doctor,lawye,etc.) academic/educator computer technical/engineering other technical/engineering service/customer support clerical/administrative sales/marketing tradesman/craftsman college/graduate student K-12 student Homemaker self-employed/own company unemployed,looking for work retired other
初対面のひとがこういうふうにいったら、クラブにいて こういう風にいってきた場合は、 女をゲットできてる? とかそういうふうにとれるけど、一般的には意味を持たない 場合が多い。 Not bad 悪くはないよ とか、、 Just ok あ〜まぁまぁじゃんとか で答えればいいんだけど
What you mean by things? like school?? job?? え?学校のこと?それとも仕事のこと? っていうふうに聞いたほうが (当然場所や状況によっていろいろな単語をここにいれるわけだけど ) ただ、Well, not that bad.とかいうよりぜんぜんその先があるよ
Benz knew he could never develop a market for his car and compete against horses if he had to creep along at those speeds,so he invited the mayor of the town for a ride. The mayor accepted. Benz then arranged for a milkman to park his horse and wagon on a certain stree and ,as Benz and the mayor drove by,to whip up his old horse and pass them-and as he did to jeer at them.
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化学のpoint of no return は知りませんが、社会や 歴史では「あともどりできない(結果を変えることが できない)時、局面、状態」を指します。 例えば第2次大戦で、日米は戦争を回避しようと双方 努力したけど、ある時点で、関係悪化がきわまって もう何をやっても不可避な状態になった、という 考え方があります(それがどの時点かは学者によって 説が違うのですが)。 その時点をpoint of no return といいます。 日常会話でも比喩的に使える表現だと思います。
英文の和訳を教えて欲しいのですが、This seems overly inclusive but does acknowledge the necessary relationship between these essential ingredients of robotic systems.は、どう和訳すればいいのですか?