I watched a Russian rock-opera Juno and Avos, written by Andrej Vozněsenskij and composed by Alexej Rybnikov. Let me cite its story from Amazon.com, DVD
This plot is fiction based on a true story. Rezanov and Conchita's love,Rezanov's death and Conchita's taking a vow seem to be true.
But important is that from this story, the fact Rezanov was dispatched to Japan in order to call for Russo-Japanese commerce while Japan permitted it only to China and Netherland.
Rezanov, after refused the demand, got angry with Japan, ordered two subordinate captains attack Japan, and they attacked Sakhalin and Etorof island, killed some people: Juno and Avos were the name of the ships used for the attack.
This fact is completely concealed in this opera. Apart from its value as an art, we Japanese would not like this incomplete history of Rezanov circulate all over the world.
But important is that from this story, the fact Rezanov was dispatched to Japan in order to call for Russo-Japanese commerce while Japan permitted it only to China and Netherland.
Rezanov, after refused the demand, got angry with Japan, ordered two subordinate captains attack Japan, and they attacked Sakhalin and Etorof island, killed some people: Juno and Avos were the name of the ships used for the attack.
--- 初級問題: 高校生でも判るような間違い数箇所を訂正せよ。
■ 初級問題への解答(ネットで見たのに加筆)
1行目。 変な倒置構文(C+V+S型)を使っている割には、that節内で主語になっていると思われる the fact に対応する述語動詞がありまちぇん。
3行目。 after refused the demand → after being refused the demand【←これは変だろ?】 (after having his demand refused など)
3〜4行目。 ordered two subordinate captains attack Japan → ordered two subordinate captains "to" attack Japan 【ただし前述のように史実に反する?】
4行目。 Sakhalin and Etorof island → Sakhalin and Etorof Islands (複数)
【親スレ】 68 :65:2015/02/11(水) ・・・・ で、次の"Let me cite its story from..."が良くない。 citeって、日本語で言えば「引き合いに出す」「引証する」みたいな、 別のところから持ってきて正当性を立証するときに使う単語だから、 極端な言い方をすると "自分の体験はこのDVDではないのだけど" みたいなニュアンスがついてしまう。
■■■ 「 Let me cite its story from Amazon.com 」 は、それほど変じゃない。 トン先生にしては上出来。
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There cannot be a person, etc. of only one. Average Joe must be an only one. The student who did the research and study in this laboratory should become the number one's existence as a leader of a social revolution by the design methodology. If it cannot be done, you should choose to self-die.
But important fact in this story is that Rezanov was dispatched to Japan in order to call for Russo-Japanese commerce, when Japan permitted it only to China and the Netherlands.
Rezanov, after being refused the demand, got angry with Japan, ordered two subordinate captains to attack Japan, and they attacked the islands of Sakhalin and Etorofu, killing some people; Juno and Avos were the names of the ships used for the attack.