Shot fourteen-year-old Andrew boring is headed for lunch with his mom. And you hear a lot challenging behaviors that meeting tough for him to be out in the community. I've heard from the family recently that they were at the park with their child with autism. And someone actually came up an excuse for not being bad parents. The diagnosis of autism is on the rise the CDC estimates that one out every 88 children in the US has an autism spectrum disorder. So we wanted to see for ourselves how people react to a child who displays some other disorders most common signs. We set up our hidden cameras at the church at diner in Hackensac New Jersey Actors are playing the role of the parents but daughter and the son with autism keeping things real is Andrew's mother. Lisa goran who happens to represent Autism Speaks the nation's largest autism science and advocacy group. Has he got a lot of hence for the next several minutes. Anthony virgins he wanders around and generally ignores his parents request. And when I am back here like esposito no one seems to be bothered about his behavior except that is for this man. Just scares me can you host a case report group maybe you should go home. I like anything's wrong but he is an actor, too. Anthony's father tries lot a living with art disgruntled diner. But then moments later after the nazis glass over. Shock maybe should I come home and that's what our diners behavior draws attention made many show a little something disappears at the hospital. His outburst romps others to offer some choice words. Love the wrong okay yeah. I your outshot yeah. So-called you know if my son, I'm sorry, my son were here, don't want to hear how much later. I'll now yeah should be. I just see what. When I first time and with bath our diner walks out hi to let everyone am on RC go.