By the way, I heard this when i was in college.( i reluctantly took German as a second language LOL) beer in Germany is cheaper than other beverages. Is that true?
Japan was fighting with very strong countries at that time in order to defense both ourselves and lovers.
Korean had plundered Japanese territory of Takeshima when Japan had been beaten by strong countries. I guess, Korea looks like so deplorable country because they are not able to fight any other enemies due to weakly.
Korea, shout up. You really look like disgraceful about your behavior to Japan. Japan had fought very strong countries but you can’t because of weak. This is truth history!!
Shut the fuck up you fucking yellow money japs!!! You need to look up on Germans who are really sorry for their atrocities in the past and have been trying to promote peace. On the contrary, you japs have no compunctions about your incredibly terrible histories and never apologised at once and never paid compensation money! If you really want to develop harmony in Asia and want to be trusted, you japs should immediately apologise and pay compensation money for all Asian countries which you japs invaded in WW2!
>>963 Unfortunately, he(she) doesn't know truth history. i wonder why Korean haven't got a fighting history until today!! Please consider more and more. i tell u because Korea is very weak therefore Korea can't defense themselves and lovers. What a wretched country Korea!!
Actually Korea fought during WW2 and defeated japan along with the United States! U need to learn the TRUE history well maybe you can't because your retarded government has censored these information which is unfavourable for japs lol
Today I went to a library to study and also enjoy free air conditioning lol I saw so many students there and felt like I was a student as well because literally ton of students I really missed good old days... I didn't like being a high school student at that time though....