Many newspapers reported that the 21-year-old Tony Oliva was actually his 18-year-old brother Pedro Oliva and much of the reason for this was due to his paperwork being changed when he got to the states to reflect the name and birthdate of his brother Pedro Jr., who was born in 1941, in order to appear younger to Major League scouts.However, the name stuck and Oliva even went so far as to officially change his name to Tony Pedro Oliva in the late 1990s.
How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy lectures involving quantum mechanics! and if the lectures were boring or tiring, then any odd thinking was on quartic equations again
京大過去問からです Then Mozart suddenly exploded with a passion for music,filling every bit of space in the house with scribbled figures after he learned the fundamentals of arithmetic.
What are you gonna say next? Just saying out of curiosity... Hey what are you gonna do? What are you gonna do? LOL Pull yourself together! Don't blame yoursel... You've done nothing wrong. You're just screwed!!
810 自分:名無しさん@実況は禁止です[] 投稿日:2013/06/18(火) 07:38:59.63 ID:krOry+M10 [2/4] >>803 Lighten up, dude. Not you to blame. But it's your ignorance to blame. You've done nothing wrong. You've done nothing wrong. You've got nothing at all. You're nothing, asshole.
818 自分:名無しさん@実況は禁止です[] 投稿日:2013/06/18(火) 07:51:46.27 ID:krOry+M10 [3/4] >>811 Finally! This is getting on your nerves, dude! Like I said, say calm and lighten up! This is NOT your fault, but just your ignorance is to blame. You got it? So then kill yourself! In a everlasting shame and disgrace!
825 自分:名無しさん@実況は禁止です[] 投稿日:2013/06/18(火) 08:10:08.46 ID:krOry+M10 [4/4] >>822 Shit, fuck, cunt, bastard, retarded, scum, and blah blah blah.. It's these words, you know, that is prone to be used by someone like...full-of-fucking-shit-of-totally-retarded-motherfucking-scum, say... Yeh the ones like you, fucko! What an uneducated guy that I'm talking to... I'm so tainted.
shouldの用法:田中茂範著「文法が分かれば英語はわかる」 shallのコアは「...することを負うている」。ここから「...することが当然なのに未だなされていない」というshouldのコアが引き出される。 「未だなされていない」を前提に「為すことを強く望む」か「為すことがありそうにない」と思うかによって、いろいろな意味合いが出てくる。 以上のことから、以下のshouldの用法(「万一」とか「感情」、「控えめ表現」)が説明できますか? よくわからないです。とにかくshouldはshallの仮定法過去ですよね?直説法過去? 1. Why should he say that to you?どうしてあなたにそんなことを言うのだろうか(反語的) 2. Who should I see but Bill! [=Who do [did] I see but Bill!] だれかと思えばビルではないか[ビルだった]. 3. It is very odd that he should do that.彼があんなことをするとは奇妙だ (It is very odd that he does that. と異なり,話し手の驚きを表す) 4. I'm surprised that your wife should object.君の奥さんが反対するなんて. 5. I should like to tell you something.ちょっとお話したいことがあるのですが (ていねいな願望を表す;((略式))ではI'd like ...) 6. If I should die, please offer my heart to someone who needs it. 私が死んだら,私の心臓はどなたか必要な人にあげてください
>>65 ありがとうございます。 実は問題集の解答は1なんですが、解説が「we'd be only glad to help. となる。tooが不要」となってるんですよ。 この解説だとどの選択肢も正解にならないから誤植かとおもったのですが、問題文、選択肢に誤植はなく、解答も正しく、解説が間違いってことですか?
東京都 英語科 2013 29 3 解説 〔2〕 並べ替えた全文はIf you'd like us to help, we'd be only glad to help.となる(tooが不要)。 〔2〕 並べ替えた全文はIf you'd like us to help, we'd be only too glad to.となる(helpが不要)。
only an formal examination provides an objective assessment of students 「筆記試験formal examinationだけが、OX式の設問objective assessment を提供することができる」それらしいけど、まとはずれで、test impactには関係ない。
even a reliable assessment will not have effects beyond the classroom 「信頼出来る評価法ですら、クラス外に影響を及ぼさない」 これは最初の文と矛盾する。
a more competitive assessment might prevent abuses of the assessment process 「競争に基づく評価法は、評価プロセスの不正行為を予防する」 それらしいけど、前後の文章とまったくつながりがない。
such an assesment no longer meets the needs of the majority of students がどこまで必要な文言かはしかしわからないね。一応つながるように思えるけど、 リンク先で読める範囲では、ここまでしかわからない。
In short, a policy intended to make housing affordable for the poor has had the net effect of shifting resources toward housing affordable only by the affluent or the rich, since luxury housing is often exempt from rent control. Among other things, this illustrates the crucial importance of making a distinction between in tentions and consequences. Economic policies need to be analyzed in terms of the incentives they create, rather than the hopes that inspired them.
923 : 名無しさん@実況は禁止です : 2013/06/18(火) 12:49:43.53 ID:D0fUIh240 This could be the last hope, really. To me, certainly, but not just that. My love and affection towards Nogizaka46, to be honest, is kind of being "exhausted" or running out, not because my consideration towards them is not enough but simply because I was, rather, becoming to not being able to see where I was running ahead. Because totally I'm at loss as to how to motivate or enhance my love, my heart, my feeling, and, more importantly, my loyality towards Nogizaka46, or to put it more precisely, towards the members, lots of whom are "forced" to belong to Under-category ( Who the hell names it like this "Under,"for god's sake. ) And where to put it.
925 : 名無しさん@実況は禁止です : 2013/06/18(火) 12:51:54.78 ID:D0fUIh240 But I repeat. This is "to me, certainly, but not just that." Yes sure it is. The one who want to, somehow and anyhow, support these sorts of members who are categorized or labeled, no, more likely "branded "Under" - Again, what do the people of management mean by "Under"? they meant sub-human or something? Or they meant members are inferior to "selected"members? By what kind of standard? Was there announced as to the standartd of selection? I'm really getting off the track. Put it back. The one who want to support the members who are categorized Under is not only me. No. Never has been. And Never will be. There are a great great great great deal of. Here and out there. This means that there truely is a gigantic potential to be sure.
President Micky please, We've got needs. Needs to be valued. Need a place to be assessed; that is, what people call a oppotunity. No oppotunities, no assessment, you know that, sir? Anyway, we outrageously, alomost infrantially need your help that means sponcering. The future of Nogizaka46 ( and us ) is counting on you. Please sir, I beg we beg they beg...
938 : 名無しさん@実況は禁止です : 2013/06/18(火) 13:31:25.83 ID:D0fUIh240 >>930 It's just typos, Not a matter of knowledge. Just forget it. I'm excessively accustomed to Word's spelling correction sys. And I know you used it too. If not there's no way for you to think I meant to write "inferentially"in that context. Apparently I meant "frantically." This turnes to be, unfortunately to you, that you CAN'T even read my comment, You just used correction sys. Am I correct? Yes, I am. (Thia is a kind of trap message sent to you; here you go. "If you can read my comment mentioned above and understand it, comment on me back! If you don't respond to my request, I judge you're completely stupid man. You got that? Get it done!)
Besides, you are too sensitive to English wrinting. You don't have to be like that. What you're gonna do is to just ignore it. Okey?
More carefully phrased, the two questions consern the quality of lives perceived by those living them as being flourishing and satisfying, with valuable relationships at their core, and directed at the attainment of aims worth pursuing.
the two questions は Does being happy make us good? Does being good make us happy? です。
More carefully phrased, the two questions concern the quality of lives (that are) perceived by those (people who are) living them(→lives) as being flourishing and satisfying, with valuable relationships at their core, and (lives are) directed at the attainment of aims (that are) worth pursuing.
More carefully phrased, the two questions concern the quality of lives [perceived by those living them as being flourishing and satisfying,] [with valuable relationships at their core,] [and directed at the attainment of aims worth pursuing.]
Economics経済の働き、役割, thenその時, deals with the problem of sharing out scarce resources稀少な資源 among alternative users and uses. 複数あるユーザー同士で、この場合は三つ以上か。 経済の役割とは、そこで稀少な資源問題をそれを欲しい人達の間で解決する。
>>186 そのパート1に Economics is the study of the use of scarce resources which have alternative uses. なる記述があるよ。 alternative 研究社英和中辞典より引用 1 (二つのうち)どちらかを選ぶべき,二者択一の 《★時に三つ以上の場合もある》. ・・・・・・・・・・ ・an alternative school オールターナティヴスクール 《伝統的なカリキュラムによらない新しい学校》. 引用終わり
If you care fully about your daughter her well-being and flourishing matter as much to yourself as your own well-being and flourishing matter to yourself.
Thanks for your email, for your information, we can't proceed any paypal payment for instant,we will settle your invoice by bank transfer. Best regards Congcong
>>230 >If they gamble, it's because it's how men relax. >And if they fool around, well, it's because a man simply can't hold back so much man! > なぜギャンブルするかって?そうだな、 それが人がリラックスする方法だからさ。 なぜ浮気するかって?そりゃ単にそいつが性欲を抑えきれないからさ!
Johnnyと聞くとだれでもおもいうかぶんだろうね。あのundertakerか というふうに。街での有名人だよね。Billy the kidの例をみるとわかる。 街に一件しか葬儀屋がないというんじゃなくてJohnnyときくと複数いるかも しれないが思い浮かぶのはあいつ。Billy the kidもおなじだよ。billyなんて 名前ありふれてるからね
If I am late, I will call you.「遅れたら連絡するよ。」 If I will be late, I will call you.「遅れそうになったら連絡するよ。」
の例で、マーク・ピーターセン氏の「日本人の英語」でどちらとも正しいと読んだのですが、 ではなぜ中学・高校教育では教えないのでしょうか? webを検索してみたところ、2chでお馴染みのGrammar in Useシリーズの Advanced Grammar in Useに解説が少しあるようですが、副詞節内の未来形は ネイティブにもあまりなじみがない表現なのでしょうか?
if と時制 (1) 将来起こるかもしれないことを話題にして if を用いる場合でも, if 節中では現在時制を用いる
If I fail (× will fail) the test, I will have to take it again. もし試験に落ちたら…
When you are using if to talk about something that might happen in the future, use the present tense or the present perfect in the if-clause, not 'will' or 'shall': If I see him (NOT will see him), I’ll tell him. If she hasn’t come home by midnight, call the police. ーロングマンよりー
586 名前:名無しさん@英語勉強中[sage] 投稿日:2013/04/02(火) 23:08:46.26 >>584 複数に you を使うのがなんか違和感あるってのは ネイティブにもあるようで、若い人なら you guys とか、 イギリス北部の方言だと yous とか言ったりするよ。
593 名前:三年英太郎 ◆3UHZQ3IJjc [sage] 投稿日:2013/04/02(火) 23:52:07.77 a. you all (12.63%) b. yous, youse (0.67%) c. you lot (0.18%) d. you guys (42.53%) e. you 'uns (0.20%) f. yins (0.37%) g. you (24.82%) h. other (4.62%) i. y'all (13.99%)
このカードはすでにこのターン内で使われています。 を英語で言うとき、以下のどちらが正しいでしょうか。 あるいはどのようなニュアンスの違いがあるのでしょうか。 This card has already been used in this turn. This card is already used in this turn.
この文の Interestingly, the desertion rate varied: it was much higher in summer の部分おかしくね?この文脈なら summer じゃなくて winter じゃないの?
And during the Russian Revolution the government rapidly collapsed, effectively leaving both the Red Army and the White Army as rebels living off the land; four million men deserted, despite harsh treatment of any who were caught in the attempt. Interestingly, the desertion rate varied: it was much higher in summer, despite the harsh Russian winter. Why? The recruits were peasant farmers, and in the summer, when they had crops to attend to, fighting was just too costly for them, whereas in the winter it didn’t matter so much.
>>318 >>319 この場合の「desertion」はただの逃亡じゃなくて「desertion for fighting」で合ってる?だとしたら、 fighting (= desertion in the summer ) was just too costly for them, whereas in the winter it didn’t matter so much. って書いてあるってことは、夏の収穫のほうが大事なのに「あえて冬に逃亡する」ことのほうが interesting じゃないか?
The fault lines of conflict are often spiritual, one religion chafing against another and kindling bloodletting contrary to the values girding each faith. Over the past year in parts of Asia, it is friction between Buddhism and Islam that has killed hundreds, mostly Muslims.
最初の文、one religion chafing against another and kindling bloodletting contrary to the values girding each faith. ここがよく分かりません。
NHK英語ニュースから Japan has relied more on fossil fuels in the two years since its nuclear accident, and that's helped boost the search for more sources. 原発事故以降の2年間、日本は化石燃料により多く依存してきており、そのことによって更なる資源を求めて探査を増やしています。
The House At Pooh Corner (プー横丁にたった家)を 読んでおります。Chapter IV In Which Tiggers Don't Climb Trees のこの文章が解釈できません。 ↓ "Tiger and Roo are right up the Six Pine Trees, and they can't get down, and ---"
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe stressed his resolve to double the outstanding balance of foreign companies’ direct investment in Japan to about 35 trillion yen by 2020. 2020年までに外国企業の対日直接投資残高を現在の2倍の約35兆円にする決意を強調したと訳したのですが このoutstandingは必要なのでしょうか?outstanding balanceだと負債などの未払い残高ではありませんか? outstandingなしでthe balance of foreign~の方がしっくりくると思うのですが。 すいませんよろしくおねがいします。
>>370 あまり難しく考える必要はなくて I tried to [do something]only to fail.. I tried to [do something]in vain(to no avail) I tried to [do something]but I failed. I tried to [do something]but couldn't . I did everything I can to accomplish [something]but... I wished I ... など 丁寧に言いたければ、直前に I regret to tell you や I'm afraid や I'm sorry butや、I hate to say thisなんかをつければいいんじゃないかな。
Just now, I think of it while reading this! I got an idea while reading just now! Just now, I think of it by reading this! I just have a thought, when I've been reading this. Just now, an idea came from this writing.
ところで、「think of it」という表現は、思い付いた内容(it)が相手には分からない状態でも使えるのでしょうか? その後にitの内容を続ければOKですか?
''I was surprised by the way she played, you can tell she is very experienced,'' Witthoeft said. ''I did not think she would be able to play so well, because she is so old.''
すみませんがどなたか訳して頂けないでしょうか。転職活動中で、会社の情報をフィードバックしてもらう所です。howからが分かりません。 ?? I will introduce you for this opportunity and get back to you once I receive some feedback! ?? How is everything going otherwise? Are you applying anywhere recently?
>>442 hitterは単に安打、ホームランを打つ人であって、打った人ではないんじゃない? 動詞の過去を形容詞でこんなふうに使うのは日本語独特のもので、英語にはないでしょ。 食事をした人、映画を観た人をどう訳すか考えればわかる。 movie watcherだったら、映画好き、映画によく行く人の意味にしかならない。 打ったっていうのを表現するときは、こうなると思う。 He was the only hitter of this game.
>>461 ダウンロードとかいってくるからそのサイトは見ない。 ただin the morning, in the eveningとくればin the nightでちゃんと定冠詞はつきます。 at nightは at eight o'clockに定冠詞がつかないのと同じでは。 at night = at ten o'clock in the night
This is complex territory, and may prove an idle debate if the US does indeed achieve the Holy Grail of “escape velocity”. But if it doesn’t, and if the reason for abjuring low-inflation monetary stimulus is because it causes dangerous asset bubbles, then for goodness sake do it without causing asset bubbles. Little is beyond the wit of man. Unless you are a defeatist.
then for goodness sake do it without causing asset bubbles. Little is beyond the wit of man.が分かりません。ご教示お願いします。
>>477 そういうのは学習用英英辞典引くと分かりやすいよ durable: staying in good condition for a long time, even if used a lot. endurable: if a bad situation is endurable, you can accept it, even though it is difficult or painful.
文脈も載せておきます。 Let us get back to the costs of conflict. Many of the costs are borne by neighboring countries. Diseases don’t respect frontiers, and the economic collapse also spreads. Since most countries are bordered by several others, the overall cost to neighbors can easily exceed the cost to the country itself.
Treating the causes of higher prices and higher interest rates in low-income neighborhoods as being personal greed or exploitation, and trying to remedy it by imposing price controls and interest rate ceilings only ensures that even less will be.
In addition, the cost of doing business tends to be higher per dollar of business in low-income neighborhoods. Lending $100 each to fifty low-income borrowers at pawn shops or local finance companies takes more time and costs more money to process the applications than lending $5,000 at a bank to one middle-class customer, even though the same total sum of money is involved in both cases.2 An armored car delivering money in small denominations to a small check-cashing agency in a ghetto costs just as much as an armored car delivering a hundred times as much value of money, in larger bills, to a bank in a suburban shopping mall. With the cost of business being higher per dollar of business in the low-income community, it is hardly surprising that these higher costs get passed on in higher prices and higher interest rates. Higher prices for people who can least afford them is a tragic end-result, but its causes are systemic. This is not merely a philosophical distinction. There are major practical consequences to the way causation is understood. Treating the causes of higher prices and higher interest rates in low-income neighborhoods as being personal greed or exploitation, and trying to remedy it by imposing price controls and interest rate ceilings only ensures that even less will be (1) In many cases, the middle-class borrower who already has a checking account at the bank from which he wishes to borrow also has an automatic line of credit available with that checking account. When the need for a 15,000 loan arises, there may be no need even to me an application. The borrower simply writes 15,000 more in checks than there is money in the account, and the automatic line of credit covers it, with minimum time and trouble to both the borrower and the bank, since the potential borrower's credit rating was already established
>>514 テスト問題の引用? ぐぐったら"ensures that even less will be*.*"でも"be (1)"でもなく "be supplied to people living in low-income neighborhoods thereafter." って続くんだけど? テスト問題でこの文を全部補完しろっていうならえらく難しいね "even less"はみれば分かるでしょうけど金の事でしょ
>>565 そういうカジュアルなアメリカ語を使うにあたって、そのリスクを直感的に感じられるようになるまでは 気心の知れた同年輩から年下の人たちに対象を限る。上司に対してはTPO関係なしにタメ口は一切使わない。基本どおり Good morning, Mr.Smith. Good afternoon. How are you feeling today, Ms.Preston?を使う。See you laterなんか使わない。 もちろん常にWould you〜?のほうが無難。 折に触れてスマイルは見せておいたほうがいい。
>>567 相手が何を感じ取ったのかなんてわかりません。そのまま経緯を伝えたらいいのです。 No, I am not. I found the phrase in my English-Japanese dictionary. Did I offend you in any way?とでも返信しておけばいいのです。 一般的な話をしておくと、日本以外の国では、新しく知り合った人の宗教&熱心さの程度はとても重要な情報となります。 日本人はユダヤ教信者のところへ平気でクリスマスカードを贈ったりしますが、そのあたりの感覚もこれを機会に注意を払うようにするといいのでは。
といったプロセスを一瞬で踏めるのでしょうか? できる人はもっと簡潔に物事が考えられている気がします。 「5文型」というものを理解すればいいのかな、と思ったりも しますが字幕付きの映画見ててもこの5文型に当てはまる 英文をほとんどみません。 長文が出ても because で 繋げてたり after that が出てきたり 単純に and で繋いでたりいきなり that が出てきたり、 ほんと意味不明です。 英語は難しすぎます、、
>>585 そんな風な意味なら We are not kidding here. We are talking about millions of dollars here. This is a serious business. みたいな感じかな。 でも学習者の態度としてはボーダーラインぎりぎりのニュアンスをいじりまわすよりも、よりクリアで、 より間違いの起こりにくい単語選びを目指すべきだと思うよ。
be on the same level as は 「…と同じ水準にある」という意味らしいです。しかし、 but still not on the same level as という記載を英語サイトで見つけました。 but がついたら be が 消えるのでしょうか?この法則性が理解できませんがどうやって 理解すればいいでしょうか?butがついたら be動詞がいらなくなる という丸暗記ですか?
>>646 出題の意図がわからない。 なにを問う問題なの? .This @(has to be) the A(most worst) typhoon I have B(have ever) experienced C(in) this country. を .This has to be the worst typhoon I have ever experienced in this country. としろ というのかな?
問題の文に違和感あり。 .This has to be the worst typhoon I have ever experienced in this country. Thisだけでは何のことかわからない。 .This tyhoon has to be the worst one I have ever experienced in this country.
The individual is Edward Snowden, a former systems analyst with the U.S. National Security Agency whom the NSA has accused of illegally gathering and spreading information.
The individual is Edward Snowden, a former systems analyst with the U.S. National Security Agency whom the NSA has accused of illegally gathering and spreading information.
The individual is Edward Snowden, a former systems anayst with the U.S. National Security Agency. + The NSA has accuded him of illegally gathering and spreading information.
Even so, it seems an article of faith that not until we have seen a Spanish-style meltdown in prices will Britain finally exorcise the evil of the last housing bubble.
>>698 Even so, it seems an "article of faith" that (Britain finally exorcise the evil of the last housing only after we have seen a Spanish-style meltdown in prices).
下記は7月5日付のThe New York Times(電子版)の記事の一部です。 “There's been some relief about Morsi being gone from the scene, having been a problem.” said Representative General E. Connolly …. “On the other hand, there are a lot of us who are never going to be comfortable with military interventions to overthrow a democratically elected government, even one we have issues with.”
軍によって解任された、エジプトの前モルシ大統領に関するものですが、最初の引用部分の having been a problem. の意味上の主語は何でしょうか?
この文の生成過程″は、次のように考えることができると思います。 @ As there had been a problem, there's been some relief about Morsi being gone from the scene.(接続詞を使って書き換えた場合) ↓ A Having been a problem, there's been some relief about Morsi being gone from the scene.(分詞構文が文頭に置かれた場合) ↓ B There's been some relief about Morsi being gone from the scene, having been a problem.(文末に置かれた場合ーこれが問題となった文) とおっしゃる方もいらっしゃいますが、本当にこのような過程を経て文は生成されるのでしょうか? そもそも分詞構文を接続詞を使って書き換えたり@、主節の前に置いてみたりA、 後ろに置いてみたりB、していますが、分詞構文は接続詞の場合とは少し意味が違うと思いますし、分詞構文も前後では少し意味が違いますよね?
Plans to introduce solar energy always falter due to the sheer size and cost the project[s] entail based on the current technology.
based on the current technologyは、どの語句を修飾しているのでしょうか? まあ、一般的にはa theory based on experienceのように直前の名詞にかかることが多いです。 しかし標記の英文の場合、直前には名詞がなく、動詞があります。でも離れたところにproject[s]があるので、これにかかるかなあと言った気もします。 しかし必ず名詞にかかると決めつけることもなくbased on [in]...は副詞句のように使うこともできるようですから、entailにかかると考えても良いでしょうか? 副詞句の例(辞書から): Based in London, he returns to Tokyo periodically. There is wine that is overpriced based on its reputation.
次のような過程を経て標記の英文が出来上がったと考える方もいっらしゃるようですが、果たして? @ ... the sheer size and cost (which) the project 〔(which is) based on the current technology〕 entail. A ... the sheer size and cost the project based on the current technology entail. B ... the sheer size and cost the project entail based on the current technology . ネイティブはこんな面倒な組み立て・入れ替えをして、あの英文を作ったのかしら?
>(2)Being with Rin makes Daikichi feels happiness.→× Being with Rin makes Daikich feel happy.(形容詞) Being with Rin makes Daikich's happiness. Being with Rin fills Daikich with (a feeling of) happiness. Being with Rin gives Daikich a feeling of happiness. など
>(2)Rin's smile makes Daikichi feels happiness. →× 上に同じ
自動詞→他動詞 stand立つ→立たせる、から「おごる?」 stand on tiptoe「自動詞」 He stood a ladder against the wall.「他動詞」 ここまではわかるのですが、次のstandはどういった発想で、このような意味が生じるのですか? He stood us a drink.我々に一杯おごった
A magistrate has obtained the original “smoking gun” alleging that Premier Mariano Rajoy accepted illegal payments as a minister. The Left is calling for his head but so are members of the Consejo General del Poder Judicial, the justice watchdog.
That's a nice name.とIt's a good name.はどう違うか? ちょっと古いですがリトル・チャロ2から質問させて頂きます。 場面は、現世とあの世の間にある国「間の国」です。 主人公のチャロ(犬)は、まだ生きていますが、昏睡状態の翔太(飼い主)を追って、この国にやってきました。 ここには、すでに肉体が死亡しているカノンという犬がいます。この犬は、チャロの母です。 チャロは生まれてすぐに捨てられたので(本人はそう思っていますが、本当は捨てられたのではありません)、母の顔を知りません。一方、カノンはチャロが自分の子であると気づいています。 He opens his eyes and sees.... Charo: "Sausage." A juicy sausage lies before his eyes. Kanon: "You must be hungry. Eat." Charo: "It's... you...." It was the white dog who had given him the sausage. Kanon: "I came back because I was worried about you. You seemed exhausted." Charo: "Thank you." Charo hungrily eats the sausage. The white dog stands watching Charo with kindness in her eyes. She looks at the band on Charo's leg and smiles to herself. Charo finishes the sausage. He quietly thanks the white dog. Charo: "あの... Thank you." Charo has a little trouble thanking the dog he yelled at moments before. The white dog smiles at him. Kanon: "It's my pleasure. I am Kanon. What is your name?" Charo: "Me? Charo. I am Charo." Kanon's eyes light up. Kanon: "Hmm.... Charo... that's your name. It's a good name." Charo: "えっ?" テキストに「初対面の人に名前を聞いたときにThat's a nice name.と言うことはあるものの、このようにIt's a good name.と言うことはない」と書いてあります。 両者どのように違うのですか?ThatとItの違い。それとniceとgoodの違い。
DeSalvo confessed to the crimes, which included rape and murder, while in prison. But his confession was ruled to be inadmissible in court, as it was made to a fellow inmate.
質問です。最後のit was made to a fellow inmate.は、 刑務所での同居人がつくった、がそそのかした、という意味のような気がするのですが、 [made to 名詞]という受動態が、ピンとこなくて曖昧です。このmakeの 意味と想定される能動態を教えてください。for 名詞や前置詞なしではないん でしょうか?
次にWaitは受け身で使わない。またhad waitingという表現はない。したがって挙げられた文で正しいのは I had been waiting I had waited の2つだが、まぁ質問からして I had been waiting. I have been waiting. の違いを説明すれば足りるんだろう
I had been waiting. は過去完了なので話者は大過去と過去の間で待っていたという意味になる つまり今現在は待ってない。あくまで過去の話
I have been waiting. は現在完了なので過去と現在の間で待っていた つまり今もずっと待ち続けてる
Oh-oh if you're feeling small, and you can't draw a crowd Draw dicks on a wall Oh-oh if you're feeling small, and you can't draw a crowd Draw dicks on a wall
Fucking Chinese/Japanese people..even their damn High School girls are damn fucking super skilled at the guitar. What a shame America..this puts me to shame to. I'm the one that has "Silent Jealousy" going on now ...GREAT thanks! Chinese/Japanese people you did it again.
例:He'd peer from side to side, his eyes narrowing into slits as he searched for us, and then, just as suddenly, he'd start to go pale again, back to that fishy skin, right before our eyes.
Alive, Miss Emily had been a tradition, a duty, and a care; a sort of hereditary obligation upon the town, dating from that day in 1894 when Colonel Sartoris, the mayor - he who fathered the edict that no Negro woman should appear on the streets without an apron - remitted her taxes, the dispensation dating from the death of her father on into perpetuity. Not that Miss Emily would have accepted charity. Colonel Sartoris invented an involved tale to the effect that Miss Emily's father had loaned money to the town, which the town, as a matter of business, preferred this way of repaying. Only a man of Colonel Sartoris' generation and thought could have invented it, and only a woman could have believed it.
アメリカ人はDo you have...? You don't have...のように助動詞doを使用しますが、 イギリス人はストレートにHave you...? You haven't...とするのはなぜですか? またアメリカ人はhaveとするところをhave gotとしますが、なぜですか? gotは何ですか?
There is wine that is overpriced based on its reputation.(その名声のおかげで、高すぎる値がつけられているワインもある)[ジーニアス] わたしであれば、「関係詞節による二重限定」であると解釈して、次のような訳をあてます。 There is wine that is overpriced [that is] based on its reputation. 「高価なワインの中には、評判(だけ)で高値になっているものがある(『 味や品質とは無関係に 』という含意がある)」
>There is wine that is overpriced based on its reputation. >(その名声のおかげで、高すぎる値がつけられているワインもある)[ジーニアス] 高すぎる値 とするのは不適。 高値がついてる ぐらいにすべき。 評判、評価によってプレミアム、高値がついてるのだから高すぎることはない。
やっぱり2重限定という考えは間違いですよね。むちゃくちゃですよ。でもなんとしてでもそう主張するお人が いらっしゃるから、複数の人の意見を乞うているわけです。 例えば a theory based on experienceではbased以下は形容詞句 Based in London, he returns to Tokyo periodically.ではBased以下は副詞句 There is wine that is overpriced based on its reputation. この例でもbased以下を形容詞句だと主張します。 A person who uses logical reasoning believes there is a chance that something could be true based on one's previous experiences. これでもbased on one's previous experiences" は、something" を修飾する形容詞句。 と主張します。
@Plans to introduce solar energy always falter due to the sheer size and cost the project[s] entail based on the current technology. これでも、based on the current technologyは、形容詞句と主張します。 なんでも形容詞句。絶対、形容詞句という態度です。その理由は これを「副詞句」として解釈するためには、entailの直後に接続詞(when, as 等)が 必要になるのではないでしょうか。based on the current technologyを仮に「副詞句」として解釈した上で、名詞化されている the sheer size and cost the projects entail based on the current technology を、文の形に書き直してみると、次のようになります。 When (or As) they are based on the current technology, the projects entail the sheer size and cost. 今度は逆に上の文を名詞化することで、元に戻してみます。すると次のようになります。 the sheer size and cost the projects entail when (they are) based on the current technology (they are を省略) Athe sheer size and cost the projects entail when based on the current technology" すぐ上の名詞化されたAには、@にはない接続詞 when" がentail" の直後にあります。 文と文をつなぐのですから、このとき接続詞が必要になることはいうまでもないことだと思います。以上のことから、@の based on the current technology" を「副詞句」 として解釈するためには、 entail " の直後に接続詞(when, as 等)が必要であること がわかりました。そして実際には@の entail の直後にはその接続詞がないことから @のbased on the current technologyは「副詞句」ではなく、「形容詞句」として解釈する のが妥当であるということになるだろうと思うのですが・・・。 この考え方正しいのでしょうか?