スレッド立てるまでもない質問スレッド part277


That means producing something that the consumers wanted more than
they wanted what was actually produced. In the absence of compelling price signals and the
threat of financial losses to the producers that they convey, inefficiency and waste in the Soviet
Union could continue until such time as each waste reached proportions big enough and blatant
enough. to attract the attention of central planners in Moscow, who were preoccupied with
thousands of other decisions.

文構造としては、3行目の and waste in the Soviet より以前の部分がよく掴めません。
第1文の more than 前後の構造。それと、第2文の前置詞句の範囲、そして第2文の and waste in the Soviet より以前の部分までの意味・内容が理解出来ません。