海外ニュースを読んでいてはっきりと意味が取れなかった文章です。 よろしくお願いします。 "While she understood what she was taking on, there have been a couple of things that will have made them go oh my goodness and think we didn't think it would be that bad in this day and age, " said Victoria Murphy, royal reporter with The Daily Mirror.
that bad とは病院の看護師さんが責任を感じて自殺したとされる事でしょ。 we didn't think it would be that bad そんな悪い事になるとは思わなかった。 we [総称的に一般の人をさして] 我々(人間) 《★【用法】 漠然とした人々を示す主語で,日本語に訳さないほうがよい場合が多い;
let it be known to all those from foreign lands:a heartfelt wish cannot be destroyed,even when buried beneath rubble and ruin.And my wish will topple the divine providence-it shall become a sword to sever all boundaries. 某カードゲームから
You’re my dream that comes true. I’ll give my heart to you weather you’ll keep it of not I’ve just only want you to know I care and love you a lot. When you're in love..life is like a romance novel that you never want to end. タイ人からこんなメール来ました よろしくお願いします
>>20 ただのスパムコメントってことはないのかね。 わしなら What do you mean? (どういう意味?)とかWhat do you mean by that? (それどういう意味?) とかコメントを返して反応を待つけどな。What's "Kita's"?(Kita'sって何?)と つけ加えてもいいかもしれん。
In just 2 days, you’re going to start receiving the trade alerts.
It’s a report packed with trades you can take.
On weekdays you get trades that should open within the next 24 hours.
On the weekends you get a report (same report on Saturdays and Sundays because the markets are closed) with longer-term trades that have the potential for huge, gains.
You see, I don’t just want you to get the small trades that move 5% or 10%. I want you to get a few trades a year that move 100%. Or more than that.
すいません、お願いします。 Great news, Presidente! I found a blueprint for a new building in the Pirate King Diary! I had to modernize it a bit, yet you know I have a thing with blueprints! It's my natural ingenuity!
It's a good thing I can read, Captain! I bet my old seadog soul, I have it! The solution of all your problems! It's all there, in the fine print! お願いします
Staying in love can't be all that hard to do Not for you and me. Staying in love can't be all that to do. 'Spite of what we see We were made for each other and Baby,we'll come through. Staying in love can't be all that hard to do.
In the Soviet Union people can vote, at least for some of-rices, but only for one communist candidate or another non-communists are not permitted to be on the ballot.
ttps://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jarees1972/1992/21/1992_21_58/_pdf 俺は読んでないけど。 選挙で共産党に投票しないと食糧の配給が無かったんでしょ。 for some of-rices, but only for one communist candidate 食う物の為に、しかも、ただ一人の共産党員の候補者にしか投票できない or言い換えれば another non-communists are not permitted to be on the ballot. 共産党員でなければ立候補することを許されなかったのだ。
we have a fedex account on which you can send out the product for free. I can give it to you but you do not have to put any value, if you send out the products you just have to say sample materiel - no commercial value
>>58 ホンの小手調べだよ、これからすごいのが始まるんだよ。 特別に強く爆発したわけでは無いよ、いよーッ、これから始まるんだよ。 >>59 FedExで送料受取人負担の 口座を持ってます。 送料受取人払いの扱いをしますから品物にどんな形でも価格を付けないで下さい。 もしその品物を当方に送るのであれば見本としてであり売り物ではない事を承知して下さい。 you just have to say sample materiel あなたはただjust見本品であるといわなければなりません。
1.Only later did I find out where they had gone. 2.So rapidly did they advance that the enemy were taken by surprise. 3.Such was his reputation that few people dared to question his judgement. 4.She was politically quite naive, as were most of her friends. すいませんどうぞよろしくお願いします。
1.Only later did I find out where they had gone. 2.So rapidly did they advance that the enemy were taken by surprise. 3.Such was his reputation that few people dared to question his judgement. 4.She was politically quite naive, as were most of her friends. よろしくお願いします。
Also, may we inquire for the date your Anniversary falls on and how many years you will be celebrating? This will ensure that you are properly congratulated on the appropriate day.
R’s own text editor and Notepad are alternatives, although neither have the bells and whistles available in R-specific text editors such as Tinn-R and RWindEdt.
よろしくお願いします。 I shall want to say why, in my opinion, some of the arguments Professor Mates brings against the Oxford philosophers he mentions are on the whole irrelevant to their main concerns.
文の構造(特に he mentions がどこに掛かるのか)がよく分かりません。 he mentions は the Oxford philosophers に掛かると考え 、次のように訳してはみたのですが。 思うに、Mates教授が提起した、彼が言うところのオックスフォード学派哲学者との間の論争の幾つかは、 主要部分について概して適切さを欠いているのは何故なのか、そのことについて述べてみたい。
>>116をお願いします。 R’s own text editor and Notepad arealternatives, although neither have the bells and whistles available in R-specific text editors such as Tinn-R and RWindEdt. 直訳すると 「R自身のテキストエディターとノートパッドは代替品です。 けれども、Tinn-RとRWindEdt.のようなR専用テキストエディター の中で2つのものは付属品として用意してないです。」 ですよね。 これでは意味が通りませんなので別の翻訳があるはずです。 意味がとおるとすると 「Tinn-RとRWindEdt.のようなR専用テキストエディターのなかで付属品としてでは無いものが用意されています」 になりますが代名詞が「2つのもの」なので「もの」ではないからこれには無理がありますね。 それなのでneitherをTinn-R and RWindEdにしてみるとにすると意味が通りますが、 neitherのすぐ後ろにTinn-R and RWindEdがあるわけじゃないので違います。 それが分らない理由です。 よろしくお願いします。
R’s own text editor and Notepad are alternatives, R's付属のテキストエディターとノートパッド、メモ帳は同格品です。同じような物です。 although neither have the bells and whistles available in R-specific text editors such as Tinn-R and RWindEdt. だけども両方とも Tinn-Rエディターや RWindEdt.エディター が持つような R-specificテキストエディターの機能は持ってません。
R-specific text editorとしてはR’s own text editor と Notepad は使えません。
>>125-126 有難うございます。 R’s own text editor and Notepad are alternatives, although neither have the bells and whistles available in R-specific text editors such as Tinn-R and RWindEdt. ここでneitherはノートパッドとテキストエディターを指します。そしてそれをneitherに代入します。 そうすると「ノートパッドとテキストエディターはR専用エディターのような装飾品を利用できません」になるのですね。 これはnotepadがウインドーズの付属品という先入観が間違いの原因といえますね。 bells and whistlesというのは何かの付属品というよりオプション機能みたいに そのものと切り離すことが出来ないものでつかうイメージを持たなかったが無いことも間違いの原因ですね。
>>135 間違ってる。プログラムのコードを書くのに使うエディターについてだろ。 前の方でマイクロソフトワードを使ってはいけないと書いてある。ワードは勝手に文頭文字を大文字にしてしまうそうだ。 R’s own text editor and Notepad are alternatives, R付属のテキストエディターとメモ帳notepadは同じ機能を持っているからどっちを使っても良い。 although neither have the bells and whistles available in R-specific text editors such as Tinn-R and RWindEdt. Tinn-R and RWindEdt(共にテキストエディター)にあるようなRにコードを書くのに便利な機能はない。 Tinn-R and RWindEdtはR仕様(Rのコードを間違いなく書けるような機能がある)のテキストエディター。
"What Is A Famous Food In Japan" 5件。 "What Is the Famous Food In Japan" 6250件 日本で有名な食べ物は何ですか? については"What Is the Famous Food In Japan" が優勢。有名な食べ物とは特定されるからかな。
この2文の意味がよくわかりません you burn and then tan, rarely burn or even tan easily when in the sun. you tan easily and never burn when in the sun. burnが「日焼けする」でtanは「日焼けして後に残って黒くなる」でしょうか それにしても意味わかりません お願いします
ファンデーションの選び方だな。 ttp://www.buffd.com/index.php?main_page=page&id=20 you may find a match with our beige shades あなたには私どものベージュシェードが合います if you burn and then tan, rarely burn or even tan easily when in the sun; 。 もしあなたが陽に焼けて黒くなる、陽に当たっても黒くなることが少なかったら。 you may find a match with our warm shades ウォームシェードがおすすめ。 if you tan easily and never burn when in the sun; もしあなたがすぐ陽に焼けてすぐ黒くなり太陽光線に当たってもヤケドにならなかったら
What was once the glorious and noble crusade of King Argon to take back the now ruined first city of Narem has deteriorated into a petty land battle of pride and hubris in it’s decrepit streets and alleys. Take the enemies flag and parade it through the streets in mockery before you burn it back at your base.
has deteriorated into a petty land battle of pride and hubris in it’s decrepit streets and alleys battle of pride and hubris has deteriorated into a petty land in it’s decrepit streets and alleys before その前に 敵の旗印を燃やす前に
1行目: Tangential aside for the philosophically inclined:
2行目: If you do not find them to be all that funny, 3行目: if they leave you wanting back all of your money, 4行目: well honey some waltzing's a small price to pay, 5行目: for all the good learning you'll get if you stay
>>188 ありがとうございます。 直訳すると 1行目: Tangential aside for the philosophically inclined: 哲学的に傾くための、ほとんど関係の無い余談: 2行目: If you do not find them to be all that funny, もしあなたがそれらがそれほど変でないことがわからないのなら 3行目: if they leave you wanting back all of your money, もし彼らが全ての未払いの金を欲しいと思っているあなたに頼んだなら 4行目: well honey some waltzing's a small price to pay, 健康でハチミツのように甘いいくつかのワルツの小さい支払うべき代償 5行目: for all the good learning you'll get if you stay 良い学習の全てのために、あなたは得る、もしあなたがとどまるなら。
1行目: Tangential aside for the philosophically inclined: 哲学的に傾くための、ほとんど関係の無い余談: 哲学的な難しいこととは離れて 哲学的に難しいことはない。 2行目: If you do not find them to be all that funny, もしあなたがそれらがそれほど変でないことがわからないのなら 変でないことがわかったら 3行目: if they leave you wanting back all of your money, もし彼らが全ての未払いの金を欲しいと思っているあなたに頼んだなら あなたが返金を求める機会を残してくれていたら 4行目: well honey some waltzing's a small price to pay, 健康でハチミツのように甘いいくつかのワルツの小さい支払うべき代償 さて、あなたが少ない費用で気軽に試すことは価値がある waltzは二人で踊る。つまり本と二人で踊れ、勉強しろ。 5行目: for all the good learning you'll get if you stay 良い学習の全てのために、あなたは得る、もしあなたがとどまるなら。
>>191 あきらめるな。 Oh honey I’m searching for love that is true, But driving through fog is so dang hard to do. Please paint me a line on the road to your heart, I’ll rev up my pick up and get a clean start. があって If you do not ?nd them to be all that funny, if they leave you wanting back all of your money, well honey some waltzing’s a small price to pay, for all the good learning you’ll get if you stay と続くんだろ。 ttp://www.indiana.edu/~kruschke/DoingBayesianDataAnalysis/KruschkeDoingBayesianCH01cropped.pdf だな。 honeyは ねぇ!君!とかの呼びかけの言葉だ。 この本で勉強することをワルツに例えている。 と想像。
the philosophically inclined 頭の良い人 と訳しても良いかもしれない。 ttp://www2.tba.t-com.ne.jp/nakada/takashi/bayes/idea.html#top について学べ と言ってるんだよね。 >>170の直前には The quatrains are formed of dactylic tetrameter or, colloquially speaking, “country waltz” meter. The poems regard conceptual themes of the chapter via allusion from immortal human motifs often expressed by country western song lyrics, all in waltz timing. とあってwaltzという言葉が出てくる。
>>1-202 有難うございます。 直訳すると 1行目: Tangential aside for the philosophically inclined: 哲学的にけいこうした人の為の脱線した余談 2行目: If you do not find them to be all that funny, もしあなたがそれらがそれほど面白いことがわからないのなら。 if they leave you wanting back all of your money, もしそれがあなたの全ての金を返取り戻したいと思うことをそのままにしておくなら well honey some waltzing's a small price to pay, うーん、ねぇ!きみ!いくらかのワルチングに掛かるわずかな払う為の金額は、 for all the good learning you'll get if you stay. あなたが思いとどまれば得られるであろう良い学習の為。 ということですね。
Tangential aside for the philosophically inclinedの超意訳は 蛇足でありますが かもしれない。 本文では Tangential aside for the philosophically inclined: とコロンで受けてなにやら数字が混じった説明が続く。
こんばんは。和訳お願いします。 It seems clear that on occasions one is just as bad as the other, as is recognised in both morality and what man merely allows. コンマ後のasの用法がよくわかりません。
和訳お願いします At last she found it up to the slave she was to give voice to the meanest passions she had ever had she sounded hollow. "This she-goat's greedy and wet hole is your cock's slave"
The measure employed in this research was the combined recall score, after about an hour, for two stories read aloud to the patients, plus the number of words remembered from a list of spoken word pairs.
>>217 The measure employed in this research この調査で採用された方法は was the combined recall score複合した記憶力の獲得点 , after about an hour, for two stories read aloud to the patients, 1時間あまり二つの話しを患者に声高く読み聞かせる readは過去分詞 plus the number of words remembered from a list of spoken word pairs. 読み聞かせた言葉を覚えている数
>>217 The measure employed in this research was the combined recall score, after about an hour, for two stories read aloud to the patients, plus the number of words remembered from a list of spoken word pairs. この研究で採用した評価基準は、約一時間後の二つの記憶の度合い、すなわち、対象に対して声に出して 読み聞かせた二つの話(に対する記憶の度合い)と、読み聞かせた単語対のリストのうち記憶できた単語の数 を統合した想起力指数である。
A fanatic makes a hate movie, filled with wild claims about the founder of one of the world’s major religions. Fanatics of another sort are inflamed by the crude film, crying blasphemy. お願いします
>>233 偉い人が来るのを待とう。 Awesome with traveling-houses, considering every single hold船倉、貨物室 seems to want me deadおとなしくしている. 移動式家は素晴らしい、どの部屋も私におとなしくしていろと言ってるみたいなのを考えると移動式家は素晴らしい。 動く家だから部屋をholdと言ってるのかも。
I think he is a very sweet guy and that his expressive and technical capabilities will grow again. He really has something in it that allows him to "feel" the beauty. The theme of Romeo and Juliet suits him perfectly. Yuzuru ... Italy loves you so much!
Investors are betting 投資家達は賭けている。 that he's embedded his skills to the point where now the company can do without him ジョブスは会社が、アップルが、ジョブス無しでもやっていけるほどの所にまで、高度な所まで ジョブスのスキルをアップル会社に注ぎ込んだ ということに投資家達は賭けている。
友人のウェディングDMに入れる文言です。 ネットでひろってきたんですが、正確な意味を知りたいのでお願い致します。 We invite you to our wedding because it is our sincere desire to be part of such an important day in our life, in which our hearts will become one.
The results emphasize the importance of recognizing the role of non-regulatory incentives exist at the firm level by regulatory authorities in their attempts to regulate the food processing industry, in general, and read meat and poultry processing industry, in particular, to adopt an incentivebased approach to food safety regulation.
>>251 検索したらここから持ってきたみたいだね。 ttp://www.todaytip.net/nice-texts-for-wedding-invitations/ なんというか、他のはまともなんだけど、選んだこのフレーズだけなんか変に見える。 まだ間に合うなら他のフレーズにした方がいいのでは? >>253さんの言うようにfor youが落ちたのかもしれないけど、it is our sincere desire you be part of...の間違いだったのかも。>>255の反論は見当違い。our weddingとか our hearts will become oneという部分から考えて、送り主は新郎新婦であってそれ以外 じゃない。
>>269 We invite you to our wedding because it is our sincere desire to be part of such an important day in our life, in which our hearts will become one. because以降にはyouが無い。SVC構文とすれば明らかに our sincere desire はpartになること、partであること。 同じ所にある Because we want you to be participants of our love and happiness, we invite you to be part of our big day: our wedding. なら明らかにyouはpartだな。
>>251 あんまり自信ないんだけど、もし元の文で正しいとすると、because節がdesireまでで終わってる という解釈は成り立つかな? わかりやすいようにbecause節を前にもってくるように書き直すと Because it is our sincere desire (to do so), we invite you to our wedding to be part of such an important day in our life.... という感じ。
We invite you to our weddingとWe invite you to be part of...がくっついたことになるんだけど、 動詞inviteの用法としてこういう二種類の補語句を両方持てるものかどうか、そこが特に自信ない。
- Mary and John are veteran firefighters. - M : I burned the turkey, but it's pretty much under control. J : It's smoky in here. Is the turkey all right? M : No, made you burn. I came downstairs because Pookie wouldn't quit barking.
1.if you'd really have any jobs we'd work on it long time ago already. If someone wants to work they work it's very easy. I will ask around about from our regular japanese Clients and companies if anyone have heard about you. Maybe. 3.do you think you can be a part of our company like this? This is not the way i am so sorry but maybe if i don't tell you now you keep trying for nothing. Stop it plse.
two of there have been sent to you because it was on order with two suppliers who have both shipped on today. please would you reject delivery of the second one that arrives.
"I assumed novelists and filmmakers have no compulsion to license. We removed the real gun names, replacing them with fictional ones - sometimes based on team members' initials and sometimes on a sense of authenticity. So we have the DD44 Dostovei named after [GoldenEye designer] David Doak, the Klobb after Ken Lobb and the PP7 because... It just sounds good."
There are times when, having elected a government, we will be best advised to let it govern and let it speak for us as it will in the councils of the nations.
Now, I trust the teacher extensively. He gave a suitable prescription and advice to my demand. The benzodiazepine helps many people are troubled. I recognize the benzodiazepine withstand long-term clinical trials and cost-effective bnt it is cheap. I recognize the situation different from Japan, It is an inhibitory action long-term prescription was forbidden in the United States various crimes, Or ambition of pharmaceutical companies. よろしくお願いします !!
not the kind of quiet that forced you to listen to your inner workings ― to the sound your body made as it struggled, hour after hour, to keep you upright and alive.
>>386 全文書きましょう。 主語と述語があるはず not the kind of quiet that forced you to listen to your inner workings ― to the sound your body made as it struggled, hour after hour, to keep you upright and alive.
Everyone who pre-orders the deluxe edition will receive an exclusive set of 5 limited edition postcards (4 solo postcards and 1 band postcard). The solo postcards will be individually signed by the respective band member (limited offer while stock lasts). ONLY 500 LIMITED SIGNED POSTCARDS STILL AVAILABLE.
という私のコメントに以下のレスが返ってきました。 I would say that whatever the topic of anger, it only makes sense to protest about it in the country where it is happening. No government will take notice of foreigners protesting about them in another country, so would be a wasted effort.
All countries have their fringe elements on both sides of the spectrum protesting about things. Being fringe, they are more extreme on both sides of politics, so the ones who take the effort for protests and making noise in other ways. Alas, their noise often makes them appear more popular and influential, and are thus taken too seriously by many I think. They are like salt and pepper spicing up life, but not something to be taken in excess seriousness usually!
Aさん:Where to get those hush puppies of kite? Perhaps I? will dance just as kite:p
Bさん:They're actually a Hush Puppies copy from Japan called Balance Streetwear. It's pretty hard to get from overseas. But, Koreans have their own version by Benny? Street, and they ship internationally.
"'Left the house of the subscriber, bounden servant, Hezekiah Mudge,--had on, when he went away, gray coat, leather breeches, master's third-best hat. One pound currency reward to whosoever shall lodge him in any jail of the providence.' Better trudge, boy; better trudge!"
>>403 Well, there's that whole point to the heroes in the 'high seats' thing year after year. まあ、年を追う毎にヒーローが「特等席」的なものに収まることに対して重要性が増してきてるんだよ。 high seats thingってのはthing about high seatsってことだよ。 <the heroes> [be] <in the 'high seats' thing>をネクサスで追えばそんなに難しくないだろう。
>>403 直前の文で、一般教書演説(の進行)は、憲法等に定められてると思いたいけど、実際にはtweakingとimprovがあるって言ってるから there's that whole point to the heroes in the high seats thing year after year. =tweakingとimprovの要(かなめ)は、毎年のhigh seatの英雄という事例にある →毎年、英雄がギャラリー(というらしい)に座ることは、正に一般教書演説におけるひねりと即興である
I cannot wait to get back, I hate it here only because I don't like western style cultures,and here reminds me of Canada. When I come back I will either get to Osaka first and come up by Shinkansen.
The credit card number you gave us was refused by the credit card center and in order to confirm your booking we need a valid credit card. For your kind information, we don’t try to charge your credit card. We just try to check it, so we do pre-authorization for the amount of the 1st night. But it is not a payment, because this amount will be released automatically and you will pay upon departure. It could be blocked by the bank for foreign transactions for security raisons?!
The credit card number you gave us was refused by the credit card center and in order to confirm your booking we need a valid credit card. あなたが示したクレジットカードナンバーは通らなかった、あなたの予約を受けるためには有効なクレジットカードが必要だ。 For your kind information, we don’t try to charge your credit card. 有効なカードナンバーを得ても我々は課金する事は無い。 We just try to check it, so we do pre-authorization for the amount of the 1st night. 有効かどうかチェックするだけだ、できれば我々は一泊目の費用をとりっぱぐれないことを確認出来る。 But it is not a payment, because this amount will be released automatically and you will pay upon departure. しかし支払い手続きではありません、この金額(宿泊料金相当)は自動的に削除されあなたは宿を発つときに支払う事になります。 It could be blocked by the bank for foreign transactions for security raisons?!
Many peer reviewed EFT studies have been completed and some of these studies were based on a longer form EFT protocol that was popular prior to this Tutorial.
Many peer reviewed EFT studies多くの人が関わったEFT研究は have been completed 完成した and some of these studiesそしてこれらの研究のかなりの部分は were based on a longer form EFT protocol that was popular prior to this Tutorial. に基づいている。
a longer form EFT protocol 古典的な鍼治療のことかも。 that was popular prior to this Tutorial. この講義よりも以前に広く知られていた鍼治療
>>478 477だけど。全部読んでない。最初のIf being radical furthers the cause for environmentalists, then it begs the question of how far they will go to make their point. を読むと479の言うとおり。どれだけやれば気が済むんだ、どこまで過激さが 増すんだ、自分たちの大義を人に認めさせるために、みたいな感じ
As further evidence of the general sense of mankind, as to the practical necessity there is that all men’s important contracts, especially those of a permanent nature, should be both written and signed, the following facts are pertinent.
The United Nations voted overwhelmingly Thursday to recognize a Palestinian satate, a victory decades in the making for the Palestinians after years of occupation and war.
だいたい意味はわかるのですが a victory decades in the making for the Palestinians ここが意味や文法的によくわかりません 解説よろしくお願いします
>>498 名詞同士がつながってまた新たな名詞になっているものはいくらでもありますよ Chief Executive Officer とか personal department とか ad Balloon とか あまりに頻繁に使われるものは新たな名詞とみなしハイフンでつなぎます。 Eco-friendlyとか
水のデリバリーを頼んだら k round man or w faucet ってきてわけわかめだったのでどういう意味か聞いたら meaning mam your type of container. s it round or square type ってきたんですけど更に意味がわかりません。どなたか分かる方いませんか…?
I honestly can even remember Jan to July! This note will get to some of you via email and some of you after Christmas because I just haven’t had enough time to get organized for the holiday season.
―――――――――― □ A Shimmer of something. Mysterious. elusive. Hidden. Tissue and wrappings. □ Secrets and surprises. The unveiling of the unexpected. The Siren holds the key for She has the gift. ――――――――――
ギリシャ神話のセイレーン、女神がきれいな声で歌って船乗りを惑わせた という神話を下敷きにしてる。 セイレーン、Sirenは美声で船乗りを惑わしスターバックスはコーヒーで旅人を惑わす。 A Shimmer of something このsomethingは良いもの、とっても良いもの。 最高の味 ぐらいに訳しても良いかもしれない。 辞書より引用 ・the shimmer of the morning sun 朝日の輝き
―――――――――― □ A Shimmer of something. Mysterious. elusive. Hidden. Tissue and wrappings. □ Secrets and surprises. The unveiling of the unexpected. The Siren holds the key for She has the gift. ――――――――――
Yes I think that the LinkedIn invitation came from my computer as I did authorize them to access my contact list. I was unaware that they had invited everyone on my list however to join my LinkedIn page. You do not need to join. You may be interested in looking at one of my websites so you can see what I do for a living in America.
>>529 Yes I think that the LinkedIn invitation came from my computer as I did authorize them to access my contact list. the LinkedIn invitation は私のPCから発信されたと思います、彼等に連絡帳にアクセする事を許可したからです。 I was unaware that they had invited everyone on my list however to join my LinkedIn page. 私は彼等が連絡帳に誰にリンクッドインに加入するように勧誘したかは知りません。 You do not need to join.加入しなくても良いです。 You may be interested in looking at one of my websites so you can see what I do for a living in America. あなたが私のウエブサイトを興味を持って見てれば私がアメリカで生活のために何をしてるかわかるでしょう。
>>545 元になる文章はI think of you.(あなたの事を想っている)で、 これにthoughts of you(あなたを想うこと)を混ぜて重ねて、副詞による強調みたいに使ってる good, happyはthoughtsを修飾するんであってyouの状態を表している訳ではなく、 話者にとってthoughts of youがgood, happyであると言ってる
Oh every time I close my eyes I dream of what it must be like To have the dollar rule your life Oh I, I swear, their only love affair Is to be a billionaire. お願いします。
in fact ,I want to tell u one thing . I like u ,can I be ur girlfriend ? I found we have too much topic to talk and we know each other . so I hope we could be together ,ok ?
ペット用の牛乳を買ったんですが冷蔵庫で保管していいのかどうか 英語が全く出来ない自分には理解できなかったのでお願いします。 Store in a cool,dry place.Because of ultra heat treatment and a hermetically sealed pack, UHT milk will keep unopened for months without refrigeration. After opening,keep refrigerated at or below 4℃ and finish the product within seven days. なんて書いてあるのか教えて下さい><
All at once I've found Someone to adore me. Where have you been all my life? Until the moment we met I had no one to cling to, To be just everything to, to be my own true love.
The concerto is not our edition - but with the aid of Daniel we try to improve the distribution of this work within Europe and Asia. But please write me again if you shouldn't receive post within approx. 3 weeks.
The last time I felt something like that, they shut down the whole power grid in that area, remember? When they moved the Statue of Liberty, they put it right down on top of it. 彼らは自由の女神を移動した時、送電線の上に置いたんだ。 その時彼らは自由の女神を移動し、送電線の上に置いたんだ。
>>604 secodary market 2番目の市場。 Visitors from secondary market such as china and Japan. ビジターを観光客として 中国や日本のような2番目に観光客が多く来る国。 もっと観光客が多く来る国があって中国、日本からの客は2番目。
*triedやwantの後に入るべきtoが抜けている。 *with other Japanese peopleとすべきところがof other Japanese peopleになっている *didn't sendにすべきところがdon't sendになっている。 *letterやregistered letterの前に入るべき冠詞aが抜けている。など。
When I was learning slot machine and trying to throw coins to a counter, I didn't know where I should go so I throw coins to pachinko counter by mistake... Then, clerk moved coins one by one something like a tweezers from a counter. Clerk said "Did you do it on purpose?" in sarcasm. Even though I was not bad at all, I was told the sarcasm so I got angry.
I trust you is better than i love you because we can't over trust the one you love but you can always love the one you trust! 元恋人の男性に宛てたメッセージらしいのですが 複雑な愛情表現なので本当の意味がよくわかりません。 この文章からは未練があると思われるでしょうか?
>>664 原文はこれかな。 I trust you' is better than 'I love you,' because you may not always trust the person you love but you can always love the person you trust.
There was chance to meet college age good friend Y after long time in the university alumni association. Y was less hair from long ago, does the hair still remain? I became recently less the hair , my hair would be many more than him. Though I was sorry imagined that old friend Y became completely change appearance. When actually meeting again, Why !? His hair was many more than I.
胎教の重要性について書かれた本なのですが、お願いします。 With each addition to their family, the tenacity to hold the family together in its entirety should be redoubled. (彼らの家族の各々の新メンバーで、完全に一緒に家族を持つ粘り強さは、倍増されなければなりません。) What the Jones' do or say or how they live should have no bearing on your life or that of your children. (ジョーンズのものがするか、言うまたは彼らが生きる方法には、あなたの人生またはあなたの子供たちのそれとの関係があってはならない。) ()内は、機械翻訳です。Jones は突然出てきたし、60代ぐらいの男性の文章ですが、どうにも意味が掴めません。 前後の文章がもっと必要でしたら、長文スレに場所を変えて、再投稿します。
《a 〜》悩みを聞いてくれる人、愚痴を聞いてくれる相手、困ったとき頼りになる人、 悩んでいる人に対する思いやり ・If you're looking for a shoulder to cry [lean] on, go talk to your counselor. 困ったときに頼りになる人を探しているなら、ご自分のカウンセラーに相談しに行きなさい
it informs anyone who use it of the meanings which are generally attached to words,and therefore informs readers how they should use the word in future if they want to make themselves clearly understood
(弘前大の入試問題) National health organization have started campaingning to make America a more nutrious place to live. But with so much infromation available, it is often difficult to know what to read and whom to believe.
>744問題での質問 ・to make America a more nutrious place このto不定詞は、campaigningを修飾する形容詞用法だと私は思っているのですが、副詞用法のようにもとれる気がします。 to不定詞の直前が名詞であり、どちらでもとれそうなときは、どのように判断すればよいのでしょうか?
・But with so much infromation available, 模範解答 「これほどたくさんの情報があるけれども」 "with"には逆説の意味もあるようですが、単純に理由の"with"と捉えるのは無理でしょうか?
これだけでは、このto不定詞は形容詞的にも副詞的にも解釈可能です。 campaigningとto以下のあいだに主格関係が存在することから形容詞的用法としての解釈もできるし、 同時にstartを修飾してこの行為の目的を示すという副詞的用法としての解釈も可能です。この一文のみからでは。 例えば仮に副詞的用法としての解釈を期待する場合in order toなど明示化されると思いますし、まして大学入試レベルであれば、このようなアンビバレントな一文が単体で和訳問題として出題された場合、どちらの解釈で訳出しても無問題だと思います。
ただ、形容詞的用法としての解釈を採用する場合、make以下の主語はcampaignになり、副詞的用法を採用する場合はstartの主語であるNational health organizationがmake以下の動作主体になるという違いはあります。 これが長文のなかの一節であり、前後の文脈が存在しているのなら、そこでどちらに軸足を置いた議論が展開されているかによっていずれの解釈を採用すべきか判断することは可能だと思います。
>>745 模範解答は間違ってる。 But with so much infromation available, しかし、これほどの沢山の情報があるので it is often difficult to know what to read and whom to believe. 何を読むべきか誰を信じて良いかを知ることは困難な事が多い。
But with so much infromation available, it is often difficult to know what to read and whom to believe. 上記の文からButを除くと with so much infromation available, it is often ×difficult→○easy to know what to read and whom to believe.
Martin Luther King Jr. was born in Atlanta, Georgia on January 15, 1929. He was the son of a Baptist minister, and he was an excellent student. In college, he learned about a man named Mahatma Gandhi who lived in the country of India. In India, Gandhi had helped change unfair laws by teaching people to protest without violence. King thought he could change unfair laws in the United States the same way.
>>782 サンクス でもなんで書き換えてあるんだろ。 原文では Ghandi wanted protest without any feeling of enmity, a superhuman demand. hatredとenmityで意味合いが重ならないと思う。 enmityならすんなり意味をとれた。
>>789 OAAD Oxford Advanced Ameircan Dictionaryでは enmityを feelings of hatred toward someoneとしてる。 hatredは a very strong feeling of dislike for someone or something やはりenmityが適切、もし誰かがhatredに書き換えたとすれば罪は大きい。 Gandhi wanted protest without any feeling of enmity, a superhuman demand. 敵意を持たないで無暴力、不服従の抵抗運動
“I told you. You don't love someone because of their looks or their clothes or their car. You love them because they sing a song only your heart can understand.” ― L.J. Smith.
I have moved to Germany at the begining of the year. Main reason for having been really busy and not able to answer to your email (I am sorry about that). They offered her a transfer within Thyssenkrup to he headquarters here in Essen and I asked for a long term leave in DuPont. An international move is really time consuming but at the same time exiting.
I should really learn not to leave my Facebook account open on random computers without signing out before the time runs out for the obvious one; and learn the trick of restarting the computer if you happen to gap on the exceeded time limit for future knowledge.....have a nice day everyone and always remember " Live your life the way that makes you shine, follow your heart and make room for endless possibilities"
Another said: “This woman is literally evil for you and your life ... you are about to fall for that dirty old crotch. And I’m not joking, I cannot, will not, shall not live this way anymore.”
> well it is usually figurative. 'being sorted' probbly means having things properly > organised, and 'long way off' means 'nowhere near' - in other words they are in > a mess and it will take them ages to get out of it
> so in this case there is a time meaning, but only because action is needed and >if things are bad, action will take a long time
@Worse was to come when she overdosed on pills. AShe swore blind it was the last time. BThe label wouldn’t have had the money to send her out on the road. CIt gave him a type of control. DShe was locked inside herself EShe was past the point of caring whether she lived or died.
the presence of a corporate headquarters in a city is associated with about $10 millon in additional public contributions to local nonprofit each year よろしくお願いします
Certain crummy e-mail providers, in particular Yahoo, Hotmail and AOL, like to bounce and/or filter away registration messages sent from this board. If possible, please use a different e-mail provider.
One of the keys to understanding marketing is to observe the information flow between a company and the market it serves. As you can see in the diagram below, information flows two ways in a simple marketing system.
I am really sorry to hear about your illness. I hope it has eased off and you are feeling better now. Sorry for not replying sooner but I got married last week and things were rather hectic leading up to it ;-)
Some ppl are s ignorant that they keep continously treating the once that mean well wrong till these no longer care. and when they need help no one will be there to turn to. the good ppl might not be the most fun or entertaining once but the once you can rely on.
I received an email from booking.com that you request an extrabed for your child. Its uncomfortable to put extra bed in your room since the room that you booked is good for 2 person only. I suggest that your going to up-grade your room. We have a Twin-Room which have 2 beds and we charge you 1500 per night instead 900 for extra person but its more convenient for you stay together in that room sir. Please email me soon if you want to confirm the up-grade charge.
How I want a drink, alcoholic of course, after the heavy lectures involving quantum mechanics! and if the lectures were boring or tiring, then any odd thinking was on quartic equations again
>>968 頑張って答えると @I'm turning into me dad 単純に”パパ、僕が僕になって(変わって)いくよ!”ですかね my dad なら 父に似てきてる(やだー(´・д・`))みたいなニュアンスですね Aout on a limb こちらはイディオムの一種で”孤立無援”の事を指すそうです
Feed an average size adult cat 1 can per 3-1/2 pounds of body weight daily.Feed up to twice this amount to kittens.Pregnant or nursing cats may require 2 to four times their normal feeding.
The critique falls along three lines. First, as Dean Baker notes, even if you believe that the glittering prizes at the top of the economic scale were fairly won, the size of those prizes is very much defined by policy choices. We live in a society that allocates rights to intellectual property in a way that yields huge rewards to a select few, that taxes top incomes at a historically low rate, and so on. Even if the game is fair, nothing says that the game has to look the way it does.
>>996 FUCK IRAN FUCK KOREA FUCK JAPAN FUCK ALL THE RACIST PIECES OF SHITS!! FUCK THEM ALL BITCH!!! 畜生、イラン、畜生、朝鮮、畜生、日本、畜生、すべての最低な人種主義者達! 畜生、そいつ等皆、手に負えない奴等だ!!!