you should see me watching Bleach and complaing about the unfairness of the w.o., lol! I've notice that to make different forms/meanings you must add different endings to the base form of the word... hope any of this makes sense, hehehe. How do you form negatives?
as long as there is no issues with the address that is fine. With regards your site and stock. Could we suggest that you contact us well in advance and we can look at getting supplier lists in so you can choose from there. That way we can give you much more extensive choices and also better prices as we would be buying in on top of our usual orders,
the way it looks right now, with the test scores the way that they are, がわからないので教えてください。
I don’t know if there will be another movie that we do together, or if there will be 10 more. We have no plan. But, the way it looks right now, with the test scores the way that they are, The Expendables 2 is going to be a big hit. It’s going to most likely be a bigger hit than the last one. And then, he will probably come back and ask me again to be in the next movie.
The Strokes の I'll Try Anything Once という歌の歌詞です。よろしかったらお願いします。
Ten decisions shape your life,you'll be aware of 5 above,7 ways to go through school, either you're noticed or left out,7 ways to get ahead, 7 reasons to drop by,when i said ' I can see me in your eyes', you said 'I can see you in my bed', that's not just friendship that's romance too, you like music we can dance to,
Sit me down,Shut me up, i'll calm down,and i'll get along with you,
お願いします。 So I'm driving a Colonel around He gives me business cards for all his buddies in Tampa who are looking to hire Retirees with TS clearances, said he will call them for me.
thanks for the answer :) Is the blade profile really a scandi grind? because I have the feeling it is? not.... because a scandi grind should be pretty easy to sharpen....
>>57 The histories〜read like different pages from the same book. こういうことならそんな感じの意味だろうが、 The history reads like pages from the same book.って変な文章だよね こんな文章を訳すことに意味があると思えん
Psychology is a modern preunified science and, anomalously, this is a drawback, because its greater production of knowledge makes its problems of unification far greater than was the case for physics. Physics was fortunate to go through its unifying foudation before the time when it became enormously productive.
Ok, so now that I have officially changed my name, please update your contacts for me and use this email going forth. I'm Jenn Tarpey!!! As most of you know, I'm very excited to get rid of Mulrooney ;). Jenny Tarpey
宜しくお願いします。 Our payment processing system is very sensitive. We see your transaction here. The billing address provided does not match the card that you are using. Please enter the correct billing address that matches your banking records. If you have any other issues please respond to this e-mail.
Except a creature be part coward, it is not a compliment to say it is brave; it is merely a loose misapplication of the word. Consider the flea!―incomparably the bravest of all the creatures of God, if ignorance of fear were courage. Whether you are asleep or awake he will attack you, caring nothing for the fact that in bulk and strength you are to him as are the massed armies of the earth to a sucking child; he lives both day and night and all days and nights in the very lap of peril and the immediate presence of death, and yet is no more afraid than is the man who walks the streets of a city that was threatened by an earthquake ten centuries before. When we speak of Clive, Nelson, and Putnam as men who "didn't know what fear was," we ought always to add the flea―and put him at the head of the procession.
Oxford English Dictionary except ( conj.) より該当すると思われる箇所 2.C.2 Introducing a hypothetical clause expressing a supposed case in which an exception will or may exist; = ‘unless’, ‘if not’. c.C.2.c After except conj. the phrases it be, it were, etc., are often used instead of repeating the principal verb.
Today i saw in TV that you can eat special food in Tokio. They show Salamanders and leeches meat. Did you ever taste this food ? For my Wife it was crazy to see.
How about 1 for 1 on the smooth death feigning beetles instead? I only have 9 of the blue beetles left, they are very popular, but hard to find. I do have many of the smooth death available.
"When I saw the footage on my cameras I just thought to myself ‘no, it is wrong’. I couldn’t believe what I saw. How sneaky and underhand can you get? 最後のcan you get?の訳がわからないです。どなたか訳と解説お願いします。
その「How 〜 can you get」は「なんて〜」のような意味ですが、 悪い事しか表現しません。 例えば「How stupid can you get」は「なんて馬鹿馬鹿しい!」、 つまり、「How sneaky can you get」は「人間がこんなにずるくなれるなんて、信じられないよ!」って意味。
>>150 うん、決まりきった言い方は「How (形容詞とか、物を表現する言葉)can you get」だけだ 省略なんかない。「How 〜 can you get?」は相手に対しての修辞疑問。 だから、直訳にすれば「How sneaky can you get?」は「人間はどのぐらい卑劣になれるか?」
i noticed you purchased all the Blue beetle feigning beetles i have left. You should pick up some Black ones as well, Not everyone can afford the blue and for those who cant you can sell them the black ones. I need to know how you would like them shipped? Global Express is $50 and regular shipping is $30
在庫のthe Blue beetle feigning beetles を全部買ったのですね。 the Black beetle feigning beetles もお買いになるべきとおすすめします。 全部の人がthe Blue beetle feigning beetles を(高価だからか?)買えるわけではなく その買えない人にthe Black beetle feigning beetles を売れるからです。 出荷便はどうしますか? Global Express 速達だと50で鈍行だと30です。
There are at least sixteen different species of large burrows insects in related genera endemic to America. These large wingless, live bearing Insects are specially adapted to life spent primarily in underground burrow.
I have good news for you. The 'Panesthia' sp. was determined: Panesthia sp. (Misool Island- Raja Ampat,Indonesia) = Ancaudellia hamifera (Hanitsch, 1930) P.S. What is the locality of your Panesthia sp.(received from you) please?
There are at least sixteen different species of large burrows insects in related genera endemic to America. These large wingless, live bearing Insects are specially adapted to life spent primarily in underground burrow.
Bunny popped his head out of his hole and looked around. "What shall I do today?" he wondered. Bunny did not feel like being on his own. "I know!"he thought. "I'll go and see what my friends are doing"
In the U.S., close to 9 in 10 adults carry a mobile, leaving its marks on body, mind, spirit. There’s a smart-phone gait: the slow sidewalk weave that comes from being lost in conversation rather than looking where you’re going. Thumbs are stronger, attention shorter, temptation everywhere: we can always be, mentally, digitally, someplace other than where we are.
このなかの、 There’s a smart-phone gait: the slow sidewalk weave that comes from being lost in conversation rather than looking where you’re going.
>>180 There won't be any further expansion for nail production capability at クギックス. The situation is just as I reported: Japanese nail industry is declining and scaling down, which led to its low productivity and less price competitiveness. スレ間違ってるで 日英スレは別にある
>>187 コメントありがとうございます。tell した内容で意味が変わりますよね。 1) told her that she'd still be alive 2) told her that, she'd still be alive どちらも that を補ったとして、(1) は she'd still be alive に繋がるもので、 (2) の that は 「自分の気持ち」を指すことになります。
(2) の場合は、教科書どおりの仮定法過去完了だと I think if I had told that, she would have been still alive. と、ならないといけない(前後ひっくり返ってる)ような気がしてしまうのですが、I think.. を足すと全体的にはおかしいのかも。 どっちにしろ (2)の形式じゃないと、if に応答するものがなくなる(ことに今気づき)、(2)が正しそうですね。
>>189 If I would have は「もし〜していたら」で普通に使うぞ >>186はここの部分の解釈を根本的に間違ってるというのと、 toldの目的語はmy feelingが省略されてて、 she would still be aliveはカンマが抜けてるが条件節の対だろう 仮定法のwouldを抜いた文にしたら分かりやすいし would haveの意味的に「過去に溯って彼女に伝えられたら」という解釈は有り得んからな toldの目的語と考えるのはかなり苦しい
Thirteen month old baby, broke the lookin' glass Seven years of bad luck, the good things in your past
「生後13ヶ月の赤ん坊が鏡を壊したら7年不幸に見舞われるって言うけど、 その中で良い事だってあっただろ」 こんなニュアンスで合ってますか? the good things in your pastは、サイトによっては、古きよき時代の話だとか 君の過去の良いことでさえ7年間不運に見舞われたというのにとか色々あったので 分からなくなりました。お願いします
>>197 文法的に正しいのは I think if I would have told her she'd still be alive. ↓ I think if I had told her she'd still be alive. もし彼女に気持ちを打ち明けていたら、彼女は今も生きているだろう。
wouldを使っているのを見ると、ずいぶん思いこみが激しくて、キモい。 せいぜいshe might still be alive. 今も生きていたかもしれない、だね。
The first quick 最初に素早くする事 The first quick, possibly icy, but also very therapeutic,plunge into new words ここまで名詞節、主語 is 動詞 to say them. 補語。 新語を理解したいと思ったら使いたくなくても精神衛生上良い事だからまず使ってみる事だ。
>>210>>211ありがとうございます。 そのあとに続く文なんですが、Airplanes with relatively quiet engines and minimum exhaust fumes are not levied as high a landing fee as others. 「比較的静かなエンジンで廃棄ガスも最小限の飛行機は他の飛行機ほど高い着陸料をとられません。」とあるから、 ミュンヘン空港は環境にやさしい飛行機に対してはお金を多くとらない。=地上も環境にやさしい。なので、as belowを「以下のように」と解釈できますがasが疑問に残ります。
To shed light on just how much quality change can matter, William Nordhaus, of Yale University, has calculated how much better room lighting is now than in the past, based on estimates of energy requirements per lumen.
To shed light on just how much quality change can matter, 品質の改善がどんなに重要になってるかを解明するために William Nordhaus, of Yale University, has calculated how much better room lighting is now than in the past, 過去に比べて現在部屋の照明が改善されたかを計算した based on estimates of energy requirements per lumen. ルーメンあたりのエネルギー要求量に基づいて 、エール大学のWilliam Nordhaus, は 昔に比べて部屋の照明のルーメンあたりのエネルギー要求量がとても少なくなってるのを計算して 品質の改善がどんなに重要な事になってるかを解明した。
If you have ever wondered how meat gets from the factory to your tabel and in what condition, you gotta check out all three clips on this websiite. THIS IS REAL AND REAL SICK.
Thought to ask from ya what's up there in the far far away? Hopefully you haven't been in earthquakes, thats what always comes to Finnish stable ground-mind first.
ya: you ground-mind: 「Finnish stable ground-mind」という塊りでみるべきだと思います。 意味としては、(the mind of) people who live on a stable ground such as Finland's といった感じではないでしょうか。
>>239 You gave me the lot #. あなたはthe lot #を送ってくれた I really need the product #. 私がホントに欲しいのはthe product #(上の#とは品番違うのだろう) Also the if you can give the product name if more than # that would be helpful. Thank you. #(どっちのだろう)より良い品の名前を教えてくれれば助かります。
As discussed (here) the ECB will target short-term rates - possibly up to three years. The goal is to lower rates in such a way as to reduce funding costs for households yet make sure the market "disciplines" the periphery governments on the long end of the curve. The ECB will then sterilize the purchases by offering term deposits.
ここでの意味は、「長期的に見て」とか「長期的なスパンで」みたいな感じじゃないかな。 The goal is to lower rates in such a way as to reduce funding costs for households yet make sure the market "disciplines" the periphery governments on the long end of the curve. 「その目的は、次のような方法で金利をさげることである ―― 家計部門の資金調達コストを下げつつ、しかし 長期的なスパンで、マーケットによって周辺国の政府部門に確実に「財政規律を守らせる」、といった方法である。」
As children become adults, their social behabiour changes in some ways. What are the main differences between young children’s social behaviour and that of adults? To what extent are the changes that take place good?
To what extent どのような程度まで、どんな割合で are the changes that take place good? (子供が大人になるにつれての社会に対する)変化は良い方への変化となるのだろうか? 子供が大人になって殺人犯になる事もある。これはtake place goodではない。
お願いします。 Anyone can hold a grude,but it takes a person with character to forgive. When you forgive,you release yourself from a painful burden. Forgiveness doesn't mean that person should still be welcome in your life. It just means you have made peace with the pain,and are ready to let it go.
Thank you, for the update,I will let you know how they are doing when i receive them. I am looking to obtain a few more xxX species.. What do you have surplus of at the moment that you would like to pass off? Please send me a price list.
Thank you, for the update,I will let you know how they are doing when i receive them. I am looking to obtain a few more roach species.. What do you have surplus of at the moment that you would like to pass off? Please send me a price list. お願いします
Sorry, we sent another client package to you wrong, and I will send the correct one again, And would you pls cancle the dispute? Can you tell me how much if you send the wrong caddy back to me?
Sorry, we sent another client package to you wrong, and I will send the correct one again, And would you pls cancle the dispute? Can you tell me how much if you send the wrong caddy back to me? 商品の発送間違いを素直に認めて正しい商品を再送するので、この件に関して、 押し問答・言い争い(dispute)をするのはやめよう(cancel)
A GREAT broad web of satin, shining white, and, strewn across, long clumps and trailing wreaths of lilac, almost white, wistaria bloom, ―pendent, shining, and so delicately wrought in palest silk that still the web was white ; and in and out and trailed across, now lost, now plain, two slender, twining, intertwining chains of golden thread.
下記の訳をお願いします。 We think you might save 100$+ /month if it was once a month also you will see how nice some of the plants are after a month+ in the vessels.
ttp:// Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do? の中の Can Justice Be Detached from Moral Desert? の項に It may be that this persisting belief--that success should be seen as a reward for virtue--is simply amistake, a myth whose hold we should try to dissolve. がある。 こなれた日本語に訳して下さい。
Kato's mental competency was the main issue in the first trial. Per normal practice, he did not attend any proceedings in the high court phase, which started in June and concluded in July.
"I don't want to be your whole life, just your favorite part."
You know you really love someone when you can not hate them for breaking your heart. And you know you're fortunately loved by someone when they still try to make you fall in love with them more after you broke their heart. Sometimes you cannot believe what you see, you have to believe what you feel. And if you are ever going to have other people trust you, you must feel that you can trust them, too - even when you're in the dark. Even when you're falling.
>>353 But I dont want to be in your whole life. I just want to be your favorite part of your life. あなたには私をいい思い出としてだけ覚えていておいて欲しい 母になった自分や歳を取った自分をあなたには見せたくない いつまでも私はあなたの記憶の中で、老いる事のない永遠の恋人でありたい
Just to reply to your question about VIADEO/ its a French networking site just as LINKEDIN .. but please ignore the demande.. because you 'are not really concerned as its only for Frechies
We are not keep you any shipping cost. Beacuse the DHL post said your address is remote, you could pay more remote cost $30. So I ask you we will shipping out your parcel by HK EMS. We are not keep any shipping cost.
>>375 We are not keep you any shipping cost. あなたに送料の負担を求めません。送料無料です。 Beacuse the DHL post said your address is remote, you could pay more remote cost $30. DHLは遠隔地だから30ドル余分にかかると言ってきたのです。 So I ask you we will shipping out your parcel by HK EMS. だからHK EMSであなたに送る事にしました。 We are not keep any shipping cost. あなたに送料無料で送ります。
>>379 どうもありがとうございます。 そういうことですか、よく分かりました。 これがキーになるかと思っていたんですが理解できず・・・。 ”We are not keep you any shipping cost. ” 大変助かりました。
参考までに実際は送料先払いで20ドル払ってますので、 DHLだと追加で30ドル支払う必要があったようですね。 HK EMSだと支払い済みの20ドルで足りたのか不明ですが、 最期にセラーはこんなこと言ってました。 ”I gaurantee next time when your buy from us we will give you good discount.” これは「また買ってくれたら(送料分)ディスカウントしますよ」って言っているみたいです。
おねがいします it is clear that the Politburo is sufficiently alarmed by [the] mini-slump of recent months to put its reform drive on hold, opting instead for prime pumping to help the Communist Party through its handover of power later [in] Autumn.”
thank you so much the reason i wanted to see hasagawa was because i reacently got to play baseball on his team in a 15 U turnament agenced Hideo Nomos alstar team from Japan. I was honored to be able to play with him and also to play with the Hideo Nomo All-star team.
>>395 > お願いしますで。 > > thank you so much > the reason i wanted to see hasagawa was because i reacently got to play baseball on his team in a 15 U turnament agenced Hideo Nomos alstar team from Japan. 大変ありがとうございます。 私がハセガワを見てみたい理由は、わたし自身が最近に野茂英雄がひきいる十五歳以下のトーナメントに出場するためのオールスターチームにて、彼と一緒にプレイしたからです。
> I was honored to be able to play with him and also to play with the Hideo Nomo All-star team. 野茂英雄のオールスターチームで彼と一緒にプレイできたことをわたしは誇りに思っています。
>>395 > お願いしますで。 > > thank you so much > the reason i wanted to see hasagawa was because i reacently got to play baseball on his team in a 15 U turnament agenced Hideo Nomos alstar team from Japan. 大変ありがとうございます。 私が長谷川と会いたいという理由は、わたし自身が最近に野茂英雄が組織した十五歳以下のトーナメントに出場するための日本のオールスターチームにて、彼と一緒にプレイしたからです。
> I was honored to be able to play with him and also to play with the Hideo Nomo All-star team. 野茂英雄のオールスターチームで長谷川と一緒にプレイできたことをわたしは誇りに思っています。
inb4 Generally used on internet forums, inb4 refers to a user posting a reply to a message/topic "before" another user posts an obvious response. When used appropriately, inb4 is followed by a word or short phrase that the user knows will eventually appear in the topic conversation. お願いしますm(_ _)m
アメリカが日本を侵略する。 →United States to invade Japan.(アメリカが日本を侵略する) ドイツが日本を侵略する。 →Germany to invade Japan.(ドイツが日本を侵略する) フランスが日本を侵略する。 →France to invade Japan.(フランスが日本を侵略する)
日本人が韓国人を犯した。 →Japanese committed a Korean.(日本人は韓国人に関して責任を負いました) 韓国人が日本人を犯した。 →Korea has made the Japanese people.(朝鮮は日本の人々を作りました。) 中国人が日本人を犯した。 →Chinese has made the Japanese. (中国人は日本人を作りました)
日本人は韓国人をレイプした。 →Japanese Korean was raped.(日本の韓国人はレイプされました) 韓国人は日本人をレイプした 。 →Korean Japanese were raped.(韓国の日本人はレイプされました) 中国人は日本人をレイプした →The Chinese Japanese rape.(中国の日本人はレイプします)
日本人が韓国人を殺した。 →Korean Japanese killed.(韓国の日本人は殺しました) 韓国人が日本人を殺した。 →Korean Japanese killed.(韓国の日本人は殺しました)
>>403 in time before someone will post this eventually, I post this in here: 〜 を略してinb4 〜だろう 既出を指摘してるんじゃなくて、後から既出と指摘する為に予め書いとく、 どうせこう言うレスがあるだろうから予め書いとくわ って感じじゃね 個人的には使われてるの見た事ないけど
1、I am worried about my daughter,she should have been home an hour ago 2、I could not see my friend in the hotel,so Ihad him paged 3、The happy couple are to spend their honeymoon in New Zealand 4、What would happen if we were to lose the secret of making fire? 5、We regret toinform you that your application has been turned down
1,The force of the wind made it difficult to walk 2,Many aquarrel has come about through a misunnderstanding 3,The city was destoroyed an earthquake in 1970 and has since been rebuilt 4,Marks in school are not alwaya a true measure of a person;s intelligence 5,He said no more than we had expected after all
we write is the waybill and this tracking numble will be tracking within 2 workdays. and you tracking it is other tracking numble, i wish we write it clearly and you understand. By the way ,EMS to Japan is much more fast than DHL and easy to Clearance. thanks no need worry about it,friend
Alcoholic Giant Upright Rich Impartial(頭文字取ってAGURIになる)を教えてください。 文になってないのは分かるけど。この言葉を挙げて、"Awesome app, I really felt that its saying the truth :) " これいって自分のことを他人に悪くアピールしていることになりませんかね。俗語かもしれないので、英語に詳しい方教えてください。
Alcoholic Giant Upright Rich Impartial 推定 全部形容詞 名詞が続いてる筈。おそらく飲酒が人に及ぼす作用についてだな。 "Awesome app, I really felt that its saying the truth とっても良い物だよ、マジでホントだと思った。
Are there any hard feelings in Japan with respect to the Fukushima's nuclear power plant company? Do the Japanese people blame them for their mistreatment of the reactor? What about the government? Is it still seen as responsible for the mess? And another question if I may - would Japan cease the use of nuclear power plants?
450 ですが自分も文法的にわかりません。I really felt that its saying the truth.はなぜ、 I really felt that it is saying the truth.にならないんですか?こちらのコメント書いた方はネイティブなんでしょうかね。 ちなみに意味はこの名前占い??(APPってあるからそういうサイトなんだろう)本人からしたら自分に当てはまってたんでしょうね。 直訳は、「meaning of my name app は事実を言っていると本当に思いました。⇒ほんとにあたってる〜 みたいなニュアンスではなかろうか?
During one of these games, someone played 'What Am I Going to Do' by the Dovers. I was amazed at the hook-- a weird organ thing with drums and electric bass. I mentioned to Noah [Lennox] that someone should really sample that riff. He agreed and he taught me a little about sampling and matching up beats. This ended up as the collaborative effort 'Walkabout.'
>>472 例 e-bay のぞいたら out-of-date の商品は未使用ではあるがかなり古いものも出品されていた. 店頭に出したくらいのものなら新古品かと. Only $20 for a item out of date! or Only $20 for an out-of-date item! [Only $20 for a itemnew old stock! or Only $20 for an new-old-stock item!] We offer a special 15% discount to any customer whose purchase exceeds 50 units
Their quote is atcualy £272.35 globalexpress Guaranteed 3 days Up to £200 Tracked £272.35 I have an account with them and can ship for £150 so this is why the shiping price to you has gone up to £150 from £130. If you had emaild me as the add states i would have quoted you £150 for postage to japan
I am still enjoying life coaching clients, hosting workshops and consulting to the pharmaceutical industry. My Buddhist SGI chanting practice is a scared space in my life, running, swimming, as is my kundalini yoga practice.
>>485 as the add statesはas the ad statesのタイポじゃないかな? as the advertisement statesね。 たぶん広告には「EU圏+US+Canadaは送料130ポンド、他地域は別途お見積もり」みたいなことが書いてあって、 それを無視して日本から送料130ポンドを前提とした注文が来た、みたいな。
Q: I am considering taking an apartment in Vancouver that is listed at $800. The add states that the rent increases if two people live there. Does he have the right to stipulate how many people occupy a 1 bedroom suite?
It is not the penalty itself that is invalid, but the exaction of obedience to a rule or standard that is so vague and indefinite as to be really no rule or standard at all.'
There was a change in freight, from Express courier international to registered mail. This change is from the post office. They said no to express courier international. You were debited the registered mail cost only.
Hi, don't worry, it isn't a problem. Unfortunately we did not get your agreed order until too late so did not pack it yesterday. We will have to pack and send it later in the week ans will let you know once it is on the way. We should also warn you that the temperature here is starting to fall so will only have a few more weeks when we can send or receive things,
In 1990, a group of Stanford students joined forces with Bay Area Action, a local environmental group, to get out the "green" vote on campus. they used BAA's office as home base.
お願いします nuh no really im inconsistent with ma players some days im on fire other days im…but your timing is very good i tip hat to u japan…have a good one man or women
Personal income, tax revenue, profits and prices dropped, while international trade plunged by more than 50%, due in large part to the Smoot-Hawley Tariff.
国内についてPersonal income, tax revenue, profits and prices dropped, 一方国際貿易においてはwhile international trade plunged by more than 50%, due in large part to the Smoot-Hawley Tariff.
This ordinance simply bars all handbills under all circumstances anywhere that do not have the names and addresses printed on them in the place the ordinance requires.
do not have the names and addresses printed on them の辺りがよくわかりません. それらに印刷された名前と言葉を持たせない?
This ordinance simply bars all handbills (under all circumstances anywhere) that (all handbills) do not have the names and addresses printed on (all handbills) in the place the ordinance requires.
“If you have carbon at high pressures, ask any geologist, what you get is diamonds.” 意訳:ダイヤモンドが欲しけりゃ炭素を高圧下に置けばいい。疑うなら地質学者にでも聞いてみるがいい。 って感じかと思うんですが、 どうか ask any geologist の箇所の文法解釈を教えてください。 テキトーに見える位置に短文を挿入できる・できないのルールがよく分からずもやもやします。
おねがいします Sir please kindly note I can not deposit for you. Kindly please answer to e Ms.SATOU's email. and she will guide you on this All I can do that I also inform her and our Back Office on this but kindly ask you too to answer on her email as well please
This procedure was probably more common with larger ensembles, although it must be stressed that most of the choirs at that time were fairly small by modern standerds. この手続きはより大きい合唱団では多分より一般的であった。 けれどもほとんどの聖歌隊は現代の基準にもとずいてかなり小さかったことを強く主張されなければならない。
The option to block reduces the likelihood, so concerning to the Court in Pacifica, supra, at 744, that traditional First Amendment scrutiny would deprive the Government of all authority to address this sort of problem.
>>648 There is, moreover, a key difference between cable television and the broadcasting media, which is the point on which this case turns: Cable systems have the capacity to block unwanted channels on a household-by-household basis.
お願いします。 In daily life, we assume as certain many things which, on closer examination, are found to be so full of apparent contradictions that only a great amount of thought enables us to know what it is that we really may believe.
とあるバンドのCDのレビューなんだが This CD isn't remarkable but is a generally competent, if derivative,effort from the New Jersey outfit. if derivativeの部分がよくわかりません 誰かお願いします
Ladies and Gentlemen: Thank you for riding Shinkansen. This is Nozomi Superexpress bound for Hakata. We will be stopping at Shinagawa, Shin-Yokohama, Miso, Kyoto, Shin-Osaka, Shin-Kobe, Nishiakashi, Himeji, Aioi, Okayama and Hiroshima before arriving at Hakata Terminal.
>>668 but (it=all the tools)did not have direct contact / as they were the end of the line. カンマで文が区切られている場合、後ろの文の主語、動詞が前と同じときには省略されることがよくあります。 Haveは全ての装置が直接の接触手段を"持っている"わけではないのhave asはここでは理由を表す"だけれども"のasです。
>>662 何についての説明なの、歴史上の銅器?鉄器が登場する前の銅器? All the tools are considered to be copper, but (all the tools) did not have direct contact as they were the end of the line. all the toolsは直接接触しない、なぜならthey(al the tools)はラインの終端にあるからだ。
>>687 文法的には間違いですが、こういうのはニュースを聞いててもよくあります。 I have bad situation と言おうとして違う言葉を思いついたときなど言い直さずにI have in bad moodなど ちゃんと校正されるような本にこの言葉が載っていたならこの限りではないですが、映像ドキュメントならありえます。
フィリピンの新聞です。お願いします S. Korean leaders visit disputed islands
SEOUL: A group of South Korean lawmakers on Tuesday visited an isolated set of islands at the heart of a territorial dispute with Japan, a move likely to further stoke tensions with Tokyo.
Seventeen members of the parliamentary National Defense Committee flew to the Dokdo islands (known as Takeshima in Japan) on military helicopters for a day-long visit, an aide to committee member Han Ki-Ho said.
The trip??labeled a government inspection session??was aimed at checking security measures around the islands guarded by the South’s coastguard, the aide said.
On Monday, Japan’s chief cabinet secretary Osamu Fujimura had called on the Seoul MPs to cancel their visit, warning it would jeopardize bilateral ties.??
The islands, which lie between the two countries, are controlled by South Korea but claimed by both nations.
Their long-standing row over ownership boiled over in August when South Korean President Lee Myung-Bak made a surprise visit to the islets.
Tokyo said the trip??the first ever by a South Korean president??was deliberately provocative.
Lee said it was designed to press Japan to settle lingering colonial-era grievances, including the issue of Korean women forced into sexual slavery for Japanese troops during World War II.
In August 2011, three conservative Japanese lawmakers tried to visit Ulleung island, the closest South Korean territory to the island chain, to voice their anger at Seoul’s “occupation” of the islets.
South Korean immigrations officers refused to allow them into the country, citing security concerns.
Japan is embroiled in a separate row with China over a different set of disputed islands in the East China Sea, which are also claimed by Taiwan. ???? ??????
I managed to take a lot of great pictures of my trip and have them all uploaded to my facebook account so if you have one please feel free to add me as your friend and look through them. (simply search my name (ABC-DE Best)). If not I will try and attach some of my favourites to future messages.
Have you noticed that the newsletter is not carrying its own weight? I wonder if we ought to continue to subsidize it. I sugggest we put it on a subscription basic. This will also oblige it to become more responsive to readers, one of the current complaints being that it isn't. If it can't survive on the income from subscriptions, I question its usefulness.
It is HIROYUKI which played a game of the boxing last Sunday on October 21. I took a video, and I supported you, and thank you for & then. Your game of November 4 goes to look. I do my best, and please win.
>>726 Hi, I'm Hiroyuki, the guy on the boxing match you shot on Sunday, October 21. Thank you for the video and your support. I'll be there to see you on the match on November 4. I hope you can win.
In the meantime, I'm watching CNN and there is this woman, named Sandra, incidentally, who is being pounded by rain. Don Lemon just said "she signed up for this." Yes, perhaps, but why do we as an American nation feel the need to watch broadcasters getting soaked out in the rain?
It makes me feel uncomfortable watching because I worry that one day someone will get killed out there. Then the media will go through their soul-searching, wondering if what they are doing is right.
The Times の今回の Sandy 記事に対する読者コメントなんですが、 最後の2行(It makes me feel uncomfortable から)お願いできますか。
Thank you for your inquiry. The 1.3# and 1.9# distinctions for Material are a measurement of density. Because of this the 1.3# variety will always be more lightweight than the 1.9# variety.
>>745 Okay, okay brother. By the way I tried to play Metal Gear Solid online, but the update doesn't work. Can you help me because I would like to play online....
>>773 helpのみだとhelp A to do B(AがBするのを手伝う)という言い回しを前提にしてるが help outはhelp A out of B(AをBから救い出す)という言い回しを前提にしてる 文脈的に前者の状況が限定される場合は後者は使えないが 多くの場合は後者に前者が内包されるのでほぼ同様の意味になる
>>792 日本語に訳すより背景を理解するしかない。 ハリケーンが来襲するのに もしホワイトハウスに戻らなくて選挙遊説していればオバマは大統領としての仕事をするよりも 大統領の職にしがみつきたいだけだと非難されただろう。 As it is,選挙遊説中なのに、ホワイトハウスに戻ってハリケーン対策の陣頭指揮を執ったので he's (he has) earned some praise for firmly taking charge. オバマはハリケーン対策の指揮を確固としたとして称賛を勝ち取った。
>>791 Any manifestation of aggression, political or otherwise, was held in the greatest distain. distainはdistrainとして the greatest distrain最大級の差し押さえ は戦争による占領かな。 それなら意味が通りそう。
>>778 Having the property 性質を持っていること that 関係代名詞 something divided into classes 分類される物(that節の主語) has had 完了形 hadは受身 その分類をさらに分けられる (I had my bag stolen. 私はバッグを盗まれた)
Having the property that something divided into classes has had the classes themselves further divided. 分類される物がそれをさらに分類される性質を持っていること
If he hadn't he'd have been accused of trying to save his job, rather than doing his job. 彼がそうしていなかったならば、自らの職務を果たしてというより、 自らの職務を十分に果たそうとしなかったことで非難されたであろう。
As it is, he's earned some praise for firmly taking charge. 事実、彼は毅然として指揮を執って(責務を果たし)それなりの賞賛を受けた。
The village was deep in flood, and I swam above the Ghaut and went far inland, up to the rice-fields, and they were deep in good mud. I remember also a pair of bracelets (glass they were, and troubled me not a little) that I found that evening. Yes, glass bracelets; and, if my memory serves me well, a shoe. I should have shaken off both shoes, but I was hungry. I learned better later. Yes. And so I fed and rested me; but when I was ready to go to the river again the flood had fallen, and I walked through the mud of the main street. Who but I? Came out all my people, priests and women and children, and I looked upon them with benevolence.
>>816 すいません、実はoxford guide to english usageの例文でソースはわかりませんでした。 4.7 but, case following The personal pronoun following but (= “except”) should be in the case it would have if a verb were supplied. I walked through the mud of the main street. Who but I? (Kipling) Our uneducated brethren who have, under God, no defence but us (C. S. Lewis) In the Kipling example I is used because it would be the subject of I walked. In the Lewis example us is used because it would be the object of who have (i. e. “who have us as their only defence”).
この用法辞典では“Who but I?”を“Who but I walked”の省略だとする説明です。 まぁ、確かにこの引用部分(I walked through the mud of the main street. Who but I?)「だけ」を見れば、 誰でもそのように解釈するでしょう。
でも、原典をあたってその前後を読んでみると、その解釈はおかしいことがわかります。この直後、 話し手のワニがその道路でたくさんの人に囲まれたという記述があります(つまりこの道路には他の 人もいた)し、もっと前の部分を読めば(>>809)、ここは、「誰がどう見ても人を食い殺した犯人は 自分しかいない」「他のだれが容疑者だというんだ?」ということを述べていることがわかります。 つまり“Who but I ate the victim”とか“Who but I seemed to have ate the victim”とか “Who but I was the suspect”とか、そういった内容の省略と見るべきなのが明らかです。 この台詞の中で、話し手のワニは「人を襲う」という動作を露に表現せず、暗にほのめかしています (被害者そのものでなく、そのブレスレットと靴の記憶だけを語っている)。この“Who but I?”も、 人を襲ったという記述を露にするのを避けた省略表現と考えるのが自然でしょう。
誰か訳してください。お願いします。(1)StoneAge America was a pretty crowded place for a land that was supposed to be empty until those Asians followed herds of big game from Siberia into Alaska. The story was so tidy that any skeletons that seemed to challenge this “Clovis model” were shoved back into the closet by the powerful authorities of American anthoropology
>>859 We are still shipping out The U.S. orders first. We will email you back in a couple of days. てかメールのやり取りなら「言ってる事の意味が分かりません」って相手に聞き返せよ 日本人は思考停止してるバカばっかだな
>>865 文の構造自体は簡単だよ。 YetはButとかHoweverみたいなもので、「しかし」 to reduce schools to elements of economic policy が主語 is not without risks.は「二重否定」でリスクがないことはない、つまり、リスクがある。
Yetそれでもなお(前段でいろいろ資金が無いという説明があったが) to reduce schools to elements of economic policy 経済政策の一つとして学校を減らす事は学校教育を減らす事は is not without risks. (国の勢いを無くす)危険が無いとは言えない。
以下をお願いします: As seen through a super-large-sized ad photo of "The Odd Life of Timothy Green", the boy's legs have been shaved (probably because "odd" is that a green fairy of leaves has hairy legs like a human!). What do you think?
know 良く知っている、何から何まで知っている。 " No one can make happy except you" お前と一緒で無ければ幸せになれないよ。 " How can I make you happy?" どうして私があなたを幸せに出来ると言うの? "You know it. You say you do know me." わかるでしょ。お前は俺の事をとても良く知ってる,とても良くわかると言ったでしょ。 (つまりお俺がお前を好きだという事を知ってるだろ) " Ok, I know" ええ。
>>920 Excellent, you have activated the 2 obtuse vertices of the sailing, quickly complete the tertiary (node). 良く出来た、二つのobtuse vertices of the sailingを作動させた、速やかに第三段階を完了せよ。
>>927 リンク先の That is what one of the required 3 points to complete design. あたりがヒントだな。 そして Excellent, you have activated the 2 obtuse vertices of the sailing, と続くんだ。sailingは航行だな。
It is critical in what we have so far understood and claimed about best cases that they turn upon generic objects, ones about which the problem or criteria of identification does not arise.
'The Claim of Reason' という哲学書の中の一文です。 that they turn upon generic object の thatの掛かりとturn uponの意味が分かりにくい のですが、that は best cases を指しているとみなして、以下のように訳して良いでしょうか。 これまでのところ我々は、(認識の)最善のケースは、ごく一般的な対象、すなわち 識別上の問題や基準が生じてこない対象を相手にすることだと理解し、また主張 してきたことが重要な点である。
すみません質問を。 I do once eveyr while ある場所では「偶然だけどね」という解釈らしいのですが、 この解釈でよいでしょうか? もう一つ、 I should be the one apologizing 「私が謝るべきだ」という解釈だと思うのですが、このときoneはどういう役割を果たしているのでしょうか?
>>946 It is critical in what we have so far understood and claimed about best cases →in what we have so far understood and claimed about best cases is critical にはならないの?
'the theory that public employment which may be denied altogether may be subjected to any conditions, regardless of how unreasonable, has been uniformly rejected.'
which may be denied altogetherの扱いがわからずもやもやしているんですが
>>961 generic objects, コンマ以下は説明=ones about which the problem or criteria of identification does not arise. so far understood and claimed claim 矛盾や異議があっても自信を持って〜を主張する。
In most industries, competition leads to lower prices. But the opposite is true in higher ed, where, as Michael Crow of Arizona State put it, “quality and status is often connected to exclusivity.” Too many schools are trying to compete with Harvard --- state-of-the-art gyms, anyone? --- and maintain the highest-profile faculty, and those costs trickle down to the students.
翻訳お願いします。 Theae are no physically challenged people if we bridge the gap between those who are phtsically challenged and those who aren't. We have to remove the barriers.
文脈によって変わるんだけど、この○○, anyone?は ○○ is a good example of those things, right? Is there anyone ever disagrees with me? Anyone?の略ぽいな 海外のフォーラムなんかで頻出する好例や典型例を出して同意を促す口語表現
すいません。お願いします。 The sweat and tears of the unfairly arrested are the best fertilizer known to dictators everywhere. Besides, hard work never killed anybody, according to the official statistics of these facilities. Criminals detained in the Labor Camp will not be reeducated if they ever leave. The crop production depends on the work mode and the crop conditions.
>>986 ありがとうございます!!助かりました!お手空きでかまいませんのでこちらもできればお願いします。 Alas, the defeat of ULTIMO only sweetened my victory! They say it is not the powers or gadgets that make a Superhero, but his will to do good without expecting anything in return. I do not know. I only did what I had to because there was no other way out. Perhaps this is how true Superheroes are made.
Running a Pirate island in the 20th century turned out to be quite different than what I expected! Yet the ideas remain the same - take the gold, give nothin' away! Live my life my own way! こちらを教えていただければ幸いです。
>>992 たすかりました!ありがとうございます!こちらもよければ教えていただけませんか。 Once again, I prevail. City building holds no secrets for me, as I have proven time and again. Penultimo is currently trying to immortalize my victory in painting. I even bought him new crayons. The people of Norilsk put up false information to shame their rulers into fixing their city. Fools! If they have only come to Tropico they would have known true paradise.
>>994 ありがとうございました。 有志の皆でがんばってる「Tropico 4: Modern Times (+α) 日本語翻訳作業所」というサイトの海外作品の翻訳作業が滞ってしまっていたので本当に助かりました。 まだまだ翻訳が必要ですがおかげでがんばれそうです!! 厚かましくもまた尋ねさせていただく時はよろしくお願いします。
今読んでいるマリオ・クォモの演説の一部です。 よろしければ翻訳お願いいたします。 It's an old story. It's as old as our history. The difference between Democrats and Republicans has always been measured in courage and confidence. The Republicans -- The Republicans believe that the wagon train will not make it to the frontier unless some of the old, some of the young, some of the weak are left behind by the side of the trail. "The strong" -- "The strong," they tell us, "will inherit the land."