Let's discuss anti-Japan of Koreans in English2

This thread is for discussing anti-Japan activities of Koreans in ENGLISH
and taking action against their comments on youtube and so on.
Why don't you join us if you are interested in our activity?
It doesn't matter about your English skill as long as you have the feeling
that you want to correct Korean injustice. Japanese have believed
that there is value in being quiet, but being quiet isn't the best way
to solve the problem in front of the the world.
It's about time we disputed them =)
Before posting a comment on youtube or any bulletin boards
against anti-Japan Korean activists, please let us know the URL here
so that we can assist you. And In this thread Japanese language is
strictly forbidden in order to improve your English skill.
2名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/04/30(月) 15:26:04.29

I'm >>1
I'm not the beginner of this thread
but I think it is better to maintain it as it seems to be a good quality one.

It looks like there are two types of the people in Japan
One think they wants to save Japan from outside enemies but can't speak English.
the other can speak English but are less concerned about defending their own country.
Let's learn not only about English but also the defense issues related Japan in the thread!
3名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/04/30(月) 15:47:07.52
Please watch this video and post comment. Thank you.
4名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/05/01(火) 01:24:00.74
the reason why Japanese political campaign is inefficient compared to korea is
the difference in the intensity of nationalism between Japan and korea.
koreans are taught early on being hostile to Japan strongly.
what is called the anti-Japanese education.
If Japan leave them to do it, the relations between the two countries
could never improve.

the contents of the history textbook of high school in Korea

"In contrast, most of the East Asian countries claim in their guidelines of school textbooks
that the history textbook should enhance the people's ethnic self-esteem and national identity
(a sense of belonging). This is seen as being a basic role in the history education of the country.
Enhancing ethnic self-esteem sometimes produces a strange result.
For example the Korean history textbook doesn't mention the main events during the war, which
the other countries' textbooks refer to, such as the war that occurred in China in 1937,
the Pearl Harbor attack and the atomic bombing of Hiroshima or Nagasaki. Instead it focuses
entirely on the Korean's resistance movement against Japan's colonial administration or their
cultural development in literature. In other words Korean's history textbook is a story of the ethnic
strife's process for liberation."

5名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/05/01(火) 01:25:55.93
6名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/05/01(火) 10:57:16.68
Let's discuss anti-Japan of Koreans in English
7名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/05/02(水) 02:04:19.82
Let's enhance our ethnic self-esteem by appreciating Japanese greatest culture.

8名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/05/03(木) 12:30:09.33
According to the Korean media " Sport Toa", Korean actress Kim Tehi(sorry I don't know the correc
spelling for her name) has stopped her entertainment activities in Japan because of Japanese trend
against Korea. and she is going to be back in in-country business... She has been plagued with
indiscriminate personal disparagemens from Japanese right-wingers about the territorial row over
Takeshima (Dokudo)...

I don't think that's true at all.
she played the lead in a Japanese Fuji-TV drama ”99 days for me and a star”last year. The drama
had very low rating for a prime-time one. That would be the only reason why she stopped performing
in Japan. If the drama had high rating, Japanese TV station, always hungry for a sensation, would not
leave her alone. As a whole Korean media do overreact. They tend to write an article that is
misleading or contrary to the truth.
9名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/05/09(水) 20:34:12.00
You played the flute but no one was dancing.

If you know what I mean.......
10名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/05/10(木) 08:16:29.99

this thread bother you?

are you korean?
11名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/05/21(月) 00:49:43.50
A Koreaan's TV news program resorts to a cheap trick to hide owing a lot to Japan
about their successfully launching a rocket

12名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/06/21(木) 00:24:39.03
FDA urges that oysters, clams, mussels, and some scallops products from Korea
should be removed from the market

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is urging food distributors, retailers, and food service
operators to remove from sale or service all fresh, frozen, canned, and processed oysters, clams,
mussels, and whole and roe-on scallops (molluscan shellfish) from Korea that have entered
the United States. This includes molluscan shellfish from Korea that entered the United States
prior to May 1, 2012, when the FDA removed such products from the Interstate Certified Shellfish
Shippers List (ICSSL), and that which may have inadvertently entered the country after that date.
These products and any products made with them may have been exposed to human fecal waste
and are potentially contaminated with norovirus.
13名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/06/22(金) 12:22:47.73

The norovirus from Korean seafood has killed three people in the US. Also in Japan,
for this 10 years, not only norovirus but also bacteria coliform, parasite eggs and
enteritis vibrio have been found from seafood or kimchi made in Korea.
The biggest problem about this is that in Japan we have had little information about
the risky Korean food from either the Japanese Government or Japanese media.
Since when they (Japanese Gov. and Media) have became so quiet when it comes
to things against Korea?
They fear a possible friction with neighboring country's people? or fear real violence?
like hysterical, persistent, collective protest activities which Koreans make ?
or money? which is said that Korean government throws around to get advantage or
maintain their honor?
Anyway as it stands now, I think that Japanese Gov.couldn't protect even the lives
and health of the people.
14名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/07/07(土) 11:10:55.24
Yesterday I saw many oysters made in korea sold in a market in the suburbs of Tokyo.
What's the deal?
15名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/07/23(月) 13:45:00.98
from any angle Japan looks odd
16名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/07/23(月) 13:55:40.06
Does anyone know what has become of the forum SAKIMORI?
It was a good site for the people who want to protect Japan
with making full use of English.
17part1:2012/07/23(月) 13:59:57.47

Painful pasts
Here as always, a painful past must be exposed and confronted. But it must also be accepted,
and for some reason this seems especially difficult for Koreans. Others have managed it, in a
context of yet greater evil. Israel and Germany are friends, despite Adolf Hitler and the Holocaust.

This isn't just about Japan. Does any other country, or language, have a phrase equivalent to the
Korean kwago chongsan, meaning "cleansing history"? To me that phrase makes no kind of sense.
Like (say) "romancing toothbrush", this verb and noun simply don't fit together.

Yet South Korea has seen big debates about this. A decade ago I weighed into one such, and got
a good kicking - though not from Koreans, interestingly. You can still read it all here.

Here's one of the comments that got me in hot water:

Coming to Korea from Africa, it puzzled me how hard it is to have a grown-up
discussion about colonialism here. In this at least, Africa is well ahead of Korea.
Teaching in Tanzania barely a decade after British rule had ended, despite a highly
politicized atmosphere of anti-imperialism, there was neither personal nor academic
animus involved in researching the colonial past. (It helps, of course, if you call it
colonialism rather than occupation, not least in avoiding divisive and fruitless
arguments about so-called "collaborators".)
18part2:2012/07/23(月) 14:01:15.69
I still stand by all of that, not least the last bit. Even today, two-thirds of a century
after it all ended, South Koreans are still debating who collaborated and who didn't.
Talk about sins of the fathers, and more than a whiff of North Korea's songbun system
- on which, by the way, see a fine new report at the website of the Committee for
Human Rights in North Korea, hrnk.org - where who your parents were can ruin you for life.

So even in South Korea, if your grandfather was pally with the oppressor, then you suffer
for it - including having your land confiscated if it was given to him by Japan. Maybe
that is a kind of justice, but where and when does it stop? Surely at some point you've
to draw a line.
19名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/08/18(土) 13:01:05.65
Liberal Democratic Party(LPD) urges the Japanese Government to freeze
bilateral currency swap beteen Japan and Korea, in reaction to President
Lee Myung-Bak's illegal Takeshima(Dokdo) visit or his arrogant statement
to the Emperor of Japan.

Japan and Korea signed bilateral currency swap arrangement in 2011 in
which two countries will provide up to 700 billion dollars in total to prevent
a financial crisis. However there is little chance that Japan will be hit by
a currency crisis, so the arrangement is intended for apply in Korea's
currency crisis in effect. It's sort of like Japan's kindly assistance to Korea.
20part1:2012/11/07(水) 07:54:43.07
Here is a cable from Douglas McARTHUR U,once the U.S. ambassador to Japan
and the General Douglas McARTHUR's nephew, to the U.S. State Department in 1960.
In the cable, It shows that the U.S. authority had a hard time with the Yi Syngman
regime which draw a national bordered on the sea between Japan and Korea, so-called
Rhee Line, in defiance of international laws, and seizing many Japanese fishermen
who was fishing around the Rhee Line, using them as political hostage. It also said
clearly that Takeshima Island has always been considered as Japanese territory.
This offcial letter has made public due to being declassified lately.

The full text in English

Rptd info: Amembassy SEOUL 351
For Assistant Secretary Parsons from MacArthur.
Seoul for Ambassador McConaughy.

Now that we have prospect of new and democratic regime in Korea I strongly recommend
that as soon as possible we seize opportunity to try to bring about durable solution to
Korea - Japan dispute. As long as Rhee held power there seemed little chance of any solution
but now we have entirely new situation which could lead to liquidation of Korea - Japan
controversy. Implications of Korea-Japan are not just bilateral between government of J
apan and Korea but deeply and directly involve US and our inescapable responsibilities in
Northeast Asia.
21part2:2012/11/07(水) 07:56:07.96
As practical matter if reasonable solution is to be found it will be produced only by our good
offices and working closely with both Korea and Government of Japan. It is of utmost
importance that we identify and be prepared to move swiftly for solution those specific
Korea-government of Japan problems which prevent progress toward basic settlement this
festering dispute. We do not know what response Communists may make to new Korea regime
and it is vital we try to put Korea-Government of Japan house in order as soon as possible.

While Rhee regime violated most basic tenets of democracy in authoritarian police rule imposed
on Korean people, it has also in past done violence to most fundamental principles of international
conduct and morality by committing acts of piracy on high seas around Rhee Line and then
imprisoning and holding as political hostage Japanese fishermen and by seizing and holding
non-Korean territory by force. The uncivilized practice of hostage diplomacy is one of our serious
charge against Communist China and if continued by Korea it will be a great liability to a new
democratic Korea regime
22part3:2012/11/07(水) 07:58:04.20
I therefore recommend strongly that as soon as new regime is in control in Korea (whether  
or not it be of interim character) we use all our influence to persuade it (1) to release and
return to Japan all repeat all Japanese fishermen hostage (including those who have not
completed their sentences) who have suffered so cruelly from Rhee's uncivilized and oppressive
acts and (2) to cease practice of seizing Japanese fishing vessels on high seas. This would not
only rid new Korea regime of liability of practicing hostage diplomacy but also more than
anything else would lay foundation in Japan for really fruitful negotiations. At same time
I would be prepared to press Kishi and government of Japan most strongly that in
return for repatriation of all fishermen, Japanese would exercise self-restraint in their fishing
operations in Korean Straits until reasonable opportunity had been given for negotiation of mutually
agreed Korea - Japan fishing conservation agreement.
23part4:2012/11/07(水) 08:00:03.89

In addition to seizing Japanese boats in high seas and practicing hostage diplomacy, Rhee regime
also seized by force and is holding illegally Takeshima Island which as always been considered
as Japanese territory. This is very serious and permanent irritant in Japan-Korea relations and
there can be no over-all Korea-Japan settlement until this island is returned to Japan. Therefore
we should also press new Korea regime to return Takeshima to Japan. If it is unwilling to do so
pending satisfactory conclusion of over-call Korea-Japan negotiations, new regime should at least
signify a willingness to withdraw from as part of mutually satisfactory settlement of other
outstanding issues between two countries. While we should press strongly for return of Takeshima
to Japan, if by any chance new regime were unwilling to do so we should, as very minimum, insist
that they agree to submit matter to International Court of Justice for arbitration.
24part5:2012/11/07(水) 08:04:35.06
Finally, we should inform new regime very clearly that it must be prepared to
adjust its relations with Japan on terms of reciprocity, in such matters as diplomatic
missions, visits by businessmen and journalists, commercial trade. Japanese have
suffered Rhee's occupation-minded approach for eight years and will be unwilling
to accept such indefensible treatment from his successor. In its own interests,
new regime should start with conformity with normal International standards of
conduct, and could most usefully begin (in terms of Japanese and other free world
opinion) by permitting Japanese diplomatic mission to enter and function in Korea
on same terms Korea Embassy operates here.

If we now move swiftly with new Korea regime which should generally be receptive
to our views because of our helpfulness, we may have initial opportunity, which may
never reoccur, to influence its position on Japan-Korea problem. Japanese would
certainly welcome warmly and reciprocate fully, measures indicating new Korea regime
willing take "new look" at Japan.

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25名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/02/04(月) 10:35:16.36
Koreans' harassing behaviors against Japan

Until now from the end of the war, Japan has provided much financial support for Korea. At first, when these
two countries signed the Basic Japan-South Korea Treaty in 1965, Japan paid 1.1 billion dollars, about 2.3 times
the amount for Korea's national budget of that time, for financial aid money.

Since then, Japan has given lots of aid to Korea through ODA, the yen-loan, an export-import bank and by
licensing of technology. Japan also saved it's three times currency crisis of late years. So I think it's not
too much to say that a good part of Korea's rapidly economy growth of recent years have been supported by
Japan. Nevertheless the Korean government has kept it's people from these facts, and yet it continues to
provide too much anti-Japan education to the people. Young Koreans have not been taught real history about
Japan and Korea, and take every chance to behave in an offensive manner affected by their government.
Japanese have tolerated the rude behaviors of Koreans, due to the past background, but I think it is time to get
over now. Japaneses should say what must be said. The Japan's over-tolerance does not good for not only
Japan, but also Korea.
26名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/04/24(水) 12:15:53.04
To be honest, I think there is a possibility that the facts about “the taking of women by force” have been twisted
by political forces with various ideologies which came into the postwar Japan and have worked behind the scenes.
Therefore we will probably need to gather as many evidences against the event as possible again and investigate
without prejudice what really happened in those days.
27名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/04/30(火) 12:01:55.44
Korea is not a victor country.

They fought aggressively as Japanese soldiers in WW2.

Why it pretended to be a victor country?

Can it be forgiven.?
28名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/11/17(日) 14:05:51.13
Your powers of English is helpful to save the country from evils assailing.
Japanese siblings living in west coast USA need your helps.

8 名前:名無しさん@13周年[] 投稿日:2013/11/17(日) 13:26:41.87 ID:CaHeBBmI0

29名無しさん@英語勉強中:2013/11/23(土) 01:23:37.80
30名無しさん@英語勉強中:2014/06/25(水) 07:36:14.42 ID:+/x6eGgZ
31名無しさん@英語勉強中:2014/06/25(水) 08:50:50.76 ID:kvAFaLe+
ha-ha yourself
32名無しさん@英語勉強中:2014/07/27(日) 12:55:36.83 ID:81H8N225


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