Let's expose corporate crime in English!

"Watami Co., Ltd.," formerly called as "Watami Food Service Co., Ltd.," killed a young Japanese lady by violation of Labor Standards Act.

Ms. Mina MORI, who belonged to Watami, killed herself at the age of 26 in 2008, due to mental instability by excessive and illegal hard work.
The bereaved family claimed workers' compensation around four years ago. As a result, the examiner of Workers' Accident Compensation
Insurance officialy affirmed the petition, and the determination letter dated on Feb.14, 2012 says; "She could not afford holidays at all
because her overtime work is more than approx. 140 hours per month. We suppose that the main cause of her suicide would overtax by
excessive hard work."

A store manager and a careworker, both of who belonged to Watami, witness similar hard work and depose with evidences that Watami
violate the Labor Standards Act, especially constantly unpaid overtime work. If any of them were true, Watami commit organized crime.

〜 News Sources (ニュースソース) 〜
All of the following sources are written in Japanese only.

ワタミ社員の過労自殺を認定 入社2カ月の26歳女性

まるで現代版『ああ野麦峠』和民元店長が経験した修羅場 - 雑誌記事:@niftyニュース

ワタミ反省の色なし!? 自殺した女性の勤務内容について一切回答せず / 「遺憾」とした文書を削除 2012/02/25(土) 12:46:58 [サーチナ]

ブラックなのは居酒屋だけじゃない! 「ワタミの介護」元職員が労災申請拒否を告発 - 日刊サイゾー