>>9 あなたの○○への適当な対応が原因なのに、全ての責任を「部下」に押しつけて、見殺しにするつもりですか? This trouble was caused by your inappropriate way of dealing with ○○,but are you thinking about passing all responsibilities on to your staff,not making any efforts to help them? (部下はsubordinateは口語では使わないので、staff、peopleと表現した方がいいです。直属の部下だったら、direct reportなんかも使えます。 )
あなたが私に誠実に協力をしないのなら、 事態を収拾する為に自分で「各々に」納得行く説明と賠償をして下さいね。 If you're unwilling to cooperate sincerely with me,you have to make a satisfying explanation and compensation to「each of ○○」in order to sort out this situation. (各々とは誰を指すのか分からないので、我々だったらus、顧客だったらclientsを○○に入れて下さい。)
>>15 The pictures of past winners were displayed at the RLA of Australian Open, and I took a photo of your face when you won the 2005 competition. Please let me know if you have a change to come to Japan.
>>22 I talk in Japanese to a conversation that perspn desired in Japanese with me I am thankful when I have you point it out without reserve if you feel a mistake and sense of incongruity for my English
>>22 If there would be someone who would like to talk with me in Japanese, I'd have a conversation with him or her in Japanese. I'd appreciate it if you could feel free to tell me mistakes(spelling, grammar, etc) I made.
>>26 She pulled me around like a dog. She played with me like a tiny little toy. She played me like a fool. She toyed with me like a cat does with the mouse. She toyed with me like a puppet on a string.
>>54 I have a meet this weekend, and I will do my best. It's my first time, so it makes me feel freaked out, but I believe what I did so far and will do the best I can. The dog have been joining it as a trainer many times, so we can call him a professional. I'll have fun. That's what I'll do. I hope I can get back to you with good results.
>>54 I will have a competition this weekend. I am a bit nervous because this is my first time, but I will try my best believing that the hard practice will pay off. My dog is more experienced as he/she has taken part in competitions with his/her trainer so many times.
Anyway, I will enjoy it, and hope I can bring a good news to you.
Pseudo-phimosis tends to be regarded as unsanitary and filthy,but you can always keep clean the inside of your foreskin by washing it in the bath (gently pulling your foreskin back, and washing the head(glans) of your penis and the inside of your foreskin with soap and warm water,then rinsing it well). However,if you always neglect to wash the inside of your foreskin ,smegma (disagreeable, smelly cheesy-white substance) accumulates,and fungi thrive on unremoved smegma or the warm,damp environment beneath the foreskin,giving off a bad smell.
He's got along great with her until recently. I don't think he should have dumped her. (もし話者、つまり「私」がキレたりムカついてるなら、I think he should not have dumped her.)
>>57 I was pulled around (like a dog) by her I was played with (like a tiny little toy) by her. I was played (like a fool) by her. I was toyed with (like a〜) by her.
Few Japanese men tell routinely "I love you" . I think the reason is they are ashamed of that or they thought their opponent(wife) is understand it. I don't like the man who telling "I love you"frequently. I think such man is good at making love with others in secret.
>>80 Most Japanese men don't usually say the words 'I love you'. I think this is because they are just shy, and also because they think their partners(wives) understand affection without the words. I don't like a man who always say 'I love you' to me, because I think such a man is very good at having an afair or cheating on women.
>>87 The time and effort which return the goods are wasteful to me. Since I will also buy ●● that had been sent by your mistake, I would like you to send ○○ I originally ordered in a hurry. I'll make the procedure and payment for buying ●● on your homepage , so send me ○○. Please pay the Mailing cost this time.
If you can't do it, I ask you for the refund of the difference.
>>92 Recently Japanese speakers speaks English usually. Almost all the speakers, however, are under learning or can hardly speak English. As a result, there are few fluent English speakers, so-called "ペラペラ."
>>92 It's not so special for Japanese people to speak English these days. But acutually most people who get involved in English are still studying English, or they suck at conversation, that is to say, there are few people who can speak English fluently in Japan.
>>92 じゃ、ネイティブ気取りで俺も訳してみよ Many japanese do speak english nowadays, but most of them are still building up their skills or simply not good at speaking. Not so many are fluent english speakers.
>>107 Since we need a permission/agreement from A for newly translated poems before we start printing, would you please send them as soon as possible after you complete the translation?
>>127 「ぐいぐい引っ張っていってくれる人が好きです」 When it comes to romance, I want to date(my type of guy is )a person who can take the initiative and get things going. (恋愛に関してはぁ、主導権握って物事進められる人と付き合いたいかな。) When it comes to romance, I don't want to date a coward who can't even take the initiative. (恋愛でさぁ、主導権も握れない臆病者とは付き合いたくないわけぇ)
>>130 「ラジオでオンエアしたい(オンエアする予定の)曲の紹介をお願いします」 Could you introduce to listeners the music which we'd like to broadcast(we're scheduled to broadcast) on the radio?
>>156 それ大げさすぎじゃねwww Now I'll be going in this Saturday first.突入感 Now I'll be bringing in this Saturday before you.迎える感 Now it's turning Saturday here in front.
>>148 文の一部なら>>149みたくていいが、題名なら一般的に文の形 A stuffed toy hangs about. A plushie hangs around.
>>146 ただの印象ならもうちょっと遠まわしに I don't think I had a (much) better feeling for her today. 完全に文句言いたいなら>>146の方がいい。
>>159-160 March 3rd is Hina Maturi, Girl's Doll Festival Day. Sweets for the festival go on sale at Japanese confection sections of shops during this time of year. Most of these sweets are fresh undried cakes and might spoil rapidly so I'll send you several dried cakes that last. Here're several rice crakers called Arare(specially called 'Hina Arare' for the day), Okaki and Senbei. You can find black weighty cakes called Youkan made of azuki beans stewed, seasoned sweetly and then clotted with Japanese agar. You can enjoy having them better with green tea so I'll pack tea packs in it.
>173-4 I can't understand why you Thais don't travel overseas? I traveled many countries. All Asian tourists I met are Japanese, Koreans, and Chinese that's increasing in these days.
Ask for people in your Grandpa generation. I donno why you think all people in the world can afford to travel overseas. It's not a common sense in the world.
>177 I find and do something what I can do He give me appropriate directions in any time. I've never seen he loses composure He gets difficulty for his different work with before He give me discreet advices for things I don't know
>>216 - Although I have only mentioned something about politics, they began taking(treating) me as a rightwinger/I was seen as a rightwinger/they started to take(see/treat) me as a rightwinger.. -Recently, there are frequent murdering of the hoodlums on the streets.. -The younger sister has become incompetent to write any kanji; the older sister has jumped (from the bldg..)
>>252 How sad is this? The reason why I came to Ikebukuro such an odd time of a day is just because I wanted to eat an apple pie... I used to eat it with my girlfriend so many times, but she has already left me. I don't have lingering feelings for her anymore. Just get intense cravings for the apple pie once in a while.
>>264 it's not true that just buying books for learning english is enough to improve your english. you cannot make your english fluent just by putting money into textbooks.
>>238 As for Marathon, haggling with rivals is the most important thing. It's false to think that if you just clock as fast as possible, you can get the highest possibility to win.
>>238 In Marathon, begin tactical against your competitor is the key to win. It's a common mistake to believe that finishing a race as fast as you can will give you the highest chance to win.
>>253 I'm interested in foreign people. If I have a chance to meet with a lovely foreign man/woman fortunately, I'd love to go out with him/her. (I don't think of marriage yet)
Why did you quit your job?(どうして仕事をやめたの。) こんなふうにいきなり問いただされるとたとえ女性には優しい紳士の彼でも「そんなことお前の知ったことか。」と機嫌を損ねてしまい、二人は破局を迎えることになるかもしれませんね。 このカノジョ、こう言ってあげるべきでした。 What made you quit your job?(どんな理由があなたに無理やり仕事を辞めさせたの。) 印象に天と地ほどの差がありますよね。
>>229 そういう意味ですよ。流石だね→期待した通りだね。如何にもそんな様だね。 訳語に捉われすぎで意味わかってる?justを入れればもう少し雰囲気でたかな。 >>230 as I would expect it to be なんかだんだん下手になっていってるような。 今回の「流石ツイッターは〜」の件は自分が期待した通りという意味よりかは 本質的にそれ自体が招いたものとも取れる表現のほうがいいだろ? 俺の言った通りだろ的な文脈ではないような。
>>302 As soon as I was back from my trip, I caught a cold. My whole body ached and I felt very shivery and exhausted. In Feburary ,the coldest month of the year, I had to stand still outside for a photo shooting and I just kept watching the sky without moving for about two hours, and I think that was the cause of my cold. But I think I'll go on a trip to the same place for another photo shooting next month, too.
>>304 Why don't we branch out and look for him/her in different places?
>>302 I'm afraid I caught a cold right after coming back to my/our trip. I had a hard time I had chills and aches all over my body. I guess it's caused by just looking in the sky outsides for about 2 hours though I know Febrary is the coldest month there. But I hope I'll have a trip to the same place for taking pictures next month.
>>318 第一にletはおかしい。letの意味わかってないだろ。 letの原義は疲れたからほっとくだぞwその意味の許すさせる。消極的なんだ。 Should I let him call you? は彼があなたの電話をかけるのをそのままにさせておけばいいのでしょうかw ってことだよw 「かけるようにしてもらいたいのですが」とぜんぜん違う。
>I was wondering_if なんて変な言い方するのさ かけてもらっていい?でもかけてもらってよでもなく 「かけるように」「してもらいたい」「のです」「が」だからさ。 こんな日本語が回りくどいのにフランクに書いてどうするwTPO踏まえて訳せよ。
My birthday is 12th March. yes, the next day of the tunami and earthquake attacked. On the day an electricity outage came out, radios aired hopeless news I'd totally forgotten that was my birthday. I remember it when I was standing in a line of people to buy some food. I'd never been on a line to buy just some foods ever. This year I felt grateful for my birthday will come in peaceful also people around me, and my common days.
The guy who created USB connector is a fool. The USB connecter is convieniently slender, but has no direction for insertion. It is very annoying when we insert them in dark because we have no feeling of correct direction.
「家に帰ったときからあなたのPCはつけっぱなしだったよ。」は、 When I came home, your PC was ( A ) powered on ( B ). のようになると思うんですが、 「つけっぱなし」を強調するために( A )か( B )の部分に英語の語句をつけくわえたいんです。 何を入れればいいですか?
>>342 His fastball is not so fast, but batters hardly can hit him. This is because he can throw off the batter's timing very well by keeping his throwing arm back(hardly see from the batter's view), and then the batter feels his pitch-speed faster than real speed and swings late.
In order to prevent someone from guessing and cracking your password easily,you need to create at least 8 character long passwords;the longer the better, by combining(having a mix of) uppercase and lowercase letters and numbers. Also you should avoid using repeating characters,or number sequences, e.g."aaadd","12345" or "11111" part of your password.
Everyone knows that Facebook has grown into an enormous social network enabling all of us to stay in contact with friends and family on a daily basis despite the sometimes long distances that can separate us.
>>408 I am referring to my datebook for my next sunday's schedule I am checking his birthday. I will look for a good ramen place on the internet. I will search koala bears' favorite food. 飽きた
I'm consulting my notebook for whether the next Sunday is my off or not. I'm examining the day of your birthday. I will look for a good ramen restaurant in the internet. I will check what the foods koalas like. I check the time of the dawn of Angkor Wat in Cambodia. I have to look out for Japanese music pieces which are liked by the young in Thailand.
>>418 In the baseball of Japan, it separates from announcement of a free contract and a trade staff in the concept for the next term of a professional baseball team or a manager, It is the same at the point referred to as having come out of military power. A free contract is what is called a head, and the player whom other professional baseball teams do not show interest, either is most. Acquisition is expected from other professional baseball teams, and the trade staff can form the trade with another player, It may lead to a professional baseball team's player reinforcement.
>>426 In the professional baseball of Japan, players waived from the team and listed for trades are similar in the sense that they are not in the team's plan for next year anymore. Being on waivers essentially mean getting fired by a team, and other teams usually do not show much interest in them. 飽きた。
>>395 What I'm worried about now is my life in the future. And whenever I feel down, I listen to the song "EN" written and composed by Hiroko. This song says about love, and has a message about people's "EN" (not YEN). "En" is a Japanese word meaning "fate"; "luck"; "relationship"; "connection" or something like that in English. And the song's message is like that...even if you break up with someone and have a bad ending, don't regret it. It's just "EN", in other words, it's a kind of fate or destiny. Just think, it's one heartbreak closer to finding true love. And thanks to it, you will be able to meet a true partner in life. No matter what's going on, and no matter what ends up happening in your relationship or in your life, everything must be "EN"or fate. That's the way it sounds to me.
>>451 You are using the (Japanese calligraphy) Soft Brush tool of this ad is that the illustrator. In addition to that, we just covered with a (texture) (multiplied by a multiplication) Stock Photos in Photoshop. Sorry I do not answer brief, would be happy to reference. And if it can do, I would like to look at your work.
>>451 A soft brush tool (Japanese brush) called illustrator is used for this advertisement. it -- in addition, a Photoshop -- a photograph material (texture) -- having only covered (multiplication was applied) -- it is . I am glad if it becomes helpful, although I am [ a short reply ] sorry. And if it can do, I would like to look at your work.
>>456 Thank you although it has been considerably made to take time "yesterday. By the way, are there any data which must be submitted this week? The number is not written even if it sees a bulletin board. " "How is the progress condition of preparation of a report? Although it must divide into two, do you want to take charge of which portion?"
>>467 "It seems that the annual show was decided this year also. A work is put on the market before a show, and I hope to perform advertisement interlocked with the show well. "
I've heard that they decided to hold the annual exhibition. I hope that we can advertise the show effectively and successfully enough to attract as many people as possible,by trying selling part of great artworks before putting on the exhibition.
>>451 This ad visual is created by using the blush tool(Japanese calligraphy blush) on the "Illustrator"software.
Additionaly, I only blended the image with the texture of a photographic image with the Photoshop.
Sorry for my brief explanation, but I wish it has explained for you.
I wish if I could see your work.
(2行目の、「乗算をかけた…multiply」という語を、写真素材のテクスチャーを被せる場合に使うかどうか疑問ですが、 …もしそういうなら、Additionaly, I only multiplied the image with blending the texture (made from a photographic image) on the Photoshop. か、あるいは .. I only multiplied the image with blending the photographic texture on the Photoshop..か?
>>487 この程度の間違いをなおそうとしただけで「偉そうにしている」と? それはまずいじゃないですか、なにもいえなくなるじゃん それに>>470もそこを訳し忘れてるから、見えなかったんじゃん それなら I should lean English first for now, before learning any other languages. か、 I should think about learning English for now [right now,] other than (thinking about) learning any other languages.. とか…?
>>456 Sorry I took your time yesterday. I appreciate your help. (Thank you very much for yesterday. I'm sorry for taking your time.) - By the way, do you have any document which you need to submit this week? (..Do you have any documents due on this week?) I don't see it shown on the bulletin board. How is your report progressed? I think it should be split into two parts, then, which part do you want to do?
>>439 I don't know why, but there are some people who willingly admit that they know nothing about NCAA, and when it comes to betting, they usually win and get money. So people who know the game well feel bitter and angry about it.
>>544 Several years ago I bought "A" I'm using now, but unfortunately I can't remember what company's product it is. I hear this product, named "A", is unavailable anywhere but Japan right now. I'm sorry.
>>553 We plan to have a wedding in Hawaii in August. Though we haven't decided the date and place, we hope you can come if circumstances allow. We will write to you when details are fixed.
>>555 In Japanese language,there are some words which, by changing just one syllable to another one, can be turned into ones with different meanings. For example, "Manko"("cunt,pussy",slang used in the Kanto area) can be changed to "Manako"("eye"). Also "Omeko"("cunt,pussy",slang used in the Kinki area) can become "Otoko"("man"),so Omeko is allowed to say,"I wanna be proud of being a man."
>569 We expected specification A but we can deal with B as designs. Under consideration of demographic, A might be familiar with her fans since A is more popular in Japan.
We've presumed that we would prepare the dress of typeA for her visit to Japan. Of course,we can understand that the designs vary depending on the situations,so we can prepare typeB,too. In addition,taking into consideration what type of people have a strong interest in her as fan in Japan,typeA is very famliar to and quite popular among Japanese fans.
>>573補足 In addition,taking into consideration what type of people have a strong interest in her as fan in Japan,it seems to us(me)that typeA is very famliar to and quite popular among Japanese fans.
長文レスできないので分割になってしまい申し訳ありません。 (作成文) The result which I asked by telephone to the credit card company, cause of the problem was the credit card is security lock. So, I canceled the lock . Could you try settlement of accounts once again?
>>580 As I inquired the credit card company, they said the trouble was caused by that the card was locked for the security- so Now I asked them to unlock it. Could you try the transaction once again?
As I inquired the credit card company, they said the trouble was caused by the card which was locked for the security. Now I already asked them to unlock it, so, could you try the transaction one more time?
>>556What is the log-in password for this website? It should better remain unknown to you- otherwise, it would become rather harmful for the security, if you know it..
>>600 I appreciate your greatest support. (Thank you for your great consideration..) We would like to put some copies on the catalogue which would introduce the product, so we would appreciate if you would prepare the data(product information) for it.
>>606 Don't run off the edge in the thick frame to fill out this form.
This paper is in triplicate and its second and third page are fanfold You can print your writing when you write down just into the frame on the first paper.
>>605 お疲れ様ですは日本語独特で曖昧。 You practice well every day. Good job. You must be tired. How about sweets? This is for you and I hope you'll enjoy having them for a snack.
Actually on AMD cards the 7970's looks like its reversed the low scoring cards 60-70% are most overclockable while over 80 can't even reach stable 1100, Just look over at overclocker.net people start exchanging there high ASIC 7970's for hope to get ones with lower 60-70 score.
I think all its BS and total Random.. people look too much in to useless numbers! Or it might have some truth to it looking at mine both 65.5 and OC 1200/1700 default V. or Pure Luck!!!
>>617 Since I didn't get any reply to my mail(Because there was no reply to my mail..), I've already reserved another hotel. I don't need the help from your Japanese staff anymore. Thank you..
>>631 This webpage is still under construction, and will be complete by May. By the way, I think you said you are interested in エアープラント. I can import them from the US at a very reasonable price. Please let me know if you want to have one.
>>630 It is ridiculous to launch a preemptive attack to Iran which promises to use nuclear power for peaceful purposes. Many Japanese consider that Israel is a rogue nation, not Iran.
>>637 It's been almost a year since that massive earthquake. Now we got back ordinary lives somehow in and around Tokyo. Last year I had no feeling for cherry-blossom viewing, but this year I'm really looking forward it.
It had been 365 days since we had got the terrible disaster 3.11. In Japan, we are getting better over day by day than it used to be. We didn't feel having fun with SAKURA picking last year, but now we made a good effort to recover our mind and we are curious to have fun with it soon.
>>657 Thanks for sending a replacement?. But I'm afraid it's wrong size again. I ordered ○○ inch panel, not ×× inch. Please send a right size one as soon as possible. Thank you.
>>671 外国語を勉強したことない人には、文法や発音がおかしな人の事を理解するのは難しいと思う。 I think it is much difficult for those who have never studyied English to understand about the people who are bad at in useing grammar or pronunciation.
>>671>>674 I think it is difficult for those who have never studied foreign languages to understand those who are not good a grammar or pronunciation. でよくない?
>>683 You all have to read both Mr.A's and Mr.B's papers during summer vacation. You don't have to read Mr.C's, but if you have much time, it's better to read it.
Some Japanese people have never tried hard to learn any foreign languages,and it seems to me that people like that can't imagine at all how much efforts learners made to improve their knowledge of grammar or/and pronunciation.
>>683 During the summer, you have to read both A and B's papers. C's paper is not required, but it is ideal if you could find a time to read it and try to grasp the contents.
>>705 We have a special event called "viewing cherry blossom party" during springtime in Japan. Literally, we eat and drink under cherry blossom trees. とかでどう?
>>696 the scariest roller coaster west of mississippi. the scariest black and white horror movie ever. ↑ホラー映画の怖さ表現するのに使われるんだからscary最強じゃん! でも、怖いものなし=fearless
Since dioxin was found to cause a health problem, burning combustible rubbish in a lot of each individual or in an empty lot has been prohibited in a lot of areas and beside, it is against a manner among people. I think that it is not from neighbor's kindness for him not to burn rubbish, but from his wish to mention it to you as a warning, seeing you not know the common sense in Japan, taking care of not having you offend.
If you has failed to place an order for the CD even by my address,let me know the detailed information on the CD,such as the item name and the URL of the website which you're just browsing. It seems to me that I can purchase the item on behalf of you,and send it to you. If you has failed to buy it,please get in touch with me again. I'll be happy to do anything I can help you with.
>>723 Should you face a problem even with my address, let me know the item number you wish to purchase. I would be happy to buy it on your behalf and send it to you.
Looks like I've managed to complete the procedure needed to purchase it. By the way, I'll be sending the item to your current home address (physical address),but is that all right? If you want me to do something,please feel free to tell me,and I'll do anything I can do for you. I can't thank you enough for all the things you've always done for me.
>>742 Momijigari is the Japanese tradition of going to visit scenic areas where leaves have turned red in the autumn. But unlike Hanami, another Japanese traditional custom of enjoying the beauty of flowers, we do not eat and drink when we watch autumn leaves.
>>762 If you want to enjoy the highlights of Japan in your one-week travel, you can't avoid these places, Tokyo, Kyoto and Mt. Fuji. Travelling through them is called "the Golden Route" of Japan.
In Tokyo you will be able to see the Japanese cutting-edge culture in Shibuya, Akihabara areas, and in Kyoto the Japanese traditional and old temples. I strongly recomment you see the Mt. Fuji that can be described as a symbol of Japan.
>>765 I'm sorry my prick is literally a plick. I don't think I will be able to make you come. So, please find and try other guys. Again, I'm deeply sorry about my pencil-thin dick.
>>809 I don't need 'friends' who just add me without communication any more. I want to enjoy exchanging messages or emails and having conversations with people.
I am ******. Yesterday I have got a package which you had sent. I'll let you know I am very pleased. And I'm going to have **** with my family, friend or someone. I will get hold of you later over email or phone. So long.
>>821 I received a package from you yesterday. Thanks a lot. I didn't eat your gift yet, because I just want to say thanks and let you know I received it before everything else, so I'm writing this now. I'm sure it's delicious. Now I'm going to eat it :) Catch you later, bye.
>>821 I got the package from you yesterday. Thank you so much!! Though I haven't had a bite of it yet, I am writing this email to tell you that I've received it. Talk to you later.
>>860 This is a quote from the e-mail i got from you last year. I should remember it right? I want you to carry out this unfinished promise. I know you might be busy. So just let me know your intention about when to do that.
>>842 The representative meals in Japanese dining are sushi, tempura, soba noodle and so-called tea-ceremony dishes. You should definitely check all of them out. You probably know sushi and tempura. Soba is not ramen noodle which is a chinese meal. Tea-ceremony dishes are meals as beautiful as French meals.
>>846 The DVD of "A" has a problem playing. It stops playing half-way. So can I send it back for refund? The DVD of "B" has some weird stuff in it, like a newsflash or something. So can I send it back for refund?
>>845 It was good. There are some problems still to be solved, but we can get through them step by step, and finally bring to a successful conclusion on this matter. I would like to have a long relation with you.
>>855 The former US president George W.Bush told in the State of the Union address in January,2002, that Iran,Iraq and North Korea constitute an Axis of Evil, but actually,of the threecountries,only North Korea has turned out to be extremely dangerous,hasn't it? I'm sure that North Korea is a Rogue State and a State Sponsor of Terrorism, which is threatening to world peace. By the way,Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez,who coined the term,"Axis of good,"severely criticizes Washington and its allies as an axis of evil,doesn't he?
>>882 You the Global Beauty Leader create strong emotional bonds with your consumers through your aspirational, prestige brands, surpassing your competitors in quality, innovation and value, and elevating your image to become the beauty company most women turn to worldwide. I am impressed by your guiding vision of“Bringing the best to everyone we touch,” and would like to join and contribute to you.
>>897 Japan has some world heritages shown from left above such as Nikko Toushougu,Shirakawagou,Temple in Kyoto.The Himeji Kastle .Itsukushima Shrine and The ruined Dome by A-bomb in Hiroshima. Unexpectedly there are no world heritages in Tokyo. Nikko Toushougu is the nearest one from Tokyo. On the other hand, Shirakawagou in deep mountain is the farthest from city.
>>910 My son's height has not changed much since his birth. Should we suspect his development disorders? Can he take tests for development disorders? Except for blood tests, what tests are available to detect development disorders? Could you inform me of his blood test results at his birth? Let me know the test result for icterus.
>>924 I am glad that the conference went successful. Thank you for the work to put everything in place. I am considering to upload the video from the conference on my blog with captions. Would you allow me to do that?
>>955 These are plum-blossoms. They tell us the coming of spring, before cherry-blossoms. This year's blooming is later than usual because of colder winter days, but we finally see their blooming recently.
>>963 If it takes little time , it have taken a year since The huge earthquake , so I remenbered we had went home together for the first time at that time
訂正 If it takes little time , it have taken a year since The huge earthquake came about , so I remenbered we had went home together for the first time at that time
>>992 There is a city called "Shukuba" which has been developped along the main road since Edo period in Japan. The atomosphere in old days still remains exactly as it used to be in the city.