Chat in English (英語で雑談) Part 168
every man is made of spirit and body
when he dies only his physical body dies
his spirit remains
this is the truth
i believe it strongly
take a look at this . is it a so storongly ochinchin , it is ?
>>101 Let's imagine a situation as below.
In the future, man will, to be sure, make a robot whose movements are the exactly
sme kind as human.
Of course, it probably has the ability to express all the emotions humans have such as love, hate,
anger, or sorrow.
In that case, what do you think?
Does the robot has spirit, or not?
105 :
tinpo ◆iL8OKfslp2 :2012/02/23(木) 22:49:35.97
"He" is small fry. LOL.
>>70 There is only a small portion of tako inside takoyaki, so it is not nasty yucky octopusy.
Try it some day, you will like it.
I think I should have said "piece" instead of "portion"
When it comes to Takoyaki, Osaka is the best. Come visit Osaka and try it.
109 :
tinpo ◆iL8OKfslp2 :2012/02/24(金) 00:15:41.51
Osaka is very dangerous city.
Hashimoto is dangerous man. I hate His dictatorship,but stupid Osaka people like him.
>>104 to begin with, i dont think it is possible that robot has emotions.
indeed brain as physical matters is closely associated with emotions.
but the brain metabolism is just the effect of emotions ,not the cause
that is, there are emotions first and then brain metabolism results
so, where do emotions come from? it can only be said ”from the spirit"at best.
you think so ,too?
(*・ω・) Good night!
_| ⊃/(___
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 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
There wasn't my face.
>>104 I'm not 101.
I was asked that sort of thing decades ago.
Whatever real the robot behaves like a human,
a robot is a robot. It has no heart, no spritual body.
This thing is not understood by thinking.
Of course this is just my opinion.
x whatever o however... I will leave my mistakes as it is next time.
>>109 i don't very like hashimoto , of cource ,BUT, at least he is better than hiramatsu ,namely ex osakashicho.
hiramatsu is minshu side .
when it comes to "chousen gakkou mondai" i admist this : he have a power to change them .
in addition , the kimigayo problem . i must agree hashimoto .
but.. about TPP.. i disappered of him .
we never paticipate in such a tpp for just AMERICA.
if do , japan will die .
116 :
115:2012/02/24(金) 02:28:24.80
I was very very disappointed in him *
>>97 I'm not
>>93 but I think it's 幽霊は怖い(から会いたくない)けど、亡くなった
おじいちゃん(の魂、気配)を感じることできたらいいのに。I think it's an advert of 墓所 or 葬儀屋.
I am afraid of any manju, but I wish to taste them which is yum anko inside.
and then i am also scared of hot tea .
so i never wish to taste them *
damn it ! english hates me !
a few years ago one of my close friends died of disease
when i saw her sleeping in a coffin, i suddenly realized that it was not her, but something else,
it was just a material.
the presence of my friend when she was alive seemed to have nothing to do
with the material in front of me,... by then she might have gone somewhere
now i'm sure that life is absolutely different from physical body..
We can't know whether robots can have emotion or not.
We can't know whether other people have those or not either.
We just presume that other people have emotion.
Therefore, what we think and feel is more important than what it is.
If you thouht a robot has emotion, the robot would have emotion for you.
Our emotion are so simple.
If we think Human beings are very complex, it is ego.
We are nothing more than an animal.
i'm awakening.
but my brain isn't operate
124 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/02/24(金) 17:12:13.74
Recently, I started walking 3km on the mountain everyday.
It's good exercise. I feel better and sleep well these days.
main chan is mine. how cute girl she is.
Be careful of sudden encounter of a bear in Spring.
Some people dies by bear attack. Bring a bell with you to let bears know where you are and
let them go away.
I can't' encounter a wild bear because I live in Kyushu.
It is said that wild bears in Kyushu are extinct.
>>125 Ah ha, Main chan is a mine. Of course She is yours.
>>126 That's really kind of you to inform them the meal is ready.
be careful , in spring , so many pervert are walking around ,opening his zipper at pants to show off thier half-covered OOO.
130 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/02/25(土) 03:20:39.12
So dangerous.
One evening I lost my way and talked to a lady walking near. No one else was there.
"Excuse me, I want to go ..."
Suddenly she dashed down the road and disappeared in my sight.
If those who are here think that Nanking massacre is fact,
Get out of here!
>>132 is a black operator for disturbance
>>131 Do you know a song titled Old Black Joe?
The lyric says," I'm coming, I'm coming..."
That is to say, Westerners usually use a word "come" when they go to heaven.
135 :
KG2ch:2012/02/25(土) 12:34:45.62
I am looking for a NEET to look after me, cook my meals etc.
I worked all night long on an important document and need food.
I am hungry, sleepy and there is no food. Would a lovely NEET
man cook for me? If I pay?
Ugly NEET man here!
>>135 How a proud, selfish and bad manners girl.
We don't like you.
138 :
KG2ch:2012/02/25(土) 12:55:28.63
>>136 Thank you for your kindness. It doesn't matter what you look like.
Caring men who feed others are always lovely men.
139 :
KG2ch:2012/02/25(土) 12:57:32.39
>>137 Why is asking for help selfish? especially if it contains a reward
for the effort? I am sorry if I upset you. I didn't mean to.
Caring women who feed others are always lovely women.
141 :
KG2ch:2012/02/25(土) 13:04:29.00
>>137 Your reaction is so shocking that it made me think. Please could you tell me
what was considered bad manners with my request.Thank you. BTW I made myself
a sandwich. Now, I should rest a little. More work tomorrow!
Westerners are always immediate rationalist.
Maybe they couldn't understand Japanese.
143 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/02/25(土) 13:10:39.75
Why ?
144 :
KG2ch:2012/02/25(土) 13:17:30.06
>>142 If you cannot explain it, I understand that there must a feeling
associated with it at least. You could perhaps tell me how you felt.
I personally felt like I stepped on a minefield. This is so embarrassing.
146 :
134:2012/02/25(土) 13:21:32.81
>>141 I think that in Japan, there still exsists an old stereotyped way of thinking,especially among men that
men(husbands) should work outside while women(wives) should do household chores.
147 :
KG2ch:2012/02/25(土) 13:22:59.75
>>145 Agreed. Now I must sleep. I hope you will be less angry with KG2ch
one day.
148 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/02/25(土) 14:41:07.48
/ ̄\/ ̄\
| ● | ● | I'm hungry. Give me some food♪
‐--‐' `ー--‐
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r^ヽ.___ \/ __,ノ
`ー/  ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄ ヽ.\
l__________ __l'^´
l__,_____,____j ,__,______,_,__!
>>148 ∧ ∧ I have only a cup of Ttongsul...
( ´・ω・)
( ∪ ⊃ 旦
と__)__) 〔 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄〕
But I'll reject!
i am NOW watching a movie named "hide and seek " , while typing .
dakota faning in the movie is so cute .
could she be hiding at my closet !!!?
could she be... could she be....
i can't see a dakota faning chan in real unless i go to america.
now, she is not so young like the movie though .
few years ago , i watchied "i am sam " with my ex-gf .
almost of the story has slipped out from my memory , but i still remember that dakota had been cute .
Don't get me wrong , i am not pedo namely rolicon.
i just love to watch a cute thing .
In my opinion, she resembles Adachi Yumi.
i'v never thought Angelina Jolie is beautiful
she is too lippy
standard of beauty is very diffrent by country
i think Charlize Theron is the most beatiful among hollywood actresses
>>155 have you ever heard this word: namaiki body (namaiki oppai)
i think AJ 's lip is sexy ,let slone her oppai!!
i wish i was Bladpit , only a day .
What about ViolentAJ? Who is he?
158 :
KG2ch:2012/02/25(土) 21:08:29.16
>>146 It may be the case but it does not give the right
>>137 to hurt
my feelings. He could have told me "no, traditionally we men don't cook".
"Is that a mirror in your pocket? Because I can see myself in your pants"
i can't understand this as all ...
Blacks and the Japanese are enemies and can't be friends. That's his mantra.
The guy is enigmatic and intriguing. Whether he is a real black man or not,
I want to know more about him. Because I have nothing interesting to write about,
I'm pretending to be intrigued.
I've just found out a shocking fact.
"Prayer", despite looking a lot like "player", is pronounced prAIR. This is madness.
162 :
KG2ch:2012/02/25(土) 22:25:11.21
>>161 You are just too cute to be true.
I'm not sure but I feel when a song "Living on a prayer"(Bon Jovi) was popular
in Japan, Japanese radio DJs pronounced "player" instead of "prayer"
though it is probable I heard incorrectly.
play for Japan
167 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/02/26(日) 01:52:48.63
168 :
【スパーキー(C ^ヮ^)】 ◆FCr.DTJy2k :2012/02/26(日) 02:23:36.67
What about HRT?
Did you give up becoming a girl, Sparky?
Hey guys, let's talk about ViolentAJ. Who is he?
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>>172 He drunk Ttongsul at
Ttongsul power made his body.
174 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/02/26(日) 18:29:39.81
all uyoku are korean who live in japan.
they are cancer for japan.
Korea should be moved to Africa.
Then invite people from SE Asia or Taiwan to fill the land.
The world would be so much better.
>>176 what you are thinking about is the same as that of American or Australian ,they killed Native american and Aborigine.
China do the same NOW, against TIBET .
this is tragic.
178 :
T:2012/02/27(月) 00:52:38.48
KGchan Going見てる?
179 :
KG2ch:2012/02/27(月) 02:26:52.11
I am afraid I have been very, very busy. I could not watch it!
Usually I try to find subbed clips of GOING! and watch them later.
The last one was in Guam training with Giants and that Kazuya porn for me!!
The guillotine is one of human history's most divine icons as you know.
Although designed with the best of intentions, this enormously georgous
equipment soon became associated with events that have casted a shadow
over both its heritage and its development. Right, the stupid French Revolution.
Anyway, I'd love to put Kamenashi on la guillotine naked and watch him
being spectacularly decapiated with no agony. That would be so ecstatic.
If I were to be able to become a member of Janny's junior, I would want to be Nagase( TOKIO).
182 :
KG2ch:2012/02/27(月) 08:16:49.24
>>180 I would love to watch you being castrated by the very same guillotine.
You would be relieved of guilt for fancying young handsome men and never be
"ecstatic" ever again.
i have a half covered dick.
the smell is like a sea-paradice.
this has not been used for about 3years.
how shold i do this?
any tips?
:( ^ - ^)- ^ ): キャ-^-^
:/⌒ つ⊂⌒ヽ:
187 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/02/28(火) 07:14:07.37
>>183 Why don't you get a surgery to cut the surplus off?
There was(is?) a bbs to talk about the side effect.
189 :
T:2012/02/28(火) 18:11:52.46
I hope Noriaki will be back again, too cause he's DA REAL!
Here is a lyric from the song of japanese musician "drago ash "
"waruso na yatsu ha daitai tomodachi."
how do i translate it in english?
almost of all my friends looks bad . is this right?
192 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/02/28(火) 22:52:28.36
Shitty NYTimes did it again Today!
The original headline of the article linked below was this:
"Nuclear Crisis Set Off Fears Over Tokyo, Report Says"- (as the article popped up at the top page of their website,
The sensational headline appeared as if entire Tokyoites now need to got out of tokyo
..due to the contamination which has been secretly hidden by the gov't???)
So- I posted my comment as below (although my comment was never allowed to appear-)
"...So, this time, the Tokyo bureau chief tried to confuse the readers
with using the simple gimmik of the verb "set (off)"( which is
identical in both present and past tense forms) in the headline
of this order to give the false impression to readers
that Tokyo is now, finally facing the possible evacuation order,
and now our government is hiding?"
193 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/02/28(火) 22:58:02.53
(Con'd fromc192)
<..But next time when I checked, the headline was replaced by the current, moderate one,
and my post never appeared.
..but I still found the same kind of criticism with mine..written about the original deceiving headline,
was posted by other supposed-to-be-American in Tokyo, just as below!>;
>>192 The headline could have been worded badly by mistake.
Plus, if it was referring to the present, I'd expect it to say "Nuclear Crisis Sets Off Fears Over Tokyo".
195 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/02/28(火) 22:59:34.46
(Con'd from 193)
"Dave McCombs Tokyo - ..This story is an excellent demonstration of a crude bias toward alarmism.
Instead of "Nuclear Crisis Sets Off Fears Over Tokyo, Report Says, it could have said:
Fear of Tokyo Contamination Unfounded, Test Results Show or perhaps,
Chaos Led to Overblown Fears of Contamination, Report Shows
Newspapers have to sell the sizzle, but when we're talking about
radiation and contamination, a higher level of responsibility is
Tokyo has clearly escaped the worst case scenario. That is an
incontestable fact. Yet instead of asking how and why those who
vehemently insisted on these apocalyptic scenarios were wrong,
we instead pretend that, somehow, because the scenario was
contemplated, it must have been legitimate.
This shows why fears are routinely exaggerated: no one is called
account if they are wrong, while, to this day,officials who played
down concerns -- and have been proven correct -- are portrayed as
having ulterior motives."
196 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/02/28(火) 23:02:56.04
(Con'd from >>
<I wonder when the hate-filled, Korean-agents-manipulated Martin Fackler & his Co.
would realize and repent about their own stupidity??..>
197 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/02/28(火) 23:10:39.10
>>194 I fully know they were doing it NOT by mistake, but JUST INTENTIONALLY.
Because they'd been spinning this kind hateful, multiple lies day and day,
just every day..since the last 3/11..we saw a lot of "deceiving headlines,
putted with intentional, sansational pictures.." on their top pages.
It was unceasing. And today I found it again! "Oh, they finally decided Tokyo is now
facing evacuation order??!
What a laughableness!
But the current headline is still, remaining as half deceiving.
198 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/02/28(火) 23:19:56.07
Current headline is:
"Japan Weighed Evacuating Tokyo in Nuclear Crisis"
Still, with this headline you cannot discern if this is a "current" issue, or "past" issue.
Because they removed the last part.."Report says" from the 2ndly-conceived headline(which still remains in the top rim of the webpage.)
-They still leave the ambiguousness of the headline intentionally. They never back off!
because that's what they wish to do AS USUAL.
199 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/02/28(火) 23:22:01.09
..As to the issue of Japan-hating, NYT is lower than tabloid..
200 :
名無しさん@英語勉強中:2012/02/28(火) 23:24:51.58
Or..the deceiving tactics which NYT is employing on their headline is exactly, the TO-SUPO tactics..