How to Get a $106,000 College Education for FreeLynn O'Shaughnessy Friday, January 27, 2012
How would you like to go to a private liberal arts college that will give you a full-ride tuition scholarship for four years? Sounds crazy? Actually, I'm serious. Antioch College in Yellow Spring, Ohio, is waiving the tuition for all its students, who enroll in the next three years. How much are these freebies worth? The value of the free tuition for the current year is $26,500. The scholarship, based on that price, makes each scholarship worth at least $106,000. Some students, who file financial aid applications, will capture an even greater price break. If they qualify, they may get to skip the room and board charges or pay a reduced price. Antioch's room and board is currently $8,628. [See also: 7 Ways to Score Free Stuff]
How to *Get a $106,000 College Education for FreeLynn O'Shaughnessy Friday, January 27, 2012
How would you *like { to *go to a private liberal arts college [ that will *give you a full-ride tuition scholarship for four years ] }? (It) *Sounds crazy? Actually, I'*m serious. Antioch College in Yellow Spring, Ohio, is *waiving the tuition for all its students, { who *enroll in the next three years }. How much *are these freebies worth? The value of the free tuition for the current year *is $26,500. The scholarship, { *based on that price }, *makes { each scholarship (*being) worth at least $106,000 }. Some students, { who *file financial aid applications }, will *capture an even greater price break. { If they *qualify }, they may *get { to *skip the room and board charges or *pay a [ *reduced ] price }. Antioch's room and board *is currently $8,628. [*See also: 7 Ways { to *Score Free Stuff }]
HHow to *Get a $106,000 College Education for FreeLynn O'Shaughnessy Friday, January 27, 2012
CHow would you *like H{ to *go to a private liberal arts college G[ that will *give you a full-ride tuition scholarship for four years ] }? B(It) *Sounds crazy? Actually, BI'*m serious. DAntioch College in Yellow Spring, Ohio, is *waiving the tuition for all its students, G{ who *enroll in the next three years }. BHow much *are these freebies worth? AThe value of the free tuition for the current year *is $26,500. @The scholarship, I{ *based on that price }, *makes I{ each scholarship (*being) worth at least $106,000 }. CSome students, G{ who *file financial aid applications }, will *capture an even greater price break. { GIf they *qualify }, Cthey may *get H{ to *skip the room and board charges or *pay a I[ *reduced ] price }. AAntioch's room and board *is currently $8,628. [C*See also: 7 Ways H{ to *Score Free Stuff }]
Topless protesters detained at elite Davos forum, trying to call attention to poor
A topless Ukrainian protester is arrested by Swiss police after climbing up a fence at the entrance to the congress center where the World Economic Forum takes place in Davos, Switzerland Saturday, Jan. 28, 2012. The activists are from the group Femen, which has have become popular in Ukraine for staging small, half-naked protests against a range of issues including oppression of political opposition. (AP Photo/Anja Niedringhaus) DAVOS, Switzerland (AP) -- Three topless Ukrainian protesters were detained Saturday while trying to break into an invitation-only gathering of international CEOs and political leaders to call attention to the needs of the world's poor. Separately, demonstrators from the Occupy movement marched to the edge of the gathering and engaged in a brief standoff with police. After a complicated journey to reach the heavily guarded Swiss resort town of Davos, the Ukrainians arrived at the entrance to the complex where the World Economic Forum takes place every year. With temperatures around freezing in the snow-filled town, they took off their tops and tried to climb a fence before being detained. "Crisis! Made in Davos," read one message painted across a protester's torso, while others held banners that said "Poor, because of you" and "Gangsters party in Davos."
{ Topless protesters *detained at elite Davos forum, [ *trying ( to *call attention to poor ) ] }
A topless Ukrainian protester is *arrested by Swiss police after { *climbing up a fence at the entrance to the congress center [ where the World Economic Forum *takes place in Davos, Switzerland Saturday, Jan. 28, 2012 ] }. The activists *are from the group Femen, { which has *become popular in Ukraine for [ *staging small, half-naked protests against a range of issues ( *including oppression of political opposition ) ] }. (AP Photo/Anja Niedringhaus) DAVOS, Switzerland (AP) -- Three topless Ukrainian protesters were *detained Saturday { while (they were) *trying [ to *break into an invitation ] }- only { *gathering } of international CEOs and political leaders { to *call attention to the needs of the world's poor }. Separately, demonstrators from the Occupy movement *marched to the edge of the { *gathering } and *engaged in a brief standoff with police. After a complicated journey { to *reach the heavily [ *guarded ] Swiss resort town of Davos }, the Ukrainians *arrived at the entrance to the complex { where the World Economic Forum *takes place every year }. With temperatures around { *freezing } in the snow-{ *filled } town, they *took off their tops and *tried { to *climb a fence } before { being *detained }. "Crisis! { *Made in Davos }," *read one message { *painted across a protester's torso }, { while others *held banners [ that *said "Poor, because of you" and "Gangsters party in Davos." ] }
I{ Topless protesters *detained at elite Davos forum, I[ *trying H( to *call attention to poor ) ] }
EA topless Ukrainian protester is *arrested by Swiss police after I{ *climbing up a fence at the entrance to the congress center G[ where the World Economic Forum *takes place in Davos, Switzerland Saturday, Jan. 28, 2012 ] }. AThe activists *are from the group Femen, G{ which has *become popular in Ukraine for I[ *staging small, half-naked protests against a range of issues I( *including oppression of political opposition ) ] }. (AP Photo/Anja Niedringhaus) DAVOS, Switzerland (AP) -- EThree topless Ukrainian protesters were *detained Saturday G{ while (they were) *trying H[ to *break into an invitation ] }- only I{ *gathering } of international CEOs and political leaders H{ to *call attention to the needs of the world's poor }. Separately, @demonstrators from the Occupy movement *marched to the edge of the I{ *gathering } and @*engaged in a brief standoff with police. After a complicated journey H{ to *reach the heavily I[ *guarded ] Swiss resort town of Davos }, @the Ukrainians *arrived at the entrance to the complex G{ where the World Economic Forum *takes place every year }. With temperatures around I{ *freezing } in the snow-I{ *filled } town, @they *took off their tops and @*tried H{ to *climb a fence } before I{ being *detained }. "Crisis! I{ *Made in Davos }," @*read one message I{ *painted across a protester's torso }, G{ while others *held banners G[ that *said "Poor, because of you" and "Gangsters party in Davos." ] }
Joe Biden Advised Against the Osama Bin Laden Raid
Vice President Joe Biden confessed this weekend that he advised President Obama not to launch the mission that ultimately killed Osama bin Laden last spring. During remarks at a Democratic congressional retreat this weekend, Biden explained that when it came time to make the final decision, he had some lingering uncertainties about whether the 9/11 mastermind was in the suspected compound in Pakistan. When the president asked his top advisers for their final opinion on the mission, all of them were hesitant, except for the former CIA director, now Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, Biden said. “Every single person in that room hedged their bet except Leon Panetta. Leon said go. Everyone else said, 49, 51,” Biden said, as he offered the unsolicited details of the decision-making process. “He got to me. He said, ‘Joe, what do you think?’ And I said, ‘You know, I didn’t know we had so many economists around the table.’ I said, ‘We owe the man a direct answer. Mr. President, my suggestion is, don’t go. We have to do two more things to see if he’s there,’” Biden recalled. While the vice president did not explain what those two more things were, the next morning the president gave National Security Adviser Tom Donilon the “go” to launch the SEAL raid of the compound. “He knew what was at stake, not just the lives of those brave warriors, but literally the presidency,” Biden said.
{ Joe Biden *Advised Against the Osama Bin Laden Raid }
Vice President Joe Biden *confessed this weekend { that he *advised President Obama not [ to *launch the mission ( that ultimately *killed Osama bin Laden last spring ) ] }. During remarks at a Democratic congressional retreat this weekend, Biden *explained { that [ when it *came time ( to *make the final decision ) ] }, he had some { *lingering } uncertainties about { whether the 9/11 mastermind *was in the [ *suspected ] compound in Pakistan }. { When the president *asked his top advisers for their final opinion on the mission }, all of them *were hesitant, except for the former CIA director, now Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, Biden *said. “Every single person in that room *hedged their bet except Leon Panetta. Leon *said *go. Everyone else *said, 49, 51,” Biden *said, { as he *offered the [ *unsolicited ] details of the decision-[ making ] process }. “He *got to me. He *said, ‘Joe, what do you *think?’ And I *said, ‘You *know, I didn’t *know { we *had so many economists around the table }.’ I *said, ‘We *owe the man a direct answer. Mr. President, my suggestion *is, { don’t *go }. We *have { to *do two more things [ to *see ( if he’*s there ) ] },’” Biden *recalled. { While the vice president did not *explain [ what those two more things *were ] }, the next morning the president *gave National Security Adviser Tom Donilon the “{ *go }” { to *launch the SEAL raid of the compound }. “He *knew { what *was at stake, not just the lives of those brave warriors, but literally the presidency },” Biden *said.
I{ Joe Biden *Advised Against the Osama Bin Laden Raid }
@Vice President Joe Biden *confessed this weekend G{ that he *advised President Obama H[ not to *launch the mission G( that ultimately *killed Osama bin Laden last spring ) ] }. During remarks at a Democratic congressional retreat this weekend, @Biden *explained G{ that G[ when it *came time H( to *make the final decision ) ], he had some [ *lingering ] uncertainties about [ whether the 9/11 mastermind *was in the ( *suspected ) compound in Pakistan ] }. G{ When the president *asked his top advisers for their final opinion on the mission }, Ball of them *were hesitant, except for the former CIA director, now Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, @Biden *said. “@Every single person in that room *hedged their bet except Leon Panetta. @Leon *said C{ *go }. @Everyone else *said, 49, 51,” @Biden *said, G{ as he *offered the I[ *unsolicited ] details of the decision-I[ making ] process }. “@He *got to me. @He *said, ‘Joe, Cwhat do you *think?’ And @I *said, ‘@You *know, CI didn’t *know G{ (that) we *had so many economists around the table }.’ @I *said, ‘@We *owe the man a direct answer. Mr. President, Amy suggestion *is, C{ don’t *go }. @We *have H{ to *do two more things H[ to *see G( if he’*s there ) ] },’” @Biden *recalled. G{ While the vice president did not *explain G[ what those two more things *were ] }, the next morning @the president *gave National Security Adviser Tom Donilon the “C{ *go }” H{ to *launch the SEAL raid of the compound }. “@He *knew G{ what *was at stake, not just the lives of those brave warriors, but literally the presidency },” @Biden *said.
@Joe Biden *Advised Against the Osama Bin Laden Raid
@Vice President Joe Biden *confessed this weekend G{ that he *advised President Obama H[ not to *launch the mission G( that ultimately *killed Osama bin Laden last spring ) ] }. During remarks at a Democratic congressional retreat this weekend, @Biden *explained G{ that G[ when it *came time H( to *make the final decision ) ], he had some [ *lingering ] uncertainties about [ whether the 9/11 mastermind *was in the ( *suspected ) compound in Pakistan ] }.
G{ When the president *asked his top advisers for their final opinion on the mission }, Ball of them *were hesitant, except for the former CIA director, now Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, @Biden *said. “@Every single person in that room *hedged their bet except Leon Panetta. @Leon *said C{ *go }. @Everyone else *said, 49, 51,” @Biden *said, G{ as he *offered the I[ *unsolicited ] details of the decision-I[ making ] process }. “@He *got to me. @He *said, ‘Joe, Cwhat do you *think?’ And @I *said, ‘@You *know, CI didn’t *know G{ (that) we *had so many economists around the table }.’ @I *said, ‘@We *owe the man a direct answer. Mr. President, Amy suggestion *is, C{ don’t *go }. @We *have H{ to *do two more things H[ to *see G( if he’*s there ) ] },’” @Biden *recalled. G{ While the vice president did not *explain G[ what those two more things *were ] }, the next morning @the president *gave National Security Adviser Tom Donilon the “C{ *go }” H{ to *launch the SEAL raid of the compound }. “@He *knew G{ what *was at stake, not just the lives of those brave warriors, but literally the presidency },” @Biden *said.
WONDERFUL, BOUNDLESS PEACE “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27
Words: Virgil P. Brock, 1915. Music: Blanche K. Brock (MIDI, NWC, PDF).
Jesus came into my heart one day, Taking my burdens and sins away, Bringing a peace that ever stays; Wonderful, boundless peace.
Refrain Peace, peace, wonderful peace, Peace, peace never shall cease; Flowing like rivers through my soul, Under divine control.
Now as I journey along my way, Never forgetting to watch and pray, There is a blessing for each day; Wonderful boundless peace.
When I am tempted, when sorely tried, Always I hasten to Jesus’ side; There is a peace He doth provide; Wonderful, boundless peace.
WONDERFUL, BOUNDLESS PEACE “Peace I *leave with you, My peace I *give unto you: not as the world *giveth, *give I unto you. *Let { not your heart be *troubled }, neither *let { it *be afraid }.” John 14:27 Words: Virgil P. Brock, 1915. Music: Blanche K. Brock (MIDI, NWC, PDF).
Jesus *came into my heart one day, { *Taking my burdens and sins away }, { *Bringing a peace [ that ever *stays ] }; (It is) Wonderful, boundless peace.
Refrain Peace, peace, wonderful peace, Peace, peace never shall *cease; { *Flowing like rivers through my soul, Under divine control }.
Now { as I *journey along my way }, { Never *forgetting [ to *watch and *pray ], There *is a { *blessing } for each day; Wonderful boundless peace.
{ When I am *tempted }, { when (I am) sorely *tried }, Always I *hasten to Jesus’ side; There *is a peace { He doth *provide }; Wonderful, boundless peace.
Now { as I *journey along my way, [ Never *forgetting ( to *watch and *pray ) }, There *is a { *blessing } for each day; Wonderful boundless peace.
{ When I am *tempted }, { when (I am) sorely *tried }, Always I *hasten to Jesus’ side; There *is a peace { He doth *provide }; Wonderful, boundless peace.
WONDERFUL, BOUNDLESS PEACE “Peace I *leave with you, My peace I *give unto you: { not as the world *giveth }, *give I unto you. *Let { not your heart be *troubled }, neither *let { it *be afraid }.” John 14:27
Jesus *came into my heart one day, { *Taking my burdens and sins away }, { *Bringing a peace [ that ever *stays ] }; (It is) Wonderful, boundless peace.
Refrain Peace, peace, wonderful peace, Peace, peace never shall *cease; { *Flowing like rivers through my soul, Under divine control }.
Scientists puzzled by region outside solar system By ALICIA CHANG
A glimpse beyond our solar system reveals the neighborhood just outside the sun's influence is different and stranger than expected, scientists reported Tuesday. One oddity is the amount of oxygen. There are more oxygen atoms floating freely in the solar system than in the immediate interstellar space, or the vast region between stars. Scientists were unsure why, but they said it's possible some of the life-supporting element could be hidden in dust or ice. "We discovered this big puzzle — that the matter just outside of our solar system doesn't look like the material inside," said David McComas of the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, Texas. The discovery came from NASA's Interstellar Boundary Explorer spacecraft, which launched in 2008 to study the chaotic boundary where the solar wind from the sun clashes with cold gases from interstellar space.
Circling 200,000 miles above Earth, the Ibex spacecraft spots particles streaming into the solar system. A protective bubble surrounding around the sun and planets prevents dangerous cosmic radiation from seeping through, but neutral particles can pass freely, allowing Ibex to map their distribution. The presence of less oxygen outside the solar system should not have any bearing on the search for Earth-like planets, scientists involved in the exoplanet hunt said. There's plenty of oxygen in all the stars in the galaxy and in the material out of which stars and planets form, Geoff Marcy of University of California, Berkeley said in an email. While Ibex probes the edge of the solar system from Earth orbit, NASA's long-running, nuclear-powered twin Voyager spacecraft are at the fringes. Launched in 1977, the spacecraft have been exploring the solar system boundary since 2004. Scientists have said it'll be months or years before Voyager 1 exits the solar system and becomes the first manmade probe to cross into interstellar space.
{ Scientists *puzzled by region outside solar system } By ALICIA CHANG
A glimpse beyond our solar system *reveals { the neighborhood just outside the sun's influence *is different and stranger [ than (it has been) *expected ] }, scientists *reported Tuesday. One oddity *is the amount of oxygen. There *are more oxygen atoms { *floating freely in the solar system [ than (there are) in the immediate interstellar space, or the vast region between stars ] }. Scientists *were unsure { why (it *is so) }, but they *said { it'*s possible [ (that) some of the life-( *supporting ) element could be *hidden in dust or ice ] }. "We *discovered this big puzzle — { that the matter just outside of our solar system doesn't *look like the material inside }," *said David McComas of the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, Texas. The discovery *came from NASA's Interstellar Boundary Explorer spacecraft, { which *launched in 2008 [ to *study the chaotic boundary ( where the solar wind from the sun *clashes with cold gases from interstellar space ) ] }.
{ *Circling 200,000 miles above Earth } , the Ibex spacecraft *spots particles { *streaming into the solar system }. A protective bubble { *surrounding around the sun and planets } *prevents dangerous cosmic radiation from { *seeping through }, but neutral particles can *pass freely, { *allowing Ibex [ to *map their distribution ] }. The presence of less oxygen outside the solar system should not *have any { *bearing on the search for Earth-like planets }, scientists { *involved in the exoplanet hunt } *said. There'*s plenty of oxygen in all the stars in the galaxy and in the material { out of which stars and planets *form }, Geoff Marcy of University of California, Berkeley *said in an email. { While Ibex *probes the edge of the solar system from Earth orbit }, NASA's long-{ *running }, nuclear-{ *powered } twin Voyager spacecraft *are at the fringes. { *Launched in 1977 }, the spacecraft have been *exploring the solar system boundary since 2004. Scientists have *said { (that) it'll *be months or years [ before Voyager 1 *exits the solar system and *becomes the first ( *manmade ) probe ( to *cross into interstellar space ) ] }.
I{ Scientists *puzzled by region outside solar system } By ALICIA CHANG
@A glimpse beyond our solar system *reveals B{ (that) the neighborhood just outside the sun's influence *is different and stranger G[ than (it has been) *expected ] }, @scientists *reported Tuesday. AOne oddity *is the amount of oxygen. AThere *are more oxygen atoms I{ *floating freely in the solar system } { than (there are) in the immediate interstellar space, or the vast region between stars }. BScientists *were unsure G{ why (it *is so) }, but @they *said G{ (that) it'*s possible G[ (that) some of the life-I( *supporting ) element could be *hidden in dust or ice ] }. "@We *discovered this big puzzle — G{ that the matter just outside of our solar system doesn't *look like the material inside }," @*said David McComas of the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, Texas. @The discovery *came from NASA's Interstellar Boundary Explorer spacecraft, G{ which *launched in 2008 H[ to *study the chaotic boundary G( where the solar wind from the sun *clashes with cold gases from interstellar space ) ] }.
I{ *Circling 200,000 miles above Earth } , @the Ibex spacecraft *spots particles I{ *streaming into the solar system }. @A protective bubble I{ *surrounding around the sun and planets } *prevents dangerous cosmic radiation from I{ *seeping through }, but Cneutral particles can *pass freely, I{ *allowing Ibex H[ to *map their distribution ] }. CThe presence of less oxygen outside the solar system should not *have any I{ *bearing on the search for Earth-like planets }, @scientists I{ *involved in the exoplanet hunt } *said. AThere'*s plenty of oxygen in all the stars in the galaxy and in the material G{ out of which stars and planets *form }, @Geoff Marcy of University of California, Berkeley *said in an email. G{ While Ibex *probes the edge of the solar system from Earth orbit }, ANASA's long-I{ *running }, nuclear-I{ *powered } twin Voyager spacecraft *are at the fringes. I{ *Launched in 1977 }, Fthe spacecraft have been *exploring the solar system boundary since 2004. FScientists have *said G{ (that) it'll *be months or years G[ before Voyager 1 *exits the solar system and *becomes the first man-I( *made ) probe H( to *cross into interstellar space ) ] }.
BLESSÈD JESUS, AT THY WORD “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” John 1:1-2
Blessèd Jesus, at Thy Word We are gathered all to hear Thee; Let our hearts and souls be stirred Now to seek and love and fear Thee, By Thy teachings sweet and holy, Drawn from earth to love Thee solely.
All our knowledge, sense and sight Lie in deepest darkness shrouded, Til Thy Spirit breaks our night With the beams of truth unclouded. Thou alone to God canst win us; Thou must work all good within us.
Glorious Lord, Thyself impart! Light of light, from God proceeding, Open Thou our ears and heart; Help us by Thy Spirit’s pleading; Hear the cry Thy people raises; Hear and bless our prayers and praises.
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Praise to Thee and adoration! Grant that we Thy Word may trust And obtain true consolation While we here below must wander, Till we sing Thy praises yonder.
*Let { me *hold Thy hand in mine }, *Let { me *hear Thy voice divine }; Like a dove I *fly to thee, { *Blessèd } Lord, *take care of me. Refrain On the weary voyage of life, Thro’ its toil, its care and strife, O’er a dark and stormy sea, { *Blessèd } Lord, *take care of me. Refrain Thou my hope, my life, my all, { When the shades of evening *fall }, May Thy staff my comfort *be, { *Blessèd } Lord, *take care of me. Refrain
Facebook's prospectus, released today, offers readers a voyeuristic look at the company's operations, its profits and the riches it will shower on fortunate investors and insiders. Reading between the lines of the prospectus also reveals a case study of how, in an age of income inequality and embedded privilege, an outsider can very quickly become part of the establishment. It shows how a good idea can attract not just capital and customers, but people and other institutions. Facebook has definitively arrived. It starts literally at the top of the prospectus -- with the lead underwriter. Facebook chose Morgan Stanley, the last remaining white-shoe firm, which traces its lineage to J.P. Morgan. From the moment he got started, Mark Zuckerberg, an outsider without significant family connections, was able to attract members of the establishment. At Harvard, some of his first funding came from the Winklevoss twins, who were portrayed in The Social Network as aristocratic, rich-guy rowers from Greenwich, Conn. The roster of significant investors also reveals that members of the establishment -- in Silicon Valley, New York, Boston, Washington, Russia and Hong Kong -- clamored to be a part of the company, even when it was not clear it would be a juggernaut.
Soon after Zuckerberg moved out to Silicon Valley, he began to attract the attention of established players. Peter Thiel, a co-founder of Paypal and ringleader of a group of technology entrepreneurs, in 2004 became the first outsider investor in the company, putting in a reported $500,000 for stock worth 10 percent of the company at the time. As the prospectus shows (see page 128), Thiel has 44.7 million shares, worth about 2.5 percent of the company. Next came the establishment venture capital firms: Accel Partners, the huge global venture capital firm, which invested $12.7 million in 2005 and now holds an 11.4 percent stake; Greylock Partners, which was founded in 1965 and has a long and distinguished history in the field, came on board in 2006, along with Meritech Capital Partners. Once Facebook gained critical mass, heavyweight corporations, the classic second and third movers, came knocking on the door. In 2006, Interpublic (IPG), the gigantic advertising conglomeratem bought a sliver of Facebook for $5 million. (It has already sold half its stake). And in 2007, the largest software company in the world, Microsoft (MSFT), paid $240 million for a 1.6 percent stake.
The global rich, eager to get in on the next big thing, followed in the footsteps of the corporations. Li-Ka shing, one of the wealthiest men in Hong Kong, invested in two different transactions in 2007 and 2008. Yuri Milner, Russia's dominant entrepreneur, bought a stake in the company for $200 million in 2009. His firm, DST Global, has 5.5 owns of the company. In 2011, Goldman Sachs (GS) came up with a way to let its clients in on the Facebook action. Together, Goldman and entities affiliated with it own 66 million Class A shares. Of course, as a cash-generating machine, Facebook didn't really need any of this aristocratic capital. It did, however, need grown-up advice and supervision on how to transition from a start-up to a titan. And, here, again, the prospectus shows Zuckerberg's ability to tap into the establishment. Top executives include COO Sheryl Sandberg, a double Harvard graduate, a veteran of the Clinton White House and Google (GOOG). The board of directors includes Marc Andreesen, who founded Netscape (and controls 3.6 million Class B shares), and Reed Hastings, the chief executive officer at Netflix (NFLX). Then there are the requisite graybeards from Washington, such as Donald Graham, CEO of the Washington Post Company, and Erskine Bowles, former White House chief of staff in the Clinton years and co-head of the Bowles-Simpson Commission.
There's a certain irony in this. If The Social Network is to believed, Facebook started in part as a reaction to an establishment that was keeping Mark Zuckerberg and his nerdy buddies out. It then morphed quickly from an elitist network -- remember, at first you had to be a student at Harvard to get onto Facebook -- into a remarkably democratic and open network. At the World Economic Forum in Davos last week, I attended a session in which Sandberg spoke of how the company and technology were allowing those whose voices had yet to be heard to be broadcast loudly throughout the world. In other words, Zuckerberg and his team have stormed the establishment's barriers by empowering the non-establishment and allowing for the creation of new social networks. In doing so, they've created untold wealth for themselves. But because the establishment is smart enough to be open to new ideas, many of the already-rich are going to get much richer as a result of Facebook's IPO. Daniel Gross is economics editor at Yahoo! Finance.
Facebook's prospectus, { *released today }, *offers readers a voyeuristic look at the company's operations, its profits and the riches it will *shower on fortunate investors and insiders. { *Reading between the lines of the prospectus } also *reveals a case study of { how, in an age of income inequality and [ *embedded ] privilege, an outsider can very quickly *become part of the establishment }. It *shows { how a good idea can *attract not just capital and customers, but people and other institutions }. Facebook has definitively *arrived. It *starts literally at the top of the prospectus -- with the lead underwriter. Facebook *chose Morgan Stanley, the last { *remaining } white-shoe firm, { which *traces its lineage to J.P. Morgan }. From the moment { he *got [ *started ] }, Mark Zuckerberg, an outsider without significant family connections, was *able { to *attract members of the establishment }. At Harvard, some of his first { *funding } came from the Winklevoss twins, { who were *portrayed in The Social Network as aristocratic, rich-guy rowers from Greenwich, Conn }. The roster of significant investors also *reveals { that members of the establishment -- in Silicon Valley, New York, Boston, Washington, Russia and Hong Kong -- *clamored [ to *be a part of the company ], [ even when it *was not clear ( it would *be a juggernaut ) ] }.
ALL ALONE “Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you.” 1 Peter 5:7 Words & Music: C. Austin Miles, 1915 (MIDI, NWC, PDF).
Have you ever tried to bear your burdens All alone? All alone? Don’t you know there’s one who waits to help you, Who will make all your burdens His own? Refrain When I have burdens to bear which no one can share, I take them to Jesus, the Man of Calvary; When I have crosses to bear, my Savior is there, And always takes the heavy end, and gives the light to me. Don’t you know He trod the winepress for you? All alone? All alone? And the burden that He bore in meekness, Such a burden no other has known. Refrain Don’t you know that He has bought your pardon All alone? All alone? And your gratitude for such a mercy Unto Jesus you never have shown. Refrain
ALL ALONE “{ *Casting all your care upon Him }; for He *careth for you.” 1 Peter 5:7
Have you ever *tried { to *bear your burdens All alone? All alone }? Don’t you *know { (that) there’*s one [ who *waits ( to *help you ) ] }, Who will *make { all your burdens (*be) His own }? Refrain { When I *have burdens [ to *bear ( which no one can *share ) ] }, I *take them to Jesus, the Man of Calvary; { When I *have crosses [ to *bear ] }, my Savior *is there, And always *takes the heavy end, and *gives the light to me. Don’t you *know { He *trod the winepress for you }? All alone? All alone? And the burden { that He *bore in meekness }, Such a burden no other has *known. Refrain Don’t you *know { that He has *bought your pardon All alone? All alone }? And your gratitude for such a mercy Unto Jesus you never have *shown. Refrain
WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUS “Greater love *has no one than this, { that he *lay down his life for his friends }.” John 15:13
What a Friend we *have in Jesus, { all our sins and griefs to *bear }! What a privilege (it *is) { to *carry everything to God in prayer }! O what peace we often *forfeit, O what needless pain we *bear, (It *is) { All because we do not *carry everything to God in prayer }.
What a Friend we *have in Jesus, { to *bear all our sins and griefs }! What a privilege (it *is) { to *carry everything to God in prayer }! O what peace we often *forfeit, O what needless pain we *bear, (It *is) { All because we do not *carry everything to God in prayer }.
Silent night, holy night, All is calm, all is bright Round yon virgin mother and Child. Holy Infant, so tender and mild, Sleep in heavenly peace, Sleep in heavenly peace.
Silent night, holy night, Shepherds quake at the sight; Glories stream from heaven afar, Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia! Christ the Savior is born, Christ the Savior is born!
Silent night, holy night, Son of God, love’s pure light; Radiant beams from Thy holy face With the dawn of redeeming grace, Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth, Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth.
Silent night, holy night Wondrous star, lend thy light; With the angels let us sing, Alleluia to our King; Christ the Savior is born, Christ the Savior is born!
Silent night, holy night, All is calm, all is bright Round yon virgin mother and Child. Holy Infant, { (which *is) so tender and mild }, *Sleep in heavenly peace, *Sleep in heavenly peace.
Silent night, holy night, Shepherds *quake at the sight; Glories *stream from heaven afar, Heavenly hosts *sing Alleluia! Christ the Savior is *born, Christ the Savior is *born!
Joy to the world, the Lord is *come! *Let { earth *receive her King }; *Let { every heart *prepare Him room }, And { Heaven and nature *sing }, And { Heaven and nature *sing }, And { Heaven, and Heaven, and nature *sing }.
Joy to the earth, the Savior *reigns! *Let { men their songs *employ }; { While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains *Repeat the [ *sounding ] joy, *Repeat the [ *sounding ] joy, *Repeat, *repeat, the [ sounding ] joy }.
No more *let { sins and sorrows *grow }, Nor { thorns *infest the ground }; He *comes { to *make [ His blessings *flow ( Far as the curse is *found ), ( Far as the curse is *found ), ( Far as, far as, the curse is *found ) ] }.
He *rules the world with truth and grace, And *makes { the nations *prove The glories of His righteousness, And wonders of His love, And wonders of His love, And wonders, wonders, of His love }.
No more *let { sins and sorrows *grow }, Nor { thorns *infest the ground }; He *comes { to *make [ His blessings *flow ( Far as the curse is *found ), ( Far as the curse is *found ), ( Far as, far as, the curse is *found ) ] }.
He *rules the world with truth and grace, And *makes { the nations *prove The glories of His righteousness, And wonders of His love, And wonders of His love, And wonders, wonders, of His love }.
ザアカイ イエスがエリコの町に入って通りを歩いている時、自分もイエスを見たいと、背が低いために先の方に行っていちじく桑の木に登って待っていると、 そこに来たイエスがザアカイに声をかけました。 “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.” ザアカイは喜んでイエスを迎えました。 “He has gone to be the guest of a sinner.” 主よ、今ここで私は財産の半分を貧しい人に分けます。 もし私がだまし取った分がありましたら、その額の4倍を返します。 イエスはザアカイに言いました。 今日この家に救いが来た。
それに比べて合衆国のスター・スパングルド・バナーは歌詞がとてもいい。 イギリス軍に攻められて、もう駄目かなとおもったときのことを詠んだ詩をイギリスの 酒場で歌う流行歌のメロディーに載せた物だよね。とてもユーモアに富んでる。 それにかっこいいなこのバナーって思えてくる。部屋の壁に一つ飾っておきたいなと おもえてくる。 O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave とかThen conquer we must, when our cause it is just, And this be our motto: "In God is our trust." とかもものすごくかっこいいなあとおもう。日本なんて、国民を犠牲にして戦争にでも突っ込んで 行く国だとおもう。戦争するのが悪いとか悪くないとかいうことではなく、ただ国の上層部の 利益のためには国民を犠牲にする国だなということが福島の事故の結果わかったような気持ちに なってる。ようするにこの国は屑だ。
奈良で天理教のことを今ネットで調べながら、ふと住井すえさんの橋のない川をおもいだして 調べてみてた。その本は全国水平社結成で話がおわるらしい。 水平社はかくして生れた。人の世に熱あれ。人間に光あれ。 という文句が同和の時間に出てきたけど、自分はこういうのが好きなんだよね。虐げられた ものが自分の権利を認めてもらえるように活動して、そして自分のおもいを達するみたいな。 ネットで天理と差別とうつと、本がひっかかってきた。そういう地域を背景にしながら、 支えられてきたのが天理教だとおもうんだけど、こういう人間はみな平等というのは好きだな。 黒人の解放運動のときのキング牧師の言葉もすきだよ。 I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. あと日本人の小説もおもしろいのがたくさんあるから読んでみようかなとおもった
日本語表記をローマ字にしたらどうなるか。 watashi-wa ro-maji hyo-ki-wa totemo i-mono da to omoi masu. shu-gi inn yosann iinnkai wo mite iru boku wa shigoto wo shi te i nai.
Lord, *thank you for { *saving this man from Myanmar from unbelievable awkwardness [ that he might *be in danger of ( being *sent back to Myanmar ) ] }. Lord, Jesus, now Christians all over the world are *co-operating { to *get risks away from [ being *done ] }.
Ah.. Sorry. I don't receive much support from my family for the things I often try to do, but I won't get into that.
What's your favorite sweets? Maybe I can learn how to make that. I love strawberry flavored cupcakes. ^^
Model?? Ahaha, don't say such things. I don't have the confidence to be a model, but I'm flattered that you think so. If I were to get involved with beauty/fashion than I'd be on the designing side, only because I like art.
Still, thank you for your kind words and I apologize for my choppy message. =_=' I'll make it flow better next time.
Yeah, I envy myself as well XD You're right, there are many polish people in UK. Many of them just go there to make some money. I want to make some money too but my main pursope is to separate myself from my sister (I simply hate her, she's a totaly selfish person) and from my mother because I want to be independent. That would be good! Thesedays, many people want to study japanese but there are not enough teachers and it's often too expensive. And travel industry seems good, too! I hope your dreams will come true :)
My sight is getting thinner and thinner. I am 62! Besides, I got struck by brain stroke where the blood pipe to the brain was shut by something. That something may be solid fraction in the blood.
My sight is *getting thinner and thinner. I am 62! Besides, I *got { *struck by brain stroke [ where the blood pipe to the brain was *shut by something ] }. That something may *be solid fraction in the blood.
On tomorrow's sun having sunk, you can write the same thing as you wrote above. Today is 5. Tomorrow is 6. Today's sun had sunk. I will turn on TV.
I know you are a lonely old person, living alone. So, I can understand that you write things to talk to yourself. You are a pity lonely old person. I feel for you, as I as well in a similar situation.
>>948 It's very kind of you to be able to feel what I feel. Yes, I feel lonely, and I am lonely. All that's left for me is go on feeling lonely till I am gone.
It'*s very kind of you { to *be able [ to *feel ( what I *feel ) ] }. Yes, I *feel lonely, and I *am lonely. All { that's *left for me } *is { (to) *go on [ *feeling lonely ] [ till I am *gone ] }.
I think it better for you to use "left to" instead of "left for", and "I have passed away" for "I am gone." I know you have passed STEP first grade. On the other hand, the grade I have is only its third degree. So, I wondered why what you wrote is not so much appropriate as mine.
Thank you for telling me a kind person. I hope your life will go towards better and brighter one,, as possible as it will.
>>952 I meant what? Is the way to use "awkward" correct? I feel a sense of incongruity. For as for the meaning of "causing or feeling embarrassment or inconvenience", there are only examples of it of being used as modifying word as "he had put her in a very awkward situation." not for predicative use.