2 If there are parallels between two things, they are similar in some ways. * Detailed study of folk music from a variety of countries reveals many close parallels... * Friends of the dead lawyer were quick to draw a parallel between the two murders.
前スレ 984 It is bad to hear it -bloody Royal Mail- but I believe that all will be OK. However the next parcel will be sent by DHL courier and will be there after 3-4 working days but the shipping costs is over £50
Heartcatch Precure was basically a little kids show in japan, but lots of fans (Teenaged Girls, Supposedly.) in the west honestly enjoyed this show no matter what, which begs? a certain question why no TV station want to this show. Right?!
The work epitomizes the material splendor of analog printing, enbedded within layer upon layer of masking and burning,underflashing, and the literal handcrafting of the most luxurios photographic descriptions of fashion.
If you ask me,if you pay close attention when,say,you meet new people, and make an effort to remember their name of face, you'll have no trouble recalling them later on. In other words,the more intensely we live, the better our power to recollect what we've lived through.
The coup d’état and the hegemony of Gaddafi over state power go back to 1969. There have since been many attempts to put an end to his rule, whether in Benghazi, in the east, or Tripoli, in the west and in the region of Warfalla-Bani Walid. However, the city of Benghazi sums up all of Libya. All the Libyan tribes are integrated there, and you can see Arabs, Amazighs, Toubous, Africans and other tribes living in the same city. Benghazi has the reputation of being a city where there are no foreigners, in the sense that the foreigner is treated there like a native of the region. He is warmly welcomed and integrated among the inhabitants.
Second, there should be no confusion in the Libyan case. The defence of Gaddafi in the name of anti-imperialism mounted by some sectors of the left, in particular under the leadership of Hugo Chavez, is a serious mistake which only serves to mislead the international solidarity movement.
Similar advice to the EU and the banks is being voiced by several so-called “left” groups. Attac-France declared on November 1 that they would intensify their efforts to work on future models for the European Union. The statements of this group and others were published by the New Anti-Capitalist Party (NPA), the French sister party of the OKDE-Spartakos group in Greece. すみません、お願いします
>>87 We have just (ex)changed some mails のスペルミスではないかと。修正すると 「僕達は少々メールのやり取りをしただけ」 または 「僕達は少々メールでのやりとりをしたばかり」 と解釈ができる。 原文のままだと 「僕達はメールをすこし変更しただけ」 または 「〜変更したばかり」 となるが、意味が分からない文章となっている。
too-to の構文の意味はわかりませんが。 Is it too great a claim to say "適当な主張"? が文章の基礎だよね。分解すると Is it (これは?) too great (大きすぎる) claim to say (主張を言う) ちょっと直訳っぽくすると 「TEKITOU」は大きすぎる主張ではないのか? 文法的には「疑問形」だけどさ、英語的には疑問を問いかけているんじゃない。 文化的にこの形は「俺は当然な事を言っているよな?な?」みたいな表現。 なので訳文としては 「TEKITOU」は間違いではないだろう なニュアンスになるわけ。 文法と文化的に表現が咬み合わないから納得できていなんじゃないかな。
宜しくお願いします。 The import measures applied to textile products have gradually decreased in number and impact and are now of a residual nature, in terms of both CN headings covered and countries concerned.
Have you seen the method of cutting a log in just four chops? It's pretty cool. You chop... rotate... chop, etc., and then snap the log. I haven't had luck doing it, but I'm going to practice some more.
Language has always been the mirror to society. English is no exception. In its world state, it reflects very accurately the crises and contradictions of which it is a part. つまりどういうことですか?
While cloud computing accounts for less than 2% of IT spending today, IDC estimates that by 2015 nearly 20% of the information will be "touched" by cloud computing service providers
While cloud computing accounts for less than 2% of IT spending today, IDC estimates that by 2015 nearly 20% of the information will be "touched" by cloud computing service providers ? meaning that somewhere in a byte's journey from originator to disposal it will be stored or processed in a cloud.
too great a claim 大きすぎる主張 a claim to say that 〜と言うという主張 It is too great a claim to say that... 〜と言うというのは大きすぎる主張だ(言い過ぎだ)。 Is it too great a claim to say that... 〜というのは言い過ぎだろうか?(いや、言い過ぎではない。)
reject actions that fail to meet our criteria 規準に合わない行為を拒絶する earlier より早く 何より早くか to allow you to make any updates or changes that are requested. いかなる更新、書き換えを許可する事より先に より早く
The video "First" must be what I looked like when I was sucking my friends weenie with his friend he invited over to watch. Jason said "Wow.......Look at him.....He's in love with your dick" And then my friend asked me if I was in love with it and I said Yes. They both just stared at me as I did just like you are? doing to the fork only I did it for a long long time..
god blessing, what is good there is allways something trying to break you down ,,, just laught at them for they are only put there self down for what they do,, so dont give in to there ways or let them get? you mad , stay pure and make a differnce by doing what is right...
うまく訳せないです。 a `habits of mind’ table and a `learning log’.についての文章なのですが、 単語を訳したり、翻訳サイト使ったりしてなんとなくわかるのですが、うまく日本語にできません。 お願いします。
The former involved students regularly rating their performance of certain actions or `habits of mind’ such as planning, using resources and using feedback from others. The latter involved students keeping a record of the things they had done which justified the ratings they had given themselves on the `habits of mind’ table.
>>127 前者は、生徒が習慣的にいくつかの行為、計画、資源の活用、他者からのフィードバックの利用、 等のHabits of mindの成果に段階評価を付ける行為を含みます 後者は、生徒がHabits of mindの票に基づいて自分で自分自身に下した段階評価の、 元となる行動の具体的な記録を付ける行為を含みます
The oral presentation was considered particularly important as it provided students with an opportunity to express their feelings and opinions about the problem they researched as well as listening to other students’ presentations.
Those days are passed now, In the past they must remain, But we can still rise now, And be the nation again, That stood against him, Proud Edward's army, And sent him homeward, Tae think again.
>>138 At this time, you can submit your actions for approval but we will not approve any actions until we launch Timeline to a good percentage of our users. We will, however, reject actions that fail to meet our criteria earlier to allow you to make any updates or changes that are requested. If your actions are rejected you will receive an email asking you to correct and resubmit. http://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/596/
キング牧師の演説です We cannot be satisfied as long as a Negro in Mississippi cannot vote and a Negro in New York believes he has nothing for which to vote. この文のfor whichってなんですか?
「前置詞+関係代名詞+to 不定詞」という形は覚えておかなければならない 基本形だよ。 この形はhe has nothing which he can vote for→he has nothing for which he can vote という 関係代名詞を使った文を不定詞に置き換えることによってできる。 「ミシシッピ(州)の黒人が投票できない上ニューヨウク(州)の黒人が何も賛成票を投じることが できないと思うかぎり我々は満足できない」 (これによると当時ニューヨークの黒人は投票権は一応あったけど、黒人に不利なことばかり が決められていたと推測できる。一方、ミシシッピの黒人は投票権自体がなかったのかもね)
He believed Lebanon's Christian community had an important role to play in building a Lebanon distinct from its Islamic ambiance, but was free of the fanatical Christianity characteristic of many of his Maronite colleagues. 少し長いですがお願いします。
He dismantled the foundational myths which many of Lebanon's communities were attached to, and replaced them with a complex portrait of the nation as an intricate mosaic of disparate but interconnected communities, over which no one group exerted dominance. He was strongly opposed to sectarian politics, believing that it had been the ruin of his country, and was one of the first Lebanese to remove his sect (madhdhab) identification from the Lebanese census records. He pinned a copy of his new ID, which has 'I' for his madhdhab outside his apartment in Ras Beirut.
お願いします。 To discover whether or not our hypothesis is valid, we proceed to search for evidence that may support it. If we fail to find such evidence, we drop the hypothesis and try another.
お願いします。 By the same token, a historian may be able to determine more or less how the particular event occurred。The matter becomes different, however, when one attempts to relate one event to another in a given situation, and provide explanation.
お願いします。Before beginning our investigation , therefore, it must be clear in our minds that our search may lead us to conclusions of varying degrees of probability..
Should you happen not to be a Christian, or if you are a person who holds negative views about religion , you must be adivised from the very beggining that our venture is concerned only with examining the historical mystery of the Gospels and the birth of Christianity. We are not out of to expose any scandal, or to prove Christian belief else.
It is perhaps worth nothing here that in the epistles he himself wrote, unlike this speech attributed to him, Paul does not dwell on Davidic descent of Jesus, but merely mentions it in two instances in a somewhat offhand manner, and both times as a passing reference.
>>172を書き込んだ者です すみませんでした バックグラウンドの説明が不十分でした これは映画版「ノルウェイの森」をとりあげたブログのタイトルです 自分なりに訳してみましたが、どなたかアドバイス下さいm(__)m ‘Norwegian Wood’ a beautiful but tedious take on Murakami 「‘ノルウェイの森’美しい、しかし村上作品を引き受けるのは退屈」 (引き受けた割りに退屈、なのか迷いました) 低レベルな文章ですみませんm(__)m
>>210 検索の結果 so is =also と置きかえできるらしい。 For just as to provide a laugh is the aim of a joke teller, so is=(also) to have one is the aim of a listener. 笑いを提供することが冗談を言う人の目的であるのと同じように 笑うことが聞く人の目的である。
I am happy to sign any books you want since nobody else asks. I signed the ACS pub introduction but the text is multi-author. Please let me know with any initial order what you want signed so I don 't have to open and repack them. The new book mentioned below includes a number of adapted articles that I've published in IM so you have seen some of the content. (中略) Thanks,
>>257-258 他動詞だから to discout (something=目的語) として使うが、 そのdiscount部分を言い換えて to think, represent, or speak of (something) as small or unimportant となるということ. of は 〜について、の意味. somethingを入れる辞書もあるがこの辞書は使ってないね. 英英使ってれば わかるようになるよ
1 to regard something as unlikely to be true or important: Experts discounted the accuracy of the polls. General Hausken had not discounted the possibility of an aerial attack. 2 to reduce the price of something: Games were discounted to as little as $5.
The chances are high that you will very soon think of some new facility that is not provided by a given program. There are be no better incentive to develop your programming skills than the prospect of crafting exactly the tools you want for the work you want to do. 全然意味が分かりません。お願いします。
The chances are high that you will very soon think of some new facility that is not provided by a given program. There are can be no better incentive to develop your programming skills than the prospect of crafting exactly the tools you want for the work you want to do. 間違いがあったので訂正しました。
The chances are high that you will very soon think of some new facility that is not provided by a given program. There can be no better incentive to develop your programming skills than the prospect of crafting exactly the tools you want for the work you want to do. また間違いがあったので訂正しました。
In a letter to lawmakers last week, Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta raised the specter of terminating the program entirely. これは、「パネッタ長官が自身の懸念を手紙に書いた」 「他者の懸念を増大させるような事を手紙に書いた」のどちらでしょうか? お願いします。
よろしくです。 parcel arrived yesterday and all are well. Very happy. The aaa is really scary Do you know what sort of humidity levels it requires? Should they be sprayed? Let me know when the bbb turn up and if they are ok.ccc are being collected next week and will go out shortly after. Will let you know when on the way.
More likely, Delibes was a victim of his apparent increasing lack of confidence and/or his easy-going undriven nature and/or his tendency to be less than diligent in his work.
An examination of students' qualitative responses to questions regarding what parts of the programme they liked and why sheds some light on these responses.
problem here is the wood jumps up, absorbing most of the impact. I would expect a japanese to realize this, have you been skipping your karate classes? =)
(1) Should it fail to do that, you have a real ploblem. (2) the presentation of this material assumes that the readerhas has had previous exposure to some of this material, perhaps with a different emphasis and notation. お願いします。 (1)はShouldが前に出ていて意味が分かりません。 たぶん主語があなたは問題を持っているとで、そうすることは失敗するべきだが述語だと思うんですけど 文法がわかりません。教えてください (2)はこのマテリアルの提示は読者はいくつかのこのマテリアルは違った概念と強調で以前に暴露された経験があると思う。 では違うと思うので正しい訳を教えてください。とくにマテリアルとhad previous exposure toが分かりません。
The resulting confusion — with validators claiming documents to have one representation while widely deployed Web browsers interoperably implemented a different representation — has wasted decades of productivity.
Year 7 students were also more likely to refer to the story itself as something they enjoyed rather than the more concrete `hands on’ activities mentioned by the younger students.
In general, the mystery, reality and novelty of the experience were as relevant to the Year 7 students as they were to the Year 5s although a few students did report that they found aspects of the experience `babyish’.
宜しく宜しくお願いします。 The following is your order to be shipped this week. The total you sent includes all these items and shipping but not your renewal. I can give you a free renewal with your order. 以下に続くリスト種略
Try to think of as many things as you can that would not be available to you were it not for books. The textbooks you have perhaps felt you would be just as happy without, take on meaning; they become a part of a treasure without which we might not be called "human".
As their enjoyment of the research aspect of the programme appeared to be the main difference among the classes, as well as the major aspect disliked by students in Class B, it is quite possible that the difficulty these students experienced in researching their topic contributed to their low level of enjoyment of the programme overall.
yes, we can hold your orders until the 12 days of reaper is done and then ship your orders all together at the end of the 12 days. Is this what you request?
If this is what you want, then please in the special instructions field box (below the CC# info) add the following note "HOLD for 12 days of Reaper"
That will tell my shipping department not to ship until the end of the 12 days, and package them all together.
Arab intellectuals have produced little beyond passionate slogans that rage against U.S.power and call attention to legitimate Arab complaints. little beyondのところをどう処理して訳せばいいでしょうか?
i guess it mad him feel like he could buck the system and when it flickered out we laid him down to die, turn on the light, turn on a million blinding brilliant white incendiary lights, a beacon in the night, i'll burn relentlessly until my juice runs dry,
It's just that the answers the inhabitants of that era devised for dealing with these concerns ーthe balance they struck between what the new economic developments offered and what they costー don't fit the economy and society that we are entering.
I found them better than Neumann KH 120 in terms of clarity and neutrality . Even normal listening of recorded music was much better. Every sound vocal or instrumental tnality was very neutral as against KH 120 slightly coloured sound. The sound overall was much cleaner with lower background noise . So I have decided to go for Genelec 8030.
>>467 正しくはthe rest room also available on the 42nd floor.とかじゃね その写真の英文だと「このビルのトイレは1階と42階に集中して設置されてます」って意味になる つまり2階から41階まではトイレが無くて、1階と42階は端から端までトイレで埋め尽くされてる感じ 文法どうこうより根本的に翻訳を間違ってると思う
There are restrooms located on 1st (floor) and 42nd floor. なら全然違和感なかったんだけどね 当然、こういう文章でも別におかしくはない Restrooms are located near the elevators on each floor.
My trails barrel is messed up. Just sent it back to Crosman for a new one. It should take 3 weeks to? get back. Unless I happen to get a new gun between now and then, sorry. My Whisper's spring is worn out and I don't feel comfortable hunting with it. My Vipers barrel is clogged.
My trails barrel is messed up. Just sent it back to Crosman for a new one. It should take 3 weeks to get back. Unless I happen to get a new gun between now and then, sorry. My Whisper's spring is worn out and I don't feel comfortable hunting with it. My Vipers barrel is clogged.
Persuasive, extrovert Venus, the planet of romance and pleasure, takes charge of your social life midweek. Forging deeper bonds with loved ones and making new contacts should be easy now, so follow up on recent leads and postpone all career decisions. A new chapter in your life begins this week.
They involved seeing the evidence of environmental problems, through field visits or audiovisual presentations, being made aware of the effects of these problems on both wildlife and humans and being challenged to make some sort of effort to help alleviate the problem.
They involved seeing the evidence of environmental problems, 彼等は環境問題の証拠を見ていた through field visits or audiovisual presentations, 現地調査やビデオを通じて being made aware of the effects of these problems on both wildlife and humans この問題が野生生物と人間に(悪)影響を及ぼすことを知っていて and being challenged to make some sort of effort to help alleviate the problem. この問題を改善するためにある種の仕事をしていた。
I never thought my child would be born on that day [when the world's population passed 7 billion]. While her husband, Shinichiro, 35, and 2-year-old son, Takayuki, waited, Kaneko delivered 19 days earlier than expected.
Of the births that occurred in Japan on Monday, the day the world's population topped 7 billion, many were to parents who have suffered as a result of the March 11 earthquake, tsunami and ensuing nuclear crisis.
Of the births that occurred in Japan on Monday(the day the world's population topped 7 billion,) many were to parents( who have suffered as a result of the March 11 earthquake, tsunami and ensuing nuclear crisis.)
Of the births that occurred in Japan on Monday, many were to parents
Our experiments indicate that to ensure a constant depth in the nonlinear Sbox circuits may result in as much as 100% overhead. Increasing by a factor of two the existing 250%-700% overhead of the balanced designs (compared to standard unsecured static CMOS implementations) makes the approaches less appealing.
申し訳ないですが、もう一つ質問させていただきます。 この訳の大筋さえわかれば他の部分もなんとなく理解できるはずなのでどうかよろしくおねがいします。 Balanced asynchronous gates have the advantage that they lack a precise timing reference which is needed to distinguish the demonstrated power differences. Certain fine-grained dual-rail asynchronous マイクロパイプライン styles explicitly check and require the validity of all data inputs prior to evaluation by a 終了検知回路. With careful consideration [13](この[数字]は全て参照論文の番号です) balanced gates based on such asynchronous delay-insensitive design approach are naturally resistant to the power analysis attacks and do not have the early propagation effect. A balanced gate design based on the development of a standard-cell library approach and the fine-grained asynchronous structures has been presented in [7] and the corresponding synthesis and design flow in [14].
だめもとでもう一つ投下 We add and motivate an additional constraint dealing with the path related data dependent power consumption of the gates which can be eliminated by preventing the early propagation effect on the gate level. Many of the proposed balanced gate designs have not taken this consideration into account and are potentially vulnerable to power analysis attacks and require addition hardware or redesign. Most of the balanced gate designs can be modified or adjusted to eliminate the early propagation effect, but the modifications and adjustments usually require additional hardware overhead and make some “low cost” solutions based on existing standard-cell libraries potentially much more expensive.
Over christmas I have time to go over all the things we have on the table and we will do a status report about where we are, ok? So we can see, what is real and what is not.
調子に乗ってすみません。 最後に、こちらもお願いできれば幸いです。よろしくお願いいたします。 You have kept me for your own−and now when we both have taken the same road. 「keep me〜」 がわからないのと、and以下が不明です。申し訳ないです・・
>>639 会話文で文章が壊れてるように感じるんだが、前後の情報とか出典は出せないのかね? forは「〜が故、」という接続詞と考えて、 my mind is fixed on〜aloneは「私の心は彼のみに固定されている」だから 「〜から浮気しない/脇目を振らない」みたいな意味じゃない? willは意思だと思う 「ひたすらキリストを思うことにより一心同体となった私の意思にはキリストが宿る」みたいな
>>624 From my childhood you have called me and kept me for Your own---and now when we both have taken the same road---now Jesus---I go the wrong way. わたしが子供のころからあなたはあなたのものとして私導きそしてとどめ置きました・・・そして今私たちは同じ道をとっております・・・今、イエス様・・・わたしは間違った道へ行きます。
>>642 大変遅くなりました。申し訳ありません。ご丁寧に、ありがとうございます。 前後の文は、 No, Father, I am not alone.−I have His darkness―I have His pain―I have the terrible longing for God―to love and not to be loved. です。 >>639のfix onは、「背負わされる」だとやはり変なのでしょうか・・。
>>639 > どなたか、お願いたします。 > I know I have Jesus―in that unbroken union−for my mind is fixed on Him alone, in my will. > fix on の意味が取れません・・・。willは、意思でしょうか? willは意志、気持ち、意欲、決意・・・。 Him はキリスト様 大文字に注目。 my mind is fixed on Him alone 私の心はキリスト様だけに固定されています。 キリスト様だけを信じています。 I go the wrong way (キリスト様が歩んだ道と同じ余りにも苦難の道だったので、)楽な方へ行ってしまいました。
>>656 No, Father, I am not alone.−I have His darkness―I have His pain―I have the terrible longing for God―to love and not to be loved. いいえ、お父さん、私は一人ではありません、−私は彼(大文字なのでイエス)の暗闇とともにいます−私は彼の苦痛とともにいます−私は彼の神を熱望する気持ちとともにいます−愛するためであって愛されるためではありません。
I know I have Jesus―in that unbroken union−for my mind is fixed on Him alone, in my will. 私はイエス様とともにいることが分かっています−壊れない結合(イエスと一体ということ)で−私の心は彼のもとにしっかりとどめられているのだから、私の意思によって。
I go the wrong way.の文は、「子供のころからこうで、今まではこうだが、これから教えに背きます」という文です 現在完了−現在完了−現在文なのですから
Since we know in advance that exactly r - p + 1 cards will be placed onto the output pile, we can stop once we have performed that many basic steps. 後半がよく分かりません。 教えてください。 本当に困ってます。
>>671 stopは自動詞でonce以下が副詞で once we have performedが〜を繰り返した時点で という理解であってますか? that many basic stepsがこれだけの回数の基本ステップとすると thatはそれのじゃないんですか? これだけのはどこから出てきたんですか?
The legend lives on :その伝説は生き続けている までは、自分でも分かるのですが、 from {the Chippewa on (down Of the big lake they called 'Gitche Gumee' )} を訳すとするとどうなるのでしょうか。 特に、fromと、Chippewa on のonの使われ方に戸惑っています。
When remembering people,we will typically recall their faces and other distinguishing features that remain relatively constant and are,therefore,most useful in identifying them,raher than items which may change
The dialogue sometimes includes innuendo and suggestive material (e.g., “I would never violate His Grace's privacy while he violates milady's privates” and “. . . perhaps you seek . . . a turn in the sheets with His Grace's own wife!”).
it is very helpfull to drop a tiny bit of super glue in the cracks of the sheath...this increases retention and doesnt dull the blade as much as the high impact polymer... just mak sure you dont put too much! and try to apply it evenly.... just my 2 cents :-)
Ms. Maqsood does a wonderful review of the early development of Christianity taking into consideration the Jewish understandings then current, as well as the Roman environment in which much of modern day Christian theology/Christology had developed.
Her knowledge of the earliest sources of Christianity is evident as is her ability to effectively point out the Muslim objection and the basis upon which it is founded with respect to the NT writings.
It is easily the most scholarly work on this subject and I suggest reading this rather than the other more apologetic works by less-informed Muslim authors.
i think,i'm quite new to this myself, if everything was at standstill in your town then i assume the player has given up playing, there are lots of abandand towns out there ,
In 1983, Cyndi Lauper reached the top of the charts with her hit song "Girls just Want to Have Fun." These days, the same could be said for millions of men and women in their 20s, 30s, and even 40s.
My dad has been taken to hospital due to a stroke.A bloodvessel in his brain burst. He has woken up but his memory has been damaged.He can't remember who he is and who his family is.It is very difficult to not be recognized by my own dad. This really hurts to see him like this.
I really like your style of testing. And for some reason the short answers you give us from time to time make me think you're a old Zen master or some kind of a smart dude like that
C:\> cd 17OMEPATH%\DesktopC:\> regini fixreg2(Don’t copy C:\> )You should get an output like:*** Delete the above key and all of its subkeys ***If you have any questi ons before you do this, or if you see an error after running one of these commands, please let us know! Best, Stefano
We only seem to broadcast our news every 2-3 years – well, this must be the year.We have met,talked with or heard from many of you,but often think and speak of each of you.Year-end letters are a mixed blessing and nudge your available time in unreasonable ways,especially if photos ask to be viewed.Well,the option is yours and we will not ask if you read our letter: feel free to save trees and time by neither printing nor reading it!
With so much action in your chart’s financial zone, you can begin to make real progress in the week ahead, but keep your feet on solid ground and do not take on more than you can handle. A close relationship also enters a new phase from Monday, when the Full Moon tunes you into someone’s hidden feelings.
>>859 be動詞の役割については調べていただければすぐ分かると思うので割愛します。 けど、大抵前後を『イコール』でつなぐもの、と習ったのでは。 するとさっきの「冷たい態度」は形容詞で人間の態度なのでイコールで表せますが、 人間自体は「寒さ」にはなれないので、こういう場合は「薄着していると風邪引くわよ」とか そういう言い方になるんじゃないかと思います。 if you don't want to catch a cold, wear your jacket. とか・・・かなあ・・・。
If the eight initial members can reach the "gold standard" on the TPP, it will "put the squeeze" on Japan, Korea and others, which is when the "real payoff" will come in the long term.
ちなみに、 I like dog(私は犬が好き)とI am like gog(私は犬のようだ)は理解できるのですが、 犬を「好きになる」 犬の「ようになる」 がわからないので質問させていただきました I become to like dog(犬を好きになる) I will be like dog(犬のようになる) でしょうか
Instead of there being more workers to support each retiree―as was the case while the birth rate was still rising―there will be fewer. 出世率がまだ上昇傾向にあった時代には退職者ひとり一人支える労働者はたくさんいたが 今後その数は減っていくだろう。
他のスレに聞いたときはas was the case〜risingは関係代名詞とだけヒントを貰ったのですが 解説がなくわかりませんでした。 関係代名詞なら2文にできますよね? どなたか2文にしてもらえないでしょうか?
Instead of の代わりに there being more workers to support each retiree―as was the case while the birth rate was still rising―there will be fewer.
(being more workers to support each retiree)=as was the case while the birth rate was still rising ()内のことは出生率が上向いている時代の事であったが there will be fewer. 出生率は将来段々少なくなるだろう。
>>865 ukドラマのシャーロックで出てきたセリフで、 立て続けにdownton abbeyでも同じ表現が出てきたので決まった言い回しかと思った次第です。 Downton abbeyでは How long do we have to put up with this, just so I know? と使われていました。 ドンピシャの訳がイマイチ見つからない
I feel it is unfortunate that age matters more than talent in Japan. If Japan is truly going to compete with the world in the 21st century , 『it must look for talent from all of its people, not just the ones who have been here the longest.』 So, I ask again. Why is age important? 『』の部分をお願いいたします
Libyan workers are blocked from participation by the requirement that candidates must have a “professional qualification.” Virtually everyone who worked at any level of Moammar Gaddafi’s former government is barred, unless they can demonstrate “early and clear support for the February 17th revolution.”
Other statutes reportedly disqualify people who allegedly benefited monetarily from the regime or received diplomas or university degrees “without merit.” よろしくお願いします。 特にallegedly どう訳すべきですか?
>>927 >905 was a stinker, don't feel bad. dunno what was being applied to what kinda program, but i went with the legal approach, i'm sure >926 can be honed some more.
>>920 サーバーが復旧しないからロケーションサーバーをチェンジしたいってメールしたらこんな文章が Unfortunately the location is currently full. The server is currently down, what changes if any have you made?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valentino_Rossi によると > Fellow motorcycle racer and former team mate Colin Edwards, as well as some TV journalists, have often referred to him as 'the GOAT' (Greatest of all Time).
>>940 >>941 >>943 すみませんMOTOGPのではないんです テニス関係のTwitterでよく使われてるので何だろうと思っていて 今回のツイート全文だとこうなんですが Federer confirms his back is fine and is feeling strong coming into Ausopen Another title for the GOAT?
Studies examining suicidal behavior in response to primary care physician education programs, have all reported increased prescription rate for antidepressants and often substantial declines in suicide rates and represent the most striking known example of a therapeutic intervention lowering suicide rates.
One of the strongest theories about the origin of the custom says the first appearance of chocolate as a gift on St.Valentine's Day was February 1985 at the Isetan Department Store in Tokyo's Shinjyuku area.
right click on your desktop...select properties... a window will appear...select the appearance tab... and select the visual style from the list available under windows and buttons....click OK... in case the visual style doesnt appear under the list... you can just open the folder and double click on the .msstyles and click OK...
>>951 Studies examining suicidal behavior in response to primary care physician education programs, have all reported increased prescription rate for antidepressants and often substantial declines in suicide rates and represent the most striking known example of a therapeutic intervention lowering suicide rates.
I'm afraid the Tokyo location is currently full and cannot accept another subscription at this time. I would suggest to check back at a later date. お願いします。
Kunio Hara, president of Mary's chocolate said he had displayed a signboard at the store with the catch copy, "St,Valentine's Day Sale," in a bid to sell 50-yen chocolate bars when he worked part time for his father's firm.
I processed your refund on 1/4/12 for amount $124.15. On 1/9/12, it shows your refund of $124.15 to be "settled", successfully refunded on card type "JC".
I am out of work, but I am reluctant to work hard. Hence I have no choice but to evade working hard. For the life of me, I am in a state of melancholy. I am almost the defeated remnant.