All this seems to be so evident as to be hardly worth stating, except in answer to a man who doubts whether I know anything. Yet all this may be reasonably doubted, and all of it requires much careful discussion before we can be sure that we have stated it in a form that is wholly true. この部分だけで意味わかるかな?
一見誰にも同じに見えるテーブルも光のあたり方や見る角度によって人によりちがって見える。このあと For most practical purposes these differences are unimportant, but to the painter they are all-important: the painter has to unlearn the habit of thinking that things seem to have the colour which common sense says they 'really' have, and to learn the habit of seeing things as they appear. Here we have already the beginning of one of the distinctions that cause most trouble in philosophy —the distinction between 'appearance' and 'reality', between what things seem to be and what they are. The painter wants to know what things seem to be, the practical man and the philosopher want to know what they are ; but the philosopher's wish to know this is stronger than the practical man's, and is more troubled by knowledge as to the difficulties of answering the question.
The Education of Millionaires: It's Not What You Think and It's Not Too Late (Portfolio) [Hardcover] Michael Ellsberg この本についての書評がなかなかおもしろい。 The Myth of the Millionaire College Dropout In the latest assault on higher education, a new book paints a misleading picture of the road to riches without a college degree
>>17 In the new book The Education of Millionaires, Michael Ellsberg suggests that although “there are many wonderful things you can learn in college,” few of them are transferable to real life. Perhaps in an effort to fill that perceived gap, Ellsberg has written what might be characterized as a motivational self-help manual that aims to reveal “the capabilities and mind-sets that will get you ahead outside the classroom. これが著者の基本主張。
The Myth of the Millionaire College Dropout In the latest assault on higher education, a new book paints a misleading picture of the road to riches without a college degree
>>18 具体例を挙げている。 To defend his thesis, the author cites a number of college dropouts — such as Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Michael Dell — to demonstrate how successful they have become without the benefit of a college degree. Their stories, though compelling , point towards the highly misleading conclusion that higher education may sometimes be more a hindrance than a benefit to those seeking to thrive anywhere north of the poverty line.
エルズバーグは統計的手法を無視してるよね。 I am also not surprised that while Ellsberg highlights the accomplishments of dropouts, he excludes degree holders who have become wealthy and famous. For example, of the current Fortune 500 CEOs, some 99% have a college degree. Similarly, of the Forbes 400 richest people in America, 81% hold postsecondary degrees. (In my experience, when the time comes for both well-off college dropouts and graduates to send their children to school, they both opt for the most highly rated schools on anyone’s list, no matter what the cost.) So why should the exception — the dropout — become the rule to emulate?
It is very clear that this is only for a man who doubts whether he knows anything. But his doubt is our doubt. So we cannot show we know anything as a fact until full examination of whether we knows anything.
It is very clear that this is only for a man who doubts whether he knows anything. But his doubt is our doubt. So we cannot show we know anything as a fact until full examination of whether we know anything.
>>39 Descartes (1596-1650), the founder of modern philosophy, invented a method which may still be used with profit—the method of systematic doubt. He determined that he would believe nothing which he did not see quite clearly and distinctly to be true. Whatever he could bring himself to doubt, he would doubt, until he saw reason for not doubting it.By applying this method he gradually became convinced that the only existence of which he could be quite certain was his own. これをデカルト自身の記述と比較したい。
インド企業の苦悩、貧乏人相手に安物売っても儲からないので購買力のある 中間層を狙う。 Today perhaps 17% of India’s population has half of its spending power, according to the Asian Development Bank. Over time the growing urbanised middle class, who are getting richer fast, will become relatively more important for profits. Margins for these customers are likely to be higher because the cost of distributing products in cities is lower. The boss of one large consumer-goods firm says, in private, that today his company makes two-thirds of its money from the poor and lower middle classes, but adds it is “not enough” to focus on them since “the portion of upper middle class will become substantially more important”. He is tilting his products accordingly. Consumer-goods firms are often keen to move away from cheap products, where Chinese rivals pose the greatest threat.
>>51 古典派経済学のケインズによる解説 “The classical economists” was a name invented by Marx to cover Ricardo and James Mill and their predecessors, that is to say for the founders of the theory which culminated in the Ricardian economics. I have become accustomed, perhaps perpetrating a solecism, to include in “the classical school” the followers of Ricardo, those, that is to say, who adopted and perfected the theory of the Ricardian economics, including (for example) J. S. Mill, Marshall, Edgeworth and Prof. Pigou. マルクスが名づけたとは知らなかった。
Yet in the light of day, the holes in the rescue plan are plain to see. The scheme is confused and unconvincing. Confused, because its financial engineering is too clever by half and vulnerable to unintended consequences. Unconvincing, because too many details are missing and the scheme at its core is not up to the job of safeguarding the euro.
Wuthering Heights, by Emily Bronte 1801.—I have just returned from a visit to my landlord—the solitary neighbour that I shall be troubled with. This is certainly a beautiful country! In all England, I do not believe that I could have fixed on a situation so completely removed from the stir of society. A perfect misanthropist’s heaven: and Mr. Heathcliff and I are such a suitable pair to divide the desolation between us. A capital fellow! He little imagined how my heart warmed towards him when I beheld his black eyes withdraw so suspiciously under their brows. 厭世感が出てるね。
頭に電極つないで思い浮かべた飛んでるヘリコプターをスクリーンに写したという。 信じられん。 IF YOU think the art of mind-reading is a conjuring trick, think again. Over the past few years, the ability to connect first monkeys and then men to machines in ways that allow brain signals to tell those machines what to do has improved by leaps and bounds. In the latest demonstration of this, just published in the Public Library of Science, Bin He and his colleagues at the University of Minnesota report that their volunteers can successfully fly a helicopter (admittedly a virtual one, on a computer screen) through a three-dimensional digital sky, merely by thinking about it. Signals from electrodes taped to the scalp of such pilots provide enough information for a computer to work out exactly what the pilot wants to do.
こういう夢は最近ほとんど見ないな A lucid dream is one in which the person doing the dreaming is aware that he is dreaming, and can control his actions almost as if he were awake. Most people have lucid dreams occasionally. A few, though, have them often—and some have become good at manipulating the process.
Public anger over the incident hastened the passing of a food-safety law in 2009 which was intended to tighten standards, improve supervision and impose tougher penalties on violators. It appears to have done no more to alleviate public anxiety than did the execution in 2007 of a former head of the State Food and Drug Administration for taking bribes to certify products as safe.
The Moon and Sixpence Chapter I I confess that when first I made acquaintance with Charles Strickland I never for a moment discerned that there was in him anything out of the ordinary. Yet now few will be found to deny his greatness. I do not speak of that greatness which is achieved by the fortunate politician or the successful soldier ; that is a quality which belongs to the place he occupies rather than to the man; and a change of circumstances reduces it to very discreet proportions. モームの文章は英作文に使えそう。
>>74 It appears to have done no more to alleviate public anxiety than did the execution in 2007 of a former head of the State Food and Drug Administration for taking bribes to certify products as safe. それは食品の安全証明に賄賂を受け取った国家食品薬品監督管理局の前局長の2007年の死刑執行をしなかったように社会不安を緩和しなかったように見える。
>>40 これ言い換えかな But doubt concerning his own existence was not possible, for if he did not exist, no demon could deceive him. If he doubted, he must exist; if he had any experiences whatever, he must exist. Thus his own existence was an absolute certainty to him. 'I think, therefore I am, ' he said (Cogito, ergo sum); and on the basis of this certainty he set to work to build up again the world of knowledge which his doubt had laid in ruins. By inventing the method of doubt, and by showing that subjective things are the most certain, Descartes performed a great service to philosophy, and one which makes him still useful to all students of the subject.
>>40 でもその後自己の恒久性に懐疑の目を向けている。 But some care is needed in using Descartes' argument. 'I think, therefore I am' says rather more than is strictly certain. It might seem as though we were quite sure of being the same person to-day as we were yesterday, and this is no doubt true in some sense. But the real Self is as hard to arrive at as the real table, and does not seem to have that absolute, convincing certainty that belongs to particular experiences.
Title: Nineteen eighty-four Author: George Orwell (pseudonym of Eric Blair) (1903-1950) * A Project Gutenberg of Australia eBook * He gazed up at the enormous face. Forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark moustache. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother.
Twelve voices were shouting in anger, and they were all alike. No question, now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.
Mr Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, whether or not it prove to give the ultimate truth on the matters with which it deals, certainly deserves, by its breadth and scope and profundity, to be considered an important event in the philosophical world. Starting from the principles of Symbolism and the relations which are necessary between words and things in any language, it applies the result of this inquiry to various departments of traditional philosophy, showing in each case how traditional philosophy and traditional solutions arise out of ignorance of the principles of Symbolism and out of misuse of language. 名文だと思う。
For the West, whose ties to Arab dictators once gave it great clout in the Middle East, events in the region have spun way out of control. That fact was underlined this week by the Iraqis’ insistence that all American forces must quit the country by the end of the year. Yet the West should not regret this turn of events. The power that it has lost in the short term should, in the long run, be replaced by influence born of good relations with decent governments. 楽観視が一番だろうね。
アメリカの医薬品不足の原因は下記 Fixing this problem has been difficult, in part because its causes are so complex. Concentration among generic drugmakers may be to blame. The top three makers of generic injectables control 71% of the market by volume. When one drugmaker has a manufacturing problem, others rarely step in. It takes time to begin or ramp up production. Firms may also be loth to enter the market; margins on generics are hair-thin. Some argue that Medicare, the public programme that pays for many injected drugs, keeps prices from rising with demand.
>>108 Medicare (United States) Medicare is a social insurance program administered by the United States government, providing health insurance coverage to people who are aged 65 and over ; to those who are under 65 and are permanently physically disabled or who have a congenital physical disability; or to those who meet other special criteria. ここが医療費をカットし、医者の診療拒否を招いている。
Allan and I had met when we worked together at a magazine in Boston (full disclosure: this one), where I was an assistant and he an editor ; two years later, he quit his job to follow me to New York so that I could go to graduate school and he could focus on his writing. After the worst of our breakup, we eventually found our way to a friendship so deep and sustaining that several years ago, when he got engaged, his fiancée suggested that I help him buy his wedding suit. As he and I toured through Manhattan’s men’s-wear ateliers, we enjoyed explaining to the confused tailors and salesclerks that no, no, we weren’t getting married. Isn’t life funny that way?
Silvio Berlusconi’s resignation pledge was no more cathartic than any other of the remedies that the euro zone has so far concocted. The gesture was too little because Mr Berlusconi is so distrusted, after a total of eight and a half disastrous years in charge, that even now some fear he will find a way to hang on to office or stand again.
The other problem is taxes. No rational person believes that serious deficit reduction can be accomplished without any rise in tax revenues. But the tax code is such a morass of loopholes, breaks for the politically favoured and economic engineering on the part of bureaucrats, that comprehensive tax reform could allow for lower rates and yet increase tax receipts at the same time.
>The other problem is taxes. >No rational person believes that serious deficit reduction can be accomplished without any rise in tax revenues. >But the tax code is such a morass of loopholes, breaks for the politically favoured and economic engineering on the part of bureaucrats, >that comprehensive tax reform could allow for lower rates and yet increase tax receipts at the same time. もうひとつの問題は税である。 道理のわかる人間なら税収増なしに大幅な赤字削減が達成できるとは誰も思わない。 しかし税法は官僚側の政治的に嗜好された経済工作の抜け道と優遇措置の大変な泥沼にあるので 包括的な税改革は低率課税の斟酌と税収増が同時に可能である。
パーティーから自宅へ自分の彼女と友人カップルの4人で帰宅したあと 友人の男と自分の彼女がベットで酔いつぶれてるのを確認にいったところ When Mr. Zettergren went to check on them later, he found his girlfriend naked from the waist down and the other man, Jason Robinson, with his pants around his ankles.Enraged, Mr. Zettergren ordered Mr. Robinson to leave. After a brief confrontation, Mr. Zettergren shot him in the temple at point-blank range with a Glock-17 semiautomatic handgun. He then forced Mr. Robinson’s hysterical fiancée, at gunpoint, to help him dispose of the body in a nearby river. こりゃ頭にくると思う。これを銃所持規制強化の必要性を説く実例に持ってくるのは 間違ってるだろう。
>>129 >After a brief confrontation, Mr. Zettergren shot him in the temple at point-blank range with a Glock-17 semiautomatic handgun. ちょっとしたいざこざの後、ゼッタグレン氏は友人のこめかみにグロック社製17型セミオートマチック銃を突きつけ引き金を引いた。
Such arguments are unlikely to make much headway against hostility towards immigrants in rich countries. Fury against foreigners is usually based on two (mutually incompatible) notions : that because so many migrants claim welfare they are a drain on the public purse ; and that because they are prepared to work harder for less pay they will depress the wages of those at the bottom of the pile. The first is usually not true (in Britain, for instance, immigrants claim benefits less than indigenous people do) , and the second is hard to establish either way. Some studies do indeed suggest that competition from unskilled immigrants depresses the wages of unskilled locals. But others find this effect to be small or non-existent.
Migrants into rich countries not only send cash to their families ; they also help companies in their host country operate in their home country. A Harvard Business School study shows that American companies that employ lots of ethnic Chinese people find it much easier to set up in China without a joint venture with a local firm.
In 29th place, the top U.S. city was Pittsburgh, with Los Angeles moving up to 44th place and New York coming in at 56th. London moved up one place to 53rd while Paris came in at number 16. The top Asian city was Osaka at number 12, tying Geneva, Switzerland and beating out the Japanese capital of Tokyo, which came in at 18.
結論はこういうこと Mid-sized cities in developed countries with relatively low population densities tend to score well by having all the cultural and infrastructural benefits on offer with fewer problems related to crime or congestion,' said Jon Copestake, the editor of the report.
Yet the political reaction has been furious and xenophobic. A party boss in Uttar Pradesh, India’s most populous state, has promised to defend small shopkeepers by torching Walmart stores. Trade unions have promised strikes. Parliament has been shouted to a standstill. Already there is talk that the government might back down. Perhaps half of India’s states say they will refuse to implement the reform, as is their right.
興味がわいてきたので、調べてみた。いま手元に何冊かOxford Bookwormsあるから、ちょっと見てみたら、 In addition to the introductions and activities in each Bookworm, resource material includes photocopiable test worksheets and Teacher's Handbooks, which contain advice on running a class library and using cassettes, and the answers for the activities in the books. と書いてあるから、やはり、Bookworms のWEBサイトのresource materialにあるんだろう.
Teacherのサイトはログインしなくちゃ入れないから、登録してログインするか、 あるいは、Googleで、「Oxford bookworms treasure Island activities answers」のように入力すると、
[PDF] Treasure Island helpful? You can block results when you're signed in to Block all results You +1'd this publicly. Undo File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat BEFORE READING ACTIVITIES (PAGE 76). ACTIVITY 1 ... answers. In fact, numbers 2, 3, 4 and 6 are true. While Reading. CHAPTERS 1 TO 3 WHILE READING ... The map of Treasure Island. ... OXFORD BOOKWORMS LIBRARY STAGE 4 ...
Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapyを軽い気持ちで読み始めたが (Don't Sweat the Small Stuff and It's All Small Stuffや Psycho-Cyberneticsのようなソフトな読み物かと思って買った)、 本に出てきたBurns Depression Checklistをやって気分が一気に奈落の底に沈んだ。 気軽な気持ちで読みたいのでひかえめに答えたが、重い結果が帰って来た。 今、残りの部分を少しずつ読みながら、気分の回復をはかってる。 本で失ったものは本で取り戻す。運がよかったのかもしれない。これも何かの縁だ。
279だけど、ちょっとブラックなサキの短編集はどうかと思い直した Collected Short Stories of Saki (Wordsworth Classics) 一編2〜3ページほどの作品がほとんどだし、読めそうなやつだけ拾えばいいかも 何しろ500ページほどの本なのにAmazonで226円・配送料無料で売ってらぁ
I looked around and saw a mausoleum with a familiar name engraved on the pink granite: TRACKER. I went to it and tried the iron gate. In 2011 it would have been locked. but this was 1958 and it swung open easily … although with a horror-movie squall of rusty hinges. I went inside, kicking my way through a drift of old brittle leaves. There was a stone meditation bench running up the center of the vault; on either side were stone storage lockers for Trackers going all the way back to copper plate on the front of that earliest one, the bones of Monsieur Jean Paul Traiche lay within. I closed my eyes. Lay down on the meditation bench and dozed. Slept. When I woke up it was close to noon. I went to the front door of the Tracker vault to wait for Dunning…… just as Oswald, five years from now, would no doubt wait for the Kennedy motorcade in his shooter's blind on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository. My headache was gone.
>>379 Unreservedly, the most excruciating and embarrassing portrayals of sex I have ever been subjected to. Given the choice, I think I would rather walk in on my elderly parents engaging in the most naked kind of wild thing than suffer through these scenes again. ラブシーンそんなにひどいのか?うpお願いします。
If you're already a Murakami fan, you can probably grunt your way through this tedious, badly written, overly long chunk of fiction. If you're not a Murakami fan, I'll bet you're going to delete it from your Kindle or resell your paper copy long before you finish it.
The new york timesのreview It used to be customary, in a book of this magnitude, to explain unanswered questions and tie up loose ends. Mr. Murakami clearly rejects such petty obligations, and he leaves many of the parallels in “1Q84” cryptic and dead-ended. He perceives, and we receive, and the reception isn’t all that clear. But 925 pages go by. And somehow, to quote Mr. Murakami as he quotes Sonny and Cher, for reasons that perhaps only he understands, the beat goes on.
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle [Kindle Edition] Haruki Murakami Haruki Murakami (Author) › Visit Amazon's Haruki Murakami Page Find all the books, read about the author, and more. See search results for this author Are you an author? Learn about Author Central (Author) 4.2 out of 5 stars See all reviews (354 customer reviews) | Like 1328638831 false 1 0 0 0 (0) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Digital List Price: $12.43 What's this? Print List Price: $16.95 Kindle Price: $9.94
There used to be the highest Amex charge card, The Platinum card. After the Centurion card launch on December 3, 2002, the highest level has been replaced. This black sleek looking card is being called as "Centurion" "Black Amex" or "Black Card." The name is from its precious roman warrior on the Amex Logo.This card is Invitation Only in each countries, no exceptions so far. 高位ローマ兵の光った黒いカードで会社側から授与されるカード
1984 He gazed up at the enormous face. Forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the dark moustache. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother. これを和訳しろ。添削してやる。
This review is from: The Complete Little House Nine-Book Set (Paperback) I am sorry to say I was disappointed in the books. I had bought one of the books from Borders Book store to see if my 9 year old grandaughter would like it, and that book was is color with much better paper. I assumed when I ordered the complete set from you, it would be the same, but yours was not in color and the paper was not near the quality as the book from Borders. As you can see, I have not ordered anything since getting these books. I may purchase something later if it is for me, but would not consider buying a book from you to give as gift.
I am out of work, but I am reluctant to work hard. Hence I have no choice but to evade working hard. For the life of me, I am in a state of melancholy. I am almost the defeated remnant.(ToT)
The 62-year-old received the Best Actress gong for her role in The Iron Lady - 30 years after winning the same accolade for her role in Sophie's Choice. She won Best Supporting Actress in 1979 for her role alongside Dustin Hoffman in Kramer vs. Kramer. Opting not to refer to the cherished former prime minister in her acceptance speech she instead told of her worry that the public would be bored of seeing her on the winner's podium. She said: "When they called my name I had this feeling I could hear half of America saying 'Oh no. Why her? Not again.' Oh well, whatever."
All of us had an ample share of the treasure and used it wisely or foolishly, according to our natures. Captain Smollett is now retired from the sea. Gray not only saved his money, but being suddenly smit with the desire to rise, also studied his profession, and he is now mate and part owner of a fine full-rigged ship, married besides, and the father of a family.As for Ben Gunn, he got a thousand pounds, which he spent or lost in three weeks, or to be more exact, in nineteen days, for he was back begging on the twentieth. Then he was given a lodge to keep, exactly as he had feared upon the island; and he still lives, a great favourite, though something of a butt, with the country boys, and a notable singer in church on Sundays and saints' days. この部分は比較的読み易いし、宝の分け前にあずかったメンバーのその後が書いてあり、内容的にも重要だろう。
Silverについては Of Silver we have heard no more. That formidable seafaring man with one leg has at last gone clean out of my life; but I dare say he met his old Negress, and perhaps still lives in comfort with her and Captain Flint. It is to be hoped so, I suppose, for his chances of comfort in another world are very small. こうだ。
Giant prehistoric penguin is reconstructed in New Zealand In research published this week in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, the scientists say the bird they have dubbed Kairuku – Maori for "diver who returns with food" – stood about 1.3 metres tall or four feet and two inches, and had a body shape unlike any previously known penguin, living or extinct. Kairuku lived in the Oligocene period, about 26m years ago.Fordyce said there were several reasons why the giant penguins might have become extinct: it could have been from climate change, the arrival of new predators, or increased competition for food from seals and other creatures.
>>501 The Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology is the flagship publication of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. The first issue of the journal appeared in 1981 and had 422 published pages. The total pages published yearly has increased steadily since then, but recent increases have been dramatic, leading to an all time high of 1245 published pages in 2008.The Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology is published bimonthly by the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology in partnership with the Taylor & Francis Group. 古脊椎動物学会なんていうのがあってそこの隔月発行の1000P超の機関紙に発表された。
男が"Admiral Benbow" innという語り手の父親が経営する宿にやってきて、泊まることに なった。ところがその男はとっても荒い船員で、ラム酒を飲んで、船乗りの歌を大声で唱う 人だった。つまりhe was the most over-riding companion ever known; he would slap his hand on the table for silence all round; he would fly up in a passion in anger at a question, or sometimes because none was put, and so he judged the company was not following his story. Nor would he allow any one to leave the inn till he had drunk himself sleepy and reel off to bed. こんな人だったんだ。たまらないよね、ある日、リヴシー医師が来て、男が静かにしろ!と どなったけど、普通に話してたんだ。すると男はナイフを抜いて、刺してやるぞ、といった。そうすると リヴシー医師はこういったんだ。 If you do not put that knife this instant in your pocket, I promise, upon my honour, you shall hang at the next assizes. リヴシー医師は医者であると同時に、治安判事だったんだよ
If he cannot bring himself to reform the state or the economy, if he cannot harness middle-class desire for change, if he cannot see the demonstrations as anything more than a threat to be contained and crushed, then the prospect for President Putin’s next term is grim indeed: protest, disillusion, repression and economic stagnation. Russia would be diminished, and so would its leader. エコノミストによればプーチンが改革の道を歩まないならお先真っ暗だそうだ。
>>524 What happens next is largely Mr Putin’s choice. He can respond to the pressure for change by trying to repress it, or by going with it. His past in the KGB, his record as an autocrat and his increasingly strident anti-Western rhetoric all suggest that he will lean towards the first course. でも実際は抑圧する方向に傾いてるよね。
A wise man with a sense of his own destiny would now be thinking carefully about his legacy and his successor. Mr Putin has not displayed much wisdom in his time in power, but he is no fool. He faces a momentous choice, and history will not look kindly on him if he makes the wrong one. もしも運命感のある賢い者なら残す物とその継承者のこと考えてるだろう。そうでなければ厳しい歴史の審判を受けるだろうという主旨だが悪党がこんなこと気にすまい。
CHARLOTTE, NC — A North Carolina family says three children were ripped from their beds by a tornado, throwing one about 100 feet away along a fence lining a highway. All have been released from hospitals and are back with relatives.Latonya Stevens says her 7-year-old son Jamal was sucked from his room as a tornado tore apart the family home's second floor where he slept. It was one of nearly 200 homes damaged by the storm in the Charlotte area.A neighbor found Jamal about 100 feet away, tossed to the far side of a fence along Interstate 485. His 3-year-old sister Amber and 4-year-old Ayanna were released from a hospital on Sunday. Amber was found in her home's yard under some debris. Ayanna landed in a neighbor's yard. ノースカロライナ州で子供3人が竜巻で家の外のけっこう離れたところまで吹き飛ばされたのに助かったようだ。 よかったね。
幻の女 ウイリアム・アイリッシュ (本名:コーネル・ウールリッチ) PHANTOM LADY by Cornell Woolrich (Pseudonym: William Irish) 夜は若く、彼も若かったが、夜の空気は甘いのに、彼の気分は苦かった。 The night was young, and so was he. But the night was sweet, and he was sour.
Treasure Islandの2章目 Black Dog Appears and Disappears なかなかさぼっている。今さらっと読んだだけなんだけど、 Black Dogという男が、captainと呼ばれている男が泊まっている宿にやってくる。 ちょうどそのときcaptain(Billというのが本名)は外に散歩に出かけていた。返ってきたとき、 少年(私)とBlack Dogは扉のところに隠れていて、captain(Bill)をおどろかすように、 Black Dogは呼びかけた。そして取っ組み合いの喧嘩になりBlack Dogは負けて帰って行った。 ところがcaptainは宿を代えるといい、数歩歩いたところで床に崩れ落ちた。 どうしようかとおもっていたら、ちょうど病気になった父親を診にリヴしー医師がやってきた。 医師はBillの血を抜いた。そして2階のベッドに運んだ。全治一週間らしい。酒を飲んで心臓発作 が起こったらしい。
Captain(ビル)の部屋に様子を見にジム(少年)は行き、 Black Spotという言葉を聞くがなんのことやらわからない。 ビルは酒が飲みたいそうで、一杯だけ持って行ってあげる。 他方で、数日のうちにジムの父親は亡くなり、喪に服すことになる。 その間もCaptainは酒を飲んで歌ってる。迷惑だがとめようとおもわない。
さて、そんなある日のこと、めくらが宿の前を通りかかる。 ジムが声をかけて近づくと、ジムの腕をつかんで締め付ける。 そしてビルのところへ連れて行くように命令する。 ジムは連れて行かないというと首をつかんでのしかかってくるので 諦めてめくらを連れて旅館に入る。 すると、めくらを見て、ビル(Captain)は驚きのあまり飲みかけのお酒を落とす。 めくらはビルの手のところに自分の手を置くようにジムに命令する。 ジムがそうすると、めくらは自分の前にいるのがビルであることを確かめたためか 飛び上がり出て行った。 Captain(ビル)は立ち上げって、倒れる。死んでいた。 立て続けに人が死んでとても悲しい気持ちにジムはなった。 It was the second death I had known, and the sorrow of the first was still fresh in my heart.という言葉でこの章は締めくく られる。
Guns, Germs, and Steel 銃・病原菌・鉄 by Jared Diamond 朝日新聞「ゼロ年代の50冊」(2000〜2009年) 第1位 この10年間で最高の知的興奮体験! We all know that history has proceeded very differently for peoples from different parts of the globe. In the 13,000 years since the end of the last Ice Age, some parts of the world developed literate industrial societies with metal tools, other parts developed only nonliterate farming societies, and still others retained societies of hunter-gatherers with stone tools. ・なぜ人間は五つの大陸で異なる発展をとげたのか? ・なぜインカ帝国のほうがスペインを征服できなかったのか ・シマウマはなぜ家畜にならなかったのか
SIDNEY SHELDON “ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK?” シドニー・シェルダン「暗闇が怖いの?」 8歳の時に下宿人のおっさんに暗闇の中で乱暴され、それがトラウマになっている女性の物語 語彙はそれなりに難しいが英文自体は平易で読みやすい 初めて完読した英語の本 ラージプリント版で464ページ 普通のペーパーバックで398ページ 和訳本には「異常気象買います」という訳のわからない邦題がついていて異彩を放っている
SIDNEY SHELDON “ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK?” ペーパーバック全398ページをスキャナーで読み込んで、OCRソフトで文字化してワードに読み込みました。 ワードの文字カウント機能で単語数をカウントしたら 81,820語でした。 ちなみにペーパーバックの背表紙切断にはプラス株式会社のPK-513Lを使用しました。 スキャナーは富士通(正確には株式会社PFU)のScanSnap S1500を使用しました。 OCRソフトはパナソニックの読取革命Ver.11です。
Are You Afraid of the Dark?: 1 (Sheldon, Sidney) [Kindle Edition] Sidney Sheldon Sidney Sheldon (Author) › Visit Amazon's Sidney Sheldon Page Find all the books, read about the author, and more. See search results for this author Are you an author? Learn about Author Central (Author) 2.7 out of 5 stars See all reviews (149 customer reviews) | Like 1332632491 false 1 0 0 0 (0) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Digital List Price: $20.99 What's this? Print List Price: $7.99 Kindle Price: $7.19
ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK? by SIDNEY SHELDON (シドニー・シェルダン) Performed by Kit Flanagan (キット・フラナガン) 8CDs 9hours 聞き取りやすい朗読です MP3に変換して車で聴いています 耳から聴いて理解できている自分が何かうれしいです
ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK? (暗闇が怖いの?) by SIDNEY SHELDON (シドニー・シェルダン) CHAPTER 14 (page 115, line 2) There's a saying that if you give a man a fish, he can have a meal. If you teach him to fish, he can eat for the rest of his life. (魚を一匹あげても、一食にしかならないが、漁を教えれば一生、食べていける)
The New York Outlook 1905 George Kennan "The Koreans are mostly exaggerators or barefaced liars, by heredity and by training, and it is impossible to accept without careful verification, the statements which they make with regard to Japanese misbehavior."
Translation in Language Teaching (Oxford Applied Linguistics) [Paperback] Guy Cook Guy Cook (Author) › Visit Amazon's Guy Cook Page Find all the books, read about the author, and more. See search results for this author Are you an author? Learn about Author Central (Author) Be the first to review this item | Like 1333090269 false 1 1 1 0 (1) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Price: $32.50
★The Little Prince…最初はこれだったかな。読み始めたときTOEICは400いかなくてこれすら難しかった。それからオーディオブックを手に入れて聞いた。正直子供の頃はどこがいいのかわからなかったこの本。孤独を描いた話だったのか。 ★Daddy Long Legs…ルビ付きで読み、それからルビなしで辞書を引きつつ読みました。ユーモアが楽しい。子供の頃読んだ時と同じように楽しい。 ★The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes…かなり難しい。しかし難しい割に読みやすい。文体が性にあう。これも最初はルビ付き、それからルビなしへ。 ★Burned Alive…唯一の現代もの。ノンフィクション。文体平易で読みやすい。辞書との格闘続く。 ★A Little Princess…辞書を引き引き読み通す。あしながおじさんより簡単だった。2回目は辞書なしで読めた(ページのあちこちに単語の書き込みがあるし)このぐらいが今の自分のレベルにちょうど合っている ★The Silence of the Lambs…難しいです。中途挫折中。 ★MOMO…今読んでる(本屋で立ち読み)辞書なしでだいたい読める。星の王子さまの頃と比べると長足の進歩。自分的には。
Oxford Bookworms Stage 2 (オックスフォード 本の虫シリーズ ステージ2) Anne of Green Gables (赤毛のアン)(朗読時間59分4秒) By L. M. MONTGOMERY (ルーシー・モード・モンゴメリ) Retold by CLARE WEST (簡略化書き直し:クレア・ウェスト) Published in Copyright OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRFSS, 1995 Chapter 1 'But perhaps she needs us,' Matthew replied, surprisingly quickly for him. (「でもね、多分、彼女の方が私たちを必要としているんだよ」、マシューは答えた)
Macmillan Audio presents Hot, Flat, and Crowded (グリーン革命) 温暖化、高位平準化、人口過密化する世界 WHY WE NEED A GREEN REVOLUTION - AND HOW IT CAN RENEW AMERICA by THOMAS L. FRIEDMAN (トーマス・フリードマン) Read for You by OLIVER WYMAN (オリバー・ワイマン)(17CDs, 21 Houres Unabridged) Published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York, 2008 PART I Where We Are (現状) 我々が居る所 Chapter 1 Where Birds Don't Fly (鳥も飛ばない場所) German engineering, Swiss innovation, American nothing. (ドイツ人は工業技術、スイス人は技術革新、アメリカ人には何もない) ―Advertising slogan used on a billboard 広告板 in South Africa by Daimler to promote 宣伝する its Smart "forfour" compact car
Billion Price Update For some reason I seem to be seeing a resurgence of inflation scare stories, despite the fact that — gas prices aside — inflation remains quiescent. And along with the scare stories come assertions that the inflation numbers are faked, that the government is hiding the true rate.So it’s time for another look at the Billion Prices Project, which uses internet price quotes to create an inflation measure completely independent of government agencies. It’s not a perfect match for the CPI, nor should it be. But the BPP index is just as quiescent as the official number.
So it’s time for another look at the Billion Prices Project, which uses internet price quotes to create an inflation measure completely independent of government agencies. だから(真のインフレ率を隠している)政府機関から完全に独立したインフレ測定手段を生み出すために、インターネットの見積もり価格を使用するBPPを見直すべき時が来た。
He walked beside Henry and shouted over his shoulder,"Helen,keep an eye on my boy baby[ i.e. a black dog carrying a stick in his mouth], will you, and see he doesn't swallow that waliking-stick. Because if he does, a tree will grow right out of his mouth or it will go to his tail and make it so stiff that a wag will knock you into kindom come!" Mansfield, "New Dresses"
The Billion Prices Project is an academic initiativethat uses prices collected from hundreds of online retailers around the world on a daily basis to conduct economic research. This page shows our most recent research leveraging high-frequency price data, as well as the US daily inflation index (updated monthly on this page). こういうのがあるのか。
Stories of Pooh are not flat at all. Various accidents happens to "the eight hundred acres." And, in the end of the first volume, a catastrophe of flood occurs there, and anything were sunk under the water like the TSUNAMI we had sadly previously. But, in the novel, all characters remain safe. It is a good story not to have victims at all. But, after the flood, the story find its end, abruptly.
In the second volume, we meet all of them again. But, in the end, Christpher Robbin say a farewell to them and have to leave the loveable woods. Probably, it means that any person can't remain in the world of children, like peterpan, however hard we want to remain in the world.
Norwegian Wood (ノルウェイの森) ノーウィ−ジャン・ウッド by Haruki Murakami (村上春樹) Translated from the Japanese by Jay Rubin (ジェイ・ルービン) Read by John Chancer (ジョン・チャンサー) Unabridged, 11CDs, 13 hours 28 minutes and 21 seconds Audio Edition Publisher: Naxos Audiobooks, 2006/2/27 Published by Vintage Books, London, 2003 (page 382, line 30) "I've lived a strange life," said Reiko, "but I never thought I'd have my panties removed for me by a man 19 years my junior." (奇妙な人生だったけど、まさか、19歳も年下の男にパンティを脱がされることになるとは思わなかったわ)
James Joyce の 'A portrait of the Artist as a Young Man'からの抜粋、
The stout student who stood below them on the steps farted briefly. Dixon turned towards him saying in a soft voice: - Did an angel speak? Cranly turned also and said vehemently but without anger: - Goggins, you're the flamingest dirty devil I ever met, do you know. - I had it on my mind to say that, Goggins answered firmly. It did no one any harm, did it? - We hope, Dixon said suavely, that it was not of the kind known to science as a PAULO POST FUTURUM(originally in italics).
英訳「ノルウェイの森」の結詞(むすびことば) Again and again I called out for Midori from the dead centre of this place that was no place. (私は緑さんを求めて何度も何度も大声で叫び続けました、どこでもないこの場所のど真ん中から。)
A to Z Mysteries Series “B” (AからZまでミステリー シリーズ 2) The Bald Bandit (禿げた強盗) by Ron Roy (著者: ロン・ロイ) Narrated by David Pittu (朗読: デイヴィッド・ピトゥー) ( から有料ダウンロード Length: 42 mins) Published by Random House, New York, 1997 Chapter 1 Dink slipped the plastic fangs into his mouth. He made a scary face at his best friend, Josh Pinto. (ディンクは作り物の牙を口の中に放り込んで、親友のジョシに怖い顔をして見せた)
Harper Audio presents (PUFFIN BOOKS) Matilda (マチルダ) by ROALD DAHL (著者:ロアルド・ダール) Read by JOELY RICHARDSON (朗読:ジョーリ・リチャードソン) Unabridged 5CDs 朗読時間: 4時間2分48秒 Chapter 1 (Page 17) Within a week, Matilda had finished Great Expectations which in that edition contained four hundred and eleven pages. (一週間でマチルダは「大いなる遺産」を読み終わった。411ページの本である。) "I loved it," she said to Mrs Phelps. (「面白かったわ」と彼女はフェルプス夫人に言った。) "Has Mr Dickens written any others?" (「ディケンズさんは他にも書いているんですか?」)
RANDOM HOUSE AUDIO presents I Don't Know How She Does It (彼女はどうやってそれをやっているのかしら) The Life of Kate Reddy, Working Mother (働く母親ケイト・レディの生活) by ALLISON PEARSON (著者:アリソン・ピアソン) Read for you by EMMA FIELDING (朗読:エマ・フィールディング) Abridged 5CDs, 6Hours (朗読時間:6時間) Published by Alfred A. Knopf, New York, 2002 Monday, 1:37 a.m. (月曜日、午前1時37分) How did I get here? (私はどうやってここに来たのかしら?) Can someone please tell me that? (誰か私に教えてくれる?) Not in this kitchen, I mean in this life. (ここというのは、この台所のことではなくて、この人生のことなんだけど) It is the morning of the school carol concert and I am hitting mince pies. (今は学校の賛美歌コンサートの日の朝で、私はミンスパイを打っている)
cameltoe じゃないけど Norwegian Wood (ノルウェイの森) Page 383 "Wrong spot, Watanabe," Reiko whispered in my ear. "That's just a wrinkle." (「そこ違うわよ、ワタナベ君」とレイコさんが僕の耳元で囁いた、「それはただのしわよ」) "I can't believe you're telling jokes at a time like this!" (「こういう時にも冗談しか言えないんですか!」と僕は呆れて言った)
>>927 >>928 洋販ラダーシリーズ The Wall of Fools (バカの壁) By Takeshi Yoro (著者:養老孟司) Translated by Yoko Toyozaki and Stuart Varnam-Atkin (翻訳:豊崎洋子、スチュアト・バーナム・アトキン) Read for you by Jon Mudryj (朗読:ジョン・マドゥリー) Unabridged 音声ダウンロード 朗読時間:5時間5分 Published by IBCパブリッシング, 2005 Preface (Page v) プレファス(まえがき) I wrote the book from my opinion that you can only understand the things that get into your brain - in short, the brain is the ultimate wall for all learning. (私はこの本を次のような考えから書きました。私たちは自分の脳に入ってくることしか理解できない − つまり、脳が全ての学問に対しての最終的な壁になっている)
>>1 Oh, by the way how is your study of the STEP Eiken 1st grade going? Are you still studying Pass Tan or you've already given it up just like Treasure Island??
This is the famous thread of 2ch, which an incompetent idiot defecates and urinate himself in by writing world class nonsense, so that he can show us all how sorry he is to have been born.
We have three consecutive holidays this weekend. この週末は3連休がある I bought lottery tichets by consecutive numbers. 宝くじを連番で買った The grand champion Hakuho won his 63rd consecutive victory. 横綱白鳳は63連勝を飾った I studied English for three consecutive hours. 英語を3時間続けて勉強した
His consecutive failures in the first grade of STEP Eiken has made him burn out so badly that he now writes all the spiteful comments in many 2ch English threads in spite of himself day and night.