すみません。 翻訳サイトだと細かなニュアンスが解らないので どなたか翻訳お願い致します。 Sagittarius (November 23-December 21) Image: "At the park, two pouting boys in a sandbox" Message: Childish games. Over the next few days an older family member or close friend may ask for delicate emotional advice. Key issues may involve romantic separations or, in some cases, ongoing health concerns. No serious or long lasting effects can be expected here, so not to worry. Emotional discussions this week will be reversed or quickly solved by late next week: offer cautious advice and encouragement. Some Sagittarians may also experience a sudden increase in social conflict and romantic attractions: expect friends to disagree with loved ones this week concerning public events, social reputations or emotional obligations.
The main tax revenue of OECD countries is the personal income tax With more than a quarter of the tax take. Several countries have Reduced the number of tax brackets and the corresponding tax rates In recent years, while others have made more modest changes. As a result the share of the PIT in tax revenue has gone down a bit, But it varies a lot across countries.Other differences persist, for instance, In accounting for differences in household composition. Thus a major-ity of countries Taxes the two members of a couple separately (as in the United Kingdom); Taxation may also be joint as in France for married couples, or at the choice of the Couple as in the United States and Germany. Children give access to child Credits in the United Kingdom and the United States, while France uses income splitting. Finally, note that the income tax is usually deducted directly from the paucheck (the pay-as-you-earn system).
Social contributions are the second largest source of revenue in the OECD And the largest one in France,Germany,or japan.Their share of tax revenue Has constantly increased,with the increase in social transfers: they represented only18% Of the tax reve-nue in 1965. These social contributions are usually piad as a pro-portional Tax on wages, sometimes under a ceiling as in the United States. The third largest resource is the "general" consumption tax which his all consumption Goods;in most OECD countries it is the VAT(but it is the sales tax in the United States). Its share in tax revenue has jumped from about 12% in 1965 to 18% in 1997. In the form of VAT, it is even more dominant in middle-income coun-tries and less Developed countries. It often has several rates,with a reduced rate on necessities,and Even a zero sometimes(as in the United Kingdom). On the other hand the share of Excises(specific taxes that are levied on the consumption of a given goo,e.g,. alcohol, Tavacco,and gasoline)has strongly declined over the last thirty years. While these taxes Were the main resource of governments until the nine-teenth century, they now constitute Only 12% if the tax reve-nue in the OECD.
Lubrication also is critical because new surfaces are generated during deformation , which may cause seizure between the workpiece and the cooling . この文ですが,最後の冷却のとこがよくわかりません
Do you have a friend or family member that is always asking you for help, either it be for money or something else, yet the minute you need help they are nowhere to be found?
A "yep. I know a few that way and they are mad for me cutting them off. I no longer help those who wont help themselves."
Neither the seller nor the buyer in this agreement shall be liable for any breach, delay. Failure in performance or any obligation, herein except as regard this payment or money already due and payable of performance has been hindered, interfaced with, delayed, or limited by reason of any causes beyond the control of the party so affected. The express "Clause beyond the control of the party so affected" shall be deemed to include, for example, act of war, act of God, strikes, boycott, civil unrest lockout, and commotion. Navigational problems of any substantial casualty to the performance of the contract
>>967 Failure in performance or any obligation, と書いてあるが (herein except as regard this payment or money already due and payable of performance has been hindered, )は除かれてる。 Clause は条約とか条項 "Clause beyond the control of the party so affected" で不可抗力条項。
>>968 ありがとうございます。herein except as regardがhas been hindered以降の文章にもかかっているとすれば 「不可抗力で発生したものを除いて免責」という逆の意味になりませんか? Clauseの部分も単体なら意味が通じるのですが、「前述の...」という感じの部分ですのでおそらくCausesではないかと
>>969 ありがとうございます。 in performance or any obligationはそのままorで、of performanceもそのままで問題ないかと思います。
単純に疑問なのはNeither Party is liable(どちらも責任はない)としている文章が一部 ”herein except as regard---”で除外されているわけですが、その除外されている対象がまさに 本来は免責されるべき事柄であるように受け取られる点です。
The Razanne doll, which is flying off the shelves, is thought to be the best-selling girl' toy in the Arab world. New Boy Toys in Syria noted the success story and has launched another Muslim doll named Fulla. Others are in the pipeline. Watch out Barbie.
>>972 一応実務7年目で今までのところトラブルなしなのですが どうも文法がこんがらがってしまいましてどの言葉がどこにかかっているのかがわからなくなっています。 免責を除外された(=普通に責任対象となる)例の部分のあとに by reason of any causes beyond the control of the party so affected がかかっている、つまり「どうしようもないことが原因で影響を受けて」これらが発生した場合が免責対象にならない。 という理解になってしまいました。一晩寝てから文章見て誤解に気づけばいいのですが...。
150 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2011/11/15(火) 22:37:12.01 He believed Lebanon's Christian community had an important role to play in building a Lebanon distinct from its Islamic ambiance, but was free of the fanatical Christianity characteristic of many of his Maronite colleagues. 少し長いですがお願いします。
151 :名無しさん@英語勉強中:2011/11/15(火) 22:37:44.51 He dismantled the foundational myths which many of Lebanon's communities were attached to, and replaced them with a complex portrait of the nation as an intricate mosaic of disparate but interconnected communities, over which no one group exerted dominance. He was strongly opposed to sectarian politics, believing that it had been the ruin of his country, and was one of the first Lebanese to remove his sect (madhdhab) identification from the Lebanese census records. He pinned a copy of his new ID, which has 'I' for his madhdhab outside his apartment in Ras Beirut.
He believed Lebanon's Christian community had an important role to play in building a Lebanon distinct from its Islamic ambiance, but was free of the fanatical Christianity characteristic of many of his Maronite colleagues.
He dismantled the foundational myths which many of Lebanon's communities were attached to, and replaced them with a complex portrait of the nation as an intricate mosaic of disparate but interconnected communities, over which no one group exerted dominance. He was strongly opposed to sectarian politics, believing that it had been the ruin of his country, and was one of the first Lebanese to remove his sect (madhdhab) identification from the Lebanese census records. He pinned a copy of his new ID, which has 'I' for his madhdhab outside his apartment in Ras Beirut.
>>985 Force Majeureの意味は理解していますし、この部分にどういった意味の説明分が入るべきかは理解しています。 おっしゃるとおり不可抗力が発生した場合に互いの不履行を免責することですが 受け取った文章を読んだ時に違和感を覚えました。結局しっくりこないので先方に文章を修正するように依頼します。 なお昨晩アメリカ人の友人(アメリカの大学卒業)に原文と修正文を見せたところ以下のような返答だったので大丈夫だと思います。 For original one, English sounds funny and unclear, but could be on purpose. Anyway better be cautious for loophole or something. Surely the one you modified is clearer and make sense.
彼はLebanon's Christian community がレバノンのイスラム風の雰囲気から分けた レバノンの建国に重要な役割を果たしたと信じてた。 だけど、多くの彼のMaroniteの同僚が持ってる狂信的なキリスト教気質の自由だった。
彼は多くのLebanon's Christian community と関連した、原理的な神話を破壊して、 それを 国家の複雑な情景に置き換えた。 その情景は本質的には違うけど、コミュ ニティをお互いにつなげた内面的なモザイクとして捉えた。 ここでいうコミュニテイはどのコミュニティに対しても優劣を持たない。